Is this electric bike TOO smart for its own good?

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what's up Electra heads Alish here and today I am reviewing a brand new electric bike from T Zeus now this is an electric bike packed full of tech with a Linux operating system that has been developed inh house by tesus themselves and a lovely we are currently filming in a storm uh as I was saying we've got a lovely built-in 5 in screen that is packed full of functions that are baked in which I'm going to be talking about a little bit later including an active safety system system that lets you know about dangerous oncoming vehicles from behind more on that later but first how is this thing to ride let's find out but first become an electro head and hit that subscribe button we are a hub for all things immobility with fresh content on electric news reviews and roundups coming out weekly so join us first up you're probably thinking who the hell are tus what is this well they're a brand new emobility brand that have started through the crowdfunding site Indiegogo like a lot of emobility brands have already and they have come out with what they describe as a smart electric bike for the urban Rider it's picked up a lot of traction it's got a lot of attention including from the likes of Michael Owen oh yes signature right here Michael has been on this bike in fact I'm basically holding hands with Michael and this is the Prototype from tus this is the C8 let's talk about the design it's beautifully minimalist and at a first glance side on it could be easily mistaken for a pedal bike the battery and the motor are hidden give or take the integration of the battery but the overall clean lines is what I really love there are no wires not even at the brakes which are hydraulic the C8 has automatic shifting three-speed setup so there's no need for additional gear shifters and cables and the LED lights both front and back are integrated and automated in fact this tail light has a particularly interesting feature which I will come on to shortly but the big signifier that this bike is electric is of course Force the screen so what you want to do to turn it on is you turn it on with this button right here hold it down this actually has fingerprint reading technology so you can link up your fingerprint with this bike you're the only one that can switch it on and in fact it also doubles up as a horn the sound is cute but you don't really want cute when you're cycling along very busy roads I did find when I was commuting this bike using the horn itself it didn't really catch people's attention I had to use my own barks to let people know know that I was coming through they came bounding over back to the screen so screen on and instantly you can see that you've got Google Maps which is integrated into the software for navigation now this is a prototype it's not fully functioning just yet the app is still in development but when it is up and running you are also able to use anti- theft software as well it's going to let you know if your bike has been moved it sends notifications to your phone and it lets you track your bike as well so you can find it if someone's been able B to scarper off of it cuz let's be real it's pretty light stop so just a few of the functions in the bike itself obviously you've got your battery and your range left that it will tell you up here it's got your dates and the time scroll down and you've got the battery unlock if you press that then the battery will come out of the frame you've also got your headlights sound and this how you turn the bike off for now this bike comes as a one-size setup that K is to rid is standing at 5'5 to 6'5 with a Max Rider weight of 100 kg it's equipped with two piston hydraulic disc brakes 700x 38c wheels and a 5 in IPS HD touchscreen display plus a carbon belt drive choose between a single speed setup or for 1 kg more opt for what I have today which is the three-speed automatic transmission version I'll talk about how that feels in practice shortly tesus independently designs develops and manufactures their mid Drive motor which they claim to be more efficient and compact weighing in at only 2.6 kg it can deliver a party 60 Newton M of torque combined with a gyroscope to detect inclines and give you the extra boost you need to conquer H your terrain and I'll be testing this out a little bit later range claim for the C8 is up to 63 M with a 360w battery which I'll be honest feels overzealous but I'll be sharing with you my real world range results so stick around for that and finally the standout feature for me that got my ears pricked up is the tail light with built-in millimeter wave radar that works as a traffic alert saf sa system that can detect approaching objects from the side and rear the effective detection range is 100 m when the algorithm determins that the object may catch up with you within 5 seconds and the horizontal distance is less than 1 M the C8 will vibrate toot its horn and show you on screen the impending danger for you to react and avoid more on this later remember I am riding a prototype so this bike is still in the works and this one has a three-speed automatic shifting setup and I do notice when I start to Pedal it almost hesitates with how much assist it thinks to give me being fitted with a torque sensor a few more strong pedal Strokes tells the motor it's time to really give the gearing shifts up and suddenly I'm flying [Music] off once the motor understands that I want to go it really does give serious Welly of assist even so the level two is the perfect amount for me level three it is powerful and it really does push you up to those top speed quickly it really gives that contrast between from going from no assist to the full assist of what it is capable of to level two as my sweet spot I've ridden a lot of electric bikes and with this being a prototype I do think tesus has a bit of a way to go with refining the transition from a standing start to hitting the top speeds the automatic gears are supposed to improve the riding experience but currently it complicates it too much it adds another layer of things to be adjusted and considered as you move through different speeds and as we all know too well when you're riding in the city your speed is always changing I'd actually be interested to try the single speed option and see if taking out the automatic gearing Smooths out the delivery of assist but taking the ca out on the gradient to the first time was a real eye opener the inbuilt gyroscope does exactly what it needs to do it tells the motor to wake up to give that assist and as you climb these staple gradients it just makes things a hell of a lot easier and just makes it just that little bit more enticing for us Riders now I'm want to steeper Hill right now level three assist it's assisting of course there is some well going through my legs as this is a torque sensor electric bike but it's all manageable particularly with torque sensor bikes it can actually be more difficult to climb gradients because you need to put more power through your legs than normal to get the same amount of assist as you would on the flat Cadence sensors which are more basic are actually really great for hill climbing because they don't rely on how strong your pedaling is to tell the motor how much assist to give you just pedal and go and get the desired assist so having a gyroscope is a brilliant design feature to lessen the strain when it gets to Hills and with this being a lightweight Bike by Nature it is perfect perly easy