Is the MCU in trouble? - Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania Review

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hello everyone this is our review of Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania we've got quantumania we certainly do which explains why a lot of these thoughts are incoherent and rambling that's definitely a part of it uh just so you know this is an excerpt from our podcast the weekly Planet which comes out every Monday if you are interested leave a like on this video there is going to be a caravan of garbage and other stuff this week and whatever but you know sometimes people are like where are your reviews there's one there's one shut up anyway there's like a cool graphic that Fidel did but you can listen to it I'll stare at the cool graphic yeah you know so that's cool and I am going to take some tablets for my quantumania yeah it's itchy I'm not gonna take any tablets well I'm Gonna Fly blind right at it and throw it Mason all right here it is any anyways Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania my goodness it's a big budget film apparently the budget is somewhere between 130 to 200 million dollars but uh at the box office it's going to make in the US on a three-day opening weekend 109 million dollars approximately maybe a bit above that which is not as good an opening as wakanda forever which had a great opening weekend at like 180 million but it's well above the previous Ant-Man movies uh which doesn't surprise me you know that being said like critically it's very mixed it's currently one percent ahead of the eternals at 48 on Rotten Tomatoes but also the audience score and also a lot of the feedback that I've seen from people is a lot of people also seem to enjoy what's going on here what I'm enjoying what's going on here what do you think the story was oh okay all right hang on okay so Ant-Man yeah he's having a great time he's living life and he's living large yeah as he should he's by the way down the streets yeah I know he's antu man it's funny because like there is a joke of like oh here he is he's talking about how he saved the world again or whatever that's a big deal yeah you don't have to do anything after that if you travel through time and stop like a universe like Extinction event you just get to do nothing I mean if he's really being honest with himself it is the rat that saved the universe I mean sure yeah but then you could you could any random thing you could say save the universe in a way Thanos saved the universe because he kicked off the whole Destroyer exactly yeah if we're gonna go you know and if he wasn't there to you know then they couldn't have saved it so yep they'd be looking pretty stupid wouldn't they I completely agree I'm just standing around waiting for somebody to try and end the universe oh you'd stop that if it were happening would you well it isn't happening yeah so shut up on your face anyway Scott Lang he's he's living life he's living large he's walking down the street yeah he's got a little book He's written a book about things you can get apparently yeah so it's on its way I think I wonder who's writing that I mean Scott Lang obviously yeah yeah but then his daughter he's like what are you up to I mean you've you've been recast obviously you look different yeah but she's like well I mean you know I've been spending time working on my appearance and also I built this plot device yep I'm building this plot device that's going to drive this whole movie should I switch it on and Scott Lang's like why not yeah all right but then Michelle Fife is like nah I don't don't come on oh it's too late it's too late we've been sucking Autumn realm yep bad news yeah who's in there it's all Kang yeah King and others other stuff other stuff and Kang and whatever various clouds yeah your clouds and Goose a lot of guns and flying stingrays and Gunk and flying stuff and yeah big space and rings and uh and and goopy men and big buildings that walk around and Modoc modoc's in there also yeah all of that is in there yeah it's all yeah so you know after this movie finished my reaction was this was this was it I'm excited for this it's just like all right and that was it yeah it's just like okay yeah I mean yeah Maybe the the um you know each time a new Marvel movie comes out it was probably the exception of um wakanda forever but the last few uh every time one comes out there has been a a slew of articles that are like this is the end of cinema this is this is a real step do you think it's real this time is that what you're saying no I don't think that I I thought you know I came away from this I had two thoughts one is I thought this was like it felt like just a maybe maybe an issue of a comic book yeah and you watch you you read it and you go this was pretty good pretty uh wild away at the time didn't it but at the same time every criticism I've heard of this movie I'm like that is quite valid yeah I don't I would say I probably liked it less than that even then because I I there's some stuff in it that I that I quite liked but um there are other parts that I'm like I don't I think that I think the biggest part for this and I guess we'll talk more about this in spoilers as well like often these things lead to a bigger thing oh right and that can often be like sometimes there's post credit sequences that leave you behind and you go whoa you know but I feel like even though I know this is part of a bigger story I didn't come out of this being like Oh damn this is really like hating up it was literally like all right well it's led to me it's it gave me a lot of questions in spoilers we're going to talk extensively about Kang and how how many kangs there are and and what what does that mean what does that mean in terms of plot and Kang versus The Avengers in future movies what does it mean you know the sheer number of kings that there are yeah how many are they going to face Etc and I also think how good a movie is or how good any of the movies I've enjoyed from like this Universal or whatever other Universe my enjoyment isn't like dependent on the end and I go oh what's next or whatever yeah so so you know I