This is SUCH a Better Use for Plastic Bags

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plastic bags are a massive source of waste on our planet so we're going to show you how you can put into a far better use using everyday items [Music] [Applause] [Music] this video is sponsored by nordvpn so how many of you have a drawer or a bag full of other plastic bags at home we've had one for as long as we can remember now some countries have brought in stricter bans on the use of these plastic bags but they do seem to be everywhere still which is completely suffocating the planet but fortunately just like bottle tops plastic bags are actually really easy to recycle at home with nothing more than a trusty old clothes iron now we've already done this before in a previous video where we made these little wallets but these use one or two plastic bags we want to see if we can use many more and make something a bit bigger [Music] foreign we're starting off with some larger bags which we're opening up with a knife and then laying them flat on the workbench to give us a nice base to work from [Music] we simply set a dry iron on its maximum temperature and then use some Teflon baking sheets or even some baking paper to protect it and then press this down on the plastic for about 30 seconds or so the brilliant thing about this technique is that you can just keep layering more and more bags until you hit the thickness that you're happy with [Music] thank you in between layers we even chucked in some of the smaller pieces we cut up when we first made the plastic bag wallets so while you're sat there watching a couple of dudes do some ironing here are some fun or not so fun plastic bag packs for you a single plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes but it can last for over 500 years they're also the most commonly found synthetic item within the stomachs of sea turtles as they mistake them for delicious looking jellyfish [Music] for the top layer we wanted to mix the colors up a little bit so we cut up some bags in a random order and ladies on top of the previous sheet and then iron those flat again and on this top layer we use a scrap of wood just to make sure it all bonded really nicely foreign [Music] so the whole process took about an hour and we had about eight layers of plastic and that gave us a really tough leathery type looking sheet now at this point we hadn't actually settled an idea we just knew that we wanted to make something big so we went ahead and made a second sheet which meant we had a lot of material to work with so now we've got a really decent amount of material to work with and we want to find a good use for it and since the weather was really nice outside we took a trip down to our local cafe with our Sketchbook in hand and plan some ideas out [Music] we were thinking we could make something like a hammock but we are a little bit low on palm trees and the UK weather isn't really ideal for hammocking but we're already Keen to test the strength of this new material so something like a chair or something we can test using our body weight would be a good practical use for it then we remember we had a bench that we made a while back out of PPE that is currently sat in our storage lockup and since we're using is even better than recycling we thought we should just repurpose these old legs and apply them to our new chair idea so we finally decided on a kind of deck chair style where the plastic material would be looped over bars at the top and bottom to give this an even better chance of holding our great bulk Rose we're going to be cutting these up into strips and then weave these together to give it even more strength and keep us nice and secure and on the topic of security we've been using our sponsor of today's video nordvpn to keep us protected whilst we're online at this very Cafe on the public Wi-Fi so as you're probably already aware free Wi-Fi networks can be compromised by criminals to allow them to spy on or even alter your data the nordvpn desktop and mobile app allows you to encrypt your online traffic with one simple click keeping those prying fingers away and since we run a business focus on creating online content we get a load of dodgy scammy looking emails trying to get our bank details or passwords thankfully nordvpn has a threat protection feature which can recognize malicious links and warn you about dodgy websites before any damage can be done thankfully after a long standard day of ironing away at plastic bags we can head home and watch our favorite shows from anywhere in the world you can choose from a huge selection of countries so if there's a Netflix show you are absolutely dying to watch but you can't where you live then nordvpn has got you covered this is also really nice to have when you're traveling as it means you'd have to miss out on your weekly TV fix from back home and simply by watching this video you guys can now get an exclusive nordvpn deal by clicking the link down in the description and don't worry it's completely risk-free as Nord gives you a 30-day money-back guarantee a really big thank you to nordvpn for supporting our Channel and keeping us safe online now let's go get our plastic weave on foreign sorted we started cutting our sheets into 60 millimeter wide strips but we quickly noticed that we had some delamination on some of the middle layers of each