Is the Bible God's Word - Deedat VS Professor Swaggart (English - Full)

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allahar allahar muham allahar Allah assalam alaykum peace be upon you in the name of Allah God most gracious brothers and sisters and friends I will give you uh the format today at first Reverend Jimmy swaged will begin he will address us for 30 minutes and then brother Ahmed dad will speak for 40 minutes and finally Reverend Jimmy swager would come back to the podium to address us for another 10 minutes we thought this would be fair and just and they both have agreed after that time you the audience will have your opportunity to raise your questions to these speakers we'll have one hour for questions and answers again the debate is the Bible the word of God let us Muslims and Christians be on our best behavior may Allah the almighty bless us I bring to you Reverend Jimmy swager thank you so very very much I'm so very happy to be here tonight and even though this debate or these addresses are given by our Muslim friend still this distinguished scholar from the world of Islam Mr Amat didat has come to be with us in our town and uh I just met Mr D do this afternoon just a few minutes really I should say this this evening and he's one of the type of gentlemen that you meet and you like him instantly and uh I want all of the Christians here and of course I know that you Muslims will join in with us and this doesn't count on my 30 minutes I want us to give Mr D do a big hand of Welcome of friendship to our city of baton rou he is a scholar and I am not a Bible scholar even though I am an avid Bible student he was teasing my wife and I just before we came on and said Islam allow four wives he just corrected me said up to four I said well Mr D dot Christianity only allows us one so I had to get the best on the first shot I am honored to be here tonight very pleased to have this opportunity to speak a few words in respect to that which we believe to be the word of almighty God I want to say something just before we get started I have not known too very much about Islam I do not say that with any type of Pride but I have to be honest in the last few months I have studied Islam somewhat and I'll admit I've only scratched the surface back some I guess it must have been about 2 years ago now I made a derogatory statement over television about the Quran if you were not listening that particular week I'm never going to tell you what it was but I apologize for that and I've never done it since and I will not do it again because I feel that it was not the right thing to do and after that I've made a study a little bit as I mentioned a moment ago and I've learned that Muslims are some of the most hospitable people on the face of the Earth and I've learned that you are extremely totally dedicated and serious about your faith in other words it's not just a sham with you you mean business and as our distinguished moderator said a moment ago the two most powerful religious influences in the world today is Christianity and Islam and I want to say at the outet that every true Christian loves the Muslim people and I mean that with all of my heart I have learned to respect the Quran I've learned to respect the Muslims I do not believe the Quran is the word of God I do not believe that Muhammad was God's Prophet but I do respect your beliefs I do respect your faith I do respect your sincerity time and time again I have before vast television audiences I have held up this Bible or one like it and I'm sure most of you have seen me do it I have done it through television to 140 countries of the world and I have stated this is the word of almighty God I have stated that there is no other word of God and we live die sink or swim on this book I believe that I believe it with all of my heart but of course saying that really is cheap those type of words do not really cost that very much and I want to start this out tonight by quoting a passage of scripture that Mr doot and myself disagree somewhat over but which is one of if not the dearest passage in the word of God to the world of chrisom found in St John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only unique son fooled you there Mr D do his only unique son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and I want to use that as the basis for this simple statement that I would attempt to make tonight I would ask us to Bow our heads as we ask God's blessings upon this effort heavenly father as we come to thee we ask that you would help all of us here to conduct ourselves as I know we shall by your help and your grace in the way that you would desire that we do so that every word may be for thy Glory that we may say only what you would desire in the way that you would desire it and I'll ask it all in the holy and the precious name of Jesus and everyone said that are Christians amen and amen there is no Christian that will say that God wrote the Bible God did not write the Bible to be frank with you the only thing that I know that God did WR was the Ten Commandments on stone for Moses that was kept the decalogue in the Ark of the Covenant for many many centuries but God never wrote the word of God the Bible man wrote it the Bible meaning a library of books man wrote it as man was according to Simon Peter inspired IR ired by the Holy Spirit Peter said holy men of old wrote as they were moved upon breathed upon by God to write that which came from God God used their personalities he used their character he used their consecration to him he even used their idiosyncrasy at times but he used men so that his great plan for this planet for all of humanity could be placed in man's simple words so that man could comprehend it and man could understand it there is no book on the face of the