Is the farm OVER? OR Could we build something new?

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all right for the first time in a long time we're all going to the farm look at the cows we're filled to the brim with hay and we also got plant starts and we're just having a good old time all the fam in the big van doing all the errands and we are headed to the farm all together which we haven't done in ears will you hand this up to Grace so she can take a some video here you going to show me the calf I haven't got to see it yet yeah I think we're going to go on this side where the windows are oh my goodness that's my cracks that's so cool guys am I covered in flowers yes the kids keep coming over and shaking flowers off of all over me you let's go see the let's go show Mama the baby cow guys here yeah leave that out here Wilder close that door we're going in this one come on in guys have a lot of are you guys got to come in or out in in okay you can come in Pretty Little calf huh did I just put the bowl in the stall did just hered him into a stall how did you easy you swap his but nope good question good question I didn't touch him at all I just opened the door to the stall I threw a little hay in and then I just walked between him and the mama and he ran in there and the other one ran in there she doesn't want anyone messing with her baby does she which is understandable we don't handle her much theow that's the bowl in the stall you can hear him he's mad because he doesn't want to be separated cows don't like [Music] separation yeah Cal's walked Cal walked in the door yep well smells well smells like KY to me yeah smells because when you do a deep bedding system you can SM SM okay I locked up uh the cow so joyful can have just a second to check over the baby and just touch it for a second because we won't do that when the mom's in and we'll only do this for like 5 minutes then we'll let them back to together she's little isn't she she so tiny so pretty like a 5-year-old kid mama is so mad she is I just want to put her for a minute more here go let's let Mama back out all right Mama come on out come on out Mama your baby's right there we'll let the bowl back out and the other heer as well this lilac bush is covered with butterflies see all these strawberry plants in eia yeah they've spread through this whole area I love it it's so pretty and then here's a apple tree Arthur GRE from seed and you know what's cool about it if this is the first year it had any flowers on it yeah it'll be interesting to see what of Apple grows on it could be anything could be anything got a butterfly does it hurt them to hold them like that no we looked it up or Mom did that's the way to hold a butterfly if you have straight up butterflies we're going to let the butterflies go what do you think Roy they caught all these on the L black whenever you're ready I don't see frog eggs now just tadpoles just do you see the tadpool swimming oh that's crazy your repels water if you look right down here Royal looked at all the tads they're literally right look down there do you see all of them a rain of arrows there's hundreds of them down there and and then the baby come up it's a little frog see the tadpole Royal going to bite [Music] you yeah a lot of the asparagus is over M yeah I remember buying that here's the susp too bugs are really the rhubarb is flowering out now would you harvest it before this or could you still no you have to harvest it before really early right M I'm trying to figure out all the strawberries but I had two big beds full of strawberries and typically strawberries will just keep like down there yeah those strawberries down there I planted the first year we lived here I bought two plants and just stuck them in that bed down there and they're still going and that was 9 years ago8 years ago so where are the strawberries that I put up here it's gone that's so weird what happened to The Raspberries is a mystery tuning because raspberries normally proliferate and take over and we planted them and they grew up really big and then we Harvest a lot of raspberries yeah we picked a lot of raspberries but then they literally died like the next year they just all died that's so weird it's and they're they're gone there might be a few isolated plants I'm really puzzled by that this is elderberry we planted what's all this that's all Elderberry that but those look dead yeah that's interesting was very interesting because all all three of those strawberries raspberries and Elderberry just tend to take over we had raspberries at this whole fence line all the way up to there yeah I mean there's still a little bit there's still some they may still pop up but I don't think last year they were pretty much dead but like here's one that's a little bit alive raspber yeah there's a little one there but but by and large last year they were not really existent in any way no fruit or anything oh weird I'm G to read about that cuz I I just they should have like gone crazy how long ago was it that we put this here this it's been years out the barn I think it's four years look at how beautiful look I know it's like fully composted are you filming cow manure this is this is why we do deep bedding for those wondering a lot of people wondered why we kept our cows in the barn in the witer and are like oh that's not how you should treat them they're actually very happy in there and one reason is because we do a system called Deep bedding which is where you place clean bedding over top of the um old poop and pee and it actually keeps