Is there ANY hope for game streaming? We tried them all.

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Their point is pretty much that all those services are similar in performance. Just use the one that has the games you want to play.

They say that consoles and pcs are still the best experience.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

The reason he was jugging about latency he prob wasnt close to the datacenter he was connected too! For me im connected to seattle which my MS is like 17 with 0% packet loss or frameloss. So These depend on your internet connection & where you live. If your far from the datacenter yeah your gonna get that delay like he was kinda moaning about.

Im for sure he was too far from the server he was connected too possibly over 30ms! they recommend 30ms or lower. Geforce now is by far the best i know for people who live right next door to one of there streaming datacenters. Works buttery smooth.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YT__xIndicaxHigh 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
for the foreseeable future the way to get the best image quality and the lowest latency is going to be the game on a machine be it a console or PC that is physically in the same room as yourself but if for whatever reason you won't or can't get access to a physical gaming machine cloud computing promises to bring the power of the enterprise data center onto a screen the size of your TV your computer or even your phone but with so many services out there claiming to do basically the same thing which one delivers the best experience to answer that question we brought a filthy casual and a seasoned casual who could probably also stand to take a shower what are you saying I'm saying that I'm a little bit more sensitive to latency than you and I'm filthy no you're not filthy I just but I stink like you private Internet access has fast multi gigabit VPN tunnel gateways worldwide so if you're looking for a VPN you can learn more about PIAA at the link below [Music] you know what this is remote control for what the shield Nvidia shield because that's the only way that you can use GeForce now on a TV we're gonna start with GeForce now because I think it's the simplest okay you have games that you own and you want to play them elsewhere perfect and this time you don't have a computer you may not have a gaming computer but you need to have a computer okay you just pay in the video for the privilege of being able to play anywhere or you don't pay there's a free tier and if you do pay it's only five bucks a month okay we're using an Nvidia shield with an Xbox one controller but what's cool about GeForce now is the compatibility is pretty broad so I could use any other supported Bluetooth controller like a shield one or a Playstation one and they've got ups for PC Mac and Android not iOS at this time due to apple's restrictive games app licensing risk everything everything so i'll open up in video games and so here's my library yeah it's weird though there's no geforce now app but here we are it basically works by making you a gaming rig on their servers like that you access from the cloud so it doesn't matter if your game comes from Steam or you play you install it to that virtual gaming rig and then you play it here this is cool so if I didn't know I would think that I'm just looking at steam big picture right now now there is a caveat when it comes to game compatibility and that's if the publisher or the developer has specifically blacklisted the game from running on GeForce now it won't work as for why they're doing this the justification is a really interesting article from a smaller dev that was saying well we need to maintain control over how people are licensing and using our games it's like yeah but d-force now is the closest thing to just a gaming rig that happens to be somewhere else that you bought a game and are playing on so I think that justification is pretty weak and they're just trying to milk more money from gamers the thing that's frustrating is there's no definitive list of what games are available for GeForce now so your mileage may vary destiny 2 though is available Wow that installed really fast I guess they've just got some funky data century yeah all the files are going now boys cache cache cat oh that's funny look we've got little minimize Destinee 2 in steam things this just it is just like gaming on a PC wow this is some this is some a plus console porting right here ok well we can't change our resolution is this not a 4k TV that's a 4k TV it's that GeForce now doesn't do anything about 1080 at 60 during the beta they had after 120 and I think it was even unlocked for a while but since the launch 60 Hertz is as fast as it goes unless you're gaming at 720 in which case you get 120 Hertz yeah we're not doing that ok so let's walk around a bit this is very 1080p doesn't even look especially anti aliased so they're not giving us a ton of GPU resources image quality wise though from TV distance I'm not seeing any blocking or artifacts or anything that would stand out to me and say hey this is being streamed over your internet connection looks pretty darn good we do have really bad ass internet that's a fair point you know when I noticed the latency though is not when I just look around like this but if I'm moving in a circle I can tell my circle this is a touch behind I would go as far as to say that 90 to 95% of people wouldn't even notice it though and I don't notice the delay as much when I start to turn as I do when I stop to turn it's almost like it snaps to stop when you stop to turn well you're on see watch so if I turn like when I stop it's like laughing I might just beat this game though I have enjoyed this game we can try only we had a little bit of trouble pairing a second controller via bluetooth for some reason but just plugging a second one in via USB with no drivers and no setup whatsoever has a local multiplayer gaming so that's pretty cool I just blew you up it's so obvious played this it's weird to me how it just mixes in your game stream games which are on that PC over there and your GeForce now games which are on a PC somewhere I mean if you have a good enough upload and you're not traveling too far I don't see any compelling reason why GeForce now would be any better than just using game stream off your gaming rig I mean that's a pretty compelling use case for these services to me is for someone who