Earth that has had the textual criticism that this book has had I I sort of feel insignificant when I stand Here attempting to speak about the Bible when I realized that some of the world's most eminent Scholars have critically looked at every single text over and over and over again sparing no expense no time no effort to ascertain if it was what it said it was I have read the Bible through many many many times and others such as I have read it many more times much more educated than I could ever be understanding both Hebrew and Greek the first passages of the Bible were written about 3500 years ago to my knowledge it is the oldest Book of Revelation on the face of the entire Earth we believe that Moses wrote what is called the penuche those first five books with the acception possibly of the last few verses in Deuteronomy and he could have even written that because we believe that God and I know Islam believes that God is so powerful that he could have revealed to Moses exactly how he would die and exactly how that his funeral would be conducted that would have been no problem for God but whether he wrote it or whether Joshua wrote it it was written about 3,500 years ago and the entirety of the word of God as so many of you know was written by about 40 men over the space and period of time of about 16 to 1800 years where the last book being written roughly 100 years after the death and the the resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ written by the Apostle John now it has been critically looked at more so as I mentioned than any book on the face of the Earth it is very interesting to note that YF Ali and his widely used English translation of the Quran twice cites sir Frederick Kenyan as a renowned Authority Kenyan formerly the principal curator of the British museum was one of the world's greatest Authorities on textual criticism of ancient works I want to say that again Kenyan was one of the world's greatest Authorities on textual criticism of ancient works concerning the textual reliability of the Bible he concluded that the Christian can take the whole Bible in his hand and say without fear or hesitation that he holds in his hand the true word of God concerning the Lord Jesus Christ har Harvard Professor Simon Greenleaf who together with Supreme Court Justice Joseph story was credited with the rise of the Harvard Law School to its emminent position he abandoned his agnosticism only after months of careful study and heart searching recognized as America's greatest Authority on legal evidence Greenleaf found himself logically forced to conclude after lengthy and Critical examination that the literal and historical death burial and resurrection of Christ as the Son of God in payment of our sins was established by undeniable and overwhelming evidence one of the most brilliant legal Minds on the face of the Earth in full agreement Professor Thomas Arnold who holds or held the chair of modern history at Oxford wrote he said I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times and to examine the weight and the evidence of those who have written about them and I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and Fuller evidence of every sort to the understanding of a fair Inquirer than the great sign which God has given us that Jesus Christ died and rose again from the dead which is proclaimed in the word of God no man ever said that he would die and come back from the dead as Jesus Christ did now some mention about the many versions of the bible really that's an incorrect statement there is only one version of the Bible there are many translations our Scholars argue constantly over varied translations King James version as we use that term as I mentioned incorrectly is really a translation others have been put out they were critical of the King James even to the point of laboring incessantly to derive the Old Testament from the Hebrew in which it was written minus a few verses in aramic and the New Testament in Greek translations some are incorrect we think I personally like the King James however the Quran has been translated as well into many languages there have been different translations of the Quran in English in South Africa and Mr datat can correct me if I'm wrong I think it was 1978 the Quran one particular translation was released that was argued over and I think demanded that it be pulled from the market so the scholars of the Quran have the same problem of trying to pull one language over into another that we have in Christian it's not easy in some languages there is even no word for what you are trying to say so it's very very difficult to at times come up with the perfect word to fit what was was written in the ancient Hebrew or the ancient Greek cor Greek there are some 24,000 manuscripts of the word of God of the New Testament alone I should say that dates back before 350 ad the original statement or signature or autograph of the word of God does not exist exist as I mentioned the first one was printed on Vellum or or clay tablets some 3500 years ago they perished from overuse and from being put on material that had a little lasting quality at least not that long but at any rate some 24,000 copies have been made and scholarship tells us when it concerns the ancient books of antiquity if at least 10 copies are inexistent you don't have to have the original to guarantee the original and when one considers that there are 24,000 copies and there are some variance in those copies we admit but basically the text is not changed now there are some books a number of them called the apoia that has not been included in Protestant Bibles the Catholics included in theirs for reasons of their own and the reason we do not include those so-called books in the Bible is simply because we believe they were