it very very clean and very warm in there in the winter and then you clean out the barn and you get this and you also save your pastures um because they will kill your pasture in the winter time look at that Lulu isn't that beautiful and there's a ton of it in here if just all of this is is co is covering a huge pile of old manure at this point it's dirt yeah yeah but it's highly organic yes so oh my gosh can you imagine what we could grow in that I know if we do have a comf garden end that back out here I want to uh just dig up this pile and use it in the garden and then make another pile because we have a a barn full but I haven't ever oh cool an onion yeah yummy and as horrible as it looks in here there's actually very very good soil a huge portion of this Garden so we SP years W let's go take a look at some of it let's look under the tarp yeah let's see what we got you pull the tar back there could be snakes you're talking about the time we pulled the tart back and found like 20 snakes yes this has to be the right time well this is wow isn't that beautiful hold on don't pull all the way off cuz I want to cover it back up let work later just compare this to the soil you're you're dealing with at your house this is crazy it's beautiful look at it look at how loose and beautiful it is it's black think about the food we could grow in here oh my goodness it is crazy that even though it's just the total mess it's like there are riches to be still riches that we poured into we created this this is not what the soil looked like when we moved here the soil looked more like what's at my house now but it wasn't compacted it was straight red clay but it wasn't compacted like at my house and we built that and the cows and the goats and the chickens there's a lot of ants in here so watch out you don't want him to bite you if stand I guess I don't have to tell you more than once do you want me to get one in there oh okay all right let's cover it back up that's cool yeah it's not doing great here that's doesn't love it there I think it's just smothered work yeah speaking of smothered the blueberry plants could use some love but they're actually doing really really well you want to take a look at them we plant these three years ago four years ago I think so not can you smell blueberry flers yeah yeah you just have to get real close you want to smell it you sure they're covered they're covered in blooms yeah a lot of blooms Daddy they have grown they're not growing crazy fast but I think if we pulled the grass back cleared it yeah that's the biggest thing is the grass I think that's fixable but I mean they look they look good that tree on that fence no that tree is not on the fence these need these fell on the fence but it's not it's not broken or anything it just needs pulling all up and tightening the pasture actually looks good I think it looks bad but it it looks okay well I'm thinking about cuz it got overg gra twice two years in a row a lot of grass yeah it's recover it's it will recover if we don't overg graze it again need to sell some C way or sell all the cows I don't know yeah but if you probably see the very the lowest strip 150 ft maybe is like really solid but everything else is on the light side as far as grass coverage go well the yard has tons of grass I know I think you should run them through the yard I mean it is thick and C you start with putting a fence right here put it right here yeah this but it is time soon to pop them out and put them in the front of the barn this section and then in the back of the barn and then honestly the neighbors pasted you there that they said we could put them in they could go in that yeah for a couple days at least I mean I think you've got like what do you think two weeks just in the yard in their posture it's two weeks if I'm here every day but I can't I don't trust wire unless I have I don't trust I don't trust wire if I'm driving away so it's not too weak beautiful whoa that's amazing hey Mama wow that is beautiful the car is probably going be full of pedals I'm sure we can find a cup with let me have the crackers you don't need all those I'll I'll carry those around I'll and put them look Lulu you're doing it like your siblings were I was actually I think you got to get a Babys they're having a friendly well now it's not friendly anymore [Music] camera we need a diapy change and a little pair of shorts what does Royal have my your what my pot my pot oh did he take the teapot I got a babysitter for the babies just for like 15 minutes okay that's all we're just trying to figure out what's right for us next and this is a possibility coming back and resurrecting the farm seems so sad when you say all that I'm excited and just there's just so it's just so intimidating and there's a lot of Shame attached to it that makes sense and it is intimidating for sure there's a lot of it's more than it's int more than intimidating it's it's that I am I love this place so much and I love what it represents but I'm I also have a lot of sadness connected to it a lot of Shame connected to it um and I would love more than anything else to come back here and make this place our home but I'm also I'm not intimidated by the work but I'm scared because I've failed before so in that I'm not afraid of working but I'm afraid of myself like my lack of organization my lack of focus why do you have to do it seems like maybe don't repeat the same mistakes like do it a different way yeah you have to be different you know the last time I was here I was sitting right there in this house last