Is Watch Collecting a Healthy Addiction? - WRIST-SHOT WEEK - IDGuy Live

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well it's been a while it has been a long while but we are finally live once again welcome one and all ladies and gentlemen to yet another installment of wrist shot week so i want to say hi to all of you in the chat i see megan phillip bonaventure jean-claude have a superb afternoon with the boys out fishing i hope you have lots of patience uh paul i see junior johnson soleil watchers please can you pronounce can you can you spell out phonetically spell your name out it'll be great for me to know the name uh underachieving watch collector i see raymond michael r who else dr bob mark welcome mark george i saw mayna from japan i saw forbin yeah welcome ladies and gents let me know if you can hear me comment one or a or two or whatever you like in the chat and let's get this show on the road it's been quite a while gotta say it's been a long it's been a long time but it's good to be back and i'll briefly run through what happened it was supposed to just be a couple of weeks off and then i got put on a medication and it sort of uh the side effects were quite great five by five forty two a one okay that's great you can hear me it's good to know thanks ladies and gents uh there's so many where's the south african bloke julian i don't know it's so good to have you all here it's been it's been a long long time i see carl and mooseman 121 click bezel jeffrey it's just the chat's going ballistic yeah it's been a long time but it's good to be back and i've really enjoyed the the break because it's you know helped me reconnect with watches a bit more and have a bit more of a fresh perspective i haven't looked at watches for like two days should i say you know nothing work related to watches so it's really good just get back into it now and there's such a cool variety of pieces on the show uh don't worry we'll get to them basically everything you would want in a show it's all there okay so let's start with the poison for the evening again i don't recommend this to anyone who is underage but uh you know this channel is turning into a this live show is turning into a whiskey tasting series yeah forbidden medicated id guy yeah yeah no i'm good i'm i'm i've had been on the pill for what three weeks now four weeks so it's kind of in my system but yeah i might be a bit rocky my liver is taking a hit this is definitely not helping the liver but hey you only live once right so uh let's start so i before the show began i had a bit of a taste of the macallan again and this i can't whoops come back this i would not recommend mcallen gold double cask it tastes like lighter fluid to me it does okay but there's a silver lining next to it would recommend the glen liver caribbean reserve so that's what i'm drinking tonight i don't know about everyone else and the smith's commando is on display let's get that on the screen um on the pull yes hans i'm going to be making a few blunders for the first you know 20 minutes as the caffeine hits the brain three cups on the pool so it's a saturday you've got to go commando on a saturday you know that was the running joke earlier and all the rest of you here absolute pleasure having you it's going to be a cool show gotta say the variety is just as impressive as we normally see and lots of surprises too the first watch that we'll have a look at it'll make sense um can i have a sip of mcallen sure thing raymond i wish i could send some through honestly it's just not it's just not refined you know it's it's i like the taste of whiskey it's nice to pick up the notes of vanilla toffee everything else this just doesn't have it it just goes straight through there's no aftertaste it doesn't sit glenn livert glenn mourinho you're always in for a treat so this caribbean has a has a banana smell on the nose which is amazing and then aftertaste oh it's amazing it's very spicy it's cool gotta say it's good anyway this is not a whiskey tasting show i've spent the last two weeks while medicated enjoying the commander and it's so weird you know wearing a watch that you collaborated with and trying to come to terms with how it all you know came together it's it's an outlier it's a really strange piece but it's a cool daily wearer i've got to say those hands kind of have this confidence to them it makes the wearing experience pretty nice so yeah on the original bracelet we're going to see another one just now and which i say by the end of the show and you'll have a laugh because it's compared to quite an interesting piece in the hortorology segment okay so that's what i'm wearing that's what i'm drinking let's get started with a really cool watch and uh we do have a few pieces that we believe are going to be phased out and ones that are going to creep up in value and this is an example of one so i see the the change first time joining live pleasure having you we've had an influx of new people over the last couple of weeks a couple of days actually it's been ridiculous but to all of you who are new time subscribers and who've sent in your watches for the first time i hope you enjoy the show we've been doing i think this is episode 24. i don't know if anything new comes up but uh no i'm not pregnant megan the full uh the pills are helping me out there better safe than sorry hmm contraceptives what a good joke uh so yeah i gotta catch up with the chat there's lots going on i've just gotta get my head in the game i'll take another hit of a coffee and you come for the watches but stay for the chat as most of you know coffee down the hatch i'll be with you in a moment so yeah to be so weird trying to prep videos while you know partially incapacitated it's been a it's been a good time i see alex ramos joining us and hans and dvd arrives tomorrow eric says i don't know what you're talking about about me right again if you'd like to get my attention tag me in the chat hashtag at id guy one of the two i'll be able to see it it comes up in red so i'll be able to see the highlight and i'll get your question whatever it is and we'll have a good time so let's start with the datejust this is a 41 mil nickname at the wimbledon datejust i think it was introduced around it's either 2009 or 2010 2011 it's been a while but it is it's one of those outliers and it's easily recognizable which i kind of like and we're going to have a look at an air king just now which is another piece we've we've featured before but i do really i wouldn't how do i say this it's like that the balancing between the date window and the baton that the quarters it's really interesting and it's something you can see from a distance which is really nice you know it's almost like if this watch is flashed on on a screen or if it's on the wrist in the corner of the room it's very identifiable by that quarter baton as for the applied romans though that's something that is either a love it or hater thing but it's a pretty fitting fitting setting and is on the putting green it looks like i don't know if this is just putting or if this is actually a course that he's on but uh yeah i got to enjoy a sports watch in its setting you've got the green surrounds around the romans there and the green grass and it's it's pretty slick cursus because have you guys sir yes we're going to feature your gmt later on which is going to be a blast uh yeah and i don't know what the guys are chatting about it's cool everyone's having a debate amongst themselves and that's what's the joy of these shows i can't believe it's been like three weeks and we're back at it um craig says nine o'clock baton messes with me it is perplexing and you have to ask what would the watch be like without the date uh the cyclops in the way uh yeah it's a peculiar watch but it's one i'm wondering if they ever made a fluted bezel variant of this i don't know i'm pretty sure they did or maybe i'm just completely wrong oh they applied george by the looks of things they are painted on depend yeah it looks it looks like it's a flat i haven't actually had a proper we've featured this watch a few times in the past i think and yeah you know what's what's um what's amazing to me hold on a second what am i doing and nice watch but we haven't featured the cover photo oh geez george where are you george this was the watch that was supposed to be highlighted first i almost missed it that was that was silly of me okay let's talk about the cover photo watch we've been running the show now for how long eight minutes and we're finally in so uh the breguet marine bukra edition now the reason why this watch is featured is because it is you just don't see them there's only george told me there's between 30 and 50 of them in the world i think according to the the retailer and this is not on the wrist but it's a watch that we never see and it deserves a good highlight i think because the marine to me is is such a fascinating piece in the breguet line sorry that i didn't feature in the beginning that was that's the alcohol the coffee and the drugs i guess so what about it it's titanium it's got you know booker a blue blue dial blue waves and it's i mentioned i have spoken about the the reference it's a five five one seven i believe if that's that is the reference number and it's you know when we talking about the marine chronometer that's where breger really cut their chops as a brand as as they evolved you know next to elise nardon breguet was very well known for its marine chronometers and used on sail ships throughout the napoleonic era and onwards and i love how they've taken that concept and applied it to this watch so it's very formal very dress oriented we've got a sect a dial we've got just the finishing is incredible but then you have all the traits that you want to see from a burger you've got the straight lugs you've got the the screws to lock in the the strap you've got the gorgeous coin edging even the crown guards represent a propeller on a ship and just like bizarre things the typical traits of reggae you've got romans your brigger hands you've got of course the gila shay and the the 25 the date windows at a peculiar angle it's kind of uh what would you say oblong i don't know still getting into it and then he's taking a few more shots this in direct light he says it is difficult to photograph paul's saying powder the fisherman's friend's gonna me thank you paul yeah i've got a i've got a tin check it out i thought it's pretty cool to have a tin so we there's like an audible uh sound when the when the fisherman's eventually come out my unofficial sponsor yeah it's a beautiful piece this to me is one of the highlights of the show because we don't see it often and because it's just it shows that reggae is not afraid to make their pieces very modern looking but still tie in with their their traditional approaches just simple things like that the rotor matches the the wheel of the ship and uh yeah i love it it's it's a fascinating watch i think the marine is one of the most interesting in this horse horology segment of sports dress watches um yeah and of course they're all raised romans i didn't mention that either just some three-dimensionality to it some depth love the break our hands it's a win absolute win and again these are very rare i don't we don't know the official number right i looked online and i couldn't find anything substantial but there aren't many of these and you can only pick it up at the the breguet retailer so fascinating watch it's not on the wrist which kind of goes against the whole lore of wrist shot week but you know you have to break the rules sometimes awesome piece george thanks for this i think we featured this now for the last what two minutes or so three minutes beautiful absolutely beautiful they're very few that come close to this but there are some very good contenders let me tell you that much right so we jumped to ants wimbledon datejust i'm already losing my voice i'm gonna hit some water and get back in i haven't seen you in the chat again tag me in the chat if you want to get my attention i can answer your questions whatever you like okay so i see that forward says the brigade almost looks like um upholstered blue leather it's stunning gloss finish to it uh let's see nefarion said that said the joker to the thief are we talking about all along the watchtower um yeah yeah the coffee's getting to the brain i'm starting to think i see flipping zippo and neville so many more of you joining that i haven't been able to say hi to but i'll try my utmost to keep the attention on the chat while running through all that's going on here so and beautiful piece next we're jumping to bob with a brighton chronomat now this represents the swiss air force team it's useful that it's on the subdial there and the chronomat is a piece that it's again we've spoken about this before but how brege being under new management now is starting to really come into their own and they're making pieces more i would say true to their past but also pieces that seem to be a lot more desirable from a price perspective many other factors there of course this is the more traditional model with the most peculiar i don't know what kind of font would you call this aliens font on the bezel which is a love or hater thing it's uh it's bizarre because you also see it on the dial i didn't notice that it's also at the at the markers there but it's an awesome piece i think one of the key features of reggae is the whole integrated bracelet that connects up here they always deal with flat which i say straight n bracelet connections and there's another shot of it here somewhere here there we go it's a bit of a better perspective they really are interesting watches and i mean they're great pieces you can pick up now market is flooded with them and you can get them for great prices really interested in seeing what breguet does in the future because they've brought out some amazing modern chronomats they're jumping to unisex pieces which is also fantastic it's so good to get more ladies into the hobby i think uh you know this is very much like a 97 male dominated sector so it's good to see that we're starting to you know scale watches down introduce precious metals you know i love what they're doing with bullet bracelets speaking specifically about breitling tasty chrono beast jeremy says yeah it's awesome it is awesome and mark's mentioning love your instagram uh dear artifact tell you what dear artifact you're going to be coming up soon i'll be featuring you again in the chat if anyone doesn't follow dear artifact on instagram do it uh it's a fascinating place instagram for me is is such an inspiring place you can learn so much more about watches about the culture about ownership through it it's amazing it really is such an easy quick uh accessible place for anyone to experience more and to learn more okay i don't know so now we've got sound of silence by eric i don't know if it's is it does it mean that i'm going please don't tell me i'm losing signal or whatever else anyway bob gorgeous piece it's a it's a very peculiar watch but it's so true to breitling's language it's position and it's awesome piece on the wrist too gotta say it's a monster so we've been chatting now for over 15 minutes and we're still on b this is gonna be a long one uh buckle in everyone gotta say okay next we're jumping to bonaventure which is who was in the chat a second ago i think i saw him a moment ago um ep life you're not late don't worry we're only 15 minutes in pleasure having you here and everyone else okay so junghan's meister reference hold on to your hats number zero two seven slash three five zero three dot zero zero it's uh it's a mouthful it's if you can remember this off by heart then you should be a mathematician i think but it is if we've spoken about about the simplicity of junghan's design max bill design approaches and it's it's a love it or hate it i think in many ways it's this one i think is very pure and true to the the approach of the german aesthetic speaks to the 40s i would say let you know 30s 40s yeah it's gorgeous this photo is also stunning too i should i should commend everyone for the photography because we're going to see some amazing just beautiful shots but that's kind of a given a lot of these shows that photography is just out of this world still amazing shot and capture i see a comment by oh i'm going to try and get your name right mario vieux first time live pleasure having you here can you confirm or deny that the daytona has the worst history for a watch but never been to space paul newman doesn't even want it thanks that's a cool question i mean this is the kind of stuff i like it keeps me keeps me on the ball yeah i mean i mean when we compare the daytona to the speedmaster you know they all have their own their pros and cons the speedmaster is iconic put those in quotations should move to the next watch or it was hold it on here for a while speedmaster is iconic for its its space missions and its function and i mean you can't take that away from them for sure but then their design of the dial is not original to them rodania and the geometer was the first watch that actually had that so omega pretty much bought that style and made it their own but as far as two functional instruments the speed master is head and shoulders the daytona was essentially a fashion accessory that became famous because of media because of publications because of celebrity status but then again astronauts also very much a celebrity status of the time so it's it's a toss you know up and about they do have their own merits in different ways the aesthetics of those original daytonas are pretty incredible and i think funny enough we're going to have a look at some cool daytonas in a second from bud to stud that should be fun okay i've got a motor on love this junghans bonaventure i hope i said your name right and everyone else here good grief you guys are just chatting away in the in the chat and i'm just i'm just speaking to myself it's all good it's all good right moving on next to brian or nefarion who is in the chat and this was interesting but he did not give me the name of the watch so i had to try and zoom in and try and get right so it's a difficult difficulty kind of i have no idea what the brand name is someone help me out but what makes this piece cool it's bronze it is this is quite special as it's a tour watch at the moment so i'm guessing it's going between reviewers yeah george you've gotta laugh i don't know how to pronounce it i don't even know the brand but it's 36 millimeters in bronze the myoto 9015 gorgeous brushed dial and it's pretty fascinating you don't see 36 millimeter dive watches today so it's good for the smaller wristed um defeat yes man i think that's how you spell it i really could not tell you that it looks like it to me um gonna gonna hit the coffee some call you the gangster of love eric they do the same with me uh it does look bigger though mark you're right that maybe could be because of the bezel that could be because of the the lengthened uh lugs nice looking piece though great balance on the dial all around but bronze as a material you know bronzers i have my uh my pet peeves i do love the one watch i do love in bronze is the oris carl brucia just because carl brashear is a legend and it's such a cool story i mean there's a movie about him and uh if you look at the history of just what he managed to do freaking amazing that that for me is the coolest bronze watch purely because of the name assigned to it let's talk about celebrity status what i love i feel like as mentioned thanks for the philip it's the the difficult barracuda okay okay hasn't gone green yet it'll be very you know very soon skin contact and the main preference when it comes to to any kind of watch that has a uh a brass finish bronzer i say it needs to have a stainless steel back stainless steel case back because i mean otherwise you're gonna your wrist is gonna go green and it's going to smell and yeah okay i've got to move on brian awesome piece nice presents great to see divers in 36 mil i featured a lot of them in the past but only the vintage pieces manual saying it's a kickstarter thank you so anyone on kickstarter look up the the difficult what did i call it the dif the difficult barracuda try my best moving to bruno next this is cool so he sent in the photo basically saying two hamiltons in one picture and i had to put two and two together and remember it's alexander hamilton i'm not from america so uh gotta give me some brownie points there automatic 38 mils stunning little field watch and you know i do love how the field watch is so divided between you know the united kingdom and the american approach where this 24-hour dial is very much what we would see and the british way or should i say that the european way is a lot more focused on a few elements ooh moose man thank you pronounce it di fi geno that does that sound better thank you moose man so 121 says report to the line cookie men of honor mexico oh yeah i love it love it yeah that's uh that's the quote yeah it's such a cool film it's great but notice the whole character development of it is a bit strange though if you try and break it down i mean what was the name of the the sergeants who sergeant no master chief he was just he was just a dick the whole way through and there was no real like respite and it kind of bugs you as as far as character development goes it doesn't feel like he's trying to build him up in any way but but then he does know that he is the best so it's funny watch it i think it's called men of honor that's the name of the film nice needle tips raymond says yeah gotta love it i mean this is just exactly what we would see from an elgin a11 right yeah it's awesome it should be dji not she oh geez yeah i'll never get it right but uh yeah nice piece i love the shot too bruno it's really cool seeing this in its natural form should i say two alexander's sorry two hamiltons in one place come back okay happy weekend chaz pleasure having you here thanks for joining in and uh to you as well so cool wonder of watches i saw you a second ago welcome i think i saw thomas burnett as well and and so many more of you it's just it's ballistic the chat is hard for me to keep up with but uh it's fun the coffee coffee's helping my brand hamilton seems confused currently no true identity in the zombie brand forward um so just speaking about because they're very they try and stick very much to their field watch in all accounts with all pieces that they they work with right um yeah it's funny i mean i've i haven't looked at their line completely but i know their navigation watches can be a hit or miss sometimes the field watch is is very much yeah he just had a preview mark he did uh this magic mouse i need to buy a new one it's broken um but yeah it's true i mean this is the one you jump on but at the same time i'd like to look more into the brand though i think i'll put it there anyone else have a look and uh enjoy hamilton i think the field watchers are a win when it comes to starting out on the hobby a field watch is golden okay so let's get to one of the main hits which i loved so this comes in from bud the stud he's normally here he's normally watching and he says two-day toners in two weeks so he's got one that's going to be a safe queen and one that he's going to wear and he also mentioned that he's not a gold guy he doesn't like gold i'm also not much of a solid i mean it's it's a bit much in this you know presentation solid gold but with a green dial the daytona being identified as a trophy watch in many ways at least that's how i define it with the rolex green it's pretty cool it is pretty cool it's pretty heavy not just not just in weights but in you know uh visually it's it's very heavy yeah heavy shot michael says uh 36k gold right there that's funny i'll take the left one yeah you know it's pretty nice and a gorgeous shot too we get to appreciate the uh the dynamism and we're not done with these yet we're gonna have a look at platinum day dates and all sorts later on and i did see a comment from hold on from i'm gonna bought your name again sorry man so many different watch and design but have you ever changed your mind over the wash design of course of course yeah i mean it's like it's like with anything it's good to get away from it and come back to it and have a look try and reassess it's good to listen to other opinions too of course i see tao joining us tillman pleasure having you here welcome uh yeah hence no cold uh megan says i think the hamilton field watches have become overpriced have they gone up in price have they done the seiko prospect come on magic miles have they done the seiko prospects thing and and up their prices jacked up the prices because of demand because of new movements i'd like to know if anyone knows the group some awesome pieces though cheese i can't tell you anyway getting the coffee again the guy's getting into his stride now we are how long uh 25 minutes in the coffee it's amazing the coffee and the whiskey hit this equilibrium and it's it evens out and it's great superb heavy hitters to have a look at literally heavy hitters you know golden green is impressive it is for someone who doesn't appreciate gold i think many of us here find these way too gaudy for what they are but then with the gold accent it does speak to the trophy nature of the daytona and that's very much where it has gone at this point this is the epitome of the daytona no i would say it's not it's not a watch that you wear as a daily sports watch anymore to the majority it's it's just it's a safe queen for most people it's an achievement and that's kind of where it ends which is pretty sad considering uh you know the history of it and it being used as an instrument there's gonna be an awesome watch we're gonna look at later that kind of mirrors the the approach of the daytona made by hamilton would you believe okay so but i decided thank you jumping to ben and this is a awesome piece really awesome it's a bi-compact baltic and worn and wound partnership salmon dial you can't go wrong i think it's it's a really stunning model this came in recently i think golden yeah golden green says rolex for sure megan i agree a little highlight of red really pops in the green dot it does 121. i agree too um okay again the chat's going to be listed please tag me if you want me to see your comment please tag me in the chat with an at or a hashtag and i'll be able to get to it much easier and just you know riff it off