Is this REALLY the WORST Buffet on the Las Vegas Strip? You might be surprised! #Luxor #Buffet

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what's up guys Jordan here from show me Vegas and I'm standing outside the Luxor Buffet now in my quest to try every Buffet on the Las Vegas Strip this is one of the last ones standing so is it as bad as some people are saying or will I be pleasantly surprised let's go find out [Music] [Music] all right I'm in and seated let's get the housekeeping out of the way it cost $30.99 cents it was actually 3359 after tax this Buffet is open for brunch only it's 8:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. closed Mondays in Tuesdays first impression service has been very friendly both the cashier and the hostess this place is actually super cool this is in the basement one level below the casino floor back whenever Luxor first opened the buffet was actually up where the food court is now but it's been down here for a long time and this is a nice setup it's really big it's fairly busy and uh I just absolutely love the theme down here so we're off to a good start also if you want to find out what it's like to stay here at Luxor in 2024 I'll be making a separate video about that and uh that one is going to be out before this video I'm sure so I'm going to put a link in the description down below check that one out and see the room see what it's like to stay here at [Music] Luxor all right this is a get your own drinks type of buffet the drink station is right in the middle here Pepsi products dull juices assume there's going to be coffee as well yep there's the coffee machine chocolate milk and whole milk creamer dispenser everything you need alcohol beverages are also available you can kind of see the bar across over there now there is no time limit on this Buffet but I am up against the a little bit that's okay I can't usually eat from every section I am going to show you every section whether or not I eat from it so let's start right over here at the salad bar on the end of the salad bar they've got bananas fresh pineapple pears oranges Granny Smith apples red apples little uh honey do melon there lettuce you've got Iceberg and roma spinach and others here are the toppings look pretty good not bad a pretty good selection dressings again nothing labeled looks like Ranch Italian blue cheese balsamic maybe Thousand Island more fixings free salad down here typical Fair really a pretty good selection see some soup bowls here okay that's for oatmeal the oatmeal is right there you've also got cereal on the back side of the salad bar you've got yogurt cottage cheese granola nuts and raisins for your yogurt this stuff is actually labeled finally we do have shrimp cocktail over here there's also crawfish and uh green musles rolade sauce for that cocktail sauce for the shrimp over here we've got Ceviche that's looks like a strange glaze on that Ceviche cucumber salad klaw hummus doesn't look bad right down here Greek salad olive salad bean salad and potato salad I love that this section is actually labeled over here labeled as breakfast is actually the Latin section it's like we've got some mixed vegetables that's not very Latin but some roasted Peppers some corn that actually looks pretty decent some potatoes I see some tortillas back there over this way we have some additional Latin Fair again no labels so you have a look and you you know you decide for yourself what we have here this is probably the section I'm going to skip and it usually is a section I skip on a buffet good like look like we got some beans there I suppose this is supposed to be Spanish rice because this is a Latin section and we've got taco meat that doesn't look awful taco shells right there to build your own tacos and then right around the way it looks like there used to be some chips here in this basket with two different types of queso and black Meats down here on the end we've got donuts these actually look pretty good might have to come back we're in the dessert portion of this video and give those a try not sure what's normally here but there's nothing there I think churros possibly French toast pancakes waffles get a piece of French toast and a waffle like some cheese lenses here too right next to that looks like chicken fried or chicken fried steak and some homemade house chips we've also got biscuits and gravy breakfast potatoes mashed potatoes and brown gravy and right on around the corner here scrambled eggs breakfast potatoes bacon and sausage let's go ahead and get some bacon and a piece of sausage while we're at it all right I got to take this back get this camera out of my hand all right first impression of the food things are not labeled very well at all I went for the breakfast section first which wasn't really even labeled breakfast but alas I found it anyway and on this first plate honestly it doesn't look too bad I got a waffle I got French toast I got a cheese blend got some syrup and it when I dispense the syrup it seems really thick so it's not like that runny cheap stuff it seems like it's pretty good also got some bacon which looks perfect for me because it's still kind of floppy and I don't like the bacon to be too crisp and then a piece of sausage I think it's pork sausage it wasn't labeled again nothing was labeled neither the sections nor the uh the actual dishes themselves so it's kind of a free-for-all up there all right you