don't think it's fair to be like well you know I'm not really excited that excited for what's next or whatever so this whole thing was like was all right sure yes yes I I didn't really love a lot of the quantum realm it felt like there was like a roof on it it did didn't it and you know it starts out here's the thing because it started out quite mixed the first time we see the quantum realm in the movie uh it's a flashback sequence to to Michelle Pfeiffer's character's time in the quantum realm and there is a moment sort of we see her like walking we see a sort of top down walking through the quantum realm overhead and I'm like okay that looks pretty expensive but the very first shot it does feel like it's just standing in a room with a map painting behind them there are so many shots in this movie that could feel expansive and exciting but they do they just feel like they're staged so flatly it does look like Michael flatly yeah very good but it just looks like two people at off stands of a screen yeah of the screen talking one other in a room and there's just a it's either the volume or green screen what's behind it's all of eternity isn't that exciting you know yeah and no a lot of of the time I know you look you know I I like the the commitment to like the weird creatures and Like a Star Wars bar and your transports a big Stingray and whatever and the strange weapons but I also thought it was strange where like they'll see like Paul Rudd and they're like oh what's this guy that's what is he doing here that's out of place and it's like [ __ ] Bill Murray lives here why is this why is this guy weird he looks like every like every second person here is a man right it's like why is that strange you know great question and I know that like they're probably distinct from humans in in many ways but I don't understand why anybody would care that they're there or anybody would you know you put a cloak on and then it's like a smell thing maybe it is it smells maybe you smell like you're not from the quantum realm but you know I like that there was a little there's a funny little squishy man she enjoyed that I thought the guy from The Quiet Place William Jackson Harper was was great you mean the good place what did I say I said the quiet place he's not in the quiet place that's a different movie it makes sense it's not a thing different franchise the quiet place is like when you're in your car just just after you get home yeah it's just a moment where you're like do like that place he's great but he's like barely in it and he's like nobody yeah I know there was like rumors that it was going to be like Quasar or something and maybe he could be down the line and like if you're putting him in it I think a lot of people you know doing dreamcasting were wanted him to be Mr Fantastic at some point down the line that was an option because obviously he was cheating in in the quiet place yeah as you know my car driveway that's right yeah well it's also um what are those characters names well I saw an article prior that was like is he Quasar or whatever um because his name was quas and people like oh yeah or whatever and you know there's like buildings are alive and and whatever I don't mind any of that you know I like a weird space bar that's that's all fine and dandy uh but but you know as I said it did kind of feel like it was a it had a roof on it and oh here's something that I know you don't like so I wanted to ask you about it well both of us don't really like it like the nanotech suits right and this is like a button you put on your chest and it makes it I mean obviously I think they probably had to work backwards they're like okay why would the characters be wearing he's tumbling into the uh yeah how would they end up in the quantum realm in their Ant-Man suits and the answer is obviously they tap a little button in there and they're wearing them underneath or they're in a necklace or something or they have sticky taped it's like a medallion that he like okay like just slaps oh he's carrying it yeah okay yeah yeah I guess so yeah but at least it was the what I appreciated it was the I didn't mind the design though yeah the Design's pretty good and it's they their the helmet is the kind of flip forward flip back model as opposed to the just forms around your face nanotech style okay yeah sure not very interesting kind of style I still like the original one that like flips up and you still got like the rest of it on but I guess that's not very cool you know like the face plate yeah right right yeah that's not that's not cool it's not cool and you got to be cool in the quantum reality in the quantum realm yeah yeah um okay again I think I think what Marvel does great is is casting and I think look and I think what's what sold most of this movie to me I think was Paul Rudd you know as Ant-Man I don't know if you're aware he's very good he's very good I think I like him in other people's movies though more when he's just like there's a bunch of other better Avengers oh sure sure you know there is saved to be we'll talk about it in in spoilers but I think for me the price of admission which was Zero for me but in in normal circumstances I would have paid for the ticket uh it was worth it for this one joke right at the end which I thought was just just just right just just perfect for me I thought it was a wonderful joke okay I'll tell you about it later but Paul Road was great and I think Jonathan Mages as Kang very good or was that as a Kang he's got a Nuance to him which I really appreciate yeah you know he's a he's a he's a complicated character and nobody understands him but Michelle Pfeiffer that's right yeah okay yeah but uh I think he he really sells maybe some uh I I think maybe Kang is not a fully developed character necessarily but I think I think Jonathan Majors sells him better he's he's he sells the material better than it's maybe it's worth I think yeah thus far at this point sure I think he's gonna have to do a lot of heavy lifting down the line yeah and a lot of different voices yeah maybe yeah and I think that's going to be interesting to see like play out but no I like him though I think it could spiral