Is this a JOKE Metallica? 72 Seasons Review

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whoa holy sh Metallica just released a new track I mean let's be honest though is this new song a joke we're about to find out if Papa hat and the boys can still Rock because we're going to be watching the newest track they've just released it's called 72 Seasons the title track from the new album I woke up this morning and saw this pop-up in my feed Dave mustaine's having a bad day sorry about that Dave 405k views in four hours the number one comment is by soup and it says amazing work devil horns devil horns devil horns congratulations to soup he just won the comment section by issuing a meaningless platitude don't let 72 Seasons go by before you master fingering the G string truth is you're not going to progress unless you have a plan I remember working at a wood factory back in the day when I was like 18. I was so paranoid about not progressing on guitar I would write out my practice strategy on a piece of wood I was like playing with my wood all day so this piece of wood would have my goals on it things like it tour technique and music theory as soon as I would get home I'd go straight to practicing because I knew if I didn't do it then it wouldn't happen get back on track with my free guitar newsletter below you get free tabs tips and tricks but to go deeper and to really reach your full potential and put that plan into place you're going to want to score my full music theory course but shred pop ahead doesn't know Theory that's hilarious I'm pumped let's get the cans of power on what will this new track bring us is it going to be good is it just a joke is Metallica becoming a joke are they just wrapping the same formulas over and over again and not evolving we're gonna find out cheers let's have some WAP juice 69 ounces almost died from that wapping fluid are you ready Metallica's 72 Seasons title track go it's so dark you turn the lights on Papa okay they're the boys I like these red and blacks colors good color scheme [Music] here we go [Music] really [Music] okay boys move it along composition is defined as repetition and development having a tonal base like a drone is essential Metallica knows that that's one of the reasons I say they do know music theory we're getting this e tremolo picking in the background that's the Drone that's the structural Bedrock then they superimpose a chord progression on top of that to add some momentum but it's taking too long we're a full minute into this song and there's been no vocals or Groove quit joking around with me Metallica foreign okay so we just de-escalate it there like a song supposed to build right because we had Lars coming in with the kick drums now we took away the drums or at least some elements of the drums we still have those symbols but we our energy just took a dip I become de-aroused this is like reverse foreplay [Music] yeah we just we just gotta go at this point all right finally [Music] I mean just looking at the track um here it's eight minutes and 38 seconds that's a long track that's like 72 minutes almost I am giving a music theory points because they understand things like pedal tones and repetition and development but the tick tock kids are dying the neurological atrophy caused by Instagram and Tick Tock has eroded my brain I've got excessive dopamine and serotonin rotting my receptors you have to move faster Metallica [Music] cool video I Like the Lights it's like a space theme space lights something [Music] that's cool [Music] okay so Papa opens his mouth for the first time at two minutes and seven seconds a modern song is already over by now [Laughter] all right I'm sorry Papa let me listen to what you have to say sorry guys [Music] [Music] shut down foreign [Music] words here you see they have the lyrics posted under the video feeding on the wrath of man shot down traumatic time haunted by the past long gone dogmatic although the die is cast yes there's a lot of rhyming happening here but what does it all mean what are you talking about Papa the next line goes shot down volcanic okay what is done is done and done not gonna lie I'm done with these lyrics let's give it a chance let's give it a chance here we go no chance before this life begins [Music] the eclipse all the music videos from this new record have a light theme it seems for us [Music] you can hear Robert really going to town on his g string there it's probably not the G string but whatever he's really tickling that thing with his fingers he's probably got his flipper in there at pre-chorus was like just a dud and then when the chorus hits you it's like a surprise you're like wait a minute where did that even come from you want to foreshadow that and have like a build and escalation but I do like that wide open feeling and the melodic Hook and the chorus is just uh and also like the arrangement what the guitar parts are doing [Music] [Music] used a different trumpy to mix it up [Music] they're like in a black hole right now which is very cool uh props to the video creator [Music] now we're gonna go into another long