Is this Shibuya's Ultimate Momma Chan Store? | Life in Japan Episode 253

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We made it to Shibuya today with all the kids And we are going to check out this amazing store called Loft It is seven floors, from the basement to the 6th floor, And it's got tons of products. I know it for its stationary, but we're going to check out what it's all about. [Life in Japan Theme Song] OK here we go, let's go down! Go! Go! Go go go go! Whoa guys! It's already so cool they said. Well I think we have found the stationary section and our kids have dispersed. Dispersed! Here they go, oh yea. Oh my, this is going to take hours and hours What did you girls find? I can't get distracted, can I go home? OK don't look don't look don't look. Don't look? But I want everything! From the very first floor, or should I say basement floor, the girls were absolutely hooked. Talk about everything right up their alley. Whoa, oh wow! Oh, it's got the whole subway... That's cool, somebody's already filled it out for you. Thank you! Oh look at this — if you were into journaling, which I am not. I tried and failed. I can do it for like two days, and then I get tired. I found post-it notes. Post-it notes, all kinds of them. You can buy sumo, Fuji, sushi... You can buy a butt of a gorilla! It's not scratch and sniff, is it? Ewww! Sarah, look at all the pens here! Are you allowed to write on here? Yea, it's for you to test. I will test by drawing. OK, this is very good. Very good? Does it feel wonderful. Yes. Did you see all of these? It's just insane, so many! This looks like every pen that's made in Japan, they have it here. Wait a second, but I can go right through it. I can't. Anna! Daddy! What is it? What did we find? Pencil cases. Pencil cases? Oh, animal pencil cases. Oh boy. Joshua! Let me go see what Joshua found, he's very excited about something. What did you find, Dude? Cameras. Whoa! Oh, and then it spits out the picture when you're done. I don't know how to, like, see. Well it's a sample, it's not the real one. Oh! How fun is that! Wow, I want to do one of these big paintings again. That would be fun, huh? I have gotten better. You could have like a Do Not Enter sign, Or No Car Parking Here... Or Please No Photographs... There's the bathroom too... Well, go up? Let's go. Oh, we missed that row—or aisle— of stickers! Oh we missed a row of stickers! Can you imagine bringing Grandma here? Oh my goodness! I would love to bring Grandma here! So if you need a gift from Japan, this is the place to go. There are so many options. Look at the Mount Fuji there out of paper! Dry Bonsais — no touching! Oh look, you can buy Japanese tower legos. There's Skytree, Tokyo Station, Tokyo Tower, all kinds of stuff. And sushi! Not very edible, I don't think. These are expensive fans! These are the real deal here. Highly skilled craftsmenship. Oh yeah. Health and beauty... ok... If you're a girl and you come to Japan you need to buy their skin products because they are the best! Wait beauty? Can I be beauty? You are beauty, Sarah. All the Made in Japan watches. It may seem like a random assortment of different types of goods, but there is a method to the madness that we perceived as we explored more of the store. I actually really want to see... Some skin care. Yes! Oooo We're trying some! Oh, that is amazing! You found a nice one? There's so many to choose from. That- that is not for boys or for little kids... Oh, I'd love to come back here, Maybe before I go to America and I see my mom and sister, I will come and buy some skin products for them. But with the kids... It's—exactly! Yeah, we're not touching expensive skin products. Home! Ah, here we go. Home! I need "Home!" Home. Home is good. Mugs not Drugs Oh that's good. The Loft in Shibuya is a Japanese household goods store on steroids, and what you find here is a reflection of what is trending and popular in Japan. Isn't that pretty? Oh! This is like the ultimate Momma-chan store, huh? Oh man, just leave me loose in here! Oo, I like this size of this... This type of cookie cutters you can make a name! Happy birthday! Kind of like that! Do you want this? It's not even in a box... Do I want it!? Do you want mommy to want that? There's a lot I want, but I'm not buying anything yet. This right here really could be the ultimate Momma chan store if quality brands and selection are your top priorities. But if price is your main concern, you might find yourself more at home in the discount Japanese store called the Daiso. Do you remember— oh yeah, this is the knife I was going to talk about... Scary knife. This is a big knife for really getting into some meat, huh? Ah! Maybe some pandas, Sarah? So in Japan you can get drip coffee. So you can make your individual little pack, it's so perfect. So like if I have someone come over and it's just me and her and she would like a coffee, I would just pour and do a pour-over little drip coffee and we're done! Oh my. And there's a lot of different kinds. "Peaceful Cusuine" is right! This would bring me peace. Look out. Look out! Oh my goodness — oh look at the monkey one! Look at the flamingo! Careful, careful, careful guys. Oh I like the giraffe. Me too. I love this pupster. Bento central. Mommy, look how cool this one is! Possibly nothing is more Japanese than bentos, their version of the sack lunch, complete with containers, eating utensils and bags. Choose the style you like most, and you’re ready to fill it with onigiris and mugicha. This is like a cup! Like a cup. You guys really like this floor so far, huh? Hurry Joshua... But there might still be some floors that they really, really love. We'll see. Gotta go up. Let's go, Dude! As our ascent into the great unknown continued, the kids would make some exciting discoveries of their own. Lego collection?! It's like furniture, huh?! Look, it's a desk drawer! And you can just pull it open like this. So this is a drawer