Is This REALLY The BEST Restaurant in EPCOT? -- Chefs de France Review

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I'm starving what are you hungry for French ooh Chester Frost I hear they have some new things [Music] so tonight we are eating at chef de France this is the main current Table service in the France Pavilion in Epcot normally they have monsieurpo and then they also have liquid did I say that right very good yes thank you have you eaten that uh or at mostly oppon have not but I have been to Chef de France before so I'm very excited to try it again okay so one thing I really love about Chef's world is that your fresh bread is a real mini second oh that is so cute and I need you to know that this is genuinely hot right now okay we're gonna do a Ratatouille movie moment are you ready no no brunch that means it was reheated so vegan check in this is in fact a vegan option you can eat the baguette you cannot eat the butter that is real butter um you can eat because I get if you're gluten free you cannot eat the baguettes but you can eat the butter so it's like a fair trade-off right the Leo baguettes are legendary these are at least a relative if not baked over there I got a big bite no I'm not feeling like this is probably fresh out of the oven these were probably baked earlier and then reheated oh no what's happening okay what are you worried about I can't say the name of the cheese Grier Grier Grier I think so I am going to start off with our one appetizer and I have this soup that is going to be the easiest one for me to pronounce and it might be the last one I even get some of the words but basically this is some delicious French onion soup so I am going to try it first this is amazing I want to get make sure I get a really good bite of everything and not just cheese or broth foreign it's not even as hot of course because you know us we have to take our pictures and videos and this is still amazing it's cheesy the baguette that was inside is perfectly soaked in that beef and chicken broth the onions are perfectly caramelized I mean it's an amazingly Savory soup it's after my own heart if you don't like heavy on the broth if you don't like soggy bread you don't like a lot of cheese and you don't like onions you're not gonna like anything about this but if you like everything I just described you have to try it this is radishes really Ser quinoa it's Ratatouille served on quinoa with kale and this is the plant-based offering the one and only entree here at chefsta Falls and I am stoked to try it again I've had it before I really love it and as our waiter told us it's different everywhere you go Ratatouille is one of the dishes that if you're a French chef everyone knows how to make ratatouille it's almost like being able to poach an egg for American chefs that's how you know that you've made it you know that one thing I'm gonna scoop a little of the puree into the quinoa to sort of keep the bite together if you will oh I made a big bite sounds so healthy and boring I promise you this is a flavor explosion it's a delight it's a treat for the senses mostly The Taste sense but it smells good too it looks honestly the color colors on the plate alone are what's so intriguing to me I have never had Ratatouille but this looks like a good one I promise you if you get this you'll like it you may not be satisfied because you're not used to eating no animal protein in your in your meal which is totally fair but um getting this to share with the table it's light and it's really beautifully flavored it's very delicious Emma do you want to try it I actually would love to try it I'm gonna take this bite of course this is my first time time Ratatouille at all and Ratatouille is one of my favorite movies so this kind of feels ironic I'm very excited that is absolutely amazing I think you described it perfectly it's so light I would consider that to be like a shareable salad for an appetizer if I was here with someone else the flavors are amazing I'm not someone who really loves quinoa but I think all of that puree and sauce on the edges really makes up for the lack of flavor in the quinoa I'm with you I'm so with you this is a dish where all the flavors together yes make it you have to get a little bite of each the perfect bite each time my recommendation would be to break down that quinoa in the middle know and I know this is an appetizing necessarily let's mix it all together but mix it together that would be absolutely perfect so this I am going to read directly from the menu I'm not going to try to pretend that I know it because I don't so this is all of that to be said or if I even said anything it's a half chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans and a delicious looking gravy over the top of it one thing I'm impressed with is like it genuinely is an entire half chicken and Matthew told us about how they have an entire rotisserie in the back which I actually love if this if it bothers you when people mix food look away because I'm gonna try two bites in one just because I want to okay thank you very much the chicken is cooked to Perfection it is not dry at all the skin is not crispy but it's incredibly flavorful obviously it's not going to be crispy anymore we've had it for however long and we've let it sit in the lovely gravy but the gravy and makes up for the chicken skin not being crispy it is so rich it's so flavorful the mashed potatoes are incredibly creamy with all of the lovely gravy on top of those salty garlicky absolutely amazing so if you're not a super adventurous eater this actually would probably be a pretty big choice for you it's really good let's try a green bean soup while we're here I would actually say they could use a little