Is this MEGAPROJECT in Vegas Dead Already? BREAKING Vegas News.

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the A's say they're done with Oakland we know that part of the story but we also know their future in Las Vegas it's far from a done deal today a group in Nevada is intensifying its effort to stop that proposed ballpark in Las Vegas for the A's this is all about the public money promised to the A's last year Nevada lawmakers set aside 380 million bucks in public funding for the A's the legislation is known as sb1 the plan is to use that money to help fund a $1.5 billion ballpark on the Strip a political group backed by the Nevada teachers union is against the financing deal they call themselves schools over stadiums they want the Nevada voters to decide if public money should be given to John fiser so don't look now but uh the biggest construction project in the next 10 years in Las Vegas on the Strip may not come to pass that's if a vote is added to our big election coming up this November and if that vote is added it would allow the people in the state of Nevada to have a say on whether or not we increase the net worth of a billionaire by another $ 1.5 billion so I'm going to break down this and why I ended up at the state of Nevada supreme court today and I'm going to take a complex issue and I'm going to try to distill it down and tell a story that will help you better understand why the Las Vegas Athletics may never come to Vegas and why this is all just a giant play for money and everybody's arguing it over on the two sides if you guys like the channel my name is Stephen I'm not leaving Las Vegas I bring you news and complicated things all broken down we do crime and real life crime stories that'll make your toes curl and your skin crawl we also do amazing live streams where we take you to places where I may even be In Harm's Way check out my Sundays with Steven segments but let's get moving on this issue it was at the Nevada supreme court today and we have to talk about the characters involved and why the Las Vegas Athletics may never be a thing in the stadium on the strip might never materialize do I think it'll happen yes do I think we're going to make John fiser the owner of the Athletics another $1.5 billion on his net worth yes do I think it'll come at a massive cost yes but I'll explain as we go along so to understand what's happening we have two different sides in this we have John fiser who is the owner of the Las Vegas Athletics or the Oakland Athletics or just the Athletics nobody knows what they're named right now because they're trying to find a place to play temporarily they say it's going to be in Sacramento while they make the transition to the Las Vegas Strip on the other side we have the schools over stadiums people who are formed from a Nevada teachers Alliance that was formed as a political action committee the sole intent of trying to get a ballot measure put on our election this November when people are voting for president that would allow the folks in Nevada to decide whether or not the state had uh the right to give $380 million to that John fiser guy who's worth $3.1 billion so they they could build a $1.5 billion Stadium which would increase his net worth let me explain that one for you see Mark Davis owns the Las Vegas Raiders but before he owned the Raiders they were playing in the same building where the uh Oakland Athletics are currently playing right now the Oakland Coliseum and by getting the okay to move the Raiders to Vegas he instantly increased his net worth because when you build a stadium for a team and you own the team it's like owning a house your net worth is bundled into what your real estate value so this will increase John Fischer's net worth who knows how much it will increase it buy but it'll instantly be a benefit to him the owner of the Athletics and the lobbyist for the Athletics who went to the state in the original session that got the funding for $380 million approved argue also that it'll be a massive Boon for the city they say there's going to bring all these people they're all going to come to watch baseball games and they're all going to empty their pockets they're all going to do this stuff none of which has ever been proven but here's hoping right crossing our finger on the other side you have the teachers who are formed this political action committee that say that you know Nevada is 48th in education we have some of the least educated students in the entire nation maybe we should have taken that money and spent it on the kids instead of channeling it into another shiny thing for another billionaire oh won't somebody please think of the children think of the children won't somebody please think of the children no stop think of the children think of the children so the story went something like this when the Raiders left Oakland and came to Vegas the Athletics started snooping around and sniffing around because they were trying to negotiate a deal in Northern California to keep the team in Oakland but nothing was getting moved forward a lot of people thought that this was just a leverage a play a way to get the people in Northern California to pay attention to give them the money that they wanted to build this beautiful ballpark right by the water which by the way looks a lot better than what they're building in Vegas just saying but it turns out it really wasn't it was just John fiser trying to be John fiser which according to a lot of the fans of the team that seem to absolutely hate this guy means that uh he was just going to follow the money wherever it might go and it didn't mean anything to him whether he moved the team to San Antonio Texas or Salt Lake City Utah or Las Vegas Nevada or Timbuktu he was just following the money fiser followed the money all the way to Vegas and he signed a promisory agreement a letter of intent to do business with Station Casinos and build a ballpark on the other side of the Interstate 15 right around Tropicana Avenue that fell through because he couldn't get the special taxes in time that he wanted so he started looking in other places in Vegas he was offered I think a plot of land at the Rio for a dollar they were willing to tear some stuff down Dreamscape entertainment owns that place they bought it a few years ago he turned that down I believe it was the land next to the circus circus on Sahara and Las Vegas Boulevard I believe Phil Ruffin offered him that for free if I'm not mistaken and that land was basically rejected no he wanted to be in the best part of the strip so when Bales who had always intended to tear down the Tropicana uh started talking to him they signed an agreement and state legislature sprung into action with new governor Joel Lombardo here who used to be our Sheriff but he's now our governor getting up on the podium and saying adab boy we did it we