know what else I've never done this I've always wanted to do this it's time for super slow mo syrup pouring [Music] time well that was cool all right time to eat waffle first and um it's cold it's chewy texture is terrible yeah that's not very good at all the syrup is really good though all right French toast now that's pretty good skip the waffle get the French toast if you like French toast that's got a good balance between the bread and the Egg and and the textures there that's good french toast I could eat I could eat a lot of that all right let's try the bacon you can see the texture of it there like I said I like it like that it's it's somewhat crispy but it's also a little on the floppy side too that's good bacon looks Smoky so I don't I don't know if it's um hickory smoked okay the sausage does appear to be whoops let that do does appear to be a pork sausage just a sausage link that's fair there's quite a snap on the outside of that the casing it's okay definitely get the bacon definitely get the French toast try this cheese blint now and I put regular syrup on it I didn't see if they had any fruit like blueberries or strawberries to put on this it didn't look like they did to me there's Apple inside that see again nothing was labeled it's like an apple pie it's like it's like it's an apple crepe I guess I thought it was a cheese blend again with no labels how is I don't know it's like an apple Pine it's actually pretty good interesting all right first plate breakfast really not too bad um the waffle terrible and it was one of the last ones left I think might have been the last one so they've probably been out for a while it was cold chewy not any good at all French toast great bacon great this little apple pie crepe thing is really good too all right not a bad [Music] start here's the bar up close we'll take a look at the menu here so if you do want to order by the drink here are your options round about $15 for all liquors got some specials for $14 and there's that manager special Bloody Mary and Mimosa $6.99 an hour and a half one drink every 5 minutes I'd like to see somebody go one drink every five minutes for an hour and a half and see how that turns out all right second plate not quite done with breakfast I wanted to try a little bit of everything from The Breakfast section that one was sweet this one's going to be more Sav I got a little bit of scrambled eggs I got some of the breakfast potatoes I like that they have the miniature biscuits uh rather than full size because I don't want a lot of it I just want to try it so that's a good a good option and then I got one of these chicken fried steaks let's start right there with that chicken fried steak looks all right Cuts easy enough it's crispy on the outside I think white gravy looks pretty good it's not runny that's okay it is crispy on the outside it's not like it's chewy maybe just a slight bit but for buffet style serving you're going to get that a little bit that's not too bad it's average let's try this biscuit now tried to cut it with the fort yeah it's it's tough a little worried oh boy we just flip that out on the table the joys of live filming yourself eating all right the biscuit it looks pretty decent it did not cut well though it's very dense that's why it didn't cut that well but the flavor is actually pretty good I'm pretty happy with the flavor of it and I like the white gravy the white gravy is good it's peppery but not too it's seasoned well I don't feel the need to add any salt or pepper to this that's fine no complaints all right next up are the scrambled eggs and again the look like they're well prepared they don't look they're not slimy looking they're not undercooked or overcooked at least appearance-- wise it did look like there were some little ham cubes in there buff a scrambled eggs I mean you can't really do anything wrong with these unless they're just undercooked and the little ham in there is pretty good I'm not a huge fan of breakfast potatoes but uh figured I'd just get it to round this plate out they're all right got that typical hash brown you know flat top grilled flavor they're not mushy but they're not undercooked either so those are just fine this whole plate not bad the first plate not bad um you know that's it for the breakfast foods it's time to move on to something else but so far so good oh yeah final breakfast update what's breakfast without a good cup of coffee I didn't think I'd really find a good cup of coffee here but uh that's actually really good it's it's bold and robust it's not like that brown Water you're going to find at a you know a cheap Diner or a cheap Buffet it's actually a really good [Music] coffee here is The Carving Station let's see what they've got looks like ham hi how you doing just taking a look so we've got ham turkey Polish sausage what kind of sausages do you have there what kind of sausages do you have sausage and chicken sausage okay polish and chicken sausage roasted peppers and onions roasted broccoli and cauliflower not a huge selection at The Carving Station past The Carving Station is the Italian section you're going to find pizza I've seen this in other videos and the pizza is rather doughy looking looks like we've got some pepperoni cheese breakfast pizza there this one's got Peppers that one looks like it might have ham and olives look like we've got a white pizza with some spinach and tomatoes a barbecue pizza and probably