bit of salt but I'm a Savory girl I love salty things they're very plain they've clearly just been sauteed not a lot of seasoning but they're good a good addition to the heavy gravy and potatoes so this is the brioche sauce Aurora I don't know Aurora this is basically just large shrimps that have been marinated in tomato and garlic with Grill and it's been griddled and served on corn mushroom shallots cauliflower and then a tomato I'm gonna say this wrong too soft oh tomato below taste yes of course I'm very excited I love shrimp so take that with a grain of salt before I review this and I'm going to get a little bit of this deliciousness this shrimp is perfectly grilled like truly it's that perfect amount of chewy but firm it is not too tough it's not too chewy the charring on that is perfect it adds just enough flavor without being just the Char in your mouth the sauce itself I love mushrooms and tomatoes so it's a perfect creamy um almost cut through all of the saltiness of the shrimp it's really really light that's some of the best shrimp I've had at Disney World in a long time that's really good is that your favorite of what you've eaten today I would say yes we're gonna have to see if the cauliflower and the corn how do I it's like just the corn riddled hash whatever this is technically called we're gonna see if this holds up to the shrimp no but I'm assuming if I had these together I'll try it together this would really pull out the flavor of this this is basically just bell peppers and onions and corn there's really no seasoning I maybe it would be better if we had eaten it really hot but I don't think so so I'm gonna try it together and see if that would help it out no it's fine it's good together this is incredibly plain maybe if it was all in one massive bite with the tomato sauce the hash and the shrimp okay and I'm gonna try it one more time I'm really trying to save it I'm gonna try it with some sauce too I would just choose the shrimp and the sauce on its own this is really just to make the plate more full without it just being shrimp it's not bad it's just not very good if that makes sense this is the gatsu uh argument with fruit roast kid I don't think I've said a single word correct tonight and if I haven't I'm really sorry and I think Matthew for helping us Citrus cake with a strawberry lime cream with a warm berries pump oh I love a warm beer actually I could probably try the warm Berry combo oh that looks like a meringue that is definitely a meringue so I'm gonna eat that except not in my first bite because I will struggle Disney's not paying me to say this this is amazing I absolutely love the cake base it's very citrusy but in a complimentary way to like a lighter cake it is not overwhelming at all but that's I know yogurt's not the appropriate word texture that I'm feeling that is really delicious and all three components together I would not eat any of this separately eat all of it together it's just the perfect little mixture of flavors that's really delicious and then the meringue it's meringue I don't enjoy the texture of it I feel like I'm eating chalk and then of course the warm berries my first thought is they're really cold and we didn't have it for that long like if they were warm I assumed they'd still be at least lukewarm so I think it's a cold Berry compote it's very good it's very light I think it's a nice compliment to the heavier cake which the cake itself isn't that heavy but it's just a good balance I like it it's not special it's just blueberries really but there you go all right I am going to go ahead and try the warm blueberry compote and I just use my fingers to scoop it up there Emma I totally feel you on the temperature thing I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt because we did take a lot of pictures and a lot of video of it for all Year's net um our blog it's more on the side of real fresh blueberries then like a jam or a jelly so don't expect it to be super sweet it's it's not it's Sauced but it's not like a jelly or a jam um or like blueberry pancakes or up or something like that well well what did you think I feel Parisian lined and dined and I also feel like I need to download Duolingo oh yes absolutely we need to refresh a French refresher yeah that sounds like a nice beverage also it does what was the highlight of your meal I I'm kind of torn because I genuinely really liked a lot of what I got to eat but I would say singularly the shrimp skewers I knew I was going to butcher that the shrimp skewer was really really good but the entirety of the plate probably the rotisserie chicken okay awesome and of course the highlight of my meal is going to be the Ratatouille but it was quite a highlight it was actually really good I loved the Ratatouille and I don't always choose to eat vegan things there you go I thought it was really really delicious and the dessert the dessert was amazing I traditionally go with the creme brulee here but this was a great change of taste and I would order it again yeah so it was nice that you got a dessert of course this is not a place that's gonna be great it's not the best place for plant-based eaters I mean the Ratatouille is really spectacular so I would say it is a destination for the Ratatouille alone you're not gonna find an appetizer even the salads have meat and cheese in them and there is not a plant-based dessert for us so it's a little tough in that sense if you like this video go ahead and like And subscribe and now go watch my shopping challenge with Quincy in Epcot I'll see you there
Views: 17,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: ffFc4HzGBWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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