wildly in in later stuff and maybe not necessarily in a good way absolutely that's more stuff that we'll talk about in that yeah I wanted to I wondered the degree to which Marvel have got a handle on what they want Kang to be yeah because his characterization this is a different Kang than the one we saw in Loki yeah who's Samuel Richards who remains though this guy's I think also Nathaniel Richards they would I think yeah who might be a descendant of read riches or doctor yeah exactly so they the characterizations are different uh but they have they share they have some similarities but I have to wonder what we're gonna get we'll talk about in sports but yeah cool uh what what else here's a crit here's a critique that I saw wow it was the fun of Ant-Man Mason your ticket was free it was via Disney you could at least say some more nice things oh yeah it's a good point uh I thought yes Catherine Newton was very good but I thought how they recast Emma Furman who apparently found out on social media like that wasn't very cool and also you could have kept her because I thought she was great yeah that's interesting is it just uh just somebody had a better agent I guess I don't know apparently very good at golf I mean that's great but her her handicap is plus two that's my handicap it's not you're a liar yeah that's true but at least I just you know I'll I'll go with you on something you'll say something then I'll say something yeah you know yeah yeah yeah that's good I think that is good say Michael Douglas is like cranky and fun you know what I like about I don't know if it's on the on the behalf of the Riders I don't know if it's the director I don't know if it's where Michael Douglas wanted to go with a character what I liked is in this one he's just become a man who's going slightly senile but he loves ants that's his whole deal yeah yeah he's lost some of his Edge but he's like he just he just wants to talk I'm a really smart ass all which reminds me uh we'll get again we'll get it why yeah we'll get in there why did you do that this movie does sort of end with a deus ex machina that isn't a Deus Ex marketer only in the sense that it gets like maybe a couple of minutes of explanation throughout the movie where it's just they just be like that's very generous couple of minutes yeah yeah I would say 13 seconds in total but yeah but I mean when it happened I wasn't like what like I I knew sure I knew I thought Michelle Pfeiffer though really good really great uh gets a lot of play in this because she knows Kang like she'd met well this version she'd met him before that that interacted she knows the quantum realm and I'm at a barbecue yeah he made him a barbecue like clearly haunted by all of it but I think in doing so it makes Evangeline Lily's character like very minor in this like she does some stuff especially towards the end from a movie called Ant-Man and the wasp quantumania uh should we go with Ant-Man and Michelle Pfeiffer Quantum Mania that's right and Evangeline Lily's in it a bit but yeah there's not no and they're not deer being of course that they I think they just had to because the last one was Ant-Man and the WASP so they had to like keep that yes exactly going but I think because they were like okay well you know we'll split them apart for narrative reasons and we'll bring them back at the end at the end to you know and then that's about very it'll be a very satisfying finish kind of thing sure I don't know you know one of the criticisms of this movie was that the fun of Ant-Man is he's a tiny little man yeah you know in a in a regular-sized world and look at him interacting with all the big stuff yeah I think I agree but also we have had two movies of that and it's like saying okay well you know the best part of Iron Man is when he's in the Super Hyper Advanced suit in his you know he's just mowing down Legions of bad guys and it's like that is cool but also like the best part of Iron Man 3 was when he didn't have the suit and he was having a panic he was having a panic attack which is always fun for everybody but like to just show him out of his element yeah and I thought that was that is true that being said there's a moment in this where the um Ant-Man and and his daughter are giant sized yeah and it's like are they though they're just in the void but there's a moment where they're there but uh Scott is like oh my God you're so big yeah and it's like you just look like two normal people yeah no it's like hiking Godzilla it's like but you're that size yeah yeah no I I disagree with that it had a little Heist sort of you got to put a little heist in an Ant-Man movie oh yeah to get one of the plot devices sure yeah and it was like you know weird reality stuff and whatever and I didn't I didn't mind any of that I don't know could it have been it's like I don't want to say like this all could have been weirder because like it was pretty weird right right but I don't know I just sort of washes over yeah I don't think I was like wowed by any of it in in particular you know okay okay you know what we do have to talk about yes Modoc sure it's been a big talking point so now the thing about Modoc in the comics is he's [ __ ] hideous right right yes awful and he's rude in his Mane and I think they did all of that but in a different way like he is hideous uh this is in the trailers if you don't know but we can you know he can skip if you want but it's it's yellow jacket it's um it's Darren cross from the first Ant-Man when when he got squished into the quantum realm he was rescued and he was made into them into Modoc yes and he's a big stretched out CGI face and you see him naked at one point he's got a Daniel bottom dangly little bottom and whatever that's right and he's just this weird little creep psycho kind of thing oh yeah yeah and I understand the criticism of like God that looks like [ __ ] but I also think like he he's hideous like he's supposed to be hideous and this is just a different kind of hideous right I don't know what do you think ah I'm not gonna go in like defending it like don't get me wrong but well I guess what I'm saying is I didn't hate it as much as other people would necessarily yeah I mean I because I also I think they had to make him look like Darren cross yes and if you give him the full Modoc maybe he could look like anybody yeah I think you're I think you're right there yeah yeah I think it also helps that this is the actor that plays uh Corey stall it helps that he was bald in the first movie yeah uh but yeah like a little ball hasn't he got like a tuft of hair I guess he does have a little tuft of hair doesn't matter anything yeah yeah but I guess it helps that I don't know I thought it mostly worked I don't know yeah it is stuff that like it's upsetting to look at yes but I I think that might be that's good because it's Modoc maybe apparently I read that Paul Rudd want to do a smaller scale movie like that was the next time around or maybe even this time around because they're all kind of small scale though right do you feel though like one and two are pretty like well I mean yeah but this one is this one is you know the entire universe is at stake no yeah yeah that's what I'm saying but I think he apparently he wanted this one to be equally small and just be like but it wouldn't involve aim and and Modoc but again you know or maybe people would get sick of just like oh it's a little you know what you know what this missed out on where was Michael Pena I had that exact note right they should have brought him in to the quantum realm right yes imagine that guy walking into a weird Star Wars bar and yeah but that would have all been exactly yeah him and David Dash melchem would have been great there's no like Judy Greer or Bobby Carnival you see yeah when he's the man he's the little man what little man the squelchy man he's the voice of that guy I thought that was Jonathan Groff no well I mean that actor like the that character no no the character he plays yes oh yeah because he's a guy in the yes in the movie you're absolutely right you can't put TI in for reasons I won't get into but uh yeah and I think maybe was Judy grew and Bobby caravelli in like a table scene a family scene maybe and I missed it potentially no yeah I know like Randall Park makes a small Cameo but even too many [ __ ] ant people going in put in a regular person who like is maybe has something funny to say right because quite frankly it's just not that funny a movie either and the Ant-Man movies generally they're they're more funny than this was I just didn't think it was that kind of that you put you put Jimmy woo in yeah you put Jimmy woo in and he gets Carried Away by some villagers or whatever and you think he's dead and then you go back later and he's the king of the village because he knows card tricks he knows card tricks you're like Whoa We love you Jimmy this guy's a wizard they'd say yeah he's a wizard Jimmy woo they would say you wanna you wanna hear from this I read this vulture review today bloody bloody didn't have nice things to say about that Spider-Man movie or the vulture very good anyway this movie review is entitled this is a cry for help oh my God what the review of the movie uh the movie help me I don't want to write reviews I'm trapped in the cinema it keeps playing a Hitman in the Wasps Quantum Mania uh if this open it opens with Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania is an atrocious movie but it's atrocious in a way that Marvel movies really are oh wow why up until now the films of the MCU are for the most part managed to strike up a decent blend of sentiment jokey humor and superhero Daring Do I've never been more quite so stupefied by a Marvel movie and the way I was like quantumania okay it looks like the filmmakers themselves were bored putting it on screen looks like they were meant to be a knockoff version of George Lucas's space operas sure it doesn't have any of Lucas's Earnest or imagination where TD's irreverent pranks to sensibility here totally listless performances failing to convey either one or Terror do you think that's a green screen volume yeah maybe situation yeah where like how are you supposed to joke and quip if you're standing across from nothing yeah yeah you're like wow what about all do you think do you think think Michael Douglas actually put his hands in anything slimy not to do to him not to do sure ah probably not yeah I mean I did see a couple scenes where like maybe he was I think they should have made him put his hands in jelly yeah I agree but not tell him was jelly say put your hands in this mate yeah and he would be like what is this and they're like we'll never tell you well I tell you probably not jelly though something gross bro tell you what the rap party the problem isn't that such bits jokey jokey bits aren't funny they sometimes are but they reveal a noxious carelessness beneath the slip shot filmmaking Jesus this is not human designed to enhance what you're seeing or even to cleverly undercut it there's a lifeless bitterness to it all like a dumb nothing matters joke you might make while working a tedious demeaning job you can't wait to leave is that us yeah maybe I'm sure it'll make lots of money but Ant-Man in the most Quantum money might be the first time I've ever found myself genuinely sorry for the people who make one of these movies it feels like a cry for hell so here's the thing I feel like every once in a while people decide that they're all this is the one this is the one that I'm gonna take a shot at and I think mate and often I feel like also it it's sometimes a case of one person will sort of break the dam in terms of doing a main review and then other people I think if this came out in like 2016 2017 yeah completely different response as well I mean obviously stuff that you couldn't do in it because of like Kang and whatever yeah yeah the current villains but I think yeah I think there is a point where you're like there's a [ __ ] there's a lot of this [ __ ] sure and maybe this is the breaking point because I I certainly do not think it is the worst no I see a movie I think this was this guy's Breaking Point yeah he mentions earlier that he's watched them all multiple times with his kids and I'm like yeah I think this is probably um probably cracked I liked it more than uh love and thunder