strip [Music] it was a little bit worse in some places compared to others so we just run over each strip one more time with the item lovely more ironing doing this actually meant that the final texture came out really nice and smooth so that's a bonus after doing more ironing than either of us have ever done in our entire lives we ended up with 20 strips of material ready to be woven together we laid out 10 full strips on our table and then clamped them at one end we then cut the rest of the strips in half and then weave those shorter pieces in between those longer ones all right once we got to a length we were happy with we used the iron to tack The Weave together in a few spots just so it didn't fall apart when we lifted it up now we're very fortunate because we have a good power in the same building as us who is a trimmer and an upholsterer so we took our plastic leather material over to kev's and he worked his magic on it by stitching it all together [Music] now if you don't have a sewing machine or a Kev then you can definitely hand sew this we actually use hand sewing on our plastic bag wallet video so it's certainly possible granted they are a little bit smaller than this chair big thanks to Kev for helping us out on this one we'll link his socials below if you want to see some of the awesome stuff he makes [Music] once it was all sewn up with a loop at each end we went over to our container and dug that bench out of storage foreign we made a full video on how we made this bench out of face masks and other PPE but in case you missed it here's a quick overview of how we did it [Music] after we disassembled the bench and took all the screws out we wanted to try and see if we could fill those holes as the top of the bench legs would now be on show we draw the holes a little bit bigger just to give the plastic a bit more space to grab onto and then used a little tiny heat gun to mount an offcut into those gaps foreign [Music] now after planing and card scraping the surface flat again unfortunately some of the material got pulled back out of the holes so it wasn't a great success there's probably another Technique we could have tried but we were Keen to get this project finished so we just embraced the imperfections Perfectly Imperfect just like me we use the card scraper just to tidy up the rest of the surfaces and generally give it a bit of TLC cards creepers are always our preference over sanding as it's much easier to collect up all of that waste then we just needed to get our aluminum tubes and threaded bar mounted onto the legs which we could then slide our plastic bag seat onto [Music] foreign [Music] tubes fitted into the holes that we drilled really nicely but the chair still had a little bit of a wobble to it so we used one of those beams that we had on a bench to make a lower brace on that back leg [Music] laughs after some drilling lots of chiseling and three celebratory shackers the chair felt much much sturdier [Music] so all that's left for us to do was to assemble it and then find a suitable place to give this a nice test run [Music] foreign [Music] I'm not sure what you guys think of the final look but we quite like the Ridiculousness of the whole thing at least the horses seem to like it there's bright blue legs and that multicolored woven sea certainly make it look unique so I think it looks quite cool but more than anything else this was a test to see how strong we could get plastic bags to be just by ironing them together and after the success of this chair we think a plastic bag hammock might just be possible let us know down in the comments if you've got any other crazy ideas for this material a big thank you to you for watching the video it's actually really nice to go back and try technically we've already actually ever done once before so yeah it was good another big thank you to Kev for giving us a hand with the sewing and to novpn for sponsoring this video link down below if you want to check them out well we want to say a separate brotherly thank yous to those wonderful gorgeous I always come out with a weirdo despair I want to say a lovely massive thank you to his wonderful patrons in the Brotherhood we love each and every one of you in your own little adorable ways thank you you go now thanks we'll hang out more than you with him he's rubbish uh the link below to our patreon if you want to sign up no pressure but you know that you'll get this kind of thank you this kind of treatment if you do suddenly no one signs up plummets thanks so much for watching the video guys see you on the next one bye thank you [Music] do you spot the Easter egg mistake did you spot the Easter egg mistake it was eight strips not ten strips we saw
Channel: Brothers Make
Views: 510,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to iron plastic bags, how is vegan leather made, chair made from plastic bags, what to do with plastic bags, what kind of plastic can be recycled, homemade recycled plastic products, how to recycle plastic, how to stop plastic getting in the ocean, how to melt plastic at home, how to recycle plastic bag, beginner's guide to zero waste, diy plastic recycling, beginners guide, brothers make, eco friendly products, recycling at home, bottom up recycling, plastic leather
Id: zz4P39WeTV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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