not inspired and when you start to study them there are ample reasons to show why they aren't inspired now Islam tells us that they believe in the tette and the angel they will conclude they believe in the toret and the inel but that this is not the toret or the inel it is a corrupted text and if it is a corrupted text then our faith is vain if it is a corrupted text and this that I hold in my hand is not the word of God then multiplied multiplicities of multitudinous millions of Christians have believed in vain lived in vain and died in vain they tell us that those original books given by God the tette the Old Testament the in jail the New Testament were lost and and I don't think anyone can tell us where they were lost or when they were lost or how they were lost I guess I would ask this question if God gave those two original books the taret and the inel they were God's word as the Quran says they were and I think any studied Muslim would guarantee that that the Quran does say that there were books given by God Almighty other than the Quran the tat the inil well if God gave those books could not God have preserved them we Christians believe that God is omnipotent Islam believes that God is omnipotent and if God is omnipotent he could have easily preserved those books without them being lost Muhammad referred to these books quite a number of times in the Quran and and the other holy books that were written and I submit to you tonight that the Old Testament that I hold in my hand Was the Same Old Testament the Jews had in the day and the time of Muhammad it has not changed the inel or the New Testament that I hold in my hand is the same book that the church had in the days and the time of Muhammad God did preserve it our faith is not in vain I believe tonight that I can prove that it is not in vain I'm positive that all Muslims here know it but after the death of after the death of Muhammad there were quite a number of versions of the Quran that were proverbially floating around and instructions were given by Muslim doctors of religion that calth Amman was to standardize the text I wonder how many Muslims know that not long after Muhammad died because there were numerous texts of the Quran in existence now we're not studying the Quran tonight but I just want to throw this in all of these contain a host of varant readings and during his Reign reports were brought to him that in various parts of Syria Armenia and Iraq Muslims were reciting the Quran in a way different to that in which those in Arabia were reciting it Usman immediately called for the manuscript of the Quran which was in the possession of hefa if I pronounce her name correctly one of the wives of Muhammad and the daughter of Yuma and ordered Z be theit and three others to make copies of the text and to correct it wherever necessary to correct it wherever necessary when these were complete we read that aan took drastic action regarding the other manuscripts of the Quran in existence aan sent to every Muslim Province one copy of what they had copied and ordered that all the other quranic materials were they're written in fragmentar manuscripts are whole copies to be burned if they were not contradictory I wonder why he ordered that they be burned the only ones that's ever ordered the Bible to be burned to those that hated it I wonder if it's ever been explained how many passages in the Quran and it is a beautiful book literarily it's unequal but how many stories were plagiarized from Jewish fables and folklore I wonder I want to look for a moment at the alleged contradictions or variations found in the word of God and from this I want to prove to you that this is the word in 2 Samuel 24:4 and 1st Chronicles 21:1 it mentions that God provoked David 2 Samuel Satan provoked David 1 Chronicles it seems like a contradiction of course anyone that studies the word of God knows that God is said to do things often times that he only allows to be done to be honest with you there is evidence in the Quran that the same thing was done by God want to say that again there's no contradiction here God often times in the Old Testament especially is placed in a position of being responsible for something when he only allows it to be done and in reality he is responsible in effect when you think of that in First Kings 4:26 it speaks of 40,000 stalls Solomon's grandure 2 Chronicles 9:25 4,000 stalls relating the same incident and we would have to think isn't that a contradiction it is plain pure and simple it relates the same story there are several incidents in the word of God stating the same identical thing in various different ways where one account will be given and the number will be slightly changed another count will be given it'll say 2,000 and then 2 Chronicles or 1 Chronicles 3,000 or whatever in St John 8: 1-1 it tells the story of the woman taken in adultery and some say that was not in the original text it's an imposition it's a corruption however the bizay vulet the Jerusalem Syria the mianite and the ethiopic and the early church fathers say that it was in the early manuscripts and those manuscripts they were manuscripts and they contained them there are some lettering in the word of God 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37 that's identical the chapters are identical word for word why if God gave it would he have repeated himself why not Jesus repeated him at times in the Quran in Surah 32 and5 it mentions a th000 years in Surah 70 and4 it mentions 50,000 years a day is as a thousand years a day is as 50,000 is it a contradiction here is what I'm telling you if this was a corrupted text if it was an impostor if it was fraudulent don't you think the frauds would have removed these alleged contradictions from the word of God have you ever stopped to think about