me too yeah me too but for me personally that's a very low bar should we should we do uh best movie of the worst movie ever famous rating in the movie yeah okay uh I'm gonna say best movie ever I certainly didn't hate it yeah I guess I have to because I I didn't hate it but I I I again I was like I think there was enough of this I think there was enough of a plot that I didn't go on this is just a preview for the next thing like I know obviously yeah I mean it is but yes but yeah you weren't like this is an overwhelming amount of like okay when can we just can we just watch the next thing already exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway uh did you felt it uh retread a lot of stuff like Multiverse related yes so we're in spoilers now sure okay that's the thing so I wonder if this this felt like a this felt like a soft reboot of Kang the previous Kang yeah and I wonder if it's because they thought the the you know the the production Kevin feige Etc thought well perhaps people didn't watch Loki we need you know Kang's an important villain for this next phase yeah perhaps people didn't watch Loki or they did watch Loki but they can't really remember what his deal was so they probably even looked at the numbers of like how many people watched Loki yeah and they made a calculation yeah and because so so the for people who don't remember Loki so the first time we meet a Kang and what the one who remains yeah uh he was a scientist in the 31st century and he discovered the existence of the Multiverse then he met or did he or what no he did he did thank you certainly three first you really my confidence there I'm like what do I remember from this oh my God maybe I don't remember anything but then he meets another Kang from another dimension and they're like cool this is cool but then it turns out that some of the kangs are like oh the fact that the alternate Dimensions well that means I can conquer these old things by incredible technology and the the one who remains Kang is like we won't be having any of that stay out of my timeline or what have you sure and so he I does he does he destroy the other timelines that he simply come no he cut them all off so he basically isolates everything the main MCU well yeah yeah and he creates the TVA to prevent additional strands of Multiverse coming off this particular universe but then Sylvie kills him yep which uh prevents the barriers from stopping them the walls Coming Down the Walls come down and then then we've got all the Multiverse the Multiverse is all Multiverse happening yeah and there's a there's a statue there's four statues in the lobby and one of them is toppled where is this in Loki this is in Loki oh in his sort of yes in his house at the end of the universe exactly so in his little Airbnb and we see we meet three other kangs at the end which we'll talk about so I guess he's the fourth one who was exiled whose statue was toppled I'm assuming yeah we'll see I mean initially uh because they do look different so the one who remains as a beard yeah and all the other kangs seem to have like sort of these scars down the sides of their faces yeah representing you know which which is supposed to be you know reminiscent of the mask that the comic book version character wears and I think they're also supposed to look like tears because he's sad about what he has to do I don't doubt it but so so that so the cat the one who remains wanted to prevent sort of total multiversal Destruction yeah this one also wants to prevent total multiversal Destruction yes maybe so is there two Rogue ones yeah and the rest just want to destroy everything or conquer everything or just be a big team yeah I'm not exactly sure because he I I I think I mean he was enough of like a psycho because they decided to cut him off from all the other quantumania king yes and then as a result of that at the end but they're evil yeah but they're also evil yes and they but he's also evil but I guess he's more evil I thought he was less evil no I thought he was more evil because he wanted to go back and get revenge and then he was like I'm gonna destroy your Universe see I thought I thought he was less evil because remember he touched she touched his ship and then it was like destroying everything yeah but it wasn't he destroying everything to prevent more destroying maybe yeah that's what I got I got the impression that he is uh he is a he's not a good guy certainly but he's the necessarily he's the necessary evil guy yeah and the other ones are like yeah we're gonna we're gonna enslave the universe kind of thing you know what I mean but it's interesting that they when they decide to come out see it's confusing well it is and I know all of it will be answered and will it all summer be quietly dropped here's what I wonder how do you think people are going to respond to the fact that the last guy was like a guy he was sort of omish so we sort of sort of un you know undefeatable in that way and then we've got this guy who is you know he's he has great powers and he you know you put you once he gets your suit on he can shoot a laser and Etc how do we feel the audience is going to feel like the next time we see another one we're like oh it's another of these guys and he's dressed like a pharaoh or whatever the [ __ ] well we see but so it's a mortise it's ramatut and Centurion how did your Orleans feel when they saw this I don't know I don't remember there being any reaction my audience laughed yeah and then oh my God I mean how's he going to keep track of all these voices he's doing so and then there's a stadium of them and they're all Hooten and hollering you know which is there is a like that has happened in the comic books we see uh we see uh you know a stadium you know a Coliseum full of kangs and Etc but here's the question I guess is how the Avengers going to defeat an infinite number of these guys we're all super powerful what are they gonna have to change well I wonder if they're going to morph them all into one guy at one point so he'll have the combined knowledge maybe that'll be an easy way to do it but the next movie is called the next sorry The Avengers movie is called