Is this the best Sweet and Sour Chicken Hong Kong (Cantonese) Style you will ever taste!?!?

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hi guys and welcome to another episode of Chow with Lau in this show we are cooking sweet sour chicken Hong kong-style or as some people know it Cantonese style guys we are doing sweet and sour chicken Hong Kong style or some may know it sweets are chicken Cantonese style and for this cheat day recipe you are going to need some chicken today I'm using chicken breasts we're going to be using some dark soy sauce sesame oil light soy sauce corn flour an egg some onions and peppers Besant pepper some ginger bit of pineapple lemon of course tomato ketchup some sugar and some vinegar I've got some black vinegar today you can use malt vinegar or whatever you've got to hand so without further ado get your walks ready so the first stage is to prepare our chicken I have got two chicken breasts here today roughly one breast per person is how I'm portioning it you can scale it up or down however you feel so we're just gonna cut breasts into Finnish slices yeah like that because when we deep-fry it which is obviously what we're going to do they will cook quickly the trick is to try to cut them into evenly evenly thick pieces because then they cook at the same time some people like to use chicken thigh meat because it has more marbling or fat in it and that can give it more flavor but to be fair when it comes to chicken I'm not that first as long as the chicken is moist we're okay so I'm going to cut that off we don't want that so now that we've sliced the chicken we can marinate it so for that we're going to do the classic if you followed my videos you probably know this off by heart now so we're going to put a teaspoon of sesame oil teaspoon of light soy sauce and a teaspoon of sugar and that makes up the marinade okay to that I'm gonna add a pinch of salt pinch of pepper just to give it some nice seasoning and also an egg and the egg is going to help it bind off the cornflour okay so we're getting with our fingers which are obviously clean and we massage that in I'm going to leave that to marinade for half an hour or so so we can get on with making the crispy coating okay guys it's time to make the crispy coating for the chicken so I've got 200 grams of corn flour here you can use potato starch instead a push you could use plain flour but plain flour doesn't get as crispy as either corn flour or potato starch try to get one of the other two okay so I'm going to season it with some salt and pepper we can be quite liberal with this in the coating because it gets diluted with the actual flower itself quite a bit of salt not so much pepper required but still quite a lot okay and give it a good little shake in now for people who watch my videos regularly I've got a special technique to show you to make the coating even crunchy and that's by using a spray bottle now normal spray bottle we used we have a little bit of a technical issue with just as we were kind of do so we've had to we've had to resort to plan B as long as the spray bottle hasn't had any chemicals in it any fertilizers for your plants or anything that's fine and this has actually been scavenged from a fan cooler thing which you spray yeah you spray the mist and the fan calls you down even more so Sony ever had water in it so we can use this it's quite food safe I think so what we're going to do is we're going to pump it three or four times into the cornflour get a fork and mix it we're going to do this three times that's one so again one two three and mix it again and what we're doing is we're starting as you can see from turning the smooth corn flour into the kind of clumps a little rocks and when we deep-fry that they become little rocks of crunchiness which is exactly what we want and there we go they're ready to go so what we do now is we get our chicken and we pop it into the corn flour the egg that we put into the chicken originally is what's going to bind it to the corn flour as you can see there's a lot of corn flour for the chicken we're using but that's actually what that's intentional because as we mix in it all groups together but because we've got so much corn flour in there we keep mixing and it starts to separate out again it makes it really easy and it separates out because if you didn't have enough corn flour it would just stick into one solid ball and that's not very helpful at all so initially it sticks together and then as you keep massaging it into the flour other bits of flour get in between the Chicot the the pieces of chicken and it can't stick together which is great and we just keep kind of rubbing it and rub it until all available surfaces of the chicken it's coated with the complex a little bit wasteful with the cornflour but it really really works okay and that's it there we go right guys it's time to deep-fry the chicken I've got about a third of a pan of oil here no more than that just for safety reasons and I've got the heat on we're looking for about 170 180 degrees which should fit a wooden chopstick like this and as you can see that is fizzing away quite nicely so I think we're ready to go so we're going to double fry these bad boys and what that means is we're gonna go in twice with about 20 minutes in between and that means that we're gonna have a nice crispy coating without having a burnt coating and a raw meat if you know to me this gives it time to give us a crispy coating but with me that we can eat okay because it's quite tricky to do it all at the same time in one go to go when to overflow if you're using more chicken than I am it might be worth doing two batches because you don't want the oil to be overwhelmed and you don't want the oil to spill over the edge and touch bar or anything scary like that okay we're all in what we can do is gently stir it just to make sure it's not sticking to each other and because the chicken is cut quite fittingly it's not going to take that long and we're not looking for a golden brown here we just need we're kind of just waiting for the the coating to start to step and just start to go crispy because if we wait too long it's going to gonna burn on the outside so we're looking for a pale golden like something like that that's fine it's all we need to do we're gonna fish them all out as you can see two chicken breasts makes quite a lot Equipe makes quite a lot of them serving if you like there you go that's easy enough for two people I think so we're going to set the chicken aside and we're going to start on the sauce let's go right guys we're going to make a start on our sweet and sour sauce and for this the first thing I'm