as as the comment comes in uh it seems the daytona on the right is still wrapped it is uh it is zahira the uh this one is most definitely going to be locked up and kept and this one's going to be worn i mean i love that i'm of the same kind of mentality that if you are going to i mean gold is very soft if you're going to pretty much daily or weekly wear this piece it'd be nice to have one that's clean untouched that you can put away and it's questioning just how long these are going to last i think these ones again jumping back to the daytona again these watches really got their uh demand up thanks to the john mayer interview with with hodenke this the second part when he was talking about the white gold and the you know and these are now the demand for these are climbing unfortunately i think the way watches are going as much as it's fantastic that we're getting more people into the hobby everything is just jacking up like 50 over what you would expect and the prices are just yeah i've seen these baltics on ebay for 25 exactly nefarion any collaboration project hell this little smith's commando they're going like uh the everest they're going on ebay for like 750 pounds it's nuts cannot believe i should actually address it a bit more later on because i've had lots of requests about the watch and uh it's very difficult because i'm not running the show i can't i can't really help with with orders and all of that but uh yeah just watch prices in general going crazy um why spend 50k when you can drop 100k for two andrew exactly discount also just love the texture of this this baltic with the you know the dial how would you express how would you explain the style it's kind of like sand or rock or i don't know the finish is nice brushed i do also really enjoy how they've arranged the dial you know no heavy printing nothing superfluous it's very balanced this is a bit peculiar though this this the subdial hands are a bit i know offset maybe is that is that the approach or is that just i don't know i don't know who am i to criticize yeah cool looking piece love the overhanging seven the seraph there and the open six yeah it's nice very nice model ben thank you for this moving on next to see the canoe with we were talking about field watches here is the european edition of the the hamilton that we just saw a second ago timur is has just been picked up again rebought as a brand now timor was a part of the dirty dozen uh world war ii watches of course this has been scaled up i think it's like 38 mils i think it's a kickstarter project that they've just re-recaptured and uh it's awesome on a paracord strap i mean that's the way right some good questions coming in let's see what's going on uh limited edition both particular pity because it's an awesome salmon doll yeah i agree wanda q maestro uh those gold daytonas make me feel like a plebeian yep me as well me as well with my uh my coffee and my water in the room uh when will this price balloon burst ever soon as demand goes up surprises will go up it's just inevitable unfortunately it is very sad alex saying new zenith or silver snoopy the silver snoopy award good question alex if it was me i like them both for different reasons you know i i think the silver snoopy has the aesthetics that i enjoy but the zenith has the movement i i love i do love that that when you get to that meeting point of a great watch with a great movement a stellar movement that you know is just leagues ahead of its competition uh the snoopy is a three is a not a three two one uh a one what's that three eight six one right correct me if i'm wrong just someone type in yes three eight six one let me know if that's the case then i'll take the snoopy uh yeah catching up here we see andrea saying dial finish is actually called teenager's face that's so good i love it thank you for that andreas uh baltic stippled texture forward good point there and then we're talking about timor again uh as a brand let's see love the timor as well as the vertex yeah they're great they really are great it's nice to see the dirty dozen coming back back to life and it's a fully brushed case it's a good size you've got the sub dial there big broad military arrow hand i think it's almost an exact replica of the originals from the from the 40s just the size has been pushed up of course it doesn't have radium paint and the movements are different uh curtis says when he sells the safe queen daytona it will uh more than pay for when he wears can you say free daytona i mean that's it right it's it's the sad reality i picked up the code 41 dave to date hold on day 41 awesome watch code 41. i saw an advert for that the other day and i thought they were ripping into the code 1159 you know the ap model pretty funny i see brent joining us welcome okay so moving on see the canoe awesome piece love it gotta love a field watch to charles next i love this piece this is this is just class from back in the day so it's called a let's get this right i'm not gonna get it right quarterback something like that uh sports so it's quarterback sport his grandfather's watch that's the reference as1250 adolf schultz bumper rotor movement similar to early omega so we know the old-school bumper movements that's the charm but there's just so many aspects to this piece that i and i adore and it's really easy to pick them up right i'm going to leave this on the screen for a second while i hit the coffee again yeah i was talking about code 41 there's some interesting pieces i saw an advert just today actually a couple of hours ago i get you know those recommended ads on on instagram and stuff and it's a nice looking watch very conceptual and uh do i think they also play around with with skeletonizing and everything there so what does this watch have that gives it so much charm the voice is already going hitting the water uh what i dig about it is and this is a question fisherman's friends come to my rescue uh strawberry i really sorry cherry or is it blackcurrant i have to know um it's cherry good luck whenever i pick up black currant there's always bad luck involved so what this watch has a subject that i've wanted to address is beautification watches just aren't so many watches just aren't beautiful anymore i want to make a series about it focusing on brands like cartier and others where the whole aspect of beautification has kind of been thrown out of the window in favor of functionalism that good does that make sense uh you know watchers don't have these beautiful step lugs anymore they don't play around with details on the dial when it comes to rotating they don't have these gorgeous cursive type faces brands are very much making what they think will sell and a lot of that is just pure utilitarian based you know yeah great vintage lungs the judge the lungs are very nice gotta say old lungs or good lungs um so here is saying quarterback is a known vintage brand a classic yep chaitan from from california i hope my email came through maybe it did i don't know i don't think it did try it on i stopped the selection of pieces i think uh this morning so if your submission was late it'll be carried over to the next show and megan's talking about code 41 i'd like to have a look at them in a bit more detail watch champion but what is beauty are you talking about details yeah watch champion that's yeah beautification in the sense of how do they address individual elements on the watch and like okay let's what's a good example here um let's go to the daytona's the daytona's when we look at their lugs with their their their crown guards if anyone has just joined we've had to look at some cool daytonas there's nothing it's all functional based realistically right there's nothing that says filigree or it's it's just it's just there it has its purpose and that's it it meets its purpose where with this piece come back with this piece we have there's no reason why there needs to be stepping on the lugs it just adds a little bit of dynamism so yeah the word beautification i just i mean in the sense of how do they address the individual parts and i feel like it's kind of been lost if we look at the older pieces of course some of the filigree is a little bit unnecessary but then what is necessary you know it's it's good utilitarian cheap to produce number station that's exactly right i agree wholeheartedly utilitarian means it's simple to make it's it's easy on the wrist easy to wear yeah it's it's fascinating uh shaitan saying the rolex datejust is beautification we're gonna have a look at some beautiful ones later and i agree especially when we look at things like fluting on the bezels and all of those factors okay uh charles this is great let's have a look at the movements here's our old school little bumper movement at least i think it's a bumper movement is it based on i can't where is the bumper it should be on there it is so that's it's a crazy little function that's the end of the rotor up here in the corner and this rotor basically does a what i would say about 180 what's 270 degree rotation and it basically bangs back and forth an adjusted old-school it's a real charmer grandfather's watch is always a pleasure we're gonna have a look at some more of those later on deco design touch yeah i mean that's that's kind of where we draw the line once deco appeared i mean the 50s was very much a revival of deco motifs okay but uh you know once that disappeared in the 50s was a strange time man i mean they went from beautification to utility and to furthering their technology and all of that okay charles great piece moving on to chris funny enough how cool is this we're having a look at a longine military this is a marine national i think this is what they've called it and it's newly it's a newly released piece i don't know if this is vintage or modern it looks too looks too new to be vintage but uh yeah longines are doing some they are one of the best in the business with these reissues i think they've really gone to town with their back catalog now of course these watches were probably sized at 36 or even 33 mils back in the day these have been scaled up that can affect the proportions of the watch and the balance sadly which is quite a pity you know they don't scale up the crowns right or the lugs are just way too long it's nice to keep in the parameters of of 33 mils but then you know talking about the case size but then the lug length and all of that is affected too so there's this fine line that you have to is you know when you bump up the size to 38 all of a sudden the lug length then jumps to 50 and it's like it's a little bit too much and maybe it helps to just scale it down a bit it's 32 more likely yeah i agree andrew perfect choice of strap perry we talked about this yes got some got some drab going on there blued hands really interesting looking i've never seen this it's a leaf style hand that then becomes a straight hand and the typeface is superb this is just typical 1940s with the ruler style minute track inside there fabric swiss i love that very nice detail great elements it's a cool piece really awesome i think it's automatic they don't make hand wound very often but yeah megan loves her long jean wilbur two pieces yep and really enjoying that i actually had a look at what was the one called longine heritage military the one that came before this i think is pretty astounding i love that huge crown and flippin says time for a drink currently i've got a fisherman's friend in the corner of my cheek like a like chewing tobacco but i'm gonna gonna try let's hit the glen livet and i'll be with you in a moment flipping zipper it's great having you here man really and all the rest of you have joined absolute pleasure okay secondhand is a rocket it's damn cool 121. okay longing underrated it is it surely is most definitely is okay and they have their chronographs i love the most the big eye i'd love to get myself a big eye they have disappeared there's so much demand for them uh right move into curtis next curtis you're in the chat now here's a retired pilot we've we've chatted about curtis a lot in the past he's a marine uh he's uh interesting he trained in industrial design we met up when he was in the uk which was a good time he never brought his rolex his gmt this is his first pretty much his his first rolex and he's owned it for well over 30 years and uh it's a one six seven five zero it's in such good condition he has a buddy a friend of his i think i remember the story right uh but his friend got the exact same watch as him and it's never been serviced throughout its lifetime and it's still perfect so isn't it amazing it's it's just amazing it's uh these transitionals are awesome pieces when you when you have the zero attached to it roberto saying thank you for doing this it's my pleasure man this is the joy we get to share what everyone else has and it's it's so much fun uh these transitionals are fascinating you know you've got the sapphire crystal but you have all the rest of the gorgeous components you've got the tritium dial look at that even fade the bezel i'm sure has been replaced curtis correct me if i'm wrong but you know it has all the little facets you want from vintage but you do have a modern touch you've got the modern movements i do guys greater than red bar you know that's pushing it a bit too far but thank you that's that's one hell of a compliment now really i love red bar i'd love to i can't wait for the world to be open again we need anyone in london let's make it happen meet up would be so good vintage rolex at his best it is the phantom i think it does speaking of phantoms we're going to see your watch later on i don't know if that's if that's the zenith phantom or if that's the uh the lunga we're gonna have a look at a cool lunger later on but uh these these pieces do have i think even more merits next to the even earlier vintage pieces as far as daily wearers this one i would take this over 1675 as a daily wearer just purely because it's a bit more modern in that sense i think this is a 1973. um and curtis i don't know if you're still watching curtis but he's retired but he still does training courses along with the marine corps in in california i didn't say he basically wrote a whole load of books about helicopters and again i'm trying to rack my brains remembering all of this stuff but yeah curtis if you're still in the chat let us know awesome piece really stunning i really am disappointed i couldn't meet this gmt in person because it is stunning it has an amazing bit of history uh hans and eric are talking about a blown speaker that that eric let's see celestion vintage yeah so so eric blew a speaker recently i think last weekend on his amp unfortunately and uh they're chatting about about grunge and distortion and the clapton being a blues breaker okay it's one hell of a cool tone uh and more chats going on again ladies and gents ask me questions tag me in the chat turbo saying just joining now reading the title not when people are paying second hand yeah i didn't even address the title huh what what's wrong with me is watch collecting a healthy addiction ah you know we're what like half an hour in 45 minutes in i haven't even i haven't even addressed it there it's freaking hilarious um shatan says i love how elegantly those vintage rolexes with their hall of handling stripe i mean i love it anything with a female it's technically a female center link they are just a cut above i i absolutely adore them i'm really not a fan of of solid end links that's just my pref male end links i should say female end links just have a different style to them all together okay i've got to carry on moving i see curtis saying great watch 1983 okay i was 10 years off my third bezel but i have the other two looks like a 1675 but four hertz quick set date matt dial 100 meters it's an awesome piece you've got a gem here curtis really moving to dear artifact next where is he in the chat because he sent in one of my favorite reissue chronographs it's just it's a beast it's an absolute beast the the navy timer 806 reissue it's just it has it all man you want a navy timer this is the way to do it this is this is it marcus says in the chat what do you look for in a watch shopping experience oh good question customer service is good i don't know if you're talking about face to face are we talking online but you know it needs to be depending on the on the occasion it needs to you know it needs to commemorate the occasion pretty well it needs to leave you with a lasting impact and it's it's so funny how many boutiques are so welcoming and others just they want you out the door uh you know i talk about harrods because i used to go there very often back in the day and rolex would always sort of look at you over their shoulder and not really pay attention you go to my pga next door welcome you in sit down try on all of our gold royal oaks whatever you like times have changed since then too but i mean it's you know you want to feel like you're appreciated like with any sales experience and uh yeah it's fascinating i'm in this zone where i really want to get a rolex by my 30th and uh who knows how that's going to work out but i really hope that experience is something special because the sub the submariner really got me started in all of this years ago so matt says love the navy time insult mine regret it phantom awesome yeah it is stunning photography dear artifact is a king of photos we'll have a look at another one in a second and it was mentioned that this watch is hideous yeah it definitely is a monster when we talk about presentation and its purpose and what it does who uses a slide rule today i could have easily used this as the cover photo you know this is just this is just a the artifact sends in the most incredible super high res let's not forget we go right in we can see the flex of skin we can probably take crafts of his of his thumb print and and you know copy it there that the quality of these photos are just insane beautiful you can even see the brass underneath that's how sharp it is yeah it's gorgeous um definitely not a watch for everyone especially the slide rule doesn't it doesn't really factor in much today with what we do can you imagine using this while flying a plane i mean an old-school plane where you're literally just strapped in with a motor and steel protecting you and that's it that's just can you imagine that the vibrations and trying to work the slide rule while you're going calculating fuel time and everything there it's just hilarious when i was 50 i got my first so it's never too late 121 that does leave me with hope got to say and thomas it is a nice piece right it is stunning um zero artifacts in his photos and tycho's saying opinion about the old and current breitling logo you mean the b that the current breitling logo is very much a b where the old one is just a shield and wings the way they did vintage logos the way that any brand really addressed their vintage logos it's hard to match and that's the thing you know we're talking about we spoke about beautification a second ago but it's also the character behind the brand and the watch itself the character represented by the type just typeface you don't see serifs on font anymore it's just something that's not done it's almost like brands are afraid to dig into stuff that's charming stuff that captures you that the more pedantic people would look at and appreciate open nines at the i mean that kind of stuff just just doesn't happen much anymore similar to logos and branding i think there are many lost opportunities you look at the iwc engineer and how beautiful that type is look at how long jean and jlc addressed their automatic script in that beautiful cursive there's so much that they did back then that's lost unfortunately unfortunately beautiful photograph though dear artifact as always let's move on to one of the most incredible shots of the show oh this is amazing now the way he worded it he said it's 160th anniversary carrera and i was like what carrera hasn't been around that long but it's it's commemorating hoya and its 160th anniversary i mean look at that he's just nailed it so of course this is faux tritium and everything else but it matches with the khaki strap and it's just it's such a character the carrera can't make many other racing watches like them this is how it's best represented and i wish we got i mean the sad thing is the vintage ones are so expensive today superior prices lovely corduroy strap would you call this corduroy i guess you would right um okay i gotta catch up with the chat there's some good questions shield and wings aopa logo 121 says aircraft owners pilots association i mean 121 is a flight instructor he knows his details marcelo absolute pleasure having you here a fellow industrial designer forgot to submit a watch this time still wearing the santos can't take it off the wrist after three months i mean congratulations again for your 21st you bought yourself a santos i wish i was doing that at 21. azirah is saying that old writing logo looks like an open book and shield yeah it's amazing it's just character there's a new seraphinton the ferry on we're getting through getting the puns going it's good it's good try town it's like we've gone overly minimalist with our graphic designs yeah it is it is i mean it's the funny thing is though we look at we look at this brand for example this hoya logo is a classic and i don't think they use this logo anymore with the modern pieces correct me if i'm wrong but just that is so stylized and just so correct but here's an example of a watch that is very minimalist and this is based on a watch from the 60s so it's almost like this is the transition you know you have these lyre style lugs which is very beautified but the dial itself the the batons everything is very formalized very minimalist as you said i appreciate the feature dear artifacts don't you appreciate it man we need to appreciate your submissions they are they're a dream uh awesome awesome champagne dial silver effect there pocket shots we've got to appreciate it's nice i think these are blue hands yes this looks like a blue set of hands it's just great it just epitomizes the carrera in its uh natural form as it's changed over time yeah love it or hate it tag hoya right any other questions tao thank you for thank you for the super chat thank you for genuine and pure love for watchers you're a blessing to the whole watch click thank you man really no i mean it's it's such a joy doing these i've said this millions of times that you know if it wasn't for you the content wouldn't be here this is very much your contribution that is making this possible but uh it's i've loved taking this three-week break because it's just helped me re recall recalibrate the brain while on medication to get back in and pick up where it started where it was left off timex iron man chad says i mean that's cool piece you're not 30. so why so smooth ep life i am um 27 yeah i'm still a youngster i'm still still a youngster but uh so what i got three years until i get a rolex that's it's more than enough time to save the cash right yeah gotta love a pocket shot as megan says it's a really nice feature if you're on instagram guys have like bizarre hashtags fist fist wrist shots and movement shots and shadow i don't know the hashtags just don't don't stop dominic amazing this is not all though dominic also sent in just a win of a shot this is the first submariner i think it is there are a few more later on and i should also mention if you want to follow this gentleman things i like too i'll put it into the chat at things i like to i think that's it check him out on instagram check out what he has and this shot is just killer so immediately anyone who knows their guitars that's a les paul les paul custom i haven't played a les paul in a very very long time but the natural beautiful baby blue we've got some awesome pellage to it there treble pickup as you deserve as you should and the submariner i think this is a this is a um one one four zero six zero the lugs look a little bit square so yeah this is not one one four one one six six one zero i've been out the game for a while i'm just always drawn to the no dates because that's my preference but this is the date sub nice piece can't ever go wrong with a submariner in this world of watches there are a few things in life that you can't go wrong with when it comes to guitars it's les pauls it's stratocasters it's you know martin a gibson in the watch world a submariner is one of the top ten can't deny it i'm an omega fanboy i love it omega was my first sea master it's also a brilliant watch submariner just is equally good love it but they're different they know they appreciate it for different reasons i love that story too um they're very heavy nefarion tell me about it didn't les balls jesus like it's like dealing with a slab of bricks on your lap um any more questions in the chat i'm missing a lot of you here uh glad amazon roberto pleasure to have you here and the rest of you uh always a joy how cool is this you won't believe this so dominic sends in a submariner with a les paul dr bob is next and these are the only two watches and guitar shots together next we have a prs with a speedmaster in blue how crazy is that amongst the 120 submissions uh we have two side by side both guitar and watch submissions i love it i absolutely love it this is a really nice speedmaster too it's it's a full annual calendar it's got a moon phase it's it's the automatic i think it is the coaxial i'll have to look at it a bit more detail prs gotta love a prs paul reed smith zira says uh roberto says i'm a seiko longing guy nice blend uh since there are three years to go you better get on that rolex waiting list right now yeah i don't think it'll take that long i don't i'm pretty confident you mean listening to me i'm i sound persuasive enough right i'm sure i can i can butter up a sales guy and just you know break it to him maybe drop the hint that i'm the id guy and then all of a sudden it's like oh maybe you can pull i'm joking i'm not that big headed uh juan welcome welcome juan great having you here we're going to have a look at a huge selection of watches you sent in amazing stuff though grand seikos hamilton's vacherons you're in for a retreat when we get to jay later on talking watches pleasure this one's manual wine dr bob says oh it's awesome uh really so this is 18 is it's not it's an 1861 base caliber maybe with i don't know with a moon phase on top of it with the date complication it's very