that they left it there laboriously slaving over the text to make certain they put it exactly as the manuscript said it it translated from the Hebrew and the Greek so what happened if it's the word of God why would those contradictions be there well it's a little bit simple they didn't have xero's copers in those days they didn't have computers they had to copy them by hand and copyists sometimes made mistakes and I think our brothers in Islam will agree with that and the genealogy and Matthew and Luke and Matthew it gives Joseph's genealogy and in Luke it gives Mary's genealogy in the the the temple in Jerusalem if there had been anything wrong with I'm running out of time okay if there had been anything wrong with the genealogy of Christ they would have pointed it out immediately but they did not this book is a book of History it tells the given account of thousands of details concerning towns and people and not one Spade full of archaeological Dirt has ever disproved one single word in it millions of tons of dirt and ruins have been removed and not one SLE single archaeological Spade has ever disproved one word in it secondly it's a book of prophecies thousands and thousands of prophecies and they come true I want to close with this one thing I've got about three minutes and I only got about third what I was trying to say I'd never met this man before this evening I read his little book that he wrote and Mr D do I will admit I I was a little bit taken aback I expected a little more courtesy and I I don't mean our meeting today I mean the little booklet and I was grieved inside Saturday night I went to our church to pray and I started to pray about this meeting and uh I believe the Lord spoke to my heart and you're older than I am and I will show you the respect that your age and your scholarship most definitely and certainly deserves the Lord I believe spoke to my heart and said you tell this distinguished gentleman this there was another man 2,000 years ago Saul of Tarsus who didn't like Christians and I thank you you know the story Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus as one out of due time and Jesus asked him why do you kick against the goats and I believe our heavenly father ask me to ask you why do you and I say it with reverence and respect kick against the greatest Prophet The Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ he said you tell Mr D do if it was God that spoke to me I love him very very much for I am a god of love and tell him if he will give his heart to me me I will feel the loneliness and the ache and the void within his heart and I will give him a love for the Muslim people that he has never known before in all of his life and I'll close this little onethird finished statement by saying we love you and God loves you and God bless you and now brother Ahmed Deet Mr chairman and brethren though I wanted to go straight into the subject The Plea that brother Swagat had made forces me to make a confession of faith and that is that we Muslims happen to be the of the only non-Christian Faith which makes it an article of faith for its followers to believe in Jesus no muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus we believe that Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God We believe We believe that he was the Messiah we believe in his miraculous birth which many modern day Christians reject today we believe that he gave life to the Dead by God's permission and he healed those born blind and the lepers by God's permission we are going together the only parting of the ways the only real difference between the Muslim and the Christian is that we say that he is not God Almighty in human form he's not God incarnate and he is not the begotten Son of God metaphorically we are all the children of God the good and the bad and Jesus would be closer to being the Son of God than any one of us because he would be more faithful to God than any of us can ever be from that point of view we would agree that he is most preeminently the Son of God but not as the Christian say that he is the only begotten son begotten not made not in that sense coming to the subject the subject is is the Bible God's word word and brother Swagat has given us to understand that translations and versions are one and the same thing we Muslims we have a number of translations of the Quran even into the English language different people Yu Ali mam pikol know daradi and on and on we have English translations by different people and there the translation means a difference in the choice of words choice of words in translating a certain phrase from Arabic into English choice of words versions are quite a different thing look here I have in my hand this Bible which brother Swagat as well as many Protestants do not accept as the word of God this is the Roman Catholic version of the Bible the DU or version of the Bible this Bible has 73 books this is an encyclopedia of 73 books seven more than one which brother Swagat takes oath on the King James version this is the King James version he takes Oath by it in his evangelist begas December 1985 somebody questions brother Swagat about the Bible being the word of God and he says word of God and in bracket I refer to the King James version in your evangelist of December 85 the King James version the King James version has thrown out those seven extra books thrown out in other words those seven extra books the Christ the protest test do not accept as the word of God you use certain technical terms like like Apocrypha which the masses of christiandom do not know what is this Apocrypha Apocrypha means doubtful weak not deserve to be in the book of God as such the Protestants threw it out as a fabrication these seven books are thrown out from here so this version the Christian