time I was in this house we had had a CBN a year ago yeah and I brought the kids out here to see it remember and I hadn't really even been to the farm in like over a year or something and um and even now I haven't I haven't been here really since then I mean I've dropped the kids off before but I haven't like walked around and you know what I mean and I sat right there a year ago and just cry because of how much grief I was feeling um but I do think that I grieved and kind of let it go you know so I don't know that I want to feel super hopeful that we're going to move back here but I think I feel more hopeful that like we're going to be okay the kids are going to be okay that's more important to me than moving here or fixing this or any of that but I mean of course I'll help do whatever we decide I've kind of already I've already grieved this place I feel like um and it does make me happy to come and like see these beautiful flowers and see things growing that I planted and um see things that we did together that are still thriving that's pretty cool but um whereas last year it made me like weap this year I feel happy about it which is nice because I think I did our our farm and our life here and all that stuff but I think for now I mean we can come out here on the weekends and clean it up and because regardless what we do it needs to be clean up yeah whether we were to sell it or out here yeah and it'll make get nice riew on the weekends anyway if it's like mode and the bar thing and all that I've been listening to this podcast by John Del a lot she could tell you I like it literally bring him up like four times a day like oh John deloney said it's like he's my buddy yeah he'll say my friend John well that's I do to joke around he says when things are just ripped apart like you especially in a relationship he's like what you have is gone now the question is like what are you going to build the question are you in it and what are you going to build I really like that I like it too and I mean you and I have felt like from the beginning you had CHS I Sor you and I felt like from the beginning um that something we were going to build something new you know it wasn't going to because you just can't go back it's not possible our children are older we're different like everything's different so we are building something new and it's good like I said I care the most about like us being healthy and our kids being healthy and keeping things good there is like number one by way is this the best opportunity then is this something I mean because even from a from an economic perspective if we were to come back here and and renovate this house even the bare minimum I mean economically that would be the best it would be financially worth it for us yeah but then the question is me you can't buy what we have here uh for less than like twice what we bought for more way more than that if there was a house a nice house on it it would be probably like half a million which we did not pay that it might be that much so there's there's one opt basically we have to decide if it's worth and if we have the capacity to and the time and the focus to make this happen or is it like we just need to focus on healing and wholeness but I feel like there's we both agree on this need for a Family Mission and the primary Family Mission is walking into healing but you can't just that can't be what you like you can have a season where you focus on that but we also we need something work to do like in front of us for us and our kids yeah I mean I think the better way to put that is more just like we need a vision yeah yeah and you and I I want a vision besides I mean because the thing is is we have been working on this for almost a year now you know we didn't share it with the public you know until it was like four or five months in so we're coming up on a year really working on everything you working on you me working on me us working on our relationship um yeah I I love the idea though of our whole having like this focus and this Vision together and working towards it like a like an actual physical thing you know what I mean doesn't have to be this Farm though but if it is this farm that will make me happy I love it here I love it here it does complicate things a little because we've created really great friendships where we live now but I would prefer to live here in this area yeah and we have to re rebuild and build some new community here we have friends here and actually we have really good friends here uh and we were just a some of our really good friends house before we came here so we came up to their house ate lunch um but I feel like we would have to really for what I I think we need a support and Community for us and for our kids we would have to deliberately build and rebuild here yeah if we Mo here but that goes without saying I that's anywhere I want to go find the kid you hear that it's his birds buing nest in the house these birds where did you get that door that's a cool door I got that door from a we we changed out a a guy has this we worked for a time he has this really really nice house and so this is the really really nice door that came off his house but that's like I don't know 8 60 years old 80 years old it's beautiful and I want to put it in as the front door it's huge you know originally the original plan was to like make this house bigger but I think like I could totally see how we could make it work for our family and then um add on later you know I I think we can make it work so that would be saying we need a home what's what can we do kind of the minimum standard um renovation to put this house back together which is way way way smaller and less than what we had been thinking of doing oh the back aten one two two it's pretty out here isn't it it is one two three sing especially in the spring yeah s summer fall Winter's hardn can be you done swinging you know what's funny sometimes you'll tell the like I told one of our kids like go to the back pasture and play you love it they're like I don't want to and then they get back here and they're like going all out building stuff and make stuff this is like the best view on our property especially if you go like back up to those rocks you like see the White House and the barn and the mountain and all the trees but especially with the cherry tree booming right now so pretty this is our favorite view or my favorite view I think it's yours too yep like from up there I like you up there Mr Monkey where's Justice oh there he is he's like a gazelle in the forest I don't even see Justice I see him thank you is that for mommy yeah thank you you want me to help you across the okay so it's almost 7 o' we planned on being out here until evening um [Music] basically so a lot of you know this or used to know it you may have forgotten when you have babies that nap and sleep uncontrollably um if you leave too early in the evening they go to sleep and then they wake up when you get home and then they're up till midnight and so we're trying to Target this so that we start driving they go to sleep they stay asleep and then we can pick them up and tuck them into bed at Brianna's house and I think it's time 7:00 is late enough right by the time we get in the car it's going to be 7:30 it's perfect I mean I don't want to leave this is so peaceful this is like this is bomm to my heart watching the Twins play here I know you've been wanting to come out I've been telling you for the past couple weekends when I had the kids out here of all telling you all the the things they did I know it makes me jealous so I'm like I want to go to the farm and they just come out here and play for hours and play and play and play should turn it around so they can see how cute they are see them fight yeah over their house those boys though like we haven't heard from fren a l 15 or 20 minutes or something they're just off I mean they're right there but they're just playing they're not even all playing together a lot of times they play together but they're just doing their own thing I don't know there's something about being out here that is like I feel I view it as it's like just endless resource of play and Imagination and creativity and we've always felt that and known that and purposeful work which is super valuable yeah but right now it's just like fre play and they're literally just playing with sticks and rocks and dirt and water and mud on and on flower in my head you still have flowers in your hand oh do I you're hungry all right I've got food down at the camper let's go down there and grab something and then wash your hands in the creek and then we're going to get ready to go back to Mom's house y'all want to go eat some food it'll just be like a snack kind of good take them down to the water and wash your shoes and your hands good job washing your legs Roy one of the reasons we came to town today we had a few different reasons um was my favorite place to buy plants is in this town so I'm going to show you I got these these are all broccoli onions then we have a whole bunch of cabbage and cauliflower and then more onions and I also got my lettuce seeds kale seeds carrot seeds things like that because how much do you think is in one of those big scoops of seeds he only charges $1.75 for like a big scoop of seeds so I save a lot of money I don't know it's a lot I've never asked him I should ask him and then you get six plants for $3 and actually the onions were like 10 cents or something a piece maybe less so I thought well if we're going to the farm we have to stop and get plants for my garden and that is what's coming next we are getting into the garden really soon which fills me with joy [Laughter] change number three huh do you love shf hey sheppy he's such a good dog does daddy have any red plastic cups in his in the camper so we can um oh that's a good idea I have a question do you think you can taste the difference between the spring water out here and your well water well water I need to get some bugs yeah yeah it's different they both taste good water I always thought this was the best water I've ever tasted out here yeah this is crisper the spring water definitely tastes better it has more of a alive taste that just that's not right there's just more flavor to it both are sweet like the wild water is a Sweet Water it doesn't taste bad but almost like it's almost like the well water's flat and this has more flavor does that make sense this has more flavor more minerals a load of flowers going a load of family and we're ready to go thank you for letting me your us [Music] this is our is going so far froggy [Music] heit he R right down to miss Mouse [Music] Rouse saido down [Music] toooo l r somebody with C we made it I know and the babies didn't even fall asleep what time is it 9 o' too late they're wide awake for some reason long drive thanks for joining us for this video see you real soon bye
Channel: Bri From Scratch
Views: 49,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4MoevBp2MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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