gnarly blued hands and everything else that's really clean i do like the the extra sub dial at the top it does clean it up and you have a broad arrow hand which is and you have a steel bezel true to the 57 speaking of which i'm going to work on a amiga video very soon and it's all design based it's it's around the 2021 seam master leak and it's going to be fun i've just decided to go balls to the wall looking at the full development of the vintage you know the 300m c master line and how it's changed and where i think they could improve the modern watch and yeah it should be fun turbo you're hey i'm the id guy that'd be funny right that would be really funny and then the guy just looks at you like so what the hell is your point uh raymond says broad arrows triple day calendar no coaxial thank you raymond nice looking model i love the blue blue elements are stunning right and eric's asking about the pickups to dr bob he also mentioned something about flipping over the uh the les paul reversing those pickups yeah i mean i reversed my bridge pickup on the strat and it changed just completely changed the guitar would recommend to anyone out there if you have a strat turn that bridge pick up a round you pick up the bass strings you know it alternates it's amazing next up to dylan dr bob thank you for these dylan 121 click bezel we saw you in the chat a second ago we have a iwc spitfire chrono he has a very eclectic taste of pieces now i did say earlier that he is a flying instructor so he loves his fl you know pilot related watches and these two line up andreas i'm going to be going into the 80 and say i'm the id guy i'll let you know the result that should be funny right i mean it could work i don't know what would happen maybe everyone should but then it kind of ruins the uh impersonating uh so good it's pretty hilarious i gotta say it's an awesome shot though right yeah it's stunning um i see oneur joining us and many more of you welcome uh he loves his dark shots we get he does pick up his loom shots very well and we've got some awesome brushing to the finish we can appreciate the raised numerals here and iwc they're definitely doing they're doing some great stuff but a lot of their watches are just you know getting missed out unfortunately so uh yeah it's so many brands out there iwc panerai they deserve more love and i think the right creative direction would help push them in a good way um but that's neither here nor there you can't really just say that talk is cheap ladies and gentlemen talk is cheap chili badger welcome uh straight into the brighton watches of switzerland that's where i was gonna go chilly badger that's unfair anyway it's all good it's all good you can go first uh yeah it's pretty funny that is pretty damn funny it's an awesome shot though you get to appreciate the anti-reflective coating it's i mean that's the beauty of ar coating is that you can literally touch the dial by the by the presentation there moving next another shot from dylan is the air king one of the most bizarre watches we featured the the datejust the wimbledon dial in the very beginning and this i think lines up if i'm if i'm breathing on the mic sorry about that uh this lines up very much with the wimbledon day chest i think by the end of when they discontinued we know that these watches are going to get discontinued soon um this is this example is also going to be one that's sought after it's just so damn peculiar it's just so out there and strange it's definitely i mean we talk about vanilla watch or marmite watch or however you want to compare it this is definitely one of them uh you have that open it just bugs me but just funky things like the yellow accents the green it's it's a very strange watch like the milgauss in many ways you know got to keep my photography up with your artifact yeah i mean he does he does really make us make a shame of us with his photography it's incredible i've also been looking at the way that the white gold numerals work on the the original explorers and this model and i do appreciate it i like how it plays in the light it's pretty nice rolex's fleega i mean it is it's inspired by them and the original air kings they've got some amazing i'm pretty sure the original air kings also had similar dial arrangements to this with the zero five the 55 the 20 25 yeah lots of fives as people have said in the past awesome another great pocket shot dylan appreciate it really appreciate it jumping to eric bell next that should be good uh what else juan thank you for the super chat it's going to be so much fun checking out your pieces you've really sent in a mixed bag for us to look at in a moment we will get there we are going to e at the moment so uh how long have we been running just over an hour pretty amazing okay got a motor so to eric next no eric loves the water how cool is that shot i've got to go visit scotland loch lomond it's where he's based and he uh he's an instructor for swimming i'm sure and i think this is what his his caption was swimming instructor and the water was which i say the air temperature was minus seven degrees so i'm sure the water must have been even worse and he loves his dive watches they need to be 50 mils because eric's wrist is like nine centimeters i think i think he sends in a shot of that too and uh it's awesome what i love is his pure appreciation for the dive watch spans he there's no bias he has everything from rolex situation 43s that he scratched to aragons to seikos to casio's to g-shocks the whole the whole shebang and that's the real appreciation there that's when someone really can get involved check out this loom that is just manic when do you see loom like that it's insane i think it's awesome uh and let's catch up with the chat again uh beast my dad got a 50 meter arrogant war at his lairs i mean i can barely wear a 42 so how you can wear a 50 and pull it off freaking amazing uh did you hear about the new watch brand zelo nope they make submarine homages that run counterclockwise kidding v-dev that's so cool i love it uh fios gray eagle ray automatic compressor it's another awesome piece or should i say fibo so foibus i don't know i'll say phoebus mcallen glen liverden watches does not get much better than that yeah nelson it's good we have a good time here we try to at least uh yeah this style i mean the loom of these pieces are just insane why loom the dial and the bat on because you can because loom can just yeah it's amazing anyway eric love it uh as always absolute pleasure having you here eric jumping next to jimmy i think he goes by the username flieger triple seven yeah i think so and he sent in a few houses he sent in a few shots of his travel we have lots of pilots we've had curses we've now had uh yeah it's awesome i just love the selection but now we're getting another air king which is just oops hit the mic which is great uh and now we get to see it in a different light different angle the outlier such a peculiar watch and uh you like a torch i agree what a cool name uh it does pretty much glow like a torch like a night light when you're lost i mean the super loom of these pieces any any watch that has loom like this when you're this is the kind of watch you want when you're stranded in the middle of nowhere you don't need a flare gun you just loom this thing up and the ships would see you the shipping ship should i say right awesome really stunning piece we've uh spoken about this enough but he sent in a few more now if i remember so he flies a boeing triple seven that's his that's his poison and he's very much in the commercial industry of you know package delivery transportation so he's been flying all year and he takes he's got an awesome set of pieces and you know predominantly rolex gmts and explorers and the typical things we would expect but i like how it all ties into his experience as a pilot how there is gmt function to it somewhere there and yeah it's great nice irking it's cool megan i agree it's going to be one of a very sought after few once it's discontinued as they all are oh fleek is there is in the chat i'm wearing it as we speak yeah it's nice the chnr i it's i think time and time did a good write-up and video around this watch and i made a video about it i think a year or two years ago discussing whether it's the ugly duckling or a future classic and i think it falls into the latter category it's this watch is just i love the complementary colors brown bezel we've got an awesome just the root beer finish the balance it's very formalized it's not as sports oriented but it just does very well and we've had a look at vintage ones before too and as mentioned about left hand seat yeah it's great really is great we have a few more shots though from jimmy we have the explorer 39 my avert your eyes ladies and gentlemen my my loved watch i just i just adore the 39. it's been such a funny experience home you know it's it's interesting because a lot of the controversy came out of it because i just didn't appreciate wearing the watch at all and i'm sure many think it was just done for the sake of forced controversy but i really it's not a watch i miss it's a watch i've never actually looked back on to think about again it's bizarre i love the explorer i really do but the modern watchers just don't hit my don't do it then ring the bell so it's it's fascinating i love how our preferences change still a sublime watch i mean you need one watch to do it all this is an example of it you know uh yeah great piece great presentation and one more which i think a lot of us can enjoy the original kermit and my favorite in the category just saying i think what made the kermit special was its understatedness aluminium bezel speaking of which we're now what an hour and what five minutes an hour and five minutes in um i'm making i've made a video all about bezels it's a 15 minute long video all about bezel inserts who knew that you could do that and make it relatively interesting it was a lot of fun to put together so go through everything from baker bakelite to forged carbon and all the most common bezel inserts we see and there's just such an appeal about aluminium very charming uh yes george says 31 keynote i think you're talking to me georgia the 39 is sadly it's a watch that just never gel um i love the hulk for its overstatedness if everyone i mean that's it right it's the modern take it's the but there's something a bit more charming about the subtlety we talk about green being anniversary watch and yeah spoken about that enough so oh and mark you got rid of yours too right you sold it to showcase that's fascinating i mean mark can you tell me can you tag me in the chat and tell me why you got over it what was the reason it's it's so funny let's go back to it as as great as the explorer is it's almost like it's the first watch to be culled in a collection it's you know you can describe it as liquid it's the liquid watch it's the one that's great it's there but then when you have so many others it's one that kind of falls into the background and you kind of wear it once or twice a week but it's never something that stays with you you know and uh it's funny here this is very much the liquid watch you sell it you know you can get five and a half six grand and uh you know you move on to the next piece that's fascinating so it seems like you're not you're not the only one mark and the phantom says got my lunga and zona tonight like like the phantom phantom or we talking please tell us what model it is i'd love to know i i have such an immense appreciation for london's honor i think there's only one tonight we featured a couple in the past but yeah it's such it's funny how watch box are not talking them up they they do deserve it honestly they deserve it uh zera saying the problem with rolex explorer is that now people most associated the seiko five than the traditional rolex yeah i mean it's bizarre is just bizarre which one do you prefer explorer one or air king oh can i say neither i would say neither the size and proportions are the one is the main reason why it just didn't gel with me again personal preference uh don't tell them pike uh so and mark says it just became a work watch yeah i mean it just kind of got dumbed down i i appreciate that so jimmy thank you for all of these love the kermits we've spoken about this piece a lot i think this kind of trumps the others the hulk is i do love the hulk style but the greenness of it very overpowering um okay oh geez now we're jumping to megan i'm going to take a hit from the glenlivet now before we get to it let's go and start so what should we start with the big news that's been out recently hyt has been has declared bankruptcy as a manufacturer so i had this segment saved of rip hyt and we'll have a look at them now let's just hit the whiskey and we're going into a different a completely different area of watches now this is a different playing field as we know uh megan and her family generally share some seriously heavy hitting pieces with us to enjoy okay i see some more some more comments here uh nothing directed to me oh bonaventure says are there a london zone with straight logo or they all have called i think that's no that's always been their trait pretty much unless you're going down the route of vintage like from the 40s i don't even think they printed a long zone on their dials back then okay let's have a look at hyt first now hyt is known as a brand as one that is oil filled you know that was like their calling card it was almost like a piston based system where the oil would move around the watch and tell you the time so you'll see that hyt seems to love skulls in there i don't know why that's a part of their language there's some other really interesting ones which we're going to look at in the moment but this is as most of us know megan megan loves her outliers so this is an example of one for sure now i'm just having a look at the way the dial has been done this reminds me of that what's that that toy that we used to get back in the day where we could put our faces on it and it would sketch out your face what were they called you know those needle things that's freaking hilarious i i don't know anything about these references i just know that they look bizarre and as we go through you'll see more of them again this is the uh rip hyt segment so uh let's move on next now these are the ones i would enjoy a lot more these are like you know motorized they've got some crazy machinery to them i do love this whole radioactive image i mean look at the sapphire crystal there it's it's amazing so the question you have to ask now is what's going to happen to hyt as a brand are the price is going to jump up are they going to the japanese or pachinko is that what it's called andrew thank you acupuncture you know there's some crazy pieces i've seen these reviewed a few times with watchbox and and others but it's it's never a watch that i've really covered from it just a you know similar to resins we can have a look at our essence in a moment similar to resins it's it's very out there it's very so different in the category the box crystal is bizarre got to say engine pump looking movements yeah it's fascinating i don't even know how you read the time 60 minutes and then the liquid would basically tell you what time it is so at the moment it's like what is that seven i don't know don't even know where to start cool looking piece and we got a few more let's have a look rip hytc some more skull based pieces i that's skeleton i don't know how if megan if you know can you let us know the the specs but they are they are huge uh what else is going on lots of chat really yeah mark i think that was that was all just uh for the sake of it was a wikipedia page i mean how could you someone just went in and edited that that piece of information that's that's rubbish i mean the reality is if a watch brand doesn't sell their products if their watches are very expensive and they're not making headway when it comes to sales then of course they would go out of business there's lots of things i mean these movements are entirely unique to the pieces themselves honza's saying aretha song aretha franklin what do we have here i don't know uh you're welcome doctor i don't know what's going on i love it and last from rip hyt i've taken a few out for us to look at this one is probably one of my favorites it's one of the most like direct mechanical looking machines uh that's just bizarre totally bizarre and out there um so let's see eric says are you guys please go back to the soon slash now to the soon eric be a bit more specific sir um nice looking piece really bonkers but let's get to the stuff that we can relate to a little bit more unfortunately hyt who knows if these watches are going to go up in prices now or uh if the brand is going to be bought by someone else if it's going to be recaptured um but it's a r-e-s-p-e-c-t okay got it hans got it got it uh right first megan watch okay so let's uh let's have a look i don't want to know oh what do i do got tourbillons let's go have a look at the resins first let's just warm up the palette a bit more i think i have featured this in the past so forgive me but the olive dial resins is a stunning machine it's a really fascinating model don't worry eric we'll get to the first watch in a moment there's uh there's some cool models we're going to look at in a sec i love the brushing the finishing the light play why more watchers don't use olive drab on their dials i do not know because it's it's as effective as blue blue seems to be the big thing but green uh even more essential i think same with with burgundy we'd love to see those colors happen more and it's a true time machine yeah i agree michael it's great again tag me if you want to get my attention and for me to read your comment easier uh what else is going on here utterly stunning i mean eric eric i'm sure would love the outliers residence is a cool model uh the way you can tell the time i'm sure most of you probably know this is the hour so it's three that's the minute so it's five and i can never get this right this is your date ah i realized there's your saturday and sunday in the brighty yellow so this is friday and uh it's just a strange beast and i think this is your you're running seconds or it's your power reserve yeah i don't know but the whole dial rotates we've chatted about it before a really interesting machine i think it has two eta-based calibers so it's fat and it's all oil filled as well so it's a fascinating fascinating monster okay let's go a little bit further up to moser gotta love our moses and uh just a gorgeous grape dial i think this is the only moser we will be featuring today i think yeah unfortunately we've had a lot in the past streamliners and you name it but a grape dial is something you don't see much and another beautiful example matt's saying what's the name of the watch you're talking about resins it's r-e-s-s-e-n i think that's how you spell it i put it in the chat for you resins it's probably uh pound the drums just got the alert for your show geez like over an hour youtube thanks thanks for sticking up for me youtube um yeah we've had a good time been running for an hour still got lots more pound the drums you're not up yet but you jesus look how many there are so many submissions people yeah buckle in this is going to be a four hour go to church walk your dog uh take your kids to the park come back we'll still be going don't worry and i've still got a bit of coffee left so i'm gonna save that i'm gonna hit the glen livert and uh be back in i wonder if watcher says not sure that movement is oil filled i'm pretty sure that's their calling card or maybe i'm wrong i'm pretty sure that's always been resins calling card that they have something like 34 milliliters of oil inside it but uh yeah bizarre talking about lauren ferrier andrew another watch another watch that megan loves the family loves uh lf you can't go wrong moser and lf are just that you know tied together right so what should we look at first we've got two automotive guys coming up now um okay let's start with something mild i mean it's just amazing so this is the ap uh tourbillon i mean what else needs to be said skeletonized toby on uh it's an incredible incredible machine now i've been looking at this and comparing it to the laurent not the lawn fair this is gerard perry go the laureato tourbillon just as amazing those two watches together in this category are just nuts so this is as pretty much as cool as it gets i do love how the watch feels semi-classical in a way but very modern at the same time very conceptual the tourbillon in the center there is amazing i think tourbillons are just they're they're so so overrated for what they are i mean realistically it's it's amazing how much prices are jacked up just because of a tourbillon complication but then it is pretty stunning to watch and i mean this is essentially your running seconds you can enjoy you know uh functional arts yeah i mean that's that's pretty much at zero her am i saying your name right i hope i am uh so yeah i think this is rose gold or yellow gold i don't know definitely some models are oil filled but okay okay thanks wonder of watches yeah it's a great piece they really are just fascinating i do love a skeleton dial you can read it it's quite legible it's not like the rms that we see very often this one is actually pretty legible for what it is okay so next up we have a watch that i have never seen before and it's the concept lap timer michael schumacher now i don't even know where to start with this watch it's it's it's just crazy cool so it's an i would say it's so it's the concept okay okay so ap concept is another branch completely it's not an overseas it's not just your typical royal oak and i was i've just been thinking about what the separate button is on the side and i think that's the flyback correct me if i'm wrong but i think that's the flyback chronograph now for the registers i we have a subdial here i don't know it's difficult to make out in the light but we have a subdial here for 30 minutes and maybe that's your running seconds i would imagine the concept watches are just bizarre absolutely bizarre i don't even know what the strap is if it's rubber if it's forged carbon who knows but it's a crazy cool machine the concept watchers do deserve a lot more attention even though they are getting it and of course not everyone can rock the the sizes of them but i'd love i love how they've taken that 70s integrated aesthetic and turned it into something much more future focused and alien in a way but still feels like a royal oak there too the farrion says i believe this is what gerald genzer was going for with the royal oak i mean that's hilarious no i don't think so i don't think this was his intention and i mean it's it's a sad thing about ap they're very much like a one-trick pony at this point unfortunately um and the whole the whole craze around ap sports watches it's just you know patek discontinued the 57-11 imagine ap discontinued the royal oak just stops completely and said you're either getting a code 1159 or that's it that's all you get is the time function of single-handed affair i don't think so i think it's double stacked the uh the hour hand is a short little stubby unit you can see underneath here i think again this is the first time i've ever seen this watch but it's just amazing uh napoleon and the pony is on his last legs yeah it's it's unfortunate but we haven't had a look at the movement let's see if we can take in here holy sh that is just i have never i've never seen such a complicated movement in an ap before that scene is here first ladies and gentlemen what a beautiful arrangement look how it's balanced it looks like the interior of you know a sports car fascinating really is fascinating just take it just take it all in the way the column wheel is placed in the center that's the kind of stuff you don't see awesome bridge running along here the gears are all horizontally aligned you have the balance over here at the base ap branded there that's fascinating so it's a manual wind by the looks of things i don't see a micro rotor really interesting piece though wow that's insane that is just insane so there we go we have a really really bonkers bizarre this is kind of like one of the showstoppers i would say in many ways what an incredible movement just nuts never in my life um shatan says jerry stone hinted that he killed off 57-11 because he didn't want patek to become the nautilus brand huh ap serviceable only andrew i think that's a given i think i mean taking this anywhere else you're you're nuts you really are nuts and the service costs would probably be the same as a royal oak in itself just insane megan what a cool piece really this is a monster absolute monster i've never seen this before and we have seen schumacher limited editions or not this this is concept watch yeah can chat about it for hours okay let's get back down to earth to franco are we ready megan thank you for these if you're still with us oh wow okay our first black bay how funny is that let's get down to earth to the the run of the mill um stunning photograph too so uh very good point chaitan but i mean for patek as a brand you can't compare the two patek and ap i mean they have so much more to offer who does not want a five three seven zero or five one seven zero five one nine six uh what else perpetual calendars within their dress watch range they have so much 6006 6007 uh they have plenty of nautiluses and aquanauts but they have so many dress watches you think of ap on the other hand what do they have what's that century the the millinery i think they call it god i really stumbled on that one let's hit some more coffee i think they have the millinery and they have the code 1159 and that's pretty much all it's really recognizable for so interesting chaitan but i don't think they can be compared honestly um ziraja is saying need to say now that i wish you all good luck good night sorry i need to get up early tomorrow pleasure having you here your watch will be featured at the end so we're gonna have a good time until then where to start so tim welcome tim great to have you here just about to hit the coffee and han says back to reality okay so franco he has an instagram handle this is funny so his username is in municipal is right philadelphia it is worth 50 bucks i it's a movie reference but if you want to follow him on instagram that's his handle so uh he takes some beautiful photos i mean this is one great