Protestants will not accept as the word of God am I correct this is not the word of God so we put it aside I agree with you what you tell me I accept you say it's not the word of God I say I agree with you and put it aside now you tell me that this is the word of God the King James version with the 66 books this was first published in 161 by order of his majesty King James whose name is still based today authorized version authorized by who not God Almighty by King James he authorized it not God Almighty now it goes back to the ancient manuscripts I'm told what is ancient it says 4 to 600 years after Jesus is ancient now we have access to the most ancient manuscripts most ancient and this translation here of version the RSV the revised Standard Version goes to the most ancient manuscripts they date from 2 to 300 years after Jesus so closer to the source the more authentic any document would be closer to the source this is common sense if Jesus in the time of Jesus this was written and he had signed it autographed it sh no questions asked this is two 2 to 300 years after this is 4 to 600 years after so they published this translation published in your own country here as well as in Britain Canada all these countri simultaneously you produce this Bible and we have told some glowing tributes are being paid to this translation it says here Church of England newspaper says that the finest version which has been produced in the present Century this one the finest version times literary supplement says a complete a completely fresh translation by Scholars of the highest Eminence fullest use of the resources of modern scholarship life and works another publication says the welll characteristics of the authorized version combined with a new accuracy of translation new accuracy and the times the times of UK England says the most accurate and close rendering of the original they these Publishers of this Bible the one who got it about first in 1952 they pay some glowing tributes to the King James version and I would be disrespectful or failing in my duty if I didn't read those tributes out to you why brother Swagat loves it and I myself in every quotation that I will give I will be quoting from the King James version I love the language only that now they are doing away with certain terms and expressions it is not suiting the Christians of the time today like for example the quotation my brother swag ended with where Paul on the Damascus Road the persecutor of the early Christians going to Damascus and he sees a vision in which Jesus Christ appears to him and speaks to him in the Hebrew language Saul Saul why persecutest thou me why kick thyself against the Pricks this is the exact quotation from the King James version which brother swar God I don't know why he used the word gold I have been asking Christians what is gold and nobody knows what is gold I said why do you change the words if it Pricks it should be said prick if this is the original language of the King James version but now talking about gos gos I haven't heard that word before in my life it's it's a new word it's a new terminology coming out changing the words the translation I'm still not taking exception to that gos so they say about the King James version the revisers of the revised Standard Version 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denominations that the King James version has with good reason be term been termed the noblest Monument of English Pros its revisers in 1881 Express admiration for its Simplicity its dignity the music uh its power its happyy terms of expression the music of its cadences and the felicities of its Rhythm it entered as no other book has into the making of the personal character and the public institutions of the English speaking peoples said we owe to it we owe to it an incalculable debt the English speaking peoples the Americans the Canadians the British and people like me who have adopted English as our mother tongue I speak English better than any other language it's not as good as brother swags but English happens to be my mother tongue because I dream in English and I swear in English that makes it my mother Tong according to the psychologist now this is the tribute if somebody paid such a tribute to the Quran I can't imagine a Muslim scholar bettering it now prepare for the shock I said prepare for the shock from these 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denominations they say yet the king version has Grave defects and that these defects are so many and so serious there are these are not my words there are so there are so many and so serious as to call for Revision in the English translation calls for revision and the revised it and in the revision the Kingpin of the Evangelist the preacher the hot gospel the Bible ther John 3:16 no Christian preacher is worth the name if he can't clinch the deal with John 3:16 John 3:16 for God so loved the world in the authorized King James version that he gave his only begotten son my brother swag got changed the word begotten to Unique this is not from the King James version the King James version says be gotten I heard brother swag out on TV or was it video this morning this morning there he speaking to a group as if it was his own church group you know giving some lessons on Babylon and I think it was on that or another one he used the word begotten this morning and in 8 hours time he changed it to unique I'm asking are you ashamed of the word begotten Are you ashamed of it that Jesus is the only begotten son and brother swag in one of these 30 books that I had to purchase in South Africa before coming these are his books more than 30 I purchased and I went through each and every one of them I had to I want to know what my brother is talking about what is he what does he