exposition [Music] I mean don't get me wrong I love the blues scale and I love The Frigid scale and all the stuff that Metallica does but this particular thing where they're they're wrapping that flat five down to the four is I don't know we need to like push that forward somehow I need a new take on it to keep me interested I mean you should be like this and I'm kind of like this exactly [Music] is this a solo [Music] yeah cut that out completely just get straight into it [Music] chaotic [Music] I don't feel like these lyrics are about anything in particular usually I I get like triggered by Papa head's lyrics you know they're very socially conscious they sort of instigate self-reflection I I start to think about my own life on a deeper level in this track it just seems like there's this General theme of man is bad and [ __ ] up and yeah that's true but there's no particular story to follow or something to really get invested in who's the main character in these lyrics ashes [Music] I have a foreshadowing of course there and then we're going to like this free chorus ish a [Music] choking on the stage fright wait a minute I thought we were talking about like the the nature of man that line seems kind of out of place [Music] hey the favorite part about this chorus is with Robert stands [Music] whoa [Music] that's a curveball modulating to G sharp what the hell just happened that key has five sharps in its relative to the key of B and that's not something you hear in thrash metal it's more like a Dream Theater key I like that [Music] bridge in that flat second thing in there it's like this really low organ in the mix um that I really like what they're doing I've heard that on other songs on this record too I mean who doesn't like a big organ Bach used to play with his pipe all the time right these big pipes who doesn't like a good pipe a big pipe [Music] too much driving it doesn't mean anything solo [Music] no okay modulation back to our home any stairs for elephantitis okay I just want to say I love Kirk Hammett but so you're telling me there's more than just pentatonic it's like you got two options pentatonic and pentatonic which one are you gonna hit they did this in the last song and it just rubs me the wrong way when Papa's laying down this evil phrygian sound and then Kirk just sort of like talks past him it's like they're not even having a conversation and just place the blues scale can we get more coherence between the Rhythm and the lead it's like a a definite Clash there dissonant rub and it's just ignoring the mood like Papa's saying oh the wrath of man and then Kirk's like hey it's happy time let's play some blues what's going on boys is this a joke [Music] did you hear that [Music] it sounds a little better there that's three keys we just went through three keys right there now we're in F sharp abstinence [Music] love the red and blacks on screen [Music] there's that kind of organ sound again you like big pipes [Music] that's straight to the Forest right there like cut all this out [Music] midnight permanently midnight okay that's the best line in the entire song permanently midnight straight line Papa [Music] 's number 75 72 [ __ ] [Music] everybody mention the title of the track for the first time [Music] I don't care we're getting close in here yes organ sound Metallica is better than Megadeth it's a bad day for Dave Mustaine I apologize Dave all right Tim directed it all right okay they're tied in with the album concept I get it crib is the new Metallica song 72 Seasons just a joke I'll tell you what it sounds like to me it sounds like a 20th century song in a 21st century World there needs to be a lot of snipping and snapping and making the song Arrangements more concise and direct The Tick Tock kids will never make it through this I mean I applaud Metallica's compositional prowess they clearly have a deep connection the composition and music theory they're just taking too long to make a point this is hard because they're trying to like go back to the 80s right where their primary fan base was established and they're trying to serve those people it never quite Works to replicate the past though you have to figure out a new way you let me know down in the comments below was this song by Metallica a joke or is it your favorite one on the record so far Seize Your Potential before those 72 Seasons expires at my patreon page below I'm really excited about what's going on Discord Discord is my favorite aspect of patreon because we get to talk and chat every day about music theory tours it's all about the c word community and I know a lot of us don't have genuine Connection in our lives it's hard to find people who are tracking along with you who share we're saying views and paradigms of the world I'm gonna go drink 42 grams of lap juice because that's what's in the strength I'll call Dave Mustaine later once again my apologies to Dave Mustaine for this horrible horrible day and Metallica releasing a new song sorry Dave
Channel: Shred
Views: 146,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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