example ah these look like microsoft products correct me if i'm wrong here but uh of course there's microsoft printed there blackberry 58 guild dial it's a classic it's it's a very interesting watch and still one that i like debating today i still like talking about it because it does stir up a lot of emotion uh in me at least i think it's it's it rides this line very interestingly um hello from the uk vtsv welcome absolutely timothy great having you go to and everyone else who's in the chat thank you for joining if you would like to reach out tag me in the chat to keep the conversation going ask me some questions regarding anything whatever you like i normally get a lot more lucid at this point so i'm an open book um nice pot plant love the details this is a gorgeous photograph really the perfect pirate watch one of it just says it is right it does capture it pretty well uh i wrote it in my attic on says i don't get that reference but yeah it's awesome really nice piece and it's one that i still like talking about i mean i featured the 58 navy blue courtesy of showcase watches a couple of months back i think the guild dial has a lot more pull over the blue it's just a lot more versatile but this isn't a true gilt dial if i'm not mistaken this is a printed guilt dial technically the true guilt it's a reverse process where the paint is actually removed from the dial instead of applied now how many whiskey's in matt i had a sample of a macallan earlier which i would not recommend uh but the glen livitz it's a rum caribbean blend pretty nice not as good as the glen liver 12 double oak but serviceable you can't go wrong with a with a glen liver okay hitting some more alcohol right awesome shot and they've not done yet franco also sent in this really amazing shot this is one of the best shots of the show at the end of the year when it's time to collect the hundred best submissions this is an example psycho sbb 149 and he said he was inspired to pick up this watch after my video on the sbb 143 i mean that's that's very touching gotta say and uh it's such a stunning photo i mean really this is i think this is the first seiko we featured on the show there's a few more coming up but this version has the guild hands the guild dial i think watchbox featured this a couple of days ago actually tommoso reviewed one i mean no no bull this is an awesome piece they are really really great models i'm finding after a few months of ownership with mine that it's kind of stale and for me at least i feel like it's just so competent that there's nothing about it that leaves me scratching my head and i feel like with me at least the pedantic design dude it needs to have something about it that keeps me coming back and thinking about if this was the best way or where does this call from and yeah still i mean this in my in my eyes at least competing with the black bay this just does it this is it's competition and what seiko is doing identifying themselves in this category i mean this is like a thousand pounds it's about a thousand two hundred dollars or so right uh it's it's such an interesting competitor of course we now have fancy coating on it lots of features to appreciate and i love that it pays tribute to the 62mas and yeah phantom i agree it's really not a bad model and it's the modernized variant of the 62mas 63mas no 62 mas that's the one okay it's franco amazing shot one of the best photos of the show modern yeah raymond modern day 62 mis crinkle cut says i have the omega jb 007 40th anniversary watch never worn which one is that the 40th anniversary is that the um is that the spectre model or was that the latest titanium let me know crinkle card tag me in the chat be very interested in knowing yeah awesome awesome piece next to george now george has some amazing photos this is i think this is the same george you sent it it is this is the same george you sent in the the breguet at the beginning of the show amazing now this is his wife's 31 millimeter concentric datejust and how bloody cool is that i love this is the kind of watch that brings me back i mean we can see that we have some culture here too and this just reminds me of the zen sand pits if you can explain what they are to me it'll be good but those those sand gardens you know this ripple effect just feels so much it gives you that eastern kind of flare to it you know and the numerals you know rotated around there is some beautification to this watch uh rounded bezel instead of fluted um oyster bracelet instead of jubilee i love it such a great photograph it's just george you take some amazing shots excuse me i need to clear my throat just amazing i mean uh it's it's been a pleasure featuring you on the cover that's all i can say uh not titanium oh so that's the that is this that's that's the specter isn't it i don't know i i'm so yeah why can't that be bigger flip and zipper i agree i mean the datejust some of them just do all the things right you know it's it's beautiful it is amazing right on i'm saying amazing a lot so i gotta stop it's funny how repetitive i get when i talk george thank you for these submissions uh it really does pop yeah there's so much texture to it there's depth there's light play it's all the stuff you want and it's a datejust so it's you know it epitomizes rolex as a brand the black dial it's so much more versatile you know it's a tuxedo watch anywhere uh you know linked to for a ladies watch it's pretty pretty amazing i'm saying amazing too much what should i do torture myself with water to do it megan says she has seen this before really like it yeah nice contrast to the background it's great i mean george send in more shots in the future it would be great to graham next now we're jumping to a completely different category this is the luminox navy seal 3050 series tritium dial i think this was taken in worcester in the united kingdom if i remember right we've had some crazy weather remember again that this show has been in the making over three weeks so a lot of these submissions have been saved over the course of that time and uh yeah luminox known for their tritium dials we love a good tritium tube arrangement pvd coating i think it yeah i think it's pvd coating just orange accents galore the question we have to ask is snuffbox says amazing in japanese eric that's so funny uh the uh the one thing about this if orangehand is in the chat it'd be good to know there's a bit too much orange here for me can i say that it's a little bit too heavy on the orange i love that it's the accent when it's the core color oh it's a bit conflicting how could they break it up i think if it was me doing the reverse i would have made the hands white left the rest orange white hands would be able to break up the dial interest so it's kind of like that reverse negative you know as an arrangement but still it's a beast i mean it's 200 meters quartz i don't know if it's a ronda ronda based movement but it's a monster and gotta love a good tritium tube i don't think we have any more of these on the show could be wrong i could be wrong tudor logo ace nicely pointed out a tutor shield yeah we've had that debate before about the rose and yeah i missed the rose orange easier to find you that's true that is true and with a pvd with a full black model i guess it's a lot more identifiable than the dark amazing is good value for money it's a cliche amazing is good value for money is a cliche and if we could have a replacement for pops as in the colour pops it would be amazingly refreshing yeah foreign i've got to get the dictionary out and try and you know get my nomenclature a bit better open up the verbal uh the verbal speech it's funny i mean i haven't done this in a while so it's it's it's so weird getting back into the driver's seat that's all i can say uh his orange hand in the chat i don't know but he he loves anything orange so uh tritium loom which has me questioning if navy seals would actually wear these and if they're if these usually request low loom on watches huh 500 meter waterproof that's the question about tritium i mean it's i love i love that it's still a substance that is used today um this is great just great the presence i think this is about 44 mils on the wrist roundabout it's just as a monster i'd like to learn more about luminox over time i don't think orange hand is with us but you know he's always here in our hearts so orange and black is the new black wonder of watches yeah seals generally wear g-shock six nine double zero speaking of g-shock we're gonna get to some great ones in a moment as we jump to jason in a second okay first off let's get to james now what should we look at first now james okay let's get to some rolex let's clear up and add some rolex into the slots here james sent me an email about a video question as a disgruntled rolex collector he wanted to know i think the video was about two-tone sports watches i'm gonna address that video in the future but he did attach a selection of pieces and i think he's sold most of them off now he's kind of gotten over the brand i think i don't know the reason why he's a disgruntled rolex collector but uh we're gonna have a look at some awesome pieces that he sent in on top of it so don't worry uh i can we can see most of these are just gmts and uh submariners to daytona we see some deep seas we see freaking amazing 50 fathoms chrono and a seiko but then another really cool outlier will come up in a moment i'll just hold on the screen at the moment uh what should we okay from left to right that's one to six and onwards from left to right that's uh 7 to 12 and so on which of these models would you choose given the opportunity type it in the chat go i'm gonna i'll also add my bits as i read the comments here uh let's see what's going on chad's saying it takes a bit to get your game voice on after a break yeah i mean it takes it takes alcohol and and uh coffee to do the the job mainly russell's joining us pleasure having here russell it's always great to catch up your watches are featured at the end and we're gonna have a laugh um john thank you for the super chat you're also i think i said i did save your submission yours was the very last submission um okay now there's talk so let's see what's going on anyone in the chat comment which rolex you would pick up as your choice i'll i'll comment last let's see uh flippant says smurf psycho says the seiko uh noon says rolex the white gold sub rose day date hmm russell says evening uh two the two the black dial the 50 fathoms captain morgan and coffee marine master 300 yeah i love it i love it that's so funny uh smurf nice sub top left yeah it's great the coke daytona for me very divided hey let's have a look just off the cuff which would i take that looks like a sea dweller at the top that's a sea dweller there is it was a sub it looks like a sea dweller to me so i would take two the sea dweller though the one six six zero zero i think that would be mine given the choice uh anything else 1957 trio guys are just chatting about anything kermit only the milgauss white it's great i mean it's isn't it fascinating how our tastes are so varied in this category i mean there's someone yeah i love it it's like amongst us there is so much interest in the yacht master the batman i love it what a laugh okay so i guess our tastes are all different and i would be taking the sea monster that nope not the sea master the sea dweller that's the one i do love a good sea master though dweller i'll type that in type that badly forget about it okay so we're moving on to the so as he says with this gruntful collector i don't know if he has these watches i don't know if they're in his set red also saying the 40 mil sea dweller yeah that would be for me too i love it such a charming piece uh but then he also picked up this recently which is the memo box that came out i think at the close of last year if i remember right and these are awesome really are awesome pieces you have a diving piece here that has the full complication of an alarm you've got in a rotating bezel a really interesting take i think the one downside to this piece is that it doesn't have a gold rotor anymore sadly they replaced the gold rotor with with steel but 42 mil it's just a monster really nice arrangements so true to the original member vox but keeps the things modern at the same time so let's see going back to the collections a couple more questions uh tarista says for us it takes only adderall in order to stay awake and watch your show i don't know how you guys do it honestly i mean it's i i would put myself to sleep i mean really uh that's great that's so great it's a pleasure having you here really it's a joy which is the one that's missing i think russell i think it's the memo box i think he took that out because we look to the daytona which is above it this is just my prediction and there's the oops magic mask there's the daytona there so i think he was probably wearing the member box at the time fascinating but then how's this this is what i love so big time rolex collector right he has a nice selection of pieces but then he also says a watch that is so underrated and deserves a lot more attention that you should appreciate is the iwc liberty prince big pilot time zoner and i wholeheartedly agree the time zoner in the iwc line is one of the best the complication the rotating bezel is just amazing this watch is crazy cool when i saw it released i and when i saw that bezel i thought yes this is what they need to do i think they have to bend a couple break a couple of backs to what am i saying they have to bend backwards a lot to get the patents for this bezel it's awesome it really is nice that's a clock yeah yeah have i missed much mr marcus no only an hour and 40 minutes but it's okay i mean we've gone through quite a bit i mean the best thing you could probably do is go back to the beginning and just flick through the selection you don't have to listen to me prattle on and you'll get to to where we are now i guess eventually it's nice eric honestly uh this is an example look up iwc timezoner i think they're between 42 and 44 mils in size and i just love the complication it's this is and this is when i said as a brand it's very underappreciated earlier on iwc this is an example of a watch that shows that they can be a bit more creative a bit more modern i mean we've got red text on the time zone arrangement there classic iwc logo the typeface is great around the dial very true to the pilot style of watches from the 30s you know we have these funky serifs on all the numerals we have sword hands we have i just love that bezel ceramic bezel we have an awesome crown it's beautiful it's a beautiful watch and it's just it has that functional focus to it it feels very much like an instrument but it also feels like a very direct sports watch at the same time you can't unfortunately you can't use it as a dive timer or a countdown timer that you would want but it's it's a stunning complication it's a will time but in a fleega package which is something you just don't see didn't the time in the berg take care jazz don't worry we'll still be going when you get back at this rate i'm pretty sure uh yeah megan says iwc is crazy cool bought both the one the company held the patent to get the technology yeah i mean it must have been hellishly expensive to get that right stunning piece really is nice so it's cool seeing how our collectors are diverting away from certain brands and jumping onto i mean the memo box is such a great example similar iwc really cool machine and it's really just where you are in the hobby and where you're collecting pieces you know as as a personal preference okay moving on next to jason jason sent in off these shots are amazing we were speaking about g-shock a second ago in the navy seals this is the titanium sapphire titanium sapphire g-shock square and he takes some amazing photos i think i have his i do i have a handle here let's put that in the chat uh let's see canuck uh here we go c-a-n-u-c-k i try to do this to bump up everyone here anyone who can take the time to send in watches to the show deserve to get their handles shouted out on instagram canuckwatchfriend you can follow his stuff his photos are incredible we've got about four of them here to enjoy in a moment um i have to love the onion crown absolutely million there's something i i so greatly appreciate about a watch that not only gets the proportions of the crown right and makes a little bit larger but then there's texture to it i love when there's texture to a crown and these just this thing similar to the long jean heritage pieces that we were talking about earlier i love it oops magic miles really has a mind of its own at this point um sapphire titanium now we have featured one of these before and i said yeah 300 bucks but apparently these are like a grand two grand they're like stupidly expensive and this is based on the original if i'm like again i'm not a g-shock person i'm not a casio person but i love how they've incorporated their industrial design into the process and conceptually focused and experimenting with materials it's kind of what i i talk about in the um in the bezel video which will be coming out next week which would be fun uh yeah i love the g-shock but at 15 1500 okay thanks for that megan um i could pull the trigger on one of these it is very expensive gotta say um and i think we have another shot from a distance crazy cool finish though i love the would you call it stippling and i don't know if this is the coating i feel like this is the ar coating that does this to the dial and to the numerals on it it looks bizarre it really does i mean for me i think what they've done with the casio oak that they're calling it um i find it charming because i've never been someone who really loved the digital layout i love analog so if you can give me an analog g-shock then i'm all for it i think it's such a nice example and they're doing some great things i mean they're bringing out ghosted versions and black dials and grays and all sorts of colors yeah wonder of watches it's a great crown gotta love a big crown uh split the led split the led changing yeah i didn't even know that means eric you know your g-shocks much better than me um must have a g you know what that's true i mean being the id guy the g hmm but then it could also be a grand seiko with the g right other names yeah it's awesome though really is nice i wouldn't mind getting one of those casio oaks i actually have had my eye on one could pull the trigger but i don't know when i would wear it i mean my workout watches i wear mechanical field watches or whatever so it's yeah it's difficult i guess you want that experience though right the mud master that's a cool example i think it's fascinating how the technology has gone into these and how they they do virtually everything humidity pulse they can do distance tracking they can do wind speed and god knows okay let's have a look at some more analog related pieces here let's uh focus in on speaking of which i don't know if this is the only casio g shock we'll be looking at god there's some awesome stuff coming up really stay for it ladies and gents there's this is a stunning selection to the monaco golf edition is it that is the golf edition uh so canuck watch friend again same same guys as still jason and this photo is just taken in the car i think this is one of his main areas of of refuge uh the lighting is so good you get this the car is very much its own photo box i think is or lightbox i should say uh mr c one dollar mr c absolute pleasure having you here and it's great to see that one dollar is is you still your calling card and uh yeah it's a joy love the golf i mean it's it's funny i mean when we think of le mans and the 70 or the late 60s and the whole monaco i mean just that alone was kind of kitschy of its time but adding the golf livery to it as well it's even more kitschy which i mean something you can like or hate uh it's it's taking the monaco in a different direction i mean the the 917 that mcqueen drove was golf liveried so i mean this is just that extra little bit of detail it's a good talking point the monaco as it is it's such a cool watch i i love it especially the caliber 11 and that whole arrangement as a as a left-hander wearing the watch on my right wrist would be a very interesting arrangement with the crown pointing out and everything but it's just you know television case it's such a bizarre machine i've said this a few times before that i think when they were rushing to bring out the monaco in competition with zenith and seiko they kind of just threw it all in they said whatever works just chuck it in there doesn't seem to be any clear understanding or or like uh rationale behind just filling in the space with batons horizontally it's just bizarre a square watch with a circle dial and then these these funky it works though that's the thing the 70s the late 60s and 70s was such a strange time for watch design you know talk about perfect for porsche yeah i mean it is you have a golf livery porsche going down the road yeah the red highlights also work what i find amazing is this watch is still so legible for what it is for all that's going on you can still break your eye away from the sub-dials to the hands to tell the time uh to read the chronograph hand that's running yeah love it love it next up though and we were chatting it's like wearing a billboard mr marcus that's so good i mean this is advertising in the purest sense i love it gulf oil yeah yeah it's cool it is cool um you can get the monaco with either left or right crown i would take the traditional one carl i love the uh i love the idea it doesn't i don't know if it was from a practicality sense or it was just what they threw together similar to the styling of the watch putting the crown on the other side i think that's what that's all they could do when it came to making the movement but i i love it i think it's it's charming in itself but then we were chatting about beautification and yeah pictures don't do it justice b dev i agree i would love to i've never tried on a moniker would be nice we were chatting about watches and beautification and i think shaitan or nefarion one of the guys said that the datejust is such an excellent example of beautification with a watch and i fully agree the beginning of the show i was chatting about how beautification seems to be a thing of the past and everything is very functionally focused in the way the watches are made could make a video about it one day but this piece here with the fluted bezel it's 36 mils it's jubilee braces it's it's an archetype for the brand but it is also just gorgeous it does what it needs to do but it's classic i love it this is it this is pretty much the purest rolex that you can get forget the professional stuff i think the datejust is one of those examples that just sings in his own category uh bdev says having to wear a monaco it's a classic it is nice um talking about whether we should go with romans on the dial though i think we've actually had this conversation before and yeah gotta say i would prefer a datejust with romans maybe it's a bit too traditionalist for a lot of people but yeah it's it's charming a beautiful photo as well you can't matching the sleeve and everything there jason in future send more of these in whatever you can spare for us it'll be a joy okay i'm going to move on carry on merchant to joel next joel with the aquaterra first time so what i've noticed i mean lots of new submissions which is amazing i mean new time viewers of the show and everything there and uh joel as an example first time posting to the show and it says aquaterra i think it's a blue dial it's hard to tell with anti-reflective coding but this is the modern one right it's the it's the latest with the horizontal slats and the the days of the six i don't think this is the only one there should be another goodie later on there too um yeah it's great i really do enjoy the aquaterra and it's in its own right it does seem to i kind of battle with understanding the watch a bit i mean you can see where the inspirations came from and very late 50s inspirations that's linked up with the sea master line uh the um the liar lugs the the dial arrangement everything being very balanced and you think to yourself is it almost too good is it almost too balanced for what it is and it's it's bizarre still i do love how there's a relationship between all the jagged elements so we look to the i mean if we talking about polarizing features i think that's where we can really start it we look at the the jagged batons the jagged hands everything is sharp right we look to the datejust and everything here is square rectangular on the dial and that evokes a sense of calm in a way a lot less you know almost visual tension that you don't get with this which is probably why this feels a lot more utilitarian where this feels a lot more aggressive in its presentation i love this the side by side is great again unplanned it's just how the how the cards fall but i get that feeling wearing my seamaster too with the jagged edges it just gives you that that aggression that sometimes you don't want with a watch but then you think of the application of it and what it's used for and you know as far as dive watches go i think it's applicable but as a dress as a daily wearing watch interesting interesting take on the sports piece matt have i put you to sleep i'm done for the night matt thanks for joining us uh it's pretty funny i like that but yeah just noticing that there's a sense of calm to the rectangular forms of the datejust and the sense of aggression to the aqua terra and and many of the sea master line so it is it is awesome really nice balance i do like the date at the six okay i've got to carry on moving in a while i'm gonna be here all day i've been chatting now for just almost two hours and we've wow we've still got a lot to go okay john you were in the chat a second ago let's jump to the seiko five you just picked this up it's a reference srpe seven nine what a crazy looking machine okay um i see megan in the chat talking about the store gee you know these things slip my mind every single time when i'm trying to talk i do have a store it's in the description of the video and as megan says continues to evolve with new designs yeah uh for about two three months last year i was working on a whole series of designs for t-shirts hoodies i do hope to expand that over the next few weeks months it's just finding that time uh each sketch takes a good few hours i got a few days should i say to put together and uh check it out check the store out and have a look at the presentation of things very uh very technical related that's what i wanted the industrial design elements to be something simple enough you know line drawings are beautiful with center lines and everything there typical things that we would want to see with a technical drawing and it kind of links to the whole industrial design process but yeah double double zero one seven bulldogs says aquaterra totally balanced and that's it you know it's it's that whole feeling of is it too balanced what it is it's still an amazing watch though i mean value for money what you're getting i love should i say that word i mean foreman would probably cringe me saying value for money uh but the caliber inside this you've got coaxial it's uh the movements are leagues ahead in omega i love their coaxials they're just bulletproof okay i've never seen this watch before and i'm questioning if this watch was artificially aged before it came in is this the factory setting for this piece again me and seiko even though i own a seiko i am so behind in this in this area you know uh it's great it is great um non-screw down crown are we talking about this eric i don't know i really don't know thomas burnett is going to be the first model for the store you know what thomas that'd be a cool idea it would be shark teeth good to have you yes shark teeth i think that was the inspiration actually that's what's called in the line yeah john if you're still here with us really nice piece i think this was straight from seiko really really that is awesome so they actually patina their watches before setting them up and this texture i mean this reminds you of steel as you see right interesting effect really is interesting and this watch looks like it's built for being i mean it looks modded but it's actually factory crazy no one can keep up with seiko yeah i mean they are what i like is how they we're gonna have a look at some amazing ones in a moment actually um a couple more prospects models and the like but it's cool how they've divided their their market spaces where the seiko 5 is getting a lot more traction they've they've reintroduced 80s seiko fives back in for people to start getting into the hobby again uh they've got the prospects line which i really appreciate i do like even though they are quite overpriced for what they are they offer amazing value for what the pieces are i think there's better attention to detail and finish and all of that stuff there and then they have the the further variants where we start really getting into grand seiko based movements in the line which is also under the prospects banner and then we transition to grand seiko and all the stuff out there okay john stunnen really nice piece it's a monster amazing that they're actually aging their watches and setting them up i guess that's the seiko five you can pretty much be as creative as you want okay to jonathan next now i feel like jonathan is also a pilot maybe i'm wrong here but we have a few more selections of oh look at these models i can never get this reference is it the one six seven one zero the coke gmt i think a very underrated watch it's one that doesn't get as much appreciation by the larger or the broader community um which is strange because i look at the gmt hand and i think it works just so much better with the red accent of course the pepsi is the one that set the standard but the um the coke is just very understated for what it is as a daily wearer and it's it's just casual really really sharp fat lady i don't know if it is one uh someone might need to correct me there can you tell by the by the r of rolex or something else there you talk about the sofia loren right i i don't know i don't know if this is the example again me and my references i'm terrible we're not done yet though so it is the one six seven one zero jonathan this is you oh jonathan thank you i guess that right i can't believe it two hours in and i'm still going uh next we sent in a few more let's carry on what else we have here in explorer 39 my favorite in the snow lnro so that's the the designation on top it's nuts yeah it's it's funny i mean sometimes the references are easy to remember other times quite a few lines of coke other times they are uh bit out there so this explorer the 39 the 214270 i feel like they're going to backtrack with the next reference and call it the one two four seven zero which is kind of weird the fat lady is the reference one six seven six zero oh my brain i'm gonna start getting a headache this is such a cool shot though in the snow that's the reflection of a building in the background you know rolex and their non-ar crystals again the 39 it's a love it or hated machine and uh it's it's definitely one you can appreciate as a daily we chat about this a second ago but it's also one that can get rather stale if it's not your it's not your machine uh or should i say you're not your daily machine still great and he sent in a submariner now the question this is is this the new one i think it is the new one this is the latest right i think so so this is the one two zero six zero it's a cool piece it's a really cool watch i think they've done an excellent job in this this area with with toning it down chatted about it before actually the whole uh the whole prediction video that came out like a week ago i mentioned how they they really addressed it quite perfectly they under did it they didn't go too far they kept it right in that ballpark of where it needed to be um this is it okay thank you john i just guessed by looking at the lugs we have seen a earlier reference a second ago yeah what a lineup yeah i mean it gets better uh bulldog we'll see it in a moment it's going to get extensive yeah i mean it doesn't stop uh i have a lot of lots of duplicates as well but it's yeah trust me when i say that we are not even started yet we've got reversos we've got overseas we've got vacheron 56s we've got offshores doesn't end and some other really crazy names that we've never heard of in our lives so it's going to be good but uh yeah i appreciate the sub this would be the one i would go for given the chance if if i had all the money in the world i think just be the rolex and then done move on to the next brand you know flip and thank you for the super chat really fun thank you and thank you for watching everyone else who's joining in and sitting back listening to me just just chatting away it's kind of like a radio show i i have this uh crisis of conscience thinking am i a radio presenter or am i a lecturer at this point you know is it like university because i'm constantly just preaching i'm standing on a soapbox it's hilarious this is hilarious uh forbidden says i'm afraid when my when i may die the last words on my lips will be a rolex reference number i wouldn't have time for an omega reference yeah i mean no one does the 57c master i have ck2913 that's all you need not the double oh double one yeah that's serious mathematics okay still looks boxy that's not a bad thing one of watches i mean it does keep it modern though right i agree it keeps it modern in a sense with the bigger crown guards but just not too heavily done isn't not funny that that's all they needed to do really and people have been hot you know clamoring for this change for a decade like literally a decade now they've done it and the demand for the super cases are you know two grand plus over these i find it hilarious yeah ladies and gents anyone who's in the chat send me some questions let's get me instead of me just talking over the watches uh ask me some questions related to these pieces whatever you like and uh i'd love to just banter away on some other subjects you know something that gets my brain going at the moment it's almost like i'm on autopilot i'm just speaking my mind so this is nice not bad juan juan you've just started your selection of pieces and they are beautiful so juan solo of all of his precious metal sports watches in the rolex category to pick up this the platinum day-date 41 on the left okay let's see what's going on in the chat uh explorer is the i must have a pair of mercedes hands rolex i mean that's a pretty good point chaitan i mean that's that's and that speaks to the professional right i like that i do like that um foreman saying i'm afraid i've read that already tarista says i'm a legend i don't know what does that word even mean uh wafer thin shaving of the lug is the best yeah uh you are well trained to teach a class via zoom hardly a chain hardly a change at all from this forward you know what imagine me lecturing on industrial design and everything else i mean i could i could pretty much have a philosophy channel and just chat about all sorts that are hilarious uh jonathan my pleasure i didn't say thank you to your for your submissions i should thank you for sending in your submissions uh it's a joy i love the photography as well we've got to commend photography is beautiful it's it's you know very much how we as pedestrians when i say pedestrians me and so many others this is how we this is our best example of wrist shots but then there are others out there who take these ridiculously good photos this is this is clear-cut it feels almost geez i really must have spiked the mic there it feels almost realistic in the way it's been shot it doesn't feel overblown or over saturated or the lighting is just right and all of the stuff it just it feels like what you would see when you're wearing the piece you know yeah love it so day-date 41 and then on the right we have a datejust 41 and isn't it interesting seeing these two you can generally define the day date by its romans we featured this before but uh it's it's just this is cool uh i wonder if what she says i am just wondering if you think that size bias is becoming a thing of the past especially with the smaller reissues of field watches no i still think the size bias is there um it's funny it's it began to be talking about the watch community itself we're not talking about the broader population within the watch community i think there is there's a stigma about watch sizes and how it needs to be a certain element and i think that there's comes a point where size just gets too much for the watch and if you're not going to present everything as correct you know with regards to batons and with regards to hands and how much negative space you have on the dial sometimes it just it just goes there's lots of lost area that i think a smaller size can tighten up oh geez lots of questions one saying the date at 40. sorry i called it the 41 day date 40. i love seeing these two together you can see that the pro the similarities and differences presidential bracelets jubilee fluted bezel and your standard standard bezel uh layout really enjoy the uh roman x at the 10. that is just so modern you know it feels does feel very modern as far as day days go and then we get a sample of it on the wrist juan your shots have been amazing i've said this before that juan is the most dedicated for these live shows he sends in i don't know 15 submissions maybe more 20 a week when when he does and i have to cherry pick and sadly i do but there are lots of duplicates and i have to find the best lighting or whatever works there greetings from mexico ernesto welcome from mexico pleasure having you here um all right thomas says do you prefer the gold daytona from earlier or those two on the screen now oh good question thomas you know honestly i'm someone who prefers the professional watch for that for its use for its function i would be using the watch for its chronograph regardless of whether it's precious metals or not in that way i would take the professionals over this i would take the daytona just because i would see myself more as someone with a feature to it a function over a date or a day date i'm not a fan of dates and watches as as many know it's it's a it's a thing it's like it's been bred into me but dates on watches just they don't hook me um i find dates to be a distraction it's kind of like it takes you away from the now appreciating the time keeping and you're thinking about days ahead i've said this in videos before great question thomas thank you um so charista says would you like to have in the market type of a grand sake of five watches affordable watches for great dials yeah i mean as an example it would be nice to see the prices of watches in that similar kind of category the play date yes okay so this is called the play date i always get that wrong shaitan thank you platinum uh day date the play date i do kind of like that that reference there it's good yeah and the rest of you here thank you all for joining blue shirt pleasure having you here man really thank you for being a part of the show and uh yeah it's nuts finish at 147 we're talking about when the show will finish i don't know i really don't know let's move on to the the datejust 41. now we can really appreciate the dial now funny we were just looking at the 36 i mean if i scroll up just a couple of clicks and where is it uh here these are literally the same watches just sized differently how cool is that 41 and 36 and this is the question i posed to you you were talking about the size bias and the and the whole thing with scale and proportion it's like do you need all of this vacant space for the sake of presence or can you not just tailor it down i mean it barely looks like there's a difference so i find it fascinating how they've done this where they've actually they have in this sense scaled the batons and the hands correctly where it does all line up very well if i can find it again there it's interesting right very interesting and we're talking quite a shift in size from from 36 to 41. yeah it's great this hobby always keeps you engaged look if i had you what if you had one shot this is that that's that's eminem right that's um eight miles what's the track that's so good i love it yeah eric keep keep dropping these references keep me on the ball i like it tag me in the chat i was right nah good good i'm still going uh keep dropping them in i'll see if i can do it i'm pretty good at identifying lyrics when i'm semi-sober okay another hits i see uh blue shirt mentioning take another shot i will glenn lovett okay let's carry on to the next piece from juan which is a how beautiful is this i think he just picked this up grand seiko 40 mil summer i think that's the designation or the rika rika reference sbbgh271 hmm easy to remember so i look at the polishing this actually i think we hold on a sec there was talk about this a while ago with the um the birch variant with the white dial the tag there there is texture to the style here a little bit but what they've done here is they've actually made the watch a bit more fascinating by the way they've done the lugs check out the faceting here they've got so many edges one two three four five on the inside it's probably six underneath there so there's six sides to one lug that's taking liar lugs to the next level don't you think stunning shots i mean on the with the green grass in the background amazing okay using the whiskey i'm running out i'm running low gs appears to have elongated lug lengths try and say that 10 times yeah it kind of does i think they have they have fiddled around the proportions a bit too but again i've said this so many times the thing that divides everyone's opinions as most of us will agree here is yes it is a green dial tourists having seiko on the dial as much as it's it's bad to say that they should take psycho off for the die hards taking taking grand seiko off leaving the gs putting the gs at the 12 enlarging it maybe making the the boss a bit thicker a bit taller and you're done it would look amazing it would have the same kind of pull as a datejust i mean you've got the crown of the 12 no other superfluous details but this is even better because it's just so tuned down for what it is i love the simplicity of the piece there's simplicity to the dial and then complexity to the way that the lugs work the way the case forms and the crown recesses into it it's a beautiful case there's no denying there yeah so fascinating um also a shot of the clasp which has its own debatable points that there's no micro adjust system to it there uh unfortunately i mean this is one area where seiko needs to pick up the ball that was one of the first things i did with the spb the um the prospects i bought a marine master clasp for it and it just changes the watch completely you have full micro adjust you got proper a proper dive extension uh titanium infused it's fantastic so i mean i should photoshop this i really should i mean this is easy just take the grand second logo make it larger fill the space i should have done it for the show but you know i was inebriated is that the right word on drugs but uh yeah nice looking piece really is nice and there's the movements i don't know why you do this grand circle but having the lion there why i can appreciate the movement i mean the whole point of that and i want to talk about high beat that's a good point there um missing you in the chat many are saying couldn't agree more thank you everyone i mean gee i don't know i'm just standing on my soapbox here uh gs would be just fine it would be an interesting exercise if anyone represents grand seiko watching the show you know nice really nice idea dominic absolute pleasure oh nice les paul you got there dominic thanks for the super chat this is if you also it looks like a tobacco burst beautiful um just got a chance to jump in my pleasure there's still a lot more coming up in a second which you'll enjoy so feliga says regarding high beats 36 000 anyone has experienced when it comes to service that's the downside of high beat you know you're wearing the parts a lot faster but what a beautiful presentation i think the green dial is stunning olive drab i think these are golden elements to it i don't know if it's green it's hard to tell in this light but just as a package look at the presentation yeah they're doing business grand circo is doing a good a really good job right let's jump to some like a crazy just okay let's get to this piece here so hamilton now remember juan knows he loves his vintage and he does share his vintage pieces with us a lot mark says wrong thank you mark i like this course that's good um i deserve to be told that i'm wrong it's another thing i hate i hate just praise in general i think praise is good when it's warranted but then when it's you know too much hendrix said it the best um okay so this piece the hamilton langley paccard motors award watch in 14 karat white grey gold now this is an old machine hamilton and their past i mean juan knows his movements like crazy he knows his vintage pieces especially hamilton and so the story goes that this piece was awarded too presented to o.l davies jr by the packard motor company appreciation of years of loyal service 1930 and it's a tonneau-shape case right and uh this movement i can't remember what he specified about the movement this is the shot of the movement i think and look at the oh it's beautiful look at the way they inscribed it you know hand and grave there and look at all these screws on the balance it's awesome juan loves his outliers he loves his modern stuff don't get us wrong but then he also has these crazy cool outliers like hamilton reversos and just things we never see in the wild okay so catching on no that was not meant for you no mark it's all good i'll take it i'll take it on the chin uh moving through so chaitan says gs is the king of flies in the ointment always some nitpicking thing that drives me nuts yeah i mean again this is the this is the pedantic design guy talking about you know uh the majority of people out there get into a watch because they like it and that's and that's all that needs to be said they don't need to pick it apart uh it's it's in white gold so it's white grey gold it's fascinating really is i love that the breguet type just classic okay moving on now this one really caught my attention we were chatting about um paul newman daytonas and speedmasters earlier on let's have a look at this piece oh what does this remind you of oops magic mouse this is like your reverse panda that you would see around that time now this is and i've saved a long description of this watch it's a hamilton buren chronograph lg 7736 hamilton bought buren in 1966 and utilized swiss made urine movements in many of the hamilton watches and bureau and utilize parts manufactured by hamilton in the usa so kind of like a cross collaboration between uh tudor and breitling that we're seeing now the sharing of movements and parts how cool is that dial i mean it's amazing that's stunning i love this is just so typical of that 60s era sports chrono uh yeah i don't know what's going on in the chat that i'm going to try and catch up let's see what's happening here see up stones sympathy for the devil are you putting are you dropping in more lyrics a man of wealth and taste yeah eric you've got to tag me i've got to see these i don't want to i don't want to uh miss them i could have most definitely told you that was sympathy for the devil um anyone else let's see what else is going on here happy saturday all bobby legs welcome to everyone i haven't even said that to everyone welcome to the show and happy saturday uh beautiful reverse panda though right it's it's such a nice presentation and a typical sports chrono of the time and this is what they were about you know function first no glitz no glamour no polish no subtlety no nothing to shout at you it was specifically made for the wrist to be used in action scenarios and uh what a beautiful i mean i love this shot this is one of my favorites juan you do take some amazing photos look at the domed plexiglas the t swiss on the subdial i mean that is quite strange and it's just so typical of kronos of the time i mean that's what i love it's a pity that watches aren't as simple as this anymore you know one side you could say yes these are very utilitarian focused but then they also don't have much to offer in the sense of presentation these weren't luxury items back in the day they were just tools functionally focused and nowadays watches are very much viewed as a luxury and are priced as such so it's it's finding that balance i'm sure many brands want to upmarket their their pieces by just adding filigree and aspects oh we're going to look at some awesome watches now two vacherons some of our favorites i am not a soldier eric i don't know that one i don't know that one the animals i'm gonna say the animals uh some some vietnam era song of any kind russell happy sunday you're right we're past 12 o'clock hello is anyone there no i don't know that one either eric now you're giving me the hard ones um okay the doors scores on the doors oh geez okay so next up let's jump to okay now we have two vacheron overseas that we're gonna have a look at in a second here's one of them uh blue dial i think the next one is also going to be a blue dial but it's so funny how this watch is just climbed in value and everyone's jumping on them because they can't get the aps they can't get the naughty lie it's a cool piece but what james says if james arthur is watching uh it's too vatican for me i love it and he says something like i love it i need to go every time i wear this i feel like i need to go to confession because of the maltese cross you know it's all religious based uh it's just this is so good i think it's hilarious but it's true i mean they do over emphasize the maltese cross a lot and it can be a bit heavy-handed in a way but saying that the bracelet is amazing i think that whole cross section there is nice the bezel is also true to the the two two two in a way and it's kind of been the staple of the overseas line the multis cross i love the question would you prefer the multis or the color travel cross on your watch i i do like the the simplicity of the multis cross also enjoy how they've done the movement on these we're going to have a look at another one on a rubber strap later on but it's a beauty but i want to focus on the next vacheron which is a joy uh yeah so that your mama didn't know you could scratch like that mark no that one also slips me uh we come from the land of ice and fire right the ice and snow are we talking that's uh that's zeppelin right that's uh immigrant song i'm guessing eric okay maybe i shouldn't be doing this i'm gonna get sidetracked uh uh the sun refused to shine that's also zeppelin and it's uh this one i'll never be able to think of what's with my head um it's an acoustic song though that's as good as i'll get anyway anyway stop that okay moving on so let's jump to the vagrant this is a watch i know blue shirt loves adores appreciates oh it's crazy and this is such a this looks like a morning shot that he took or somewhere between the trees look at that dial they've done an excellent job with it i mean so true to the 50s with the dial arrangements i mean that numeral the numeral arrangement we don't see anymore it's i don't even know how you would describe it it's kind of like um california dial in a way but not really uh i don't actually know that the term they use for that for that dial thank you that's it eric oh god thank you i was i was close enough i'm pretty sure it's the same album it's around the acoustic was it was it houses of the holy is that that's the album right um yeah so we've got day date month moon phase it's the full package but it's just it's just captured yes in the morning i judged by the angle of the sun i don't know how i got that right but yeah it's beauty really is the size it's not a watch for everyone though and this is kind of where we sit in the ballpark of the whole reissue area of whichever chatting about beautification with their watches and here's here's another example of a piece that is seriously beautified for what it is but it's also polarizing and it's made for the enthusiast so uh yeah love it how cool is this election been that's these shows russian roulette and funny we're going to have a look at one of my favorites in the lineup in a second and it's a reversal um mark says no is that one was it really no zeppelin guy's now debating on where thank you came from on the zeppelin lineup so cool oh geez i do love a good led zeppelin i mean it's it's i love the when you're someone who appreciates you know the music making you can really appreciate zeppelin by how they broke up