gonna do is cut up some ginger I've got about a thun's worth of ginger here and what ginger will do is add another bit of depth to the flavor because obviously ginger has got some heat in it so although we're not going for a spicy string sauce sauce it'll just give us a nice undertone a different layer a depth of flavor I think they like to call it but yeah I understand that hope you do too it'll just give us a little bit more richness to the source rather than just a sweetness and the sourness from the sugar and the vinegar okay so this is a really really boost our sauce so what we're going to do is we're going to take the skin off okay obviously this is going to make our ginger a little bit smaller but to be fair we're not going to be using a lot of it anyway we don't need a huge amount because we we don't want the sweet and sour sauce to actually become gingery when when you actually have this wing self sauce the ginger is almost imperceptible but well like I said give you a nice little limb or give us a depth to the flavor so we're dicing it very finely because we don't want to actually get big chunks of ginger in our mouth when we're eating the sweet sour chicken so I'm also going to use the juice from a lemon and this will give us probably half a lemon actually but that will give us a little bit of citrus tang to it I think I always liked that in an authentic sweet and sour sauce because then you know it's not just sugar and vinegar and it just gives us a bit freshness which isn't very very nice indeed cool right guys the next stage is to cook off the onions the peppers and the ginger so I'm gonna put a splash of oil in here get it up to temperature and then add in the onions pepper and ginger I've decided to put just half the ginger in because it just looked too much when I chopped it up so I don't like a dad's don't want it to be overpowered by the ginger so I'll just use half of why cut up so we're just going to stir fry this for a few seconds and we're just it's basically just gonna soften up a little bit and this will give us some aromatics to go into the sauce to create that depth of flavor and also with the the peppers and the onions will give us some crunch and bite to the texture so it doesn't take very long soon as you see soften we can add some other ingredients we're going to add the vinegar some then we're gonna have the ketchup that's four tablespoons of the vinegar four tablespoons of the ketchup four tablespoons of sugar so you can tell why this is a cheat day recipe guys this is not something you're gonna have every day okay make sure the sugars dissolved in there you can see it started to look like a sweet and sour sauce no no no what I'm gonna add is some chunks of pineapple this is pineapple you can get in the juice so I'm going to add the whole lot in now I know some of you guys don't like fruit in your savory food if you like so if you don't want to put the pineapple in it's totally optional I like it you don't have to put it in okay and finally we're gonna put a tiny tiny dash of dark soy sauce and that'll just give this a little bit of savoriness and we'll add a little bit more richness to the sauce visually there you go thank you okay as you can see it's not like we're going to drown the chicken in the sauce it's just gonna coat the crispy bits of chicken nicely if you want to add more sauce because you want it swimming in sauce you can do that too but this is the way I like it they've just done a coat source coat just get a coat the chicken right so that is ready and we can just set that aside and now we're going for the second fry of the chicken and we and very nearly there guys so the temperature of the oil is the same as it was when we first ride it for about hundred seventeen hundred eighty degrees and we're just gonna pop it back in and this should only take a few minutes to finish the cooking [Applause] we need to keep a close eye on this because we obviously don't want it to burn and it really doesn't take very long at all okay I would say that's about ready look at that nice golden-brown color exactly what we're looking for and I can tell straight away that the coating is very crispy indeed okay look at that you can hear the sizzle look put you up to my microphone you can hear the sizzle okay guys were on the final straight we're bringing the sauce back up to heat back up to temperature but before I put the chicken in I'm gonna add my lemon juice half a lemon and straight in and that will give us a nice little bit of citrus tang and a bit of freshness on the grate give a stir in okay and I'm just gonna add a little bit of cornflour and water just to thicken the sauce a little bit there you go the smell is delicious amazing right let's come up the temperature so I can add my chicken okay and all we're going to do is toss it lightly into the sauce so the sauce coats every bit as a chicken [Applause] that just looks amazing there you go guys sweet sour chicken Hong kong-style in brackets Cantonese style get your taste buds ready right guys moment of truth time that is even better than I expected the crunchiness is almost explosive in your mouth it's so good that water technique the spray bottle technique really where your work so calm I can't tell you guys the sauce it's rich it's sweet obviously it's got a tang to it from the vinegar and you can taste the lemon and the warmth of the ginger is just there's a hint it isn't overpowering but it definitely adds something fantastic to this sauce vegetables the peppers nice and crunchy kind of makes you feel that you're having one of your five a day even though maybe the other bit kind of over competence the other way but hey like I said cheat day dish what can I say there's a reason why this is always the kids favorite it's a reason why I tend to always order this for my takeaway a restaurant when I'm there because it's just so nice so guys if you've liked what do you think hopefully we've inspired you to go and make your own food please give us a like and subscribe we'll see you in the next one take care bye bye we give it I don't know five or six squats a bit fat than mine but it's not as long okay hey come on okay guys so we're going to start on the sweet and sour sauce now oh my god are you laughing getting a hot under the collar are we dear [Music]
Channel: Chow With Lau
Views: 91,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweet and sour chicken Hong Kong style, sweet and sour chicken cantonese style, sweet and sour recipe, chinese food, cusine, asian food, recipe, crispy chicken
Id: QWxgjy5ZiE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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