Avengers Kang Dynasty yes which is presumably battling all of them and then the one after that is the secret Wars so it might be a situation where this guy or a version of Kang is he's some kind of beyonder situation yeah right right and then he he does he does The Secret Wars where he brings everybody from different times everybody get ready yeah yeah yeah um you better stretch I'm doing the secret Wars uh but also this guy like fell into a [ __ ] another podcast yeah you can take a seat yeah you take a smoke break it's fine well I did two girls what I wonder if so it feels like you know when you play a video game and there's a big boss maybe the end of the game yeah and then the next game that boss is around again but he's just a regular he's on the roster he's just on the record I'm talking about Mortal Kombat 2 or like a doom or whatever yeah and I I'd feel like maybe what I think maybe is that the thing the the problem is in a Multiverse there's an infinite number of these guys yes so what do either you have them fight an infinite number of Avengers which is going to be a nightmare here yeah or you have the regular number of Avengers plus some Multiverse guys maybe you bring back some Spidermans and some fast Fantastic Fours and so forth yeah but I think what they're going to do is they're going to go see that Stadium full of kangs that's all there is is a few thousand of them yeah for for reasons to do with multiversal barriers or whatever and they're sort of cannon fodder yeah they can do what Ken can do in this and they've got lasers or whatever I think you're right yeah and and you can see you can have a big battle in a field yeah yeah yeah yeah and the three other kings the immortus ramatutan Centurion cyborg man yeah they're the main guys they're the I think somebody's gonna I think what's gonna happen is we're gonna get I don't know maybe somebody will come up with a doodad and be like we've cut them all off from the Multiverse no more Multiverse do you think the version of Kang from this movie though is going to come back initially I thought because that I'll talk about some deleted stuff but he wasn't supposed to die initially oh really okay the early Lakes well I wonder if perhaps because I think he's he's the most compelling villain I know we haven't seen Pharaoh man and whatever yet we haven't seen any of them but like I felt the fact that he's scary enough to the rest of them that they will Exile him right yes and that he has now a personal Vendetta against Ant-Man in this particular realm that he's stuck in that he would that's more interesting than yeah a pharaoh and a robot or whatever he could go like okay well I could destroy any number of universes but I'd dislike this one yeah you know in particular yeah yeah yeah yeah I unshrunk myself but my balls have remained on himself yeah I mean maybe he turns into the beyonder and whatever I don't know maybe but like I thought initially perhaps he was going to end up being the he who remains okay Get shrunk down into the I mean he might be the multiversal engine and then he ends up there yeah it just I think it's I mean I think also we can and this is because there's another post credits we could meet this version again in any timeline yes he's he's met other Avengers he's talked about it so he might show up as a past or future version of himself which is also makes things too complicated that's right yeah I hope they got their bloody writing caps on to make future movies I don't know like I know I said before like it's not very don't you agree yeah I agree about the writing yeah yeah you have to put on you need a pen also but like maybe a whiteboard with some arrows but you know like when you see you know a pharaoh and or whatever in a stadium and then Loki sees we see um Victor timely who's maybe this version of Kang previously it's a fun Easter egg Jones you know why timely Comics it is true Marvel used to be called whereas they put their writing caps onto that one I'll tell you that that's true but you know like I I can't this is why I'm like not that excited because I don't see a clear I didn't get a clear sense of what's Happening whereas you know but that being said like Thanos turned around in Avengers 2012. yes and then you're like oh that's a guy that just wants to destroy everything or whatever like you know who he is where is this which is also like that on its own is not super exciting yeah yeah but I think this is too much to be like yeah oh wow what's gonna happening but it's also too confusing to be like well I could puzzle this out but yeah also it's literally any infinite possibilities of things going forward infinite possibilities leads to uh not lack of Engagement with uh yeah and again you know they need to nail down the limitations of this villain and where and when he can appear because otherwise it is a case of well if there's infinite realities uh you can defeat him infinite number of times and he'll still come back kind of thing also you know one of the criticisms I think of endgame which is you know you might consider pretty valid is that the Thanos that they fight in endgame is just a guy who doesn't really know anything about them no he's just he's just like he's the one they who's Dimension they stumbled into yeah exactly and he's like I guess I'll kill them all I don't know I've got a free afternoon I guess I'll I guess I'll jump through the time portal and kill them or whatever yeah and you know he spends you know he literally does the memeable line where you know Scarlet which is like you took everything from me and he's like I don't know did I yeah did I huh did I did I cut in front of you at the supermarket or something for my soup ingredients all the stuff that I was cooking that's very good yeah no that's that's that's not incorrect I guess but so the question is if you keep killing this guy yeah and then in the last movie it's like and Kang's back it's like a Kang is bad yeah that's what I mean which is why I think they should have probably lent into that and maybe they still will that this is the guy yes right this is the one so yeah because he's also interesting yeah no that's true yeah because as