their skill sets and the bonzo on the drums it doesn't stop okay juan beautiful absolutely love your pieces everything from modern to vintage in between and you know it's how we roll with juan but next up is ken with the reverso oh guys debating zeppelin one two or three as far as albums go i'm a bit partial to zeppelin too and i do like zeppelin iv okay so reverso the reverso tribute to 1931 now on the 4th of march i believe a couple of days ago the reverso celebrated its 90th anniversary its 90th birthday and he sent this watch to me on the day of its 90th birthday not knowing that it had a story so i sent an email back saying just be sure to celebrate with the watch tonight because of its birthday this watch this exact watch is the tribute to the original that came out then so i love it it's really stunning and the funniest part of all is that he said he bought it when he was in south africa which is i didn't even know south africa stocked these kinds of watches but apparently they do so 19 the 90th anniversary this is literally three days after it and this is you know the i would say the epitome i think the i think they call it the extra thin the extra thin 1931 reverso is just it's a charmer ugh stop it stop it level 42 yeah break on through the other side eric that sounds sounds pretty relatable guys are still quoting music i mean it must be getting quite boring if you're now chatting about music tracks right uh yeah it's a stunning piece though 73 maf it's all you need out of a dress watch right and uh i love the story it's very unassuming for what it is what it represents but that's the beauty okay gonna move on next ken thanks for this i hope you celebrated its birthday the other day two keith oh okay this was funny so he sent in all of these shots oops all these pieces here in one shot and he's also wearing oh come on man magic mouse it's so finicky just at a certain point where it just decides to have a mind of its own i think it's it's time of the month so uh this is his sports selection of pieces and he says the tag started the collection 15 years ago that's this beast the link i'm sure most of us can relate focus more thanks this watch pretty much started most collections today i think so out of the selection the collection 15 years ago and have acquired most of these pieces last year during lockdown and find myself still not happy and fulfilled laughing face so uh i can i can understand that i mean we have the selection i mean how cool is this lineup hit the sack they were talking about me there eric uh so use the arrow keys that's not a bad idea wonder of watches you know what i'm going to do that it's dumb of me i guess that's the alcohol i'm gonna hit some coffee and get back pick a card any card or the tiger says so what do we have we have the sea master great white in the top right section we have a guilt dial we have an op34 awesome champagne arrangement this looks like the 1861 speedmaster and he has this looks like quite a small clasp on this professional so i'm guessing it's probably an explorer 39 judging by the size of the clasp could be wrong but then it's it's finding that balance i mean that's the difficulty i think the reason why keith if you're if you're watching uh missing a rolex sports professional edit megan i think he's wearing something i mean it's got an oyster locking clasp pf so i think the reason why you're missing it keith this is just my pedantic eye is the watches all feel kind of the same that makes sense to me to you if it makes sense to anyone the the batons that the plot arrangements it's like it's difficult to pinpoint but i feel like the watches are very much the same in the way they present themselves they're all steel they're all sports watches they they do have a bit of differentiation between them when we look at the bracelets but you know on the whole they kind of are similar full house watchers yeah to wristers i agree i'm missing you in the chat let's see bonaventure says you can edit the apple mask functions and settings i'm going back with two fingers you know the the haptic feedback motor is broken and i've tried to fix it there's nothing i can do i have to sadly chuck this one but i always usually have it haptic but it's not working anymore so yeah so my thinking is when i look at these is that they feel very similar very much the same wondering if you actually are wearing an explorer here because this watch kind of ticks the explorer box but then you need to spend more time with each piece too to really find that that affection or the other way around uh just not appreciate the watch lovely backdrop eric says so funny i have no idea what he's wearing 73 maf i really don't but you know i would say keith the best thing you could do is take each watch and wear it solidly for a week come to terms with how you feel about it it's it's such a difficult thing finding your taste it takes a long time i can tell you i mean it's it's peculiar where i am in the hobby because i love watches with arabics arabic's on the dial it just sings to me whether it's a dive watch whether it's a daily you know just a dress piece i'm not so much of a fan of of the what you call it the strokes and dots on on a dial as much as as numerals and that's just the thing it's finding your taste and i guess you have to go through a lot of pieces to do it i would agree but it's so difficult to hone in on just why you're not feeling a connection with them but uh what brand is the watch was the watch he was wearing with the grey strap alika says i don't know i'll be talking about this it's a steel rolex that he's wearing at the moment yeah so all boxers ticked simple no date retro dive a big modern diver and that's the thing i mean it's it's the difficulty when coming to that perfect meeting point where you seem to have everything checked you've got a chrono like a brilliant sports chrono you've got a brilliant dress watch with the champagne oh it's perpetual you have an excellent diver a very retro inspired tribute diver then you have the modern take by the speed the seamaster and then it's like well could you not just clear it up a bit more by replacing the sea master and the tudor with the submariner uh replacing this with i don't know a reverso maybe or something a bit further down the dress line the dressboard area i agree it's a stunning pick i do love seeing these cluster shots because especially when there's a question or statement tags to it there uh russell says lots of black dials room for color yeah i mean that's it that's keith i'd love to see more of this send in more questions more statements i'd be interested in knowing how your tastes change over time but there's there's a lot here there's a lot okay moving on to chrono craze it's such a difficult question i think it's something it's this crisis that we all struggle with in the collecting space it's i have it all but i don't feel satisfied and i don't know where i should be going and uh yeah my best my best advice would be to just wear it for a week wear each piece and you know think long and hard about what is it about the watch that speaks to you are you just picking these watches up another thing is these watches are all ones that are spoken about a lot they're hyped up a lot we see them everywhere and i think social media has a problem in that sense where we collect what everyone else does to feel accepted by the group because everyone collects it it seems like a sure thing and it's something that we would enjoy but then you're not finding your taste as much so yeah it's uh it's a thing it's a thing thank you keith for this moving next to chrono craze now this is cool glycine but it's not an airman jason bourne watch i don't know what's going on in the chat uh diamonds for thomas burnett thomas loves his diamond dials i mean he couldn't go without them right yeah any more questions to me tag me in the chat got to keep this rolling got to keep my brain active um so this looks like an airman but this is in fact called the chief and he gave me a brief description about the watch the reference is gl03251 let's see some other i don't know if i did yeah i did save a description uh it's a ram model that was marketed for navy where as the airman was for the air force i did not know that i really didn't know that but as as eric says purist i mean this probably is the purest watch if you're getting really down to it and chrono crows knows his stuff he has a really cool selection of pieces uh so yeah i love it i think that little added touch of saying no it's not for the air force it's for the navy but there's like zero difference it's just they branded it differently and this is the more fitting strap you know marine national kind of paracord related navy i like it i really do like it though and just i mean the airmen is certain not them see i'm used to calling it the yemen the chief the glycine watch that this emulates is such a crazy monster i mean it's it's so in line with those 50 stylings it was the original gmt i mean it's it's a character in itself it was a big deal back in the day mils pilots would be wearing these in choppers can you imagine it's very cluttered i wouldn't say i wouldn't say it's it's similar to the navy timer 806 that we looked at earlier it's not something that you can just pick up and read the time very easily it takes it's something you have to learn to read you know orange hand is joining us we're chatting about you earlier orange hand with an example of a luminox with the watch was entirely orange now i think this is a 30 it's either a 38 or it's a 42 or maybe it's a 40 i don't know glycine's doing some amazing sizes there they're attacking it at all angles cool watch really is nice it's a stunning stunning example uh nia thanks for the super chat dealer says can you quickly recap the last two hours for me i wasn't around i can try uh let's move on to the next piece oh with an offshore oh i love this chrono craze beautiful watch amazing photography too he sent in a whole handful of pieces and this is a gem megan asking oh hold on all in our movements welcome penny uh did you share your thoughts on the possibly new milgauss yay or nay hmm not this year no i don't think so can chat about that too let's first get to neo's question about recapping the last two hours how can i best sum it up um you know the usual ramblings rantings ravings what points have been addressed we talked about beautification very quick very early on how beautification is being put aside for a more utilitarian focus with many sports watches uh i was chatting about the the discourse in the collector's space a little bit for a while i don't know we go through like 15 topics per show but you know yeah there's a lot great question though a penny about the milgauss so similar to the air king and to the datejust 41 another example the milgauss is a watch that's going to be cold i think pretty soon and the question is how will they address it and i guess we all want to see a 1019 recreated in that space but that's not going to happen it's funny i mean there's no knowing really you can be as pedantic as you want you can do what i do and try and logically step out the process of how they have released watches in the past and how they have you know addressed watches from three years ago and how they could factor into their new releases now but the reality is there's no knowing never all they could do is change a color scheme and that's the that's the job it's a laugh penny welcome to the show again uh guys chatting about steaks now i see that's that's good like a good steak on the show this is i've never seen this offshore before and that rhymed it's the 42 mil and it's the reference 26480ti rolls off the tongue how would we describe these hands i'll use i'll type the word in the chat and you can agree or disagree but uh yeah i've never i think that's the thing that first kind of grabbed me kidney beans and chianti eric that's funny that's uh silence of the lambs gotta love i mean that's such an amazing film sure this is anthony hopkins nailed it it's so amazing i you look at the deep dive of his character analysis and how he doesn't blink in certain scenes it's just it's fascinating he really was a psychopath on the set you know these hands are just their bonkers but that's the first thing that i saw but i love how this offshore integrates the the pushes at the sides here and how there's this evacuated mechanical sort of feeling it's just it's well addressed for what it is uh and we move on and look at a few more this was on a walk uh this is from don't even say it's from michael michael thank you for sending this if you're here with us but it's a gorgeous example here 42 mils a monster on the wrist but also just well i mean look at the crosshairs on the dial i don't know what this what this tributes to if this is for a navy inspired piece or if there's something else to it but as far as balance goes and presentation yeah pretty pretty damn good awesome shots so i'll just hold on to this for a while and catch up with what's going on in the chat i think this is one of the only there's another really cool ap chronograph my actual favorite in the line we're going to look at later uh let's see what else is happening here and i'm missing you all as always uh let's see no questions directed to me i'm offended ladies gentlemen ask me something keep my brain going i'm just talking over myself yeah that's stunning let me try and think of more things to recap the show to neo we have looked at quite a large selection of rolex pieces a couple of outliers nothing too crazy until we jump to megan's pieces where we looked at the rip hyt segments where we were having a laugh at that uh had a look at amazing tourbillons and others uh brent uh bryn says yeah i do that sometimes as well switch up the size every evening sorry i don't know what you said hey there i don't know sorry i caught the back end of that really nice looking piece though i think the uh the way the offshore and the royal oak lines have such a good congruence when we talk about the crowns and the fitted screws that are reverse fitted you know from underneath yeah it's great and these watches are just it's so funny how how the hell do they put those screws in it's very easy find adventure these aren't screwed in they're actually just pushed dropped in and from underneath it's secured by a what would you call it is it a bolt i don't know if you would call i think you would call this um this is like okay this is the mail section of the attachment and the female section which is like a a hollowed out uh threaded component is then fitted from underneath and that's what secures the bezel on i believe and i i don't know if you can see that from the back of the watch or not i'm not that well-versed but that's it you don't actually turn these screw heads i mean anyone who has a mechanical mind would know that if you try to turn these screw heads you'd have a good time uh you'll not really understand why it's not working but it's great michael thank you for this jumping to mike next and i love this this is we have we looked at we haven't seen one explorer two yet ever we're trying to think no we haven't we've seen gmt's but not this presentation is amazing so this is his daily explorer 2 black dial uh 42 mil and i mean there was a mention here mr mark is talking about the ranger explorer forbin says we still await an ap photograph in an actual portal can you imagine how cool that would be that would make us all smile i would love to see that yeah i agree that's probably one of the best comments of the show that's from forbin that's amazing i love it so mr marcus the tudor ranger explorer i have this belief i have this feeling that we're going to see something i sort of hope they don't bring out another bloody black bay i'm so sick of it man no more black bay try and like deviate you can it's easy you know seven nine nine five slash zero from the 60s such a beautiful simple example 38 mils maybe even 39 whatever go for it and they have such i mean the potential of that watch the funny thing is the comments that i had on that video on instagram on on all the social media pages the ranger was the one that everyone seems to want and it could convert so many people over if you hate the rolex brand if you hate tudor as a brand you love omega i guarantee you you will be buying the tudor ranger it's it's got its own character to itself and there's so much potential but again this is coming from a creative person sadly the creatives don't uh interfere with the suits at the end of the day so unfortunately we're probably just going to see another damn black bay anyway so tackle box i didn't mention this i think this is fly fishing can someone can someone tell me flies are out mva homespun and this is you mike i thought fly fishing i mean this this is what they look like we did chat about fishing earlier on yeah it's it's awesome megan and as far as ooh chaitan says would you break your no date rule if you could get a blro gmt master at retail hmm that's probably the one watch that i would yeah i would i mean saying that i don't like dates i think for a gmt there is something quite important about having a date there it kind of lines up with it as a function yeah i mean look i've got a no date seamaster and then picking up a date a date gmt rolex i mean that's perfect it works so nicely it's also quite the outlier you've got a jubilee bracelets there's lots of factors i do like the batgirl or the bruce wayne or whatever they call that model but uh yeah i think i don't know if i would enjoy the red and blue accents but hell would be a good experience awesome again awesome photo and you can see as a daily where it goes this is the beauty of the explorer if i can sum up the explorer video it's probably it's probably being suggested to you if you scroll down a little bit if you're watching this on a laptop or a phone or something but the main the main thing i want to try and hammer home about this line oh is that is that paint actually coming off the eight hold on a second no damn it as a reflection i wanted to see this bezel being abused um is that the explorer canvas is so broad they have so much opportunity so much creative potential a lot more than the submariners and the gmts which are you know the sad thing about this model is it's you know if you put a ceramic bezel on it it'll look like another gmt it won't look anything special which is why we seem to all have an agreement that this watch probably won't get a ceramic bezel it's not hard to believe or should i say not hard to disagree that they could go that way but uh they could do anything they want with the explorer line and lots of just yeah but then again it's rolex and uh they probably are just gonna give us a different color and that's it you know deal with what you get okay so gonna move on through to the next oh hold on i think this is excuse me i think this is the same mic i love this as a daily wearer i think it's great especially in the tackle box it looks like it's fit for purpose you know it's all you need out of the explorer category i don't know if this is the same mic i think it's different but this mic says he was finally able to travel and you got to rock his aquaterra on the rubber nice example really really nice beautiful photo too we can enjoy just everything about the the brushing the horizontal slats the polishing the the rubber strap everything you know the materials are well expressed in this photo which is great i mean that really does add the character to it yeah as far as a daily wearing watch the thing is i mean do you want to be someone out there who wears a wash that's recognizable then the datejust will be fighting in the streets that street fighting man rolling stones uh is it pretty sure maybe i got it wrong eric um that's so funny how i can jump to lyrics uh so the datejust is a watch that's very easily recognizable out there but this on the other hand it's something that would really fly under the radar i do love how they've done the rubber strap integration and all of that too it feels a bit more professional yeah it's awesome really cool piece also enjoy the blue accents the who oh gee am i getting it wrong again i'm losing touch bonaventure says again tag me in the chat if you want to catch me quicker um han says i salute you explorer polo is my favorite rolex but the 40 mil gmt and isn't uh isn't orange and the 42 is too big yeah i mean 42 other size it's a love it or hate thing gotta say oh so this is a stunning shot mike really appreciate the just how you've captured all the texture and the polishing there and all that cleanliness next up though paul i don't know if he's with us still it's half past 20 to one in the morning in the uk paul got the call this week no one knows what it's like uh yeah yeah uh so it's behind blue eyes eric i got that one so paul just got the call and i actually put this in captions because i thought this was funny but he picked up just speaking about the bl ro i never get is that it the blro that's the reference um i love how uh got the call i mean that's a part of the lexicon now you know that's how anyone who says that immediately knows what it means and that got me thinking that you know it's it's maybe that's what the brand wants out of people again congratulations paul that's one way to start i mean hell this is like the the epitome the epitome of the rolex gmt line uh there visiting me okay so maybe that's i'm just thinking about it off the top of my head got the call maybe it's something that rolex really wants out of their customers out of their consumers and uh yeah i love it i find it i find it pretty fascinating so talk about this as a yes i would most definitely skip on the no date rule uh out here in the fields what's that i can never uh it's it's featured in all the damn csi clips what is it man i should no i won't know this off the top of my head eric but yeah i do know that i do know the track um so yeah i would most definitely break the rule for a gmt absolutely this example in particular i think they've nailed the colors a lot better here too and it's yeah it's a gem well i got well i got the call for my 58 33 maf you know what bubba o'reilly thank you hans thank you yeah i'm losing touch i'm leaving touch got the call i think so so let's see what mark says they call us to say we are allowed to spend our money it's you know that's not customer service i just i don't i find it such a bizarre place do we have any more rolexes on here i think this is one of the last actually would you believe um but i find it so bizarre that this is where we are at at the moment where you know you it's supposed to be a special occasion everything i can agree there but like it's just too much and the question is what's going to happen in the future are they losing a lot of customers to many other brands because they can well because they yeah you know it's that's a whole another kettle of fish moving to pekka next and he sends in now back to reality estova flieger uta unitas 6498 so this is the sterile dial uh a style flinger with a subdial you don't see that very often nice rolex in 2021 brandon yeah it's it's and this is going to get worse that's the question it's like as much as i admire the people out there who can make a video on rolex every single day 365 and never get tired of it i gotta say that this repetitive showing repetition is what makes it stick and if someone is telling you that these things are going up in value and the demand is creeping up so it will and it's yeah it's it bugs me being a creator in this space where you want to make videos about along and zona and you want to make videos about you know the the patek travel times and how beautiful they are or tourbillons or bezels and all this stuff that's just overshadowed by rolex predictions and rolex design and you know that can be quite frustrating it frustrates me i don't know how channels can survive and keep a sane head talking about the same stuff all the time but you know whatever floats the boat as eric would probably say yeah sterile dahl is a gem you can choose when you spec out these watches whether you want sterile dials whether you want engravings on the movements and everything there and uh check out the movement how cool is this i think this watch is like between 400 and 500 bucks you're getting an eta-based caliber and you've got engraving you've got finishing you've got i mean it's really nice you see the barrels you get to see the the balance there and the bridges it's a little bit sharp for my liking i think it's a bit too industrial it should be you know just just fast at the edges and that's all clean it up rolex is the kardashians of watch gossip talk you know i i'm in this this headspace where i i appreciate them as a brand i appreciate what they've managed to do and it's it's like levi's jeans and so many other icons out there they're great things to have i think it's an aspirational piece for many people i like that they've put themselves in that segment but then just the way people go about it now and thinking that it's holier than dao and if it's not rolex then it's not anything worth looking at and it's yeah yeah yeah it's funny pekka awesome seeing this piece i love seeing the presentation it's a really nice example of a flickr i think it's 40 mils ish i would imagine it's around 1500 oh i really got that one wrong andres 1500 euros excuse me i guess the open back and the finishing does in fact add a bit more there that's hilarious to pound the drums next i don't know if you're watching with us but he sent in what is commonly called the rolex harley the harley davidson and this is another one of these outliers i mean it looks like a flager-based model again let's see what's going on in the chats i actually avoid writing content because there's nothing else i want to know about them i love content about interesting watches yeah it's it's such a divisive thing we've got rolex up again um relics are great but there are so many other options that are amazing so the antics don't bother me yeah and it's it's like i'm at this point where i feel so tired of looking at the same pieces in that category that uh i'm actively looking further into other areas looking at brands like zenith i mean it's amazing seeing how some of these names are managing to break the mold how how zenith calls all the controversy at the beginning of the year and so it is uh yeah hard to find the rolex so it's pretty okay it's pretty rare uh 34 mil i think right it looks like just your