only owns like a laptop like an LG gram or something like this so they could buy PC games but they don't have the horses to run them no this is a way to have those okay tell me this would you get the paid version for five bucks month or stick with free so what's the difference well with free you have only one hour session links and it keeps you out that's horrible that would suck that could still happen with a paid version but your session length is six hours I think six hours is a very reasonable length of time to be gaming at once but after six hours we get kicked out you can just join another session and because you're a paid person you get put at the front of the queue for getting a virtual right so if you're a free player you might not even be able to log in at a given time plus you're not gonna have r-tx on overall feels and looks pretty darn good my poor team I'm sorry Tina do you think it's fair to call g-force now the PC gamers streaming service there's no exclusives you're just playing PC games on a PC somewhere else definitely but what service would be for the opposite person stadia you don't own a computer or any games you sign up and you buy every game you want to play do I have to use this controller oh that's a loaded question if you're playing on your TV you have to use this controller if you're playing on your phone or browser you can use other controllers but right now you can only buy stadia by buying the bundle that comes with the controller okay so you've got to own one but you don't have to use it but that could be changing soon because they're coming out with a free tier so we're on the pro tier well I can already tell the frame rate is chugging just in the menu here look at that that's 30 FPS isn't it so we had to buy destiny 2 for this with a bundle that it came with destiny was included ok cool there actually is a handful of free games you can see that frame rate right that was grody but HDR immediately kicked in the frustrating thing for me as a PC gamer who's accustomed to owning my games with a personal license as opposed to a per device license is that then I could potentially end up buying games twice well that's why stadia is so good for people who don't have any games I see but then would you really recommend using a service where you don't have any games and then when you buy a bunch of games you still don't have any games hey at least you can play them on your phone and in your browser and on your TV ok and when you're playing on a TV you well that looks way worse but is that just because the game is HDR and they did a bad job I don't even think so I kind of doubt that let's give it a sec to see if it kind of wakes up a little bit here it's the blacks that look the most different to me they're absolutely crushed there's no detail left in them this is like a simulated iris where you're looking at something dark so you get more detail and it blows out what's behind it and then you look at something bright and you lose all the detail and what's right in front of you so I'll try not to blame too much of that on stadia specifically at this time one thing I can blame on stadia is that it looks like they're taking a pretty aggressive approach to anti-aliasing that is making everything look a little soft on GeForce now you could really see a lot of stair stepping and things like these trees and the grass and the flowers and here the grass just looks like it's smudged I'm getting the same snapping when I stopped looking it kind of feels a little weird if I had to guess I'd say the latency is very similar to g-force now or perhaps odd touch higher higher as in worse it's the continuous inputs where i feel the gel enos quite a bit more when I'm moving the crosshair around and trying to track something as opposed to when I jump or when I turn yeah that's counterintuitive I would have thought that those snappier movements would make it more apparent one thing to know is when you do buy games on stadia sometimes they're more expensive than other places you can buy that same game like Amazon or the same store well that is the problem with closed ecosystems like it's just like on the switch a lot of the time it's more expensive to buy the same game for a Nintendo switch I definitely like g-force now as game licensing schema better as a consumer but I can see why developers would be super into this one yeah no kidding there's also no exclusives on GeForce now but they do plan to have exclusives on stadia am I gonna care about them give them time hey if Google doesn't cut this program like they do all their other ones may be lined up being good someday okay I'm gonna be right pick you the other guy oh I don't know this bird guy well I figure out what the controls are oh you have a sword why would you kick him what's he doing now okay sure fire that's my sword you can wow you can lose your sword well that sucks that's crazy time to mash pick it up pick that damn sword oh how to maybe ask the Google assistant pick up my sword no I want to win conclusion game looks pretty good no no complaints there and whatever issues we were having with the menu before the games are definitely running at 60fps okay is there anything else we need to say about stadia it's like kind of done actually oh the game library is the why you wouldn't play there's only like 40 games we didn't even get that far and I already figured out why I wouldn't use it oh ouch next up get into the console realm alright so we could use either of those other services but instead we're gonna use Project X cloud preview preview previous is not launched and for that reason is kind of seems like the best right because the expectations are just lower hey stadia seem pretty awesome too before actually launched yeah and g-force now seemed awesome before the developers ripped all the games cuz it became a paid service alright so obviously I'm gonna want a controller for this so is this PlayStation controller already paired yeah okay and we'll note that it's a playstation controller oh ok why just to show that you can oh I see you play halo with a dual shot okay so we should do that immediately then so for now it's the slowest rocket ship ever sorry I'm late I was gonna say it's on Android only oh actually technically it is on iOS but through test flight so it's only one game Master Chief collection and it's limited because flight has a maximum of like 10,000 users but if you can get invited to this Xbox Preview thing you