passed a law that gave them $380 Million worth of free money to another billion dollars on a John fiser Network this really incensed teachers in the state and they formed their political action committee to strike back and all they were asking was something very very simple they said look sta schools over stadiums maybe we should be taking some of that money that we're giving to a billionaire to increase his bottom line when he's already worth $3.1 billion do and can fund it on his own maybe we should take some of that money and all of that money and and pay for kids to have a better education because on pap we have the 48th worst educated populace in the entire country wouldn't it be nice to make the kids smarter so they can have a better future and they formed this political action committee and they went to the uh to the state and they said we want to gather 105,000 signatures as per the law requires and put this on the November 202 24th ballot so when people go to The Ballot Box to vote for president they can also in the state of Nevada vote on whether or not there money to go to a billionaire or they want the money to go to the kids uh the people on the the athletic side of things sprung into action and they said not so fast uh St schools over stadiums your petition that you're going to present to the people is incomplete by state law you have to put the entire uh s sp1 the bill that was passed in front of people so they can read it and understand it and really know what's going on you guys you're only putting Five Points that you don't like of the bill and presenting that to the people so a judge shot the petition down and said you know the Athletics people have a point you have to put the entire bill in front of folks otherwise how do they know what they're voting for or voting against so this elevated this case up to the Nevada state supreme court where it happened today on April the 10th that both sides representing the teachers and representing the Athletics had 17 minutes to plead their case to the Nevada state supreme court about whether or not this will go on the ballot coming up this November both sides said why they thought they were right and now it's in the hands of the Supreme Court to decide whether or not it goes on the ballot or whether or not it Just dies and never becomes a thing and that's what's really weird about this because it seems to me and I'm going to now alline and wax on my own uh because I don't understand what's really happening here but I think it seems to me that the powers that be in the state might be dragging their feet a little bit they're hoping for a fast result but Supreme Courts don't always go quickly so they only have until June 26 I want to say to collect 105,000 signatures of registered voters and from what I read on my research earlier today it has to be people that actually voted in the last election it can't just be anybody over 18 with the ability to vote in the state and once they have those 105,000 signatures they turn them in on time all the paperwork looks good then it gets put on the ballot for November but as this goes on and on and on it keeps looking more and more and more like this money will just go towards a billionaire to increase his net worth and less towards the children for an investment in the state but that's the rub here right and this has nothing to do with baseball but it seems like the state of Nevada is really really terrible at spending money on the schools you see you might know this you might not know this but Nevada has legalized cannabis and we just surpassed the 7-year anniversary of having that and one of the big things that was put out to voters and whether or not we should have it should we have legalized cannabis was a promise made by the state way back then that any profits and taxes generated from legalized cannabis would go where back to the schools yet here we are 7 years later and the SATs and all the standardized tests have actually dropped in the state of Nevada now that could be one of two things that could be that the state is not appropriating the funds for improving the schools but I don't know if that's the case because every time I pass a school it looks like it's all shiny and new and renovated and looking nice so maybe that's because we shut down the schools for a year during covid-19 but that's a tough call I'm not in a position to be able to really ascertain the real reason but if we did get $380 million one time of State money to put towards the schools what would that really do for the kids if the people in charge are not watching over the coffers and that's the real rub here so I would Advocate that sports teams are great to have in a local area because they create construction jobs for several years and then lots of part-time jobs afterwards but at the same time it's probably not right to be taking from the kids and the students who need the money assuming it's going to be spent in the right place and giving it to billionaires so they can increase their net worth and just add to their collections of tiny thing shiny things so I'm curious to know what you think about all this in the comments if you guys want to opine reach out leave me a comment if you're just browsing through as always subscribe hit the channel up we have amazing things that we do on this channel like breaking down complex stuff like this really cool stories on crime and punishment and things that happened on the Strip that you never even new that are all true that'll make your skin crawl and your blood boil we also do those amazing live stream once again my name is Stephen I'm not leaving Las Vegas you're the best part of my day and I appreciate you guys for watching and this is the time of the video where I say 3 2 1 Click are you ready 3 2 1 and click hey thanks for watching this breakdown of the Athletics possible non-m move to Vegas look I'm going to pick a video you might like I'm going to put it up in the corner it's also on this topic but I do live streams and other videos that YouTube thinks you like so you'll find that below too be sure to click subscribe while you're here and we'll 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Channel: Not Leaving Las Vegas - a Vegas Video Channel
Views: 10,213
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Keywords: las vegas, las vegas nevada, las vegas news, las vegas news update, las vegas top news, las vegas top stories, las vegas daily news, real life in las vegas, las vegas video blogger, las vegas vlog, las vegas vlogger, breaking news las vegas, vegas news live, vegas news 2024, las vegas nevada strip, las vegas mega projects, mega projects, giga projects, giga project, mega projects usa, las vegas construction, mega projects las vegas
Id: Ik-jI2i8cP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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