standard oyster perpetual these have all been phased out of course um check the loom i love this loom shot this is classic really nice and clean uh where do you ever see this we have loomed knight 369 loomed hands and nothing else just squint your eyes never look at it it's very conceptual you know modern oh it's 36 upon the drums yeah it looks like a 34 to me here when i see the let's see the width fascinating and the the rounded bezels also it's one of my favorite aspects of these these perpetuals the rounded bezel is just such a win uh cat stevens it's still going still going you guys you guys so hans and eric are quite literally having a music lyric off session uh not debating about rugby anymore i see uh that was good the wales english game caught that that was that's fascinating uh yeah who's been watching the gallagher cup gotta love a good rugby yeah and this is a shot i called it glove glove and leather jackets it's really nice good presentation and to what you don't see you can't really identify this as a as a rolex which i like it's nice to see a bit of difference there andrea says imagine if there was loom in the rolex coronet yeah i mean that's one they've already broken the mold by this presentation can you imagine uh yeah yeah what difference does it make alex i don't know talk about the watch yeah or whatever carrying on through to raymond we got so it's amazing the selection of pieces the variety is just non-non-stop right to raymond next and would you believe he's wearing time factors smith's prs 26 in white the reverse everest i didn't even know this watch came out but you could say that this pays tribute to the albino 1016 that came out in the 60s i think as like a prototype conceptual example here and he also sent in a cool oh magic mouse he sent in a cool loom shot that we can enjoy a second ago but gotta say it's done a good job i should preface by saying i'm by no means sponsored by smith's i don't get paid to promote the watches i get watches into review and uh in in one case i was able to put a bit of input into the creation of one i'm going to have a look at the commander a bit later in a moment uh shaitan says chats talks about rugby all the americans leave the chat that's funny how so funny i love american football too don't get me wrong livestock let's chat about american football too um i i really enjoy it not that i know everything and all the teams and players but i the strategies are incredible right uh and then also let's check out the loom this is what's pretty cool so we have like a reverse loom on the dial which is great c3 luminova yeah to gem i've i've chat about if you want someone to chat about smith's watches it's me so i'd rather run smith's or this myths i've never been a fan of the smith say as a band i've never no bit too indie for my taste is that bad to say mark yeah i prefer smith's as as the watchmaker that's funny it's good bro back to music um to rob next raymond thank you for this jump into rob and this he sent in a few shots but somehow the jpegs that he sent in were broken unfortunately but this one aries winter soldier and i think it was specked for a branch of the military i think it was for the seals i'm trying to remember top of my head but really nice presentation overall i mean i love the the red accent on the crown the crown being put at the 10 o'clock so so weird it's bizarre you have everything i love about a watch you've got quarter arabics you've got sword hands you've got batons the red accent of the hand i don't know i'd probably remove it what i would do though if it was me i would keep the hand silver and put a red outline around the triangle and leave it there so you've got the red triangle you've got the red on the crown and it's nice and clean yeah my home city san diego has a professional rugby team they're called legion microphone hold on a sec got a bit of a technical issue microphone almost fell off the desk uh the legion it's nice to see that rugby is getting integrated into the americans the americas and hell there's some good players we've had lots of i know a lot of guys come and join the wings uh i think sevens mainly american sevens they got a good side seven's rugby okay hitting the coffee i really i implore you anyone who doesn't watch rugby uh who's based in the states i would i would implore you to check out rugby as a sport because it's non-stop very very do you think they're really poor i don't know what's going on in the chat okay apparently carrying through rob i think this is the same rob i don't know but this is a when you believe a vostok comanderski and uh we've seen a couple of these before very interest i mean they've got so many arrangements of these pieces and it's like endless i think eric eric bell would appreciate this watch there's a lot of us out there who like them um nice character to it and it's it's an affordable fun piece at the end of the day something you can get into enjoy a smash about use megan said i watched all american on stand learned about american football yeah i mean it's i don't know what got me into watching american football but it was just i just found it fascinating i try and i try and make sense of the american rules with with hockey and everything there but american football definitely i just i love the stadiums and the the the fanfare and the cheerleading and the the crowds and yeah it's amazing i'd love to go see a game one day uh yeah given the chance anyway you know it's kind of it's a game that you can really sit down and take in and whenever there's there's a break whenever there's when you've got resetting the field you can breathe a little bit where rugby is just non-stop just doesn't end really cool piece i love i do love a brushed bezel speaking of which next week be all about bezels should be a fun time next to rob l called you rob l and uh i love this this is now we're getting into the micro brand all of a sudden so this is a eon eone bradley times kbt so he gave me a great description of this watch too and speaking purely from an industrial design perspective i've seen this how is that coffee still warm wonder of watches you won't believe but i actually prefer drinking coffee at room temperature oh sakura how much that's that is pure sacrilege you know that is pure sacrilege so what makes this watch so cool i looked at this i've seen a few of them in the past never really caught them but then i looked at this and said this would be perfect for someone who's blind okay you have a dial that's easily readable you can feel the ball this this one you could feel the ball uh at the three o'clock so that's where the the hour is and the minute is on the outside here on the out edge so it's really interesting and the way this collaboration worked is bradley snyder us navy blinded defusing bombs in afghanistan became a paralympic became a paralympic gold and silver medal winner and the basically the the profit that comes off the sales of these watches go to the kilimanjaro blind trust so lots of things going on it's i really dig hot as far as if you give this watch to a designer they will appreciate it for its presence for what it does it's very hard to design for the blind you won't believe um i play real rugby not not at all rugby really wheeled and well armed i'd like to know how that works i've never seen a wheeled rugby game wow so it's i would imagine it's kind of i guess you'd have to pass forward it's kind of like american football in a way that you can pass forward are you tackling i'm very interested in knowing that's something very cool uh mark says we'd love to see a video on vostok i need to do one that is definitely in the pipeline um and now we're killing jokes 1980s i don't know let's go okay carrying on this is the next shot from rob this is the the movement i guess i appreciate all the facets here and i think how cool that the lugs articulate more watchers need to adopt the the ul work way of articulating lungs no debris sorry the debris approach of articulating lugs this is a good example here yeah really sharp nice presentation the bradley that's a one-way capital titanium case uh assembled in let's say samoa i can't read it korea i don't know yes it is south korea okay moving on rob thank you for this we're jumping to ron next with a speed master oops magic mouse we featured this once already this is insane the variety it's actually taking the energy out of me by just how diverse you know just it just blows me away the show is just it's russian roulette all the time so c minus the 40 this is a uh c minor 42 sorry uh 1 8. what is it 1861 movement just the the simple old simple old classic old faithful thomas says loves the articulated lugs don't you think more brands should be doing it thomas i agree i i like it just it makes it's not only catering for the big wrist but it can also cater for the smaller wrist and it can just basically end up with a more comfortable fit for anyone you know um so yeah he sent in a few more shots we had a look at the speedy already nice presentation he did say that these are the the cornerstone watchers in this collection which is cool i've never seen this piece before it's called the the islander isl 54b another example of a great you know field watch focus very flieger inspired in a way called arabics orange accents nice and clean it's got a rally strap which is cool uh one 145 i'm seeing a comment from hans is that oh geez you reckon you reckon that'll be the closing time at the end of the show probably i reckon we've got a few left i would say i mean we've just hit the three hour mark no pretty good getting there nice presentation uh yeah and i can't keep up with the lyrics eric i've gotta i've gotta keep focused on the show now i think at this point uh the energy is definitely zapping out of my brain really nice piece though really enjoy how simple it is and understated it looks like a 40 mil could be wrong there long island watches is that is this the collaboration project mr marcus i didn't know that i really didn't know that yeah i mean that's the thing i don't watch many watch youtube pages if i'm not making content then it's like get away from watches as much as possible you know it's difficult it's difficult to balance the hobby and the passion it's my passion moving on another shot from ron is a selection of seiko turtles and i'm gonna hit fisherman's friend once the balls drop you've got to know it's fisherman's friend time right please be cherry if it is black currant i don't know what will happen wormwood scrubs turn off your might turn off your mic turn your mind relax and float downstream that sounds like uh lucy in the sky with diamonds uh mark maybe no so so islander is a reproduction of a bunch of watches including seiko's by from long island watchers thank you megan for that i honestly and everyone else you mentioned mr marcus and and wonder of watches yeah it's good i mean for any of us who are creative in this space it's good to see these collaboration projects um i don't know what it's based on exactly where this piece was inspired by there but let's have a look at these two turtles we haven't had we haven't checked out psycho much tonight we have a srp triple seven on the left eric says so prospects lineup and this one i think me and references 615-6105 something or other next thing uh seven thank you for that thank you for the comment that's hilarious yeah yeah you notice i don't ask for likes and all that stuff that doesn't as long as the content is good that's all that matters to me i hope it's enjoyable uh at the end of the day uh thank you though really thank you all right so awesome pieces got a great selection here in the seiko lineup and i mean as far as variety goes funny enough we just jumping to a next one uh ron thanks for this we're jumping to satya next i think he sends these in from india and oh i'm back please don't crucify me but i'm going to guess this is a jasmine flower jasmine flower maybe maybe not but this is the new and improved seiko alpinist and i think it's a watch that deserves a bit more attention now because this is the first time that we are seeing it in a different colorway since a long time i made a video looking at like a 60-year development of the alpinist a while ago a long time ago and this is the current lineup they've got a white dial they've got a black dial they've kept the old original green but i think it's a great looking watch in this configuration it's very true to the 50s format that they're trying to go with and i mean it's it's crazy it's it's the adventurous watch it feels like the mountaineers watch that was the whole whole idea petunia flippin zipper no please don't don't do that to me not this not this late in the evening so we have cathedral hands we have what we saw on the vacheron 56 very 50s kind of arrangement we have in a rotating bezel with a compass complication which is like what you know it's practical i mean talk to actual navigators and explorers out there and they'll tell you how practical it is to have a compass on your bezel uh especially when all your electronics freeze at certain temperatures and uh i love listening to mike horn he's a great he's a great uh inspiration in that field um youtube version turn off your mic it's relax and float downstream i don't know what's going on mark might need to clear that up for me but uh yeah it's good thank everyone again i haven't said this enough but thank you all for joining and for being a part of the show and for being awake and listening to me pratalon for all these hours it's uh it's a laugh it's a joy the flower is a gardenia shaytan did i really did i really get that wrong here i'm thinking it's a jasmine here i'm thinking that once i can get it right i mean my mother is so big on horticulture and i can't even tell you what a flower i guess that's where your passion lies you know anyway awesome looking example and the best part is we get to enjoy a loom shot look at that yeah i gotta say seiko this is one thing i appreciate from the brand is they really are like making leaps in a good few areas even though they're jacking up the prices of these watches it's nice to see that they are diversifying their selections and putting more attention to detail into certain to certain pieces there yeah it's cool gotta say moving on next satya thank you jumping to scott with a diamond datejust now this is the exact model that we saw a while ago just with a diamond set around it i don't know if it's factory but i find it quite fascinating how you see these there's so much divide in the datejust category in the dress rolex category where you know some really prefer the dressed up the more blingy arrangement of of the diamond uh diamond dial and then somebody just prefer the sports aspects to it this does scream 90s and 80s to me you know the chaitan this is good the beautification of a utilitarian watch anyone who's been watching since the beginning this sums it up scott this is a chai town you've you nailed it there uh i think it's a 36 mil really cool piece and this is we've only how many dates have we seen we've pretty much only seen like three and all of them have blue dials how crazy is that uh yeah love it nice piece nice presentation diamonds whether they're for you or not that's that's divided uh and sst says yes it's factory okay my watch 2017 thank you st so scott it's really good really nice to see amazing that so many of you are joining in to listen to me prattle on and i don't know how long you've been there for but uh setting of diamonds doesn't look to be factory now scott just told me that they are if i zoom in have a close look i mean the setting you can tell by the way it's been arranged yeah fascinating really stunning model and the question is where will diamond uh inserts go will they at this point are they more aimed to the female audience or do you think the male audience will start picking them up again i guess they really are popular when we look at the hype watchers like the the rainbows and the i don't even know what they call them yeah i can't keep track of them scott thank you for this this is good this comes in from simon funny another datejust but this is uh he calls this my watch journey this is oslo by the way sunset so i liked this he started with a casio f91w first watch uh this one i'm sure he's had replaced over time and for his 30th birthday picked up datejust 41. so yeah you see how we we go through leaps and bounds in this hobby and we go along this road it's quite commendable when you see where you start and where you end up i must say the f91 was probably the first watch i probably ever saw as a as a kid i remember seeing them on the wrists of kids in my class and i don't know what what they were uh nice sink russell says russell has a good eye for detail and i've just noticed they actually are in perfect time that's the bonus with these you can actually you know it's kind of atomic time it's exactly three seconds passed uh i like it good very good thanks for that russell i wouldn't have noticed uh yeah nice arrangement and again i love hearing these stories it's uh it's great to see just how people develop in this hobby and how they can eventually pick up the piece they like and it's the datejust even though it's it's overshadowed by these professionals it's a great model you can't ever deny the datejust as a as a watch to be looked over for what it represents double double zero one seven bulldogs says my show is the highlight of the week that's a bit of us thank you thank you for that that's a bit overstated granted that things have been a little slow in bulldog land but nonetheless yeah i mean it's been the same with all of us right i've really enjoyed the break i must say the break does help me recharge and refresh so i'm glad you enjoyed it i'm really glad everyone can just banter away take it all in okay next we're looking at steve with his set of project watches now we got to like a good hands-on set now these these parts were all unbranded uh let's have a look he said he picked them up from raffles and ebay he did specify that he doesn't like the idea of anything to be you know representing of a knockoff in a sense so you don't you're not going to see any kind of rolex rated dial i i do appreciate that the sterile dials do communicate that it's not trying to you know mirror anything and he prefers that so it's good to see guys getting hands-on and making watches in their spare time so of course that they 1016 inspired one's a diver with a skin diver case the other one is more true with a ranger handset which is quite nice bring back the ranger that should be like a hashtag that goes around social media you know extended time waking up and seeing the show is still going on that's touching that's hilarious oh that's hilarious i mean we've only been running for three hours this is still like a warm-up you know um i've never owned a casino and never will look at my casio yeah i mean it's it's definitely divisive i'm looking into getting an analog g-shock maybe just for the experience you know got to say and eric's chatting about shaved his legs this i guess after three hours the banter really does go all over the shop so project watchers can always appreciate and i'm also following a few watchmakers that i know personally and it's great to see them in their spare time making their own watches from all sorts of parts so yeah it's cool skin diver case there's a gem gotta say 60s inspired to charm love the skin diver case yeah it's interesting right this is a time when i've always wondered you know they have those explorer inspired submariners those explorer dials i find them to be so weird they really make you question what is a submariner in that situation would recommend just look up explorer dial submariner and you'll see what i mean some of the earliest models really makes you scratch your head you know okay steve thank you for this moving on to tetley next now i don't know where this came from but this watch is crazy cool i have never seen this in my life tetley just seems to bring out the big guns in this category that i have so this is alexander sharokoff that's the brand alexander sharokov german brand made in germany and just it's a regulator watch so you don't you have your hours at the base here and you have your minutes that's so cool so your minutes run the dial and your hours are at the six how do you read the time it must be a bit difficult so here we see that it's almost 10 past one in the afternoon your date window is arranged there as in t hans yeah that's his username and it's awesome i love tedley uh yeah so so broncos says due to the bug i've been forced to live most stir lifestyle this year the good news is i've been able to appreciate the few watches i still own yeah i mean that's the beauty of it i mean when in doubt it's not it's not about acquiring more it's about you know finding more time with them and spending more time with them and thinking about what what what about it speaks to you that's one of the questions that we addressed earlier on where a collector is struggling with the pieces that he picked up and not knowing where to go next so it doesn't feel satisfied you know um so carl says oh my that regulator is on my wish list interesting very very interesting hey guys i'm still chatting about the lyrics stand by me and that's good megan mentioning he makes some great watches i've never heard of the brand before but i do love the arrangement salmon dial always love curved spring bars and if we check out the movement how cool is that i mean seriously look at that engraving yeah tetley i don't your collection i think out of everyone here your collection is the most just like out there some weeks he sends in smith's like vintage smiths and then he sends in these i think he also has um what's the other maker oh god i can't think off the top of my head he's he always brings in some variety something that does break the mold here's an example here look at the engraving look at the hallmark that's his little signature there and it looks like i'm pretty sure this is all hand done you might need to correct me if i'm wrong but this looks like it's all being hand engraved it's just excessive sometimes excessively cool is uh is the way steel 316l ar glass sapphire germany five atmospheres you wanna take this in the water just clean simple arranged sadly thank you always for sending these in okay now we're gonna look at a few more heavy hitters in the hot horology segments from thomas his username is watching world finance i don't know if he's in the chat but yeah what an amazing let's have a look at the engravings again check out the this is cool the barrel has been cut this feels like this was engine turned i don't know if it was hand done but everything else here very baroque you know baroque kind of finishing with these you know leaf style filigrees uh dare i say esoteric lovely for sure it's like yeah i agree okay let's carry on to thomas so we start with another vacheron overseas i mean cool i mean how many do they have it's funny right that's what i find so hilarious about these shows we've done so many of them we've seen so much in such a short amount of time that it's like you can't say another overseas uh the seeing this on the rubber strap is so awesome now i think thomas is based in the uk and great seeing the the land rover in the background this looks like he was in london how cool is this watch for a run around a run around piece blue dial mark i don't know if you're still in the chat with us but he's really been yearning for one of these watches and i guess it's uh it's it's a funny oh that careful sorry about that everyone just uh be careful you guys see what that's what i mean the magic mouse is really struggling um check out the texture of the jersey matches the the texture of the strap so it's sad that these watches are on such high demand at the moment but i guess that's the way whoa okay i've just broken this i really hope i haven't broken the program oops yeah nice defender as mentioned um cw says i went out for a bike ride and then rejoined the show good on you i mean that's what you have to do you have to say you have to separate your time away from these shows i mean that's the point you can't sit through this entirely or else uh i am and one on order mark oh i'm excited for you mark i think you're going to love it for for a different reason you know it's it's very much your first horterology piece in the space the question is what are you going to do with the sky-dweller because it kind of uh you know it kind of kicks the sky-dweller out in the category yeah gangster's paradise more music it's good been living most our lives so carrying on through thomas awesome and this is another handful of shots we're going to enjoy the frame on the date one was nice yeah i agree it's it's those tiny touches that make it feel a lot more complete like there's been more attention to detail there again too vatican for some people i love that expression very religious focused marx says has to be solved yeah i wouldn't uh i wouldn't fault you for that i think this is a great uh a great replacement for the sky-dweller in this category and you know i would say just wear it as a daily i think you know put on a rubber strap and no one would know what it is it doesn't have the same kind of pull that the the pateks and the aps do today they don't have they don't gain attention so this i mean it is a superb one and done in this area not done yet though when thomas was in dubai he was trying on this and this is probably one of my favorites in the ap category i love the panda dial i think this is the 42 mil maybe it's 41 but the uh the arrangement is awesome uh yeah what can you say i also enjoy the offset date here they've done a good job it's just the dial and the finishing there is cool the way that everything works with the pushes i think these are screw down pushes which is nice but the uh the whole idea of the elements matching up with the the crown with the bezel itself with the recessed markers yeah it's awesome just take it all in for a second while i address the chat it's amazing i mean the show just doesn't stop you you never know what's coming up next we've still got some universal geneves and we have some seiko fives and then we have a lunga coming up at the end it's great never never stops so thomas is congratulating you thomas on the ap so that's good thomas burnett thomas burnett the king well we call i think we need to give thomas a good name in the chat everyone stop talking about music