Is This The End of TikTok?

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this video was brought to you by incog on Tuesday the US Senate passed a bill that simultaneously approved $91 billion in military aid to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan as well as a measure Banning quote foreign adversary controlled applications leaving aside how weird it is that American legislators lump all of these different things into one bill this new measure will basically mean the end of Tik Tock in the US unless bite dance the Chinese company that owns it agrees to sell so in this video we're going to look at why Congress is so keen on Banning Tik Tok whether it's actually a good idea and whether it will even end up really [Music] [Applause] happening so let's start with a bit of context the idea of banning Tik Tok has been floating around American politics for a while now in fact it's sort of been on the cards ever since Tik Tok succeeded musically in late 2018 in 2019 just one year later Democratic senator Chuck Schumer started a federal inquiry into Tik Tok and other china-owned content platforms operating in the United States and a few weeks later the Department of Defense the state department and the Department of Homeland Security all banned Tik Tok on agency devices then in early 20120 three Republican Senators Josh Hy Rick Scott and Tom Cotton introduced a bill called the no Tik tock on government devices act which was aimed to do well exactly what the name suggests and it was signed into law by Biden last year at the time the main issue that American legislators had was that even if bite dance isn't formerly owned by the Chinese State it's still a bad idea to let any Chinese company Harvest this much American data because the CCP could very easily Force bite Dan to give it up all of this has to do with China's 1993 company law which requires private companies to allow the establishment of a CCP organization within them while these organizations used to be relatively uncommon since 2018 it's been mandatory for domestically listed companies to establish one and today the vast majority of big Chinese companies have one these organizations are normally supposed to help private companies comply with the law and help the CCP Recruit new members but America legislators worry that they basically give the CCP control over any private Chinese companies including bite dance anyway in August 2020 Trump issued an executive order Banning Tik Tok unless bite Dan sold it in 45 days now bance were able to delay things with a legal challenge but in the end it didn't really matter because Biden revoked Trump's executive order soon after coming into office however in late 2022 Biden basically started saying the exact same stuff that Trump did at the end of his presidency calling on bike dance to sell Tik Tok to American investors or face a ban then in March this year the United States Department of Justice and the FBI launched an investigation into Tik Tok specifically and Senator Hy introduced a new bill trying to ban Tik Tok Nationwide describing the app as digital fenel now this rhetoric about Tik Tok being digital fenel was symptomatic of a new worry about Tik Tok that it was addictive and adversely affecting American teenagers mental health and this anxiety has only grown over the last couple of years as more daters come out suggesting that teenagers Across the Western world aren't as happy or sociable as previous generations anyway Holly's bill was eventually voted down but it was clear that anti- Tik Tok sentiment was growing with Congress now worried not just about the CCP harvesting the data of Tik tok's 170 million us users but also about the app's impact on American teenagers mental health nonetheless many American politicians were still wary of actually Banning the app both because they worried that it wasn't consistent with their stated commitment to freedom of speech and because they worried it might not be electorally prudent to do so given how popular Tik Tok is however in the past couple of months Congress has found two more reasons to ban Tik Tok the first is the upcoming election while American politicians might have been worried about irritating Tik tok's 170 million users they're more worried about appearing soft on China ahead of a national election and supporting a ban against Tik Tok is a visible way of demonstrating your anti-china credentials in fact this is probably why Trump tried to ban it so close to the 2020 election he presumably thought it would help establish himself as more anti-china than Biden the second thing though is Israel which has shown a light on Tik tok's influence on the American Media sphere many American legislators especially more pro-israel ones have been worried about the emerging generational divide on the Israel Palestine issue with Young Americans being significantly more Pro Palestine than older generations and some have started pointing the finger at Tik Tock but why is this happening well let's look at where young people getting their news nearly a third of eight adults 18 to 29 these young people in the US are reging in this news exclusively from Tik Tok now while there's obviously a whole load of reasons that gen Z might be more Pro Palestine than Boomers and Tik tok's Advocates might argue that it's the mainstream media that's biased there is nonetheless good data to suggest that Tik tok's algorithm actively suppresses certain kinds of content an analysis by the New York Times for instance found that pro-israel content was about 60% less likely to appear on Tik Tok than Instagram but perhaps most notably content about the ccp's least favorite topics including Hong Kong janaman square and the Wagers had basically been scrubbed from Tik Tok entirely this is pretty good evidence then that the CCP has some influence with bike dance and Tik Tok and has become the main argument for Banning the app in 2020 the worry was that the CCP knew what America was thinking but in 2024 the worry is that the CCP both know and decide what America thinks anyway this is the main motivation behind the most recent measure which requires Tik Tok to sell itself to an American company within the next 12 months and as such a range of potential buyers are now lining up including Microsoft Walmart and the former treasury secretary Steve minuchin but on Wednesday Tik tok's boss told users that the app wasn't going anywhere and that they challenged the ban in court so who is actually going to win this well a leaked internal memo suggests that Tik Tok will argue that the ban would be a violation of users's First Amendment rights which enshrine freedom of speech now at first glance this Avenue of defense looks promising given that last year a free speech defense was enough to overturn a ban imposed by the state of Montana on the app however this case is different different because Congress isn't trying to ban Tik Tok outright but rather force it to sell to an American company this wouldn't be a violation of users First Amendment rights because well they could still use the app if it was sold rather it's about limiting foreign influence in American media and politics in much the same way that the US like most countries has laws Banning foreign ownership of TV stations and networks which are considered constitutionally complete client nonetheless Tik Tok have made it clear that they don't plan on selling so if it looks like they're going to lose in court they're more likely to just withdraw from the American Market entirely and if this happens the big question is whether other countries follow suit regardless of the option they choose though this could be the beginning of the end for Tik Tok if they leave the us then they risk a domino of bans globally if they lose in courts or sell then it's clearly a loss for bite dance even if they win in court that lawsuit will still be a while away and in the meantime creators and advertisers will surely begin to spread their bets heading for real and shorts instead slowly killing Tik Tok from the inside so in a fast moving social media landscape it looks like all options Point towards losses for Tik Tok but whether it's truly dead is still yet to be seen while you've been watching this video you might not have realized that shady forces in the background are trying to collect your personal data from various sites bundle it together and sell it to a third party these data Brokers can then sell your information to anyone from a company to an online Criminal now you might assume that you're always safe online perhaps you regularly change your password or even unsubscribe from those annoying email newsletters that you never even remember signing up for but unfortunately this doesn't always save you companies that hold your data can still fall victim to a data breach meaning that these data Brokers can still compile all of your information and sell it on to others the good news is that you have a right to protect your privacy and request that data Brokers delete your personal 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Channel: TLDR Business
Views: 57,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WNgzm1nVaH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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