depending on who you ask he's either more of a good guy more of a bad guy depending well either way that's that's yeah depending on whether you think that somebody destroying a bunch of dimensions and destroying entire timelines with trillions of people and then you think that's bad yeah see I thought the idea be like I I thought the that when you know the the idea that Michelle five's character's name I will not recall Janet Janet Van Dyke Janet when she touches his ship she sees what he's done and she's like oh you know he's a he's a mass murderer Etc that I thought that he he was missing a lot of context that's the yes misunderstanding that he should have put a Post-It note on the ship that said I did it for for a good reason did it because it was cool I did of course it was cool yeah that's also why I smoke yeah yes but also he's got they're gonna need if he does return for the next thing yeah but I guess he's gonna have to say I'm the one from I'm the one from the previous one you know yeah you're gonna they're gonna need Ant-Man to be like that's him yeah or they'll just have Janet Van Dyne in a scene and she'll be like I'd know him anywhere he's the he's the one from before yeah you know but also wouldn't there be a version of him that's lived this exactly maybe an infinite he met a Janet Van Dyne and yes also the WASP kicked him into a portal or whatever because we need to know how many we need to there needs to be a lid on now because the DMC Universe MCU Universe supposedly it's a 616 but it's not because the Marvel the Marvel MC universe is Earth one nine nine nine nine nine so there's at least 200 000 parallel Marvel universes maybe I don't know or more or less I don't know it depends how you number them and you do a time travel you add another one yeah and given the thing about infinite universes is there's there's infinite versions of of of the Kang that stepped left and there's an infinite versions where he stepped right or whatever so yeah I mean you know it was cool that the Wasps came back and did a thing I think that was cool also yeah yeah I liked the bit where he was he was a team of ants I thought that was a fun little rehearsal of that that was good here's something but again he's but also the thing where you know there's there's 10 seconds in this movie of uh the smart ants and then a couple of seconds of Michael Douglas going what's that in my ear is it a smart hand and then at the end Hey look it's all the smart answer they've built so many they've built so many weapons and mechs and whatever they can easily defeat they really didn't explain those smart ants so like how did he make them because he put little helmets on them or whatever yeah how did they get smart and they're building stuff what are they building yeah are they building they're in there for a thousand years but they weren't in there for a thousand years and when they came out it was regular time dilation yeah but it's also the same but they didn't get no time it's the same criticism of like well if if the bad guy shoot a laser at somebody and they disintegrate why is it that when Ant-Man gets big they can shoot 100 lasers at him and he's fine because he's big molecules I guess it's probably the biggest probably the big molecules anyway I just want to quickly get back to Modoc I would have loved the idea of him being this recurring loser yes absolute psycho he likes it out of the gun yeah and maybe he's running a little company and whatever and all of that I did like but they're just yeah he just kind of does a heel turn and yeah I did like I did a face turn thank you which is ironic yeah but that's what they call it yes um I did like that uh Cassie had the had you know that supposedly it was this you know this this man who haunted her nightmares and Etc yeah she seemed mostly pretty well adjusted yeah but uh but and then she finally got to you know conk him on the head or whatever she's just like stop it yeah don't do it come on Dick he's just like yeah the best I think the best the best looking that Modoc effect was when it was when he was just a puddle on the ground around and he's coughing up goo yeah I think that's when the the effect looked I think as you put the grit and the goo and the blood and all that yeah yeah but I think you're right I think maybe he should have changed his ways made the sacrifice or maybe and then he we learn he survives and he makes another quantum realm and then he's just a weird mercenary I love the idea that he'd just be floating around the regular Earth yeah just I wouldn't even think like don't even do the change just have him get out yeah oh yeah sure okay that could work too yeah uh anyway I guess we should quickly talk about Victor timely so at the end Loki and Owen Wilson they're in the 20s or something you're right they're wearing their Air Jordans and they look up and they're at a uh some kind of science demonstration situation and it's and it's one of the kangs and he's like hello I'm headed I'm Victor timely and I'm dimensions and such and Loki's like oh no that's spooky that's a spooky time that's right and on Wilson's like I don't think it is a spooky time and Loki's like trust me it's definitely gonna be a spooky time now now Loki is quite confident is he confident that that is literally the one who remains well that's or is he confident that's that's just a king or yeah because I didn't get again I didn't no I didn't have the things and whatever so he didn't have the scars and like he could have been the one from this Dimension earlier you know because he doesn't seem to age so you could have like he stayed in there longer than Janet van dyn but he didn't age and she did so I think there's something going on with his like it could be from anywhere yeah also I think they're gonna go with like if they if they want to explain the quantum realm they can just be like oh pockets of time yeah yeah over here age faster yeah but I think he's Immortal I think also like I think he applied some kind of serum or a cream or a cream or a thyme stick perhaps he drunk an eternal youth shake like Hugh Laurie in the movie Tomorrowland I haven't seen that movie yes yes I've seen it it's