references and let's give thomas burnett like he's been told he's been tales have been told about him being the iron man of youtube but what is uh what are some other cool expressions that we could give him as far as you know his dedication to the cause it's it's beyond belief it's beyond human reckoning uh megan says the panda is awesome i love it i mean i would most happily have this as my one and done royal oak in this category i think it has enough differentiation next to so many others uh it's awesome really is really cool so i see t-burn that's cool the watchmaster i mean that's another one yeah go for it let's let's give thomas some good accolades for what he does because he really is the most the most dedicated on this platform i think no doubting no and last but not least from thomas we have another pepsi gmt spam i thought that was great uh and i mean this is just the way let's turn around here so this is also a one six seven i can never get these damn references right one six seven one zero i'm going to say again i i'm useless with my gmt numbers but we've had a look at a couple of these here we've had some coke bezels we've had the ceramics we've had root beers we've had the full spectrum it's been quite rolex heavy it's fascinating these shows you can never tell 19 minutes 90 meat i love it i mean this is just the way this is just so pure so english to the core you know um yeah carrying on next thomas thank you for sending these in and any other cool the gents it's a good either columbo of the watch world yeah it's awesome it's awesome yes that's the pinnacle panda at the moment yeah 73 maf it does i mean would you have this or would you have a ceramic daytona i mean realistically this this is the way this is awesome i love it it's it's so casual too which is also really nice it's so under the radar for what it is uh i guess the telltale sign is the bracelet but other than that it's sports piece okay moving on to taiko now we have featured vintage pocket watches before so thomas but i love that that is cool that is really cool yeah man give him a title what the hell we should knight him on the channel how do we do that that's one way so this is tycho's grandfather's zenith pocket watch from hold it 1945. always love a good pocket watch story so we have breguet hands brigade numerals glasses shattered but that's just the beauty of it and it's still going i mean this is funny how pocket watches have gone over time and how they've pretty much disappeared and how you get pocket watch conversions and yeah it's awesome really is and this hobby just doesn't stop i saw something here veteran spam can makes that pepsi a world war ii veteran rule of tiger yeah yeah by this time of the evening the chats really go all over the show and that's that's the joy uh nice arrangements i mean so typical of the breguet inspiration isn't it incredible how the breguet inspiration trickled into so many brands the breguet numerals break like just skip the line and go brege pick up one of those watches as your horology piece just because of how significant it is and how it impacted the world look at those twos i mean you're right i was just about to say how crazy is that they're like they curled in on themselves got the you know the 50s um what they call them teddy boy call them the teddy boy brego numerals yeah so we're doing a teddy boy hairstyle right there yeah it's cool really is like look at the seven there's another example that's like would you call that like the johnny bravo style i don't know you got even organic really it's amazing gotta say when and then we go back to the whole beautification argument again watch collecting a healthy addiction we haven't even addressed that subject during the show but what the hell here's an example of beautification in the simplest way um why do they even bother with a sex i mean that's such a good point nathaniel that is that is hilarious i didn't even notice it that's how pathetic it is it really is it's just dumb they should they should have a circle here and that just a a hobnell and be done with it that is pregnant seven that is so good be dev i mean there we go tilt it to the side that's funny also looks like a stomach wouldn't you say if you know your anatomy ah sally we have fun we do have fun sometimes here next from taiko is a zin 104 walking a golden retriever i am biased i do love my goldens and i forget to mention that tycho is a 20 year old student and for a 20 year old student this is such a good way to start i mean i love it i wish i wish youtube was the resource it is now when i was 18. you know i missed the boat sadly uh looks like my gut exactly flippin zipper it's so funny uh pregnant second seven where do you come up with this stuff you guys i'll tell you what you always keep me on the ball yeah so this is the reverse the reverse style i think this is the only zen we've seen i was chatting about beautification and the typefaces look how they arranged the automatic stunning it's really nice and as far as a navigation navigation piece this is it this is the way to do it yeah i should do more videos on zun i think i will actually i i need to focus in a lot more on to the uh certain lines that are the most appealing and yeah many many others what oh magic mask what ab how how about it's truth truth series i think the way they do this text is just gorgeous i think that's what you're asking um the the cursive font here is just it's so elegant and it's something that you can look at and admire on a dial um yeah anyway we're doing pretty well three hours 20 minutes i'm going to carry on through to the last few pieces taiko thank you for sending this in as a 20 year old you've got a lot at your disposal with this kind of platform just enjoy it take it all in absorb this hobby speaking of syringe hands we just saw a sea pig in blankets uh we just saw that with the zin we're jumping back to another hamilton khaki thanks to valeria i don't know if you're watching us valeria but uh based in scotland and he sent in some cool shots he's also a youngster and i mean this is one where to start hamilton automatic red accent there we actually featured this very early on a similar model and what else do you need going for a walk in the snow hell scotland has been pelted with snow uh the zen is getting a great deal of attention yeah i'm not sure why so many other models in the zen range look much more appealing if it was me i would be getting the zen with the numerals on the dial the 104. there's a couple of examples the 103 is the chronograph i think but then again if you really were to hard press me i'd be looking at you know the easy ms the ux i know they're probably a lot more expensive for what they do but they also do speak to zen as this really hardcore built for purpose built for military personnel i'd love to get my hands on one actually uh they're you what are they called the u50 i think just great 80s inspirations for days and it's stunning have a look look at zen ezm or xenu x or anything else online there you'll find some cool stuff would recommend people just going nuts for panda dolls yeah i agree i sure do agree and there's a good talk about hamilton's as a brand kind of lose their way because they seem very clued up with the whole idea of a field watch and they they incorporate it into virtually everything they make so yeah it's worth addressing maybe that could be a video subject one day but love the shots valeria beautiful nothing better than fresh snow uh on saying 156. is this your prediction i'm loving it so this is like a bet you guys have on when the show is going to end 154 because you guys are dicks i love it so next to victor uh okay this is cool i think this is one of the last one of the last shots i saved uh yesterday it's great so this is universal geneve oh here we go ferrovia delos stato ferrovia delos enamel dial sf at the back standing for ferrovia de los teto uh and i can't remember what it what it what it meant i didn't save it i'm sorry i just saved that description but it has to do with a company and that was i was as close as i got sorry about that it was early in the morning when i saved the shots and uh yeah it's good stunning piece though we were chatting about the the very beginning of the show the universal was it universal no it was um junghan's then the max build kind of approach and here's another example of how these pieces can be addressed very simply kind of a 60s style skin diver case you know some effective hands i mean they're beautiful what would you call them they're not gladius hands they're pencil hands in in the purest sense i'd say wafer thin one wafer thin mint without references but it's great i also love how they've done the type here and the logo and all of that there i think these elements are also raised the numerals are raised off the dial which is clean really does clear up the dial a bit more yeah it's just it's just there simple and there is an engraving on the back i think an sf engraving there that adds to the tie i think it was a collaboration project maybe it was automotive linked i can't remember the email came in and i just saved it not normally a fan of mesh i mean it does kind of speak to the watch i agree um also i'm not much of a fan of it either but some models especially one like this where it's very 60s inspired it feels true to form um mark it's good field watch is all hamilton does rests the line is confused i mean that's a good point forbin and i'm missing missing all of you here in the chat again italian railroad watch we watch guy wisconsin watch guys always good having you at the end of the show thank you so let's do the railroad watch okay i'm i'm getting about that i think that rings a bell that does would you please put the name of the watch in the chat i'll try let's go for it this is a challenge huh let's see i'm going to turn touch type without looking at my hands ferrovia dello stato now got it i think take that and uh copy and paste that i did test mess brushes too shiny foreman i think they do have their merits depending on their application you know like uh the shark mesh is good in the sea i think it has it has its own place but then look at tattoo flecks i've hopped on about tess reflex bracelets a lot they are incredible stretchy comfortable i went out of business because they were just too damn expensive to make yeah yeah my pleasure andres i hope i i'm pretty sure i spot that right again touch type and um okay moving through to ziraja which is one of the last submissions and then we get to our man russell i don't know if he's awake i'm pretty sure russell has fallen asleep by now this is a seiko five it's a mess of a psycho five and his father-in-law bought it in the 1980s when he was involved in international freight shipping so this watch really saw the brink you can see how damaged it is how used it's been and he went along the way of restoring the watch restoring the crystal and brought it back to life and check out how cool that dial is this reminds me of a board game trying to remember what it is but how crazy is that i mean we go from that to life isn't that cool yeah this is a really really nice way to cap off the show you know i don't know i don't know the history of psycho fives again i've never been a seiko follower in in a sense i've it's never been it's a brand that sort of flew over my head when i started in the hobby and once you start down the rabbit the rabbit hole the grobet hole as i've said once in a show uh there's just no stopping and here's an example psycho fives were just accessible pieces that got people into the hobby in many way a dart board i mean that's that's a good example yeah very trippy it is i mean it's cool guilted gilted hands and everything there and i just love it the case is also really cool blends nicely with the with the strap and it also sends in a side angle profile shot isn't that nice how they recess the crown there too and i see that uh i see that russell is still with us that's good can i have an enjoyment some moves in pieces in a second and eric says how did you do that i don't know if he was here in the beginning of the show i think i put him to sleep about an hour in but uh it'd be nice for you to comment in the in the description comment below zuraja about this watch and how you managed to restore it from that to that i mean it's also on the saturday and they're cool looks like the movement's also busted so he pretty much had the full thing restored yeah it's awesome really nice bit of story there i like that it's also imagine what his father-in-law must have thought seeing the watch fully restored again i mean that's pretty pretty special okay so last but not least we jump to russell and uh russell was very kind in picking up in the in the two-minute interval when the commandos went up for sale he picked up a commando and i think it arrived this week and he shared this shot which i thought was pretty cool because i think the main reason why he did it was because the hands speak the same kind of language and uh another zeppelin length show mark it's great it's great except i'm not on drugs actually you know technically i am you know i am on a my my liver is getting absolutely destroyed okay i take that back i'm sweating like jimmy page right now um and i'm also wearing super restrictive trousers yeah so the 24 ring tone i like that that is that is pretty funny so uh oops come back so this is the 6007 right i never get this reference you're not the only one double double one seven i was commando all day today saturday um and thomas super chat thank you for that thomas shout out okay huge shout out let's go i'm going to read this in one breath are you ready shout out to megan flippin zippo eric hansey mark p wonder of watches ben blue shirt forbidden 73 math brent jr and everyone else who joined ah gotta love it thank you thomas i guess that's the benefit that i've never touched a cigarette in my life i can hold my breath pretty good yeah great it's great yeah sweating like jimmy page trying to tune the double neck and when he played um oh what was that tune that he played there's live footage of him playing there why even wearing pants nathaniel that is the question i find that constricted pants you know gets gets you a little bit more uh in tune and it kind of like keeps you more alert that makes sense if i shift the wrong way i feel it and it wakes me up you know it's kind of like torture but it's good so i love seeing this comparison we have on the one side a 300 pound watch and here i don't even know what these are going for now they're like 80 grand whatever else there handle isn't that at hans i'm pretty sure that's the that's the tune he played non-hacking patek poor sink yeah russell that's the downside i mean i had a laugh on instagram someone said better than a patek and i i commented back saying yeah it can hack so funny but thomas yeah as eric says such a gent thank you for the super chat thomas and to all of you who have literally sat down and listened to me talk for three and a half hours i mean i can't it's it's too much for me to take in but uh i love this i think the reason why he took the shot was just to capture the handsets and seeing that this disparity i don't know is this a 6007. i can't even get the reference of his model right but it's stainless steel and it was made to commemorate an opening of a boutique uh i can never remember all that anyway i wonder if watches cheers thomas why am i still awake thoroughly enjoyable that's too much now you're making me blush wonder of watches thank you yeah it's been a good time uh the variety is always but we're not done yet because it is the 10th anniversary of the zeit work we're not finished hold on hold on a second nice frederick constance marcus uh we're not done yet because we deserve to yeah nick we're still going we are still going uh we are going to have a look at hmm what should we look at first okay let's look at some anti-reflective coding so because it's 2021 this is what i i assume i didn't fully understand the email russell i'll i'll admit but this is based 2021 it's the 10th anniversary of the zeit work one of the most complicated movements they've ever made and you know last year they nailed it i think the first time they've ever done a minute repeating that work which was last year if i remember right and this is your phantom if the phantom is still watching uh this is a phantom of the of the longer i think they call it the fat three hours in like my brain's all over the shop so what i like about this watch is the just the way that anti-reflective coating works in the lighting and it's just a crazy beast i mean where do you start russell did send me a video clip of this watch turning over at midnight and i should have saved it i really should have but i didn't and it's amazing i mean just imagine all these loon elements moving at once in tandem as it flicks over to 12. it's quite something to behold i would i can actually imagine this watch keeps russell up at night he fully looms the watch lies in bed and just watches those numbers move around the dial it's probably quite addictive phantom says still here great to have you um i can imagine it must be very intoxicating seeing these numerals flicking over in the dark every single the funny thing is how crazy it all looks here and that was the approach you want to see the full movement behind the transparent glass it's a lovers or hated thing but the fully loom numerals that go in here i think it's just joy and i think i understand the reason why this was done kind of makes sense uh you want when it comes to looming the watch if it's not transparent you're not going to loom all the numerals in one take right that's that's the idea at least i think from a practicality sense kind of makes sense so if this if the style was actually flat with no transparency or opacity you wouldn't be able to loom everything else behind there so uh i guess that's the reason why they did it i don't know chaos and then order i know i know and don't worry we're gonna have a look at movements in a moment uh should we look at the presentation uh presentation shot here's another one i mean yeah russell does take some good photographs ladies and gentlemen and uh he has a superb collection i can't wait for lockdown to end because russell is literally like i don't even think he's 40 miles away from me up the road and to get some experience seeing these the best i've ever experienced is a platinum data graph i mean a platinum data graph i'm joking it's amazing but uh it's just it's so cool seeing this watch in its uh on the wrist of an owner and uh he has a very interesting taste russell started with what i love he started with elise nardon he had like 10 at one stage and then just decided one night to sell all of them and he's now dipped his toes into lunga he's owned lots of pateks and uh it's nuts yeah i agree so what should we look at next the movement how about that uh there is uh russell please tell me the move the amount of parts i think it's somewhere in the ballpark of 600 parts to this movement correct me if i'm wrong i think i'm getting there 670 something or maybe i'm thinking of a fusai and chain junior johnson shout out to shout out to thomas burnett yes absolutely thomas burnett does deserve the shout out junior and for you to watch and join in and being here the whole time i i appreciate it so much really uh russell doesn't have an idea how can you not know this russell you have all the books you should know the stuff that's funny um but these yeah again the what made this i've said this like virtually every time featuring this watch uh this is the most complicated movement they made up until then because uh it's so difficult as much as it's easy to look like to just get that that analog what am i saying the digital arrangement it looks easy to do but it was one of the hardest things they've ever tried and it took them like three years of development and lots of collaboration and to get it done and uh yeah it's just superb a real real monster huge mainstream the barrel i mean how long does i don't even know how long the power reserve is russell uh it's like it's like it's only like 36 hours or something no um yeah and i don't want to spill the beans but russell's got a surprise for all of us in the next few months i think once the world opens up russell will be on a plane somewhere to pick up something pretty special but uh we'll save that for another time i look forward to debut it this is a plat by the way platinum i should have mentioned the phantom the phantom in platinum just kind of it kind of makes sense there you know 528 parts okay that's close 600-ish that's this is nuts this is so cool not done yet i think we have one more shot to cap off the show and it's that that's it's in the sunlight how cool is that it has such an interesting aesthetic you know um andrea says the zeitgeist minister peter movement is 771. that's crazy here i mean there's a lot there's a lot of extra stuff there to do i mean russell was one of the first to try it excuse me to try them on in london and i think the watch was too big for him size wise um 12 has more parts than a 12 cylinder jaguar engine yeah it's cool seeing this watch in the in the light wouldn't you say and i always try to like think about what this watch is representing and it does show this clear divide between modern and you know grandfather clock you know green stitching yeah eric that's that's this is the standard strap it comes with how cool is that hold on a sec russell also has the data graph phantom doesn't he i'm pretty sure he does yeah you do and they both come with the strap it's just so quirky and out there i do love i do love your taste russell about this arrangement oh it's too expensive that's why you okay okay i thought it was down to the size and the thickness of the watch it was a bit of an issue but yeah the green matches the loom and i guess that was the whole approach but isn't it fascinating when you think about this watch and what it tries to represent when it came out it kind of raised a few eyebrows it most definitely was lunga's stamp on their watchmaking and their development but then it also shows this traditionalist approach that feels kind of modern it gives you that that look of a rolls-royce bugatti sort of feel where it's classical it has that that classical past but it's also looking to the future and the furthermon's yeah having a bentley and rolls-royce yeah yeah i agree uh yeah such a fascinating watch so this show has been all over the place from seiko fives to longer phantoms and everything in between it's just it's just never ending i so used to like you russell yeah russell has a cool collection i gotta say uh he he i love his taste it's very specific um and i can't wait to debut the watch that's coming it's gonna be really exciting because that one really is i mean we talk about the grail of grails yeah it's it's in that ballpark it's that category so ladies and gentlemen it's been three oh that's uh three hours 40. i'm actually going to close before you guys who are placing the bet on the show uh you know i'm actually gonna beat you all and beat you by five minutes how's that it's been an awesome time as always um i'm really enjoying these sub four hour shows it feels uh stop share screen it really feels cathartic that we're not going so far into the keep going you guys are great uh it really does feel cathartic that we're not going to the russell yeah probably beyond we're going to be beyond 140 at this point but uh yeah it's been a good time i've spent all of last week preparing a video which is going to be a good time looking at bezels and their complications and it's actually funny enough it's design oriented like it's an industrial designer talking about the value of bakelite and the value of ceramic and forged carbon and aluminium so it's it's kind of a science lesson in a way and i thought it was going to be hella boring when i started recording it but then thought you know what what the hell let's see what happens so yeah that'll be next week i think around thursday and then yeah i've got some cool some really interesting videos lined up design design exercises and everything in between but for all of you who have joined have been a part of the show who have actually sat and listened to me for god knows three hours 40 minutes and you're still here i commend you 73 math thank you thank you so much and uh i really hope you're all well and taking this year one step at a time i can't believe it's march already and it's freaking ridiculous us in the northern hemisphere we've got a cool summer to look forward to which is great and yes hopefully things start opening up and we get a bit more freedom to ourselves and we can get out and enjoy ourselves but uh you know all i can do is remain your humble servants present whatever is given to me some great suggestions some great emails have come in asking questions about subjects and again i have to have to say to all of you thank you for contributing to these shows these live shows wouldn't be anything without you sending in your watches your submissions and uh yeah megan's putting another drop in for the store take some time and have a look at it i do need to sit down and work through it i need to take a good three weeks off and just develop some some better address pieces overall but uh yeah you guys you guys are legends i can't believe you can sit and listen to me for so long i hope there was something good in the show i don't know alcohol and coffee it's a beautiful combination ladies and gentlemen thank you so much as always see you next week and the next show will probably be two weeks time three weeks time i don't know but uh yeah take care of yourselves have an excellent sunday and as always see you in the next one
Channel: IDGuy
Views: 71,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IDGuy Live, Breguet Marine, Breitling Chronomat, Watch Collecting, Watch Collection, Speedmaster Professional, Rolex Daytona, Rolex Explorer 2, Ressence, AP Royal Oak, H. Moser & Cie, HYT Watch, Vacheron Overseas, Lange Zeitwerk, Patek Nautilus, Rolex GMT, Breitling Navitimer, Smiths Commando, JLC Reverso, Rolex Datejust, Seiko Alpinist, Omega Aqua Terra, Rolex Submariner, Rolex Explorer, AP Offshore, Grand Seiko, Day-Date Platinum, Hamilton Khaki, Sports Watch
Id: nsEPGGHtn5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 56sec (13196 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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