to cycle without any assist as you can see me doing now however because I do have the version that comes with three speeds that shift automatically as you do climb to higher speeds the gears will shift up so you will have this constant slight bit of resistance but that's not because of the weight of the bike itself like you will get with other electric bikes it's just the gearing how how it is by nature I actually tested this out properly one morning I thought I try and cycle to work without any assist now let's be real my commute is pretty flat and it was perfectly easy to do of course it was a bit more of a workout it just goes to show if for whatever reason you unfortunately run out of range this is fine to ride just as long as you aren't hitting those heavier gradients like any electric bike really overall Comfort on the C8 is good because the riding position is more angled downwards more weight naturally goes through your arms so the Ergo handlebars are particularly useful The Handlebar height isn't adjustable so if you're more inclined to a more relaxed riding position particularly if you're on the taller side then that's something to bear in mind you'll see that this is also a solid frame the bike doesn't have suspension so it can be a little bit clunky over the bigger poth holes and bumps in the road but riding at night the automatic head beam and tail light do a great job when they're on Unfortunately they didn't quite work when I was making my evening commute there'd be moments where the headlight would actually turn off thinking it wasn't dark enough and telling the display to go from a backlight to a daytime light setting which was a little blinding for me and disconcerting to know that I suddenly didn't have any bike lights active but again remember this is a prototype and something for the team to work on but when the lights are on they are lovely and bright and the headlight itself not only makes you visible but lights up the road ahead of you so you can keep an eye out for those nasty potholes let's talk range so tesus claims that the C8 can cover up to 62 miles on one charge now I asked them how they managed to get these results and they said that they tested it on level one's dist in 20° C now obviously I cannot replicate that because it is January and the temperatures are much colder and of course lithium ion batteries don't perform as well during the colder month months so what did I find bearing in mind I weigh about 62 kg and generally my commutes are flat I ride about 6.8 Mi to get myself from the studio back home riding in level two assist it went down from 100% down to 63% now this was during a much colder snap so it was about 1° C whil I was riding so I tried this again with a longer commute this time I was riding in all kinds of different terrain I had the flat terrain there was also a lot of inclines that I was trying with the bike as well I was switching between level three and level two assist and it was much warmer it was about 10° outside the battery itself went down from 100% down to 27% covering 15 miles of range so I think generally for myself and the current weather conditions the C8 is realistically going to cover about 20 M of range on one charge during the winter months with myself riding it of course when it becomes warmer these numbers will improve and if it is consistently flat terrain and you're a lighter Rider then you're going to be getting more out of this and of course if you use a lower assist you will go further those are my results and finally another in-house development from tesus that sets this ebike apart from the rest this is not just a tail like this is a second pair of eyes that tesy claims will help keep you safe out on the roads using predictive algorithms it provides real time warnings for vehicles with a range of 100 m and a working angle of 60° behind or on the side of the rider which are predicted to catch up within 5 Seconds at a horizontal distance of 1 M this automatically turns on when riding and talks to you with a visual audio shock alert through the display seconds before the display actually really reminds me of the Tesla screen when you can see other the cars and Road users anyone else just no traffic cones so I've been riding the C8 for a good bit of time now and I have to say the alert system being in a place like London where there are just a lot of vehicles coming from all different angles all the time whether it be a lorry a car a bus a cyclist there's a lot going on and so the buzzing is going off quite a fair bit so I would say if you're a nervy cyclist I certainly would wouldn't recommend using this because it will just make you even more hyper alert than you probably want to be but I completely see what tesus are trying to do with this I think it needs some refining I think there needs to be a difference between it being a danger Buzz alert and just knowing there is a vehicle or a cyclist just approaching up behind you to up next to you by the traffic lights but it's a nice little bit of additional kit that is there should you want to use that so now you know all of the ins and outs let's talk pricing but before we do make sure you hit that like button if you have found this video at all useful in your ebike search if you do enjoy ebike content then we've got loads more coming in terms of reviews news and roundups so hit that subscribe button if you would like to see more of that currently tesus are offering discounts through Indiegogo if you want to get in there early from $2,178 it's an additional $15 for the three-speed option with super early bird and $53 for fenders extra batteries and a rear rack are also available to purchase retail price for the C8 is $ 4,031 and they Shi to the European Union United States of America United Kingdom and Canada so if you're interested you'll want to jump on these early bird deals because 4K is very steep you've got to hand it to tus they really have built this electric bike from the ground up they've created their own software systems they've done their own mid Drive motor this tail light as well that reads traffic from the back this screen itself there's a lot of really cool individual features that you won't really find anywhere else it's made of carbon fiber it's lightweight it's very easy for someone like me an urban commuter to be using day to-day which is exactly the target audience but let's be real $4,000 for this bike at retail price this is a lot of money so if you are interested then you should definitely get in there early with the early bird sale but this bike is showing a lot of Promise there's the wind again here we go it's showing a lot of promise this is a prototype there are definitely still some things that t need to go back to to tweak to own but I'm really excited to see where this is going it's been so much fun to ride thank you Jus for letting me try this bike out I feel very lucky to be one of the first and uh we're watching you good luck all right guys that's it for now see you later [Music]
Channel: Electroheads
Views: 12,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Electroheads, ebikes, electric bikes, electric, bikes, e bikes, e bikes 2024, electric bikes 2024, e bike review, review, electric bike review, tezeus, tesla, 2024, e bikes UK, electro, heads, e mobility, electric mobility, electrification, electric vehicles, electric bike reviews, reviews, eilis, e bike tech, tech, bike review, bike reviews
Id: oBkSu3Islbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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