a buffalo chicken pizza okay Carving Station time and one thing I hate about carving stations is they're just going to Dish off however much they want to give you no matter what you say you just say I want a little of that they give you a huge piece I got this was a new ham he went right off the top of it so I got this huge piece pie of bone and all this fat so there's not as much meat there as it looks like but and a pretty big slice of turkey there was roast beef as well uh but quite frankly it just looked dry so I didn't want to even try that and then I wanted chicken sausage and of course he gave me two of those I didn't want to but so I hate it as much as I hate for food to go to waste some of this is not going to get eaten and unfortunately that's just how it goes all right I'm going to try the turkey first because the ham looks like it's going to be really difficult to find the meat I can already tell as I'm cutting this turkey that it's it's moist so that's a good sign because I didn't get any gravy or any sauces for the meats you know I want to try the meat as it is heck yeah that's a really good piece of turkey I've certainly had worse and more expensive buffets the turkey is moist it has a great roasted flavor I'm G to say it again that's that's good all right let's get into this ham and see if I can see if I can find the meat in this ham underneath all this fat there it is this might not be a very good representative sample of the ham because of this weird piece that he gave me of course it's juicy because I got the the fatty end with the bone in it but it has good flavor I think I got a piece here without the fat that's not bad it's juicy so was the turkey both those are tender flavorful I don't have any issues with it maybe the roast beef wasn't as dry as it looked because these two these two are pretty good yeah I like that well two for two on the carving section let's try the chicken sausage the chicken sausage is a little bit dry it has a good flavor there's like sage in there maybe dry is not the right word maybe it's just the texture of it it's again it's pretty good okay also on the back side of the salad bar they had these I called it shrimp cocktail it's actually peel and eat shrimp this one's really small but I thought I'd just get a couple just to just to see if they're any good it seems a little slimy maybe a little it's okay flavor of the shrimp is fine it might needed might have needed to be cooked just a little bit longer all right so the carving station did have roast beef turkey and ham the turkey and ham were great the uh chicken sausage was pretty good they have Polish sausage as well I didn't try that but from what I had I would say The Carving Station here is not bad over here in the middle labeled again as breakfast looks like the Asian section some fried shrimp don't look too bad white rice some chicken wings and I don't know those are probably Thai Chili I don't know again not labeled pot stickers looks like some stir fry here that's got chicken and uh vegetables in it and then fried rice bamboo shoots on top that doesn't look too bad either I think this is going to be my next plate okay the Asian plate once again this doesn't look too bad I'm pretty pleasantly surprised with it I got a little bit of fried rice I got some of those fried shrimp I got one of these chicken wings and look how look how big that is that's humongous got one pot sticker and I got a little bit of the stir fry just to try it out so let's dig in fried rice first not very good the texture of that fried rice is like Uncle Ben's it's like instant steamed rice with a little bit of soy sauce on it the chicken from the stir fry actually looks um looks really tender it is really tender Teryaki kind of a light Teriyaki flavor on that stir fry that's all right try the broccoli that goes along with it it doesn't taste very fresh but it is cooked well this is a little bit of crunch but the chicken in the stir fry is actually really good so that's not bad so let's go good not great on the stir fry now these shrimp look kind of like your garden variety um you know Frozen fried shrimp it's okay think cack fried shrimp out of your grocery store freezer so no complaints about that let's try the pot sticker I love pot stickers I'm a pot sticker fan so I'm going to be a stickler on this one a stickler on the stickers it's okay you can tell it was pan fried and you get that flavor filling is pork I believe and it's not memorable overall the flavor is okay the texture is about right maybe a little bit on the chewy side but not bad I wouldn't eat more than one of them and I won't the the shrimp though the shrimp is nothing fancy but I could eat a lot of those they're crispy the flavor is good whether they came from the grocery store freezer or not I don't care all right time to try this giant chicken legs again it didn't say anything up there I assume it's like a Thai like a Thai spicy chicken wing it's very sweet you're not sure I'm getting heat maybe a little it's very sweet and actually that's really good um I think orange chicken and there is a little bit of heat I'm getting some of that heat now it's almost like a like a hot orange chicken the sauce is great I really like that and yes I did just say about something of Lux or Buffet that's great I like that a [Music] lot all right down here this is labeled dessert but that's actually just toast and danishes they do have some croissants some miniature m muffins and danishes those don't look too bad the actual dessert section is over here in the middle it's on the end of the salad bared and it's rather small looks like we've got some cake looks like a strel there in the back it's like a like a lemon and strawberry kind of roll up cake there carrot cake in the front looks like tiramisu maybe some type of s'mores there in the back looks like a cinnamon uh like a coffee cake here there chocolate cake in the back red velvet cupcakes and German chocolate cake so not a huge uh dessert section by any means again they did have the um the Hawaiian Frost oh now on this end there's blue vanilla and chocolate not sure what blue vanilla is but I'm interested and then on this end again banana and coconut okay dessert as I mentioned up there not a huge dessert section what is there does look pretty decent I got two different kinds of cake here I got the German chocolate actually three different kinds German chocolate red velvet and carrot cake and then I wanted to try some of that that Hawaiian Frost I think is what it's called I said the blue vanilla interested me so I did get some I couldn't hold a cone so I just decided to dispense some on my plate so I better eat that first before that melts all over the place oh oh wow blue vanilla think homemade ice cream it is straight up vanilla and it tastes a lot like homemade ice cream all right let's get into the carrot cake I like carrot cake obviously that's why I got it a hair on the dry side with the the cream cheese icing is good I give that like a 6 out of 10 it's not bad it's not great I forgot to get the other camera rolling while I uh started in this plate I apologize you didn't get to see the blue Hawaiian the blue Hawaiian the Hawaiian Frost blue vanilla it was here and um now it's gone forgot to start that camera I'm sorry okay the German chocolate seems slightly off to me and I'm having a hard time coming up with the words to describe it kind of artificial maybe this the the sweet something artificial about it it's pretty good though the cake itself is very moist super dense and rich just like a good German chocolate cake all right the red velvet comes in cupcake form it's cut off the side here when I cut it it seems like it's dry it's very very dry I love the icing though boy that is some of the sweetest icing ever and there's like a vanilla kind of flavor to it it's not just sugar like you know normal frosting so the frosting on that is really good the flavor of the the red velvet is good it's just that the cake is dry all in all though for a small dessert section not bad all right I am actually up against it I didn't budget enough time for this Buffet it's almost 11:15 I have a 12:00 checkout here at Luxor and I have to wrap up another video in the room before I get checked out so I tell you what I'm going to give you my overall thoughts about this Buffet up there in the room as well the buffet overall not too bad like I said I'll get a little bit more in depth when I get back to the room [Music] so there you have it that's the luxar buffet and I have to say it was surprisingly adquate now I would only compare this one to the Excalibur buffet maybe the MGM Grand Buffet now that one's still on my list I haven't tried the MGM Grand yet I have had the Excalibur buffet twice I'll leave a link in the description box down below to my full experience of the Excalibur buffet but that's a little bit old I have been back to the Excalibur buffet and the second time wasn't nearly as good as the first what I had today here at Luxor was better than my last experience at the Excalibur buffet and that is actually not the prevailing opinion on these two buffets well you saw what I ate and my reactions to it and there were some things I had today at Luxor that were actually really good there were some things that weren't so good but that's going to happen at any Buffet now is $31 too much for this Buffet well to that I can say two things the days of 3.99 buffets are no longer and they're not coming back lost leaders don't exist in Las Vegas casinos anymore the properties just aren't willing to lose money on any part of their property and that's because people don't gamble like they used to so they can't offer you a super cheap Buffet just to keep you in the building and secondly if you go to your other main breakfast option here at Luxor the pyramid Cafe and order just one entree and a coffee it's going to be close to that $31 anyway so at least at the buffet you're getting all you can eat hey that's just my opinion all I can do is show you my experience and tell you what I thought of it on that day and today I was pleasantly surprised with the luxar buffet hey that's it for this one guys thanks as always for watching don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it or found it informative also subscribe to the channel if you would please it's totally free and turn on the notification Bell there so you can uh catch all of our videos when they come out in the future we'll see you in that next video because there's always more for us to show you on show me Vegas [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Show Me Vegas
Views: 21,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas, Show Me Vegas, Las Vegas Strip, Vegas Vlog
Id: Gqn7biTN_5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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