all about whether I've seen it it's about whether I remember it is season two of Loki coming out before Kang Dynasty oh yeah okay well then I I reckon Loki will be a lot of explaining stuff how many kangs there are and they're gonna cross their fingers and hope everybody is going to watch it because otherwise well they just they'll still explain it in a movie but yeah you're absolutely right there's some deleted scenes though okay this is why comic via Marvel Studio spoilers on Reddit so hope Van Dyne had a son yeah that's even on Instagram but that was supposed to be in the scene when you know when you saw all the old the infinite versions of animals and hopefandine is Evangeline Lewis yeah okay right and because you know you see the different Paul Rods and one of them's the Baskin Robbins oh of course she was going to experience like different versions they're also going to show up with black and neon uh Ant-Man and wasp costumes at the end and wasp would have like lightsaber kind of wings oh let's take a cut through stuff I guess at the end Kang was going to escape the quantum realm and Scott and hope was stuck there um and it felt like it could have gone that way because at the end they're standing there and then the portal opens yeah it cuts to what could easily be a reshoot of him being like everything's fine or is it see that that's my favorite joke that's what I was going the the impending doom I thought yeah I thought I was going to say Kevin Rudd Paul Rudd speaking about impending no uh Paul I like the idea that he's just walking down the street and then we get that intense moment yeah he's like I don't know if we did the right thing yeah which is how you would always be feeling in the Marvel Universe yes I think especially when you end up in this costume because you probably shot US ship out of the sky and it killed a family or something yeah exactly but the moment is like just the the two the way he was walking down the street when they have dinner where he's both of the times was like I I don't think any of us fully understood what was happening I mean I got big and I punched some stuff yeah but I don't know whether that's yeah I think that probably speaks to the thing where you were saying where he was a guy who was maybe among kangs was a Force for good yeah I mean in the in the statistically speaking yeah I I yeah I think that was and I know there will be people in the comments especially if this becomes a YouTube video which it will who will be like well obviously it's this and I just want to say hey we don't [ __ ] know that yet so you might think something and you might even turn out to be right you might even be able to back it up with some some law that's been in a movie or TV series well guess what we didn't re-watch any but we don't remember anything we're old but we represent the average viewer we don't know anything that's why we're so popular we don't know anything and we refuse to learn that's the general public baby it's out there is so yeah this will all be probably even made clear in an interview this week yeah where Kevin feiger will be like yeah he was this and whatever and maybe he wants to the last of him and Etc yeah yeah but at this point we don't know there are literally infinite possibilities of who's doing anything I wonder if test audiences were like because or maybe maybe a test audience was like we didn't like the fact that they were maybe stuck and didn't you get stuck in the last one yes yes he did you're absolutely right yeah that's how I thought the movie was going to go Paul Rudd and and Evangeline Lilly jumper there'd be some kind of sacrifice right yeah yeah yeah but no something to think about also the last moments of the movie were in the trailer so that's that's pretty that's action sequences at least so that's that's suck that's a bit uh got some reviews here Mason from people who were kind enough to send them to us it's from Stephen who says hashtag weeklyplanetpod Ant-Man in the WASP Quantum Mania might be the best Star Wars film love John Jonathan Majors really love the movie actually silly fun spectacular apparently King's weakness is just a really tall dude though it's true uh he was I liked the bit where he was brutal and just like kicking Scott Lang in the face yeah that's good stuff that's right yeah this is from art T Panda who says Ant-Man green screen Mania oh had some fun moments but it's generally terrible and yet another step in pushing the eternals to the middle of the MCU quality scale story and characters were so underdeveloped and cliche nice creature design though uh and use the name that's witty at first as says uh hashtag working final pod it's all right man on Thursday and I say best movie ever although I think it is a bit dense for someone who's not familiar with the MCU in comics also crazy that we got a comic accurate Council of Kings before a second Justice League well that's not true because we had Justice League 2017 and then we had four hour Justice League true we had foreign [Music] getting yes can we even say that properly we don't feel like it happens like in the background right yeah but we're pretty sure yeah yeah great stuff it is great stuff I did like seeing Bill Murray and Michael Douglas together something about it that's a fun combo yeah these two old men who probably filmed on different days that's right yeah yeah yeah all right should we move on to the next segment of the show yes but what is it that's what we're reading oh my God what else is it it's what we gotta raise brush [Music]
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 333,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, the weekly planet, antman 3, kang the conqueror, quantumania review, jonathan majors kang, ant-man and the wasp quantumania, ant man 3 review, ant man and the wasp quantumania review, ant-man and the wasp quantumania review, ant man quantumania review, ant-man 3, ant man quantumania post credit scene, ant man quantumania, ant man and the wasp quantumania post credit scene, movie review, marvel studios
Id: 9hGNTCc1UUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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