and you can put that right there, And then open his head! What?! It's so cool! It's like a whole room just made out of legos! What could get Sarah distracted from legos? A glowing unicorn! What, a glowing?!! How awesome is that, Sarah! You have to squeeze it to make it lighter! And then, it stops. What do you think of those, huh? Interesting. It's like a Minecraft character almost. Fun stuff here! Look at those coffee— yeah! You could really theme some cool stuff. Sarah, what did you say? This is so freakin fun. What did you say before that? Oh my goodness? What did you say about this floor? Oh, it's the best floor! This is the best floor right here? Alright Dude, we've gotta go. The girls have taken off without us! Anna says "When I get my own room, it's going to be like this." This might be too expensive. Look, you have the pink podcast mic right there! What podcast are you going to do, Anna? What would it be about? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Drawing! Drawing podcast, that's cool! Yeah. Nice. Ok, so when I get my own kind of house, I'm getting this kind of stuff. Oh. I love purple. I see. It's a little office. Nice. No boys allowed, get out! No boys allowed, ok, bye bye. Bye! Oh, what did you find Sarah? Weird hats! All kinds of hats, huh? Very weird! OK... Travel, outdoor and bag... Oh we still have two more floors! What will we find in the two more floors! Look at these pretty plants! Soon the store would speak not only to Momma chan and the kids, but also to me. Love it! Uh oh, bags, travel and outdoor! This is my floor right here! Look out! The floor titled “Fields and Streets” was just for me. Oh my. Oh my my my my! My my! My. What did you guys find? And it wasn't just me. Oh, for watching you at school. What! Look at that huge Bubble shooter! It's ¥700! What?!! I think... It's says "Bubble Gun" Oh Anna is going to take a little nap here, huh? It's flexible, so you can go like this... Put it here and I want to lean up so I can just go like this... Oo, that's nice! What a good idea! This is what I really want to buy! Look at this! Ok, you put your clothes, all your pants here, your shirts here, your underwear here. And then you fold it, smoosh it in... Zip it up, stuff it in your suitcase, When you get to your location then all you have to do is hang it up And you have your wardrobe there with you. Oh nice. Loft offers solutions for everyday life in some of the most interesting ways. If you can't afford real pieces of art, buy the sock version. That's right, just get them on your feet, right? Just as classy... Just as classy. Well... Stars Wars. They're called Happy Socks, did you see that? Yea, I'm sure they probably give you happy thoughts. Look at the tiny tiny umbrellas! Look at the size of it! Wow! Does that keep your hand dry? Oh sorry! Whoa! That is incredible! An umbrella that small can actually cover anything. But any wind and you're screwed. Look at how happy the people are who are using it. They're so happy! Because they don't have to have it open. It's a sense of security to know that if you did need it... That's right. We could have used it today as it was raining on the way here! Oh boy, look out! Waterproof. I tell you what, bags are like my Achilles Heel, I just love bags. Look at this pouch! The kids however were ready to see that last floor. OK here we go! It's the last floor! What will we find? Oh boy! Maybe games? Oh... Uno! Look at all the different kinds of Uno! Hey, guess what I want? I really want this! If you throw it, it's going to turn into a ball. Ours broke! Oh, that's right! Whamo Frisbee. Oh, those are a lot of fun. Look Daddy! It's not actually in here though... What!? It's a bag, I think it's for growing... Wow. Oh look at this! Look at that one. That could be really cool to do. As fun as it was to explore, Anna had different things on her mind. Anna, when we're done here, where does everyone want to go eat? McDonalds, I'm already going to search it. McDonalds! You're already going to look for it. McDonalds. Pokemon hand cream, lip cream... Of course. Did you guys have a favorite floor at all? This one. Bottom. The bottom? The very first one? Yes! Momma chan, favorite floor? The house floor. House floor. And all the kitchen supplies. Oh yeah. They're tired, they're worn — their legs are worn out... Ready for lunch! I already found McDonalds. OK let's catch the elevator. Elevator time. Let's do it. Help! Help the poor, poor girl. OK Anna, are you going to lead us to lunch? I hope I don't mess up, but yes. But we wouldn’t leave without one last display of stuff to buy. Boy we didn't see this stuff, They have all kinds of little candies and stuff. How did we miss this?! Anna was very excited about lunch, so she's leading the way. And of course all the kids decided they wanted to do McDonald's. It's the one place they always all agree on. So we end up going there a lot. Anna did it! Anna did it! Way to go, Anna! I can't believe there's five floors! Dude, this is going to be a cool place to have lunch, huh? Karaoke, karaoke, karaoke... Karaoke, karaoke, karaoke... There's tons of Karaokes, huh? People just love them here. The ladies are going to sit over here, And the guys are going to be over here... The Dude started chomping in! What do you think of the Loft in Shibuya? Comment below and let us know what floor you would spend all of your time on. And heading back home now! Oh, it's so cold! It is cold! If you like our videos, then you can show your support by subscribing to our channel. Look guys, we can go right down here I think. Oh yea! Let's go! OK! Yes! Going down. Alright! Cards recharged — let's go! Oh, let's go! Everyone go in front of mommy please Everyone in front of momma chan. And Daddy chan.
Channel: Life in Japan
Views: 250,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nUeIJ0SJzNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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