can just play Xbox games for free you don't have to own them you don't even have to have an Xbox Wow you just get to play Halo and other games on your phone we're on different part of the songs wow it's kind of eenie meenie eyestrain Oh vision when you're playing these games on a phone that I really are not designed to be played on a phone all right let's do this coming in hot all right how's the smoothness here a little bit Oh a little bit of tearing there a little bit of stutter oh well a little bit of blocking I can even tell on the phone and this is 60 FPS but I've definitely seen some jerkiness with that said like the other gaming services I'm not noticing like a huge latency problem I mean I'm not winning these fights but as a casual controller player that's not the difference maker for me and this is over Wi-Fi - oh that's another thing to consider as we're on Wi-Fi so I can't even entirely blame project X cloud for it so controller compatibility seems like a plus what about platform compatibility I noticed we're not on the TV right now well you're playing the preview so they're starting with Android another thing we don't know is how this is gonna integrate with Xbox games past well we know for sure is that it won't be like Nvidia service where they're at the mercy of game developers that they have no control over to determine what's going to be on the platform and what's not that's right at the very least they have their already existing library of 100 or 200 games yeah from Xbox to do stuff how do I throw a granade luck trigger oh no good heavens no why did we use a PC specifically for PlayStation now because it's only PlayStation and PC there's no mobile element to it or oh I see and it's this subscription-based it looks like there's a lot of games in here it's a subscription this actually has the biggest library of games over 800 games Wow on PlayStation two three and four that's freaking awesome no this is the oldest service it came out like in 2014 or something it's almost overwhelming to have this many options although obviously I mean that like in a good way sitting this close to it already puts PlayStation now in a bit of a disadvantage well if you want to play it on your TV then just play PlayStation that's fair that's cool so they're not gonna fix the game for you by changing the button labels but at least they give you a warning your subs your manner yeah it's one of the characters I recognize because I haven't played a Mortal Kombat games since I was a kid yeah but you should still know all of them from childhood I don't know can she can she came a little I don't know Aaron black he's a new her I don't know her Mac I don't know Kotal Kahn he's newer reptiles although I don't hate it more obviously you know the 720p only Ness of it actually doesn't look that horrible what if you were on a brighter map do you think that would make a difference mmm I kind of doubt it because you sitting this close you're gonna see a lot of the the blockiness anyway and they really don't look that different from each other the maps blockiness and low resolution oh I see no latency complaints once again all the services have performed pretty darn well at least on our Internet to be clear I'm not saying 720p is ideal it definitely is blurrier I'm just saying it's not that different from if it was blurry because of you know low bitrate video streaming okay button mashing time yes Mr Freeze oh shoot Oh mr. lightning no come on all I need is one more button mashing sequence that works oh and I'm dead so what do you think you think it's hard to choose which service to use or do you think it's pretty clear you're an Xbox user got next I for PlayStation user yes now no I think it's pretty clear but not for that reason I would just choose it based on the games that I want to play because at the end of the day isn't that what this is about they're all using similar in technology to accomplish a similar thing as far as regional differences go you know like whose data center is closer to you the only way that you're gonna know for sure how that works out for you is to just try them but for us all of them are basically equal as far as that goes so it's just come down to what games I want to play for now PlayStation now is looking like the big winner in that regard with all those titles and and all-you-can-eat style but cost-wise it's higher than something like geforce now which might be great if you already have a large library of games where the developers haven't decided to put restrictive licensing terms in place to prevent Nvidia from allowing them to work and who knows how awesome Excel is gonna be when it's fully implemented sometime does PlayStation now have a browser version no ok well that's kind of a bummer does it have a Mac client ID no I don't think so so there's your answer then whatever games you want to play and whether there's a working client for whatever platform you have available to you speaking of working clients I'm the client working on this message for our sponsor this plate is art you stick up on your wall we've got over 35,000 artists from 86 countries that have contributed over 800,000 unique designs they plant a tree for every display it's old they've already planted over 11 million trees and of course the best thing about this plate is the magnetic mounting system that means you decrease the risk of damaging your walls and makes it super easy to adjust them if someone bumps them and they're crooked and you can switch between your dis plates as quickly as like five seconds pretty much they offer a 100 day return policy for a 100% refund they've got matte and gloss finishes and sizes and frames for your every artwork desire they've even got the LTTE collection use code ltte to save 15% at the link below so thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this video maybe check out the video I did on g-force now back when it was data like two or three years ago comparing latency on a local machine on the local network with a wire on the local network with Wireless and with g-force now from a remote server it's pretty interesting
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,753,343
Rating: 4.9044433 out of 5
Keywords: stream, streaming, game, gaming, nvidia, geforce, now, psnow, playstation now, xcloud, project, shadow, stadia, negative, latency
Id: d3dNoCRzbAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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