really believe in because generally when you speak to a Christian he every Christian happens to be unique absolutely unique as soon as you Corner him somewhere said but I don't believe in that as soon as you Corner him some say I don't believe in that and everyone of these thousand million anyone I meet he's unique everyone is unique he belongs to the Church of England but he doesn't you know believe in what the Church of England teaches he belongs to the Roman Catholic church but he doesn't really believe what the Roman Catholic Church teaches everyone is unique so I said now let me see now what does he say in black and white and in black and white I found that he uses this John 3:16 and in his quotation in his book he says begotten tonight he says unique can you see the reason the reason is obvious the Muslims have been taking exception to these terms in the Holy Quran we are told that God Almighty he does not beget and is not begotten and there is nothing like unto him then again in very strong terms the Quran condemns this idea that God begot a son because begetting is an animal act it belongs to the lower animal functions of sex and we are not to attribute such a quality to God as the Christian says in his catechism he says Jesus is the only begotten son begotten not made and I have been asking Christians please explain what are you really trying to emphasize when you say begotten not made what are you really trying to tell me and believe me in 40 years no English man wor the name has opened his mouth to me to explain to me what this word means begotten it had to be an American it had to be an American he was on a visit to Durban and he came on a guided tour of the mosque and I happen to be a guide and discussing it came up I said now what does it mean what are you trying to tell me what is what does it mean to say begotten not made you say it means this American tells me it means insired by God I said what he said no no no I don't say that this is what it means and believe me that is what it means begotten not made means SED by God I is that what you believe that God did is I didn't say that this is what it means so the Muslim has taken strong exception to such an expression about God that God begot a son is according to your language your catechism the Roman Catholic catechism the Anglican catechism the Methodist Cate catechism the Lutheran catechism you accept this the statement begotten not made so not like Adam Adam was made by God every do and Donkey was made by God as such matter matter is's the father of everything said no Jesus is not like that he's begotten not made I said please explain and no explanation so this was something which the Muslims took EX setion to and the 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denominations they threw it out to appease us did the Muslims threaten you that look if you don't take that word out of the Bible we won't Supply you oil did they do that the Arabs did they tell you no oil if you don't take this word out from the Bible why did you take it out because it was an interpolation it was not the word of God the Bible you are carrying it has this interp colation and you said this morning I heard the tape he said one word even one word it says if it is not supposed to be there and is there he say the whole book should be thrown away whole book but it's not only one word there are chunks and chunks of it according to your revises and brother swagar tells me in one of his books that if you want to know anything factual knowledge on any subject you go to The Experts and he gives an example that if you want to know something about geology you go to the geologist if you want to know about the Bible where do you go to the Baba Shoemaker no you go to the Bible experts the Bible scholars and they are telling you that this is a fabrication then the Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost brother Swagat also quotes adverting from the first episod of John John 5:7 where it says for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one if he gives me time he said now look which book I can open it and show it to you which book adverting his quotation I said look but it's not in my Bible is this not the word of God in my Bible it's not there why is it not there because your Scholars 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence Bible scholars backed by 50 cooperating denominations they say this is another fabrication another interpolation so they also threw it out without any ceremony so two and I give you the Ascension brother swag course in his book Mark 16 verse 16 another place Mark 16 verse 19 I say it's not in my Bible I didn't print this the Jews didn't print it the Hindus didn't print it you Christians you produced this book and you are telling me that this is the most up to- dat Bible going to the most ancient manuscripts so I look up for Mark 16 I see it ends at verse 8 9 to 20 is missing did I take it out the Muslims took it out no 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence back by 50 coopera denominations they thought it fit that this is another fabrication imposed upon Christian them and they also threw it out it's not in my Bible therefore it is not the word of God if this is the word of God then that is not the word of God but I pick up another the Bible look at this look at these two brothers for God identical look at them I see back again it's inside what was thrown out the Ascension there are only two places in in the gospels in the gospel of Matthew Mark Luke and John there are only two places where Ascension is mentioned mark 16: 19 Luke 24:51 thrown out of this version thrown out as fabrication Ascension and yet these Bibles each and every one of them they tell us that Jesus when he went to Jerusalem he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem Matthew says Mark says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem Luke says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem John says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem look God Almighty didn't miss that out his son riding the donkey into Jerusalem when every Tom Dick and Harry was riding donkeys into Jerusalem that he didn't forget but the Ascension is not mentioned not once and where is mentioned is now thrown out but I buy another Bible identical Bible That's to the looks printed by the same printers I look and it's there again what was thrown out they put it back again what games are you people playing look at this back again again this is the 1971 version back again the Ordinary People poor people they don't know what's going on what game is being played who knows you read the preface the learnard man the preacher he reads the preface but he won't tell his congregation what is Reading in the preface in the preface we are told that individuals and two church denominations they stampeded them they forced them that they should put it back if not they're going to preach against his book to say look don't buy this buy the King James version don't buy this Bu The King J the most upto-date Bible going to the most ancient manuscripts no no no no don't touch that this is the safer one because it has everything that you want to preach to catch the fish it's easier to catch the fish with this than with this the bait you know the fish you know uses like d Kani he tells us in his book how to uh says how to be friends and influence people he says I like strawberry and cream I think most Americans do but he said when I go fishing I put a worm worm to catch the fish it's not that I love worms but this is what the fish loves so I put worm so now if you want to catch fish you got to use the right bait Ascension is now restored to the text says the prefence why not God told them so God doesn't speak freely to those Scholars as freely as he happens to speak as brother claims with him you know again and again you read God comes to him speaks to him and he says son again son which he didn't address his own son Jesus in inverted commas he never called him son he speaks in the third person he says this is my son in whom I well pleased but to brother SW God he says my son my son not so freely So I says look this is not the word of God we say playing they said that the church groups and they by the meantime while this was being discovered they made a net profit of $15 million on this version before they could remove it 15 million brother Swagat has written some beautiful books beautiful books incest pornography homosexuality alcohol Sodom and gomorra and I can't imagine myself doing any better beautiful writings incest this is the dark stain on our society American society the dark stain on American society it has reached epidemic proportions incest in my country the whites of South Africa according to statistics 8% of all white people they commit incest 8% one in every 12 is committing incest I don't know what's the percentage here but brother Swagat tells us that it has reached epidemic proportions in your Mighty country America and he gives examples from the Holy Bible that there are 10 cases of incest in the Holy Bible I didn't know that I knew that in the first book of the Bible Genesis there were four cases brother swag's book enlightens me I got the fifth one in the first book as if this is a text book on incest to tell you what what types of incest you can commit in a book of God 10 cases of incest and I'm told that the type of food you eat you eat junky Foods you become a junky you read junky stuff your mind becomes junky the type of things you read can you see we are getting programmed whatever you see whatever you read we are getting programmed you read about incest incest incest father with his daughters son with his mother father-in-law with his daughter-in-law brother with his sister what is this 10 cases of incest you read about incest incest Inc Little Wonder that it has reach epidemic proportions you see Dr Vernon Jones and an American psychologist of great repute he carried out experiments on groups of school children to whom certain stories were being read and he said that these stories made certain slight but permanent changes in character even in the narrow classroom situation the type of stories that you read the type of stories that they read the things that they see that is the type of mentality they're going to have so I said book of God why would God Almighty go out of his way in his holy book to reveal to you 10 cases of incest coupling 10 cases so I said therefore my dear brothers and sisters this is not the word of God the first five books supposed to be the Books of Moses Genesis actually Leviticus Numbers in Deuteronomy these revisers Scholars of the highest Eminence they telling us today that Moses didn't write the Books he didn't write the Books he's not the author the author Genesis author the first book of Moses in inverted commas Exodus second book of Moses in inverted commas Leviticus third book of Moses in inverted commas numbers fourth book of Moses in inverted commas Deuteronomy fifth book of Moses in inverted commas I'm asking why the inverted commas what for why these inverted commas they are telling you in a very very diplomatic psychological way that these are not our words we don't believe so but the Common Man the lady the preachers the Bible thers the hot gospelers this is what they believe that these are the books of Moses but Moses didn't write them we don't believe that these are his words so we put them in inverted commas it's not the book of Moses there are more than 700 times in these five books you read the expression and the Lord said unto Moses and Moses said unto the Lord and the Lord said unto Moses and Moses said unto the Lord neither the Lord said this nor did Moses write it English this is your language this is written in the third person not by God not by Moses if Moses wrote it he would have said the Lord said unto me and I said unto the Lord the Lord I or the Lord says I said unto Moses and Moses said unto me this is in the third person and that somebody else is writing about these things it is not the word of God it is not even the words of Moses with regards to the obit I found out from Jewish Scholars that Jewish prophets didn't write the obituaries you know before dying he says you know on my Tombstone you put these words idats Jewish do didn't do that in the book of Deuteronomy it says my brother admits that it could be the works of Joshua but they are supposed to be the works of Moses how does Joshua fit in it says and there Moses died in the land of Moab died in the past tense over against BEP and no man know of his sea un this day and Moses was he was 120 years old when he died of course God can do anything God can do anything in an explanation about the contradictions in the Bible whether Satan provoked David or the Lord provoked David he said look this is we attribute it to God that though the devil did it we said God did it on that basis would we be prepared to concede that God had those 6 million Jews incinerated because Hitler did it we because God intended it this is what he wanted to do so God is respons responsible for the massacre or the incineration of 6 million Jews or even 600,000 or even 6,000 is dramatic enough if they if Hitler did it who you say God did it are you going to blame God for that you going to exonerate Hitler and the Nazi party because you said God did it no dear brother swag God we don't think like that if a criminal is does such and such a thing we say it is his action he's responsible we don't say God did it because eventually the power comes from God but God has given you that free will to think and and to see right from wrong so if you do wrong you are responsible you can't hold God responsible so either David was provoked by the Satan or by the Lord and Satan and Lord are not synonymous terms in any religion they are opposites Satan and the God Almighty are opposite things pornography very strong brother swag God is very strong in his condemnation and I with him pornography any type whether in written form whether in pictures or in films it's a horrible thing in his book brother Swagat gives you his research his study number one he says when you read or you see these things it acts like a drug like like marijana or opium or heroine or alcohol it acts like a drug you see these things is a chemical actions takes place and I agree with Brothers why that chemical actions takes place you know so you read about ins with pornography pornography your mind is getting used to that escalation takes place desensitization takes place these are his terms these are first time I'm learning these terms and you must then play the role act out the role this is how this sickness the disease over Powers man strong in his condemnation he is closest to my government in South Africa because if I take any of some of the magazines that I can buy at Kennedy airport or at hitro anywhere if I take it into my country I go to jail for 2 years that's how good that's my country South Africa you know it has its you know this the other side of the picture but as far as religion goes as far as religiosity goes they are very very St Christians but that country of mine banned portions of the Bible there was a pamphlet in circulation with extracts nine extracts from the Holy Bible and somebody sent it to the censorship board so look at this what is this so they made a decree that this pamphlet is banned not knowing that these are words from the Holy Bible these were extracts from the Holy Bible from the Book of Ezekiel chapter 23 I dare any preacher read it to read it to the congregation I dare any evangelist to read it to his mother his sister his daughter or even to his fiance if she's a good woman Ezekiel chapter 23 the hom of those two sisters AA and AOL the language the language so L it my government banned it and there were two Ministers of the church on the board when they banned it but they didn't know they were Banning extracts from the Holy Bible my government is so staunch that they had banned lady chat's lover it's a novel Lady chat's lover it had one offensive word fourl word one word for which they banned it for 20 years but now they grown big they mature now they have allowed it you know they have desens they have withdrawn that uh that order against the book but nine extracts from the Holy Bible say the book of God which you are ashamed to read to your audience I dare my brother I dare him to read this pamphlet I have it here ready he doesn't have to even open the book here all those wordings in red I said look with your usual your usual charismatic language with the usual actions I would love to see brother swag God I I I feel ashamed to bride him I said look brother swag God if if you can read it to the audience I give you $100 what is $100 to brother Swagat when I'm reading in his book on Roman Catholicism that he needs $291,000 a day to keep his head above water I calculated 106 million a year just to keep above water and in the Evangelist of December 85 he's aspiring I wish him luck he's aspiring for $1 million a day he needs he says $1 million a day a good luck to him but now if I said I give you a th Brother s God I give you a th you know I can't tempt him I know but in his usual spirited way I hope and I pray that he has the Courage the guts which all the priests in my experience have not had read it read it to your audