Is the Force more POWERFUL than Chakra?! Obi-Wan vs. Kakashi Reaction

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they're both like Obi-Wan Kenobi Master of the galactic Republic from Star Wars and Kakashi Hatake the sixth Hokage of the Hidden leaf and mentor to Naruto good morning V YouTube YouTube Welcome Back to the channel today ladies and gents and everyone in between we are so glad you have found your way back to the worst best YouTube channel of all time make sure you like this video make sure you're absolutely the worst make sure you subscribe because it really helps us out and if you want to see more of our content you got to do it hit that little bell while you're at it it's literally just a finger click away it's free oh he's his mentor and it's our job it's going to be some for sure can't win this right this is an anime character yeah there's no way you'll be wins yeah I'm thinking Obi-Wan's gonna win because he's the he's [ __ ] General Kenobi but they're gonna come out of left field with this dude being like the hot dog [ __ ] and just wreck yes all right let's figure it out bud on the distant planet of tattooing an elderly hermit known as old Ben his heart Albin doesn't win and stories to tell what I do just some crazy old Goot he used to be a badass samurai space wizard I was kidding him for now he won Kenobi now that's the name I've not heard in a long time ah I love a good Obi one-liner hello there as a child the movie was inducted into the order over the course of their lives and he was trained by the one and only Liam Neeson space Satan though not before they discovered who wants future pupil Anakin Skywalker I have a bad feeling about this eventually Kenobi Rose to the top ranks Kobe is amazing becoming a Jedi master oh just in time Obi-Wan's that that's the Mythic lightsaber which can cut through the game it looks like battlefronto the geranium armor which can take volleys from starfish bro An Elegant weapon for a more civilized age because you know mutilating and decapitating people left and right is way more honorable Adobe has studied seven forms of lightsaber combat and is the Undisputed master of it was okay so racing which is all about defense and waiting for your opponent to make a mistake could land a finishing blow he's so skilled cheated against Grievous forwards in just seconds but Kenobi's most powerful weapon the video game we were playing yesterday for YouTube oh snap is it yeah I mean that's the alien race right there yeah and I mean Finn is force sensitive but like he's not Jedi he's not force sensitive he is that's not the same well yeah it's not the same character I get that but the same species oh and that was gameplay oh [ __ ] around them leg throwing stuff around with telekinesis everything from pulling down an Airship to crushing someone else's organs while Kenobi prefers a more direct dueling approach nothing to scoff at many years after his time he was with a thought speaking of thoughts he moved the void with a thought nice the new Jedi Order enemy that must be none that must be you thought speaking of thoughts we can mess with yours with the Jedi mind trick like if he wanted to he could get jizz stuck in your head [Laughter] Kenobi's force abilities also include protective Fields Illusions and two to minus a technique for absorbing and redirecting energy attacks even without a lightsaber oh also uh he can see the future I can Glimpse the distant future through Focus meditation not all of them the force can guide their movements predicting danger in advance I just don't know that Obi can do that exactly with their incredible skill in the force Kenobi and Skywalker became a formidable Duo that hole have you seen that entire animation that's the rise that will fall of Anakin in that anime that's cool near light speed according to an official you can even react down to the nanosecond I don't know whiz I've seen the movies and Jedi have never done [ __ ] like that well other mediums have greatly expanded upon Jedi capabilities some are even powerful enough to hold together entire planets Obi-Wan has fought an army while blindfold what I just did US invalidated themselves entirely at the top here while there are two main Star Wars continuities not there is one there is Canon and then there is a the EU or Legend which is in continuity with it but is not a main continuity there are little to no differences in the powers displayed by Jedi and the force in both of them what the [ __ ] it would take literally one Google search to realize how [ __ ] wrong that is in Legends they are so much more powerful than they are in Canon like it's insane not necessarily true now that we have uh the new books the new books the high Republic High Republic [ __ ] yeah sure are they moving planets out of the way of wormholes that are traveling faster than [ __ ] light speed with their mind well probably not like they could is anybody just like body jumping from clone to clone to clone to kill people on a battlefield I don't want to hear this is a broken record argument here you are wrong [Music] is there any character that is sensing when a person lands on a planet no matter where they're standing at oh whatever because that is what Zona does is anyone using forcepkin or Sith sorcery to drive someone insane with a thought wait what's it happening in anything in any of the two books that she's in does it say that it is either near the end of the third or the second or it's in the third she is I don't know if it's Bane she's sensing or if it's somebody else but she's on a planet and she senses someone entering the atmosphere of the planet that she is either looking for or running from I can't remember what it is but she senses it oh yeah she's literally with us she doesn't need to speak it or do anything to think it and she drives you insane she pulls a [ __ ] forced energy from all from other dimensions that just annihilate anything they touch that does nothing close to that happens in Canon they're pretty op in high Republic sure yeah well quite a few of them like in the first book to move that all that out of the way several of them died doing it but like that's a [ __ ] feat man some of them died doing a different mental exertion like this oh little paragraph up here is nine it takes literally two seconds of research to realize that is not that is not correct okay they are kind of closing the Gap now sure with like the more content they're making in Canon they're closing the gap of the power level especially with like a higher public but no absolutely not they're way more overpowered [ __ ] EU way more their entire planet already kind of invalidates this video for me Starfighter yeah I mean Darth Vader same person he had to break the breakout his most OP ground opponent Obi-Wan approximately one meter powerfulness [Laughter] remember how Darth Maul had The High Ground way back when against Obi-Wan himself where do you think he learned such an awesome move only Sith Satan could think of something either way Obi-Wan sadly failed where it mattered most oh that's definitely gonna be an F on the old Jedi report card see me after class for an epic boss battle on a lava Planet but defeating his Fallen student is no small feat Anakin could almost genetically move Starships fast enough to intercept Hypersonic missiles based on the scale of this Dreadnought and the distance it moved this would need an energy over 21 megatons of TNT and that was Jesus he basically became the most emotion however Kenobi is extremely dedicated to his strict Jedi Code potentially to a fault it's debatable if you ever learned from this mistake after all he told Luke Skywalker that the only way to ever become a Jedi would be to kill his own father and he even tried it he did say that figuring out that fact in the first place he's kind of a teacher when you really think about it Obi-Wan Kenobi always fought for the sake of others he would battle his dark Apprentice One Last Time sacrificing his life in service of A New Hope and then he became that was so cool sauce all right let's get to this kid who can fall off of towers with no powers pretty relaxed guy for someone raised as a Ninja Assassin you wouldn't know it at first glance that his childhood sucked balls instead of prioritizing a mission in the shadow of disgrace this cruel methodology of the ninja and his father's great mistake tore young Kakashi apart it reminds me of my dad what was his important mistake he called it Boomstick oh um despite his hardship Kakashi proved himself becoming a genning at age five a tuning at age six and a joanine at age 12. you don't speak animation he might as well have been doing ninja rocket science in the womb he quickly mastered the use of chakra a form of spiritual energy within all individuals that Ninja can shape nickname the copy ninja that doesn't sound good for everyone he can walk up walls heal wounds and even make clones of himself okay he's already won yeah he wins punching people but his deadly is technicable is the 1 000 years of death The Village secret finger jutsues Naruto's like 12. chakra can also be molded into nature itself and Takashi can use it for numerous Elemental attacks sure you can shoot Fireballs or dunk you with water just the force his favorite is lightning lightning zaps lightning clones lightning dogs that's awesome yeah he's even invented a lightning ninja suit the only way is if Obi is somehow faster and he's Gathering electric can't stop him from using the force he becomes capable of piercing just about anything even a bolt of actual lightning take that nature man triumphs over you once again it's moniker right Curie lightning cutter oh now I know what I'm gonna name my lightning this guy's a bad story does have a downside though its speed and power are so great they give the user tunnel vision and the attack generally uncontrollable basically once you kick on the gas you're zooming Straight Ahead no matter what happens although Kakashi hey just the thing to fix it long story short wrapped it into a war alongside his friends Reen and Obito Jim went down in Kakashi lost tonight so Obito handed over one of his when he decided to sacrifice his life holy [ __ ] we don't have any friends like that please give me your eyes no I'll give it back I promise oh you had enough time he has enough time to throw him out of the way he just stares bro take three steps to the left my and this was a Sharingan with his sharing gun Kakashi not only got some control over his Chidori but he can see a person's chakra predict their movements stoop your brain with genjutsu oh happy Jutsu techniques what the bro this guy can't catch a break and yet unimaginable loss is exactly what is needed to unlock the next stage the mongekio Sharingan oh yeah with the minky eye there's more their people into another dimension sure it uses up a lot of his chunk what the [ __ ] why didn't they lead with this in the battle was two seconds you're dead dude there's no way no one has no shot if Obi-Wan wins this like there is some kind of the only way Obi-Wan can win is is if they determine if they deem that Obi-Wan is like way faster than this guy and if the force is just two unknown and too powerful for Kakashi like that would be the only [ __ ] way but Obi-Wan is also like noble next round Zone Whiz see everything from the end picture in this new generation of ninja helped him learn that his dad was right all along that is true export first Master on Mind Games Obi-Wan against you like Zabuza Payne and even his old friend Obito back from the dead of evil now because why not Kakashi can definitely compare to fellow Ninja Master giraya who can blow up now and he's caught in sliced lightning based on the distance it moved before he caught it he must have reacted within 70 microseconds and moved over okay so never mind about the speed sounds like ninja president material to me not two ships two thousand times the speed of sound in public insane I forget to mention that because he totally does Kakashi of the Sharingan is nothing if not full of surprises right now we got some cheaters all I can give you why this is just death what do you mean on this video yeah yeah we've run the data through all possibilities But first you know what's the best friend for teachers like these two opposing you who do you think's gonna win I don't think Obi-Wan has a [ __ ] shot I don't think Obi-Wan wins this battle I think Kakashi beats the [ __ ] brakes off him for sure and if he doesn't then it's close and Kakashi sends Obi-Wan to another [ __ ] dimension how do you stop that I don't think obi's got a shot it disappears unless you hit the table [Music] hello there [Laughter] questions if you'll come with me you want to go home and keep reading your book I want to go home and keep reading my book after I kick your ass I was gonna say [Music] okay okay okay okay [Music] for a minute I just holding it like this I was like why is he doing that okay what he's gonna kill him with the book oh my God you might they're making him way too aggro probably one he's a defensive guy oh no he is falling for the deadliest strategy and we ninja know one thousand years of death don't try it [Music] I grew I should have his finger in his bum hole I guess I have The High Ground oh I don't think so we didn't see him do something like this it'll be one we did yes the force is too powerful oh my dude God oh he's lost his lightsaber so is the force dude uh oh he's about to get cloned at the fight himself what the [ __ ] doesn't miss him they said go into his mind okay just about to fight yeah this is amazing this is way better than predator and boba boba tea oh my God is this Dragon Ball Z I mean it's Naruto so I assume they do this kind of stuff too oh that was dope Obi-Wan wins this for real no you survived that foreign dimension [Music] Obi actually won no no shot wow with this Ops I just said Kakashi was how so uncivilized what bro the lead up to this made it look like Obi-Wan was gonna be a [ __ ] ant fighting a dinosaur you know what I'm saying like he had no [ __ ] chance because he may have been able to beat ob2 but he just couldn't handle Obi-Wan got him Kakashi's wide array of moves certainly kept Kenobi on his toes but the Jedi's Arsenal was far more powerful and versatile than you might think yeah like how chakra is an internal Life Energy with a limited Supply but the force is external and everywhere Obi-Wan couldn't exactly run out of it Kakashi couldn't copy Force techniques because I mean he's using external force not internal genre ninja Mountain busting and Anakin's Dreadnought telekinesis were fairly comparable however Kenobi matched Anakin's Force Power well after he had become far stronger than that in the end Obi-Wan the winner I just got that Jesus
Channel: Millennilols
Views: 1,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death battle, obi-wan kenobi, kenobi, obi-wan, kakashi, naruto, star wars, react, reaction, death battle reaction, versus battle, vs battles, streamer, chakra, the force
Id: XCtyOF4Uoc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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