Is VIT VELLORE Worth it in 2024? : Review | Placements Exposed | VITEEE
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Channel: Ritik Meghwani
Views: 694,792
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Keywords: jee main, college reviews, vit vellore, vit, vit vellore review, vit vellore campus, vit vellore campus tour, vit vellore harsh reality, vit vellore ritik meghwani, vit bhopal, vit amravati, vit chennai, vit vs srm, vit vellore cse cutoff, vit vellore hostel tour, vit vellore placements, vit vellore admission 2023, vit vellore category wise fees, vit vellore fees, vit vellore 2023, viteee 2023, Is VIT VELLORE Worth it in 2023, Vit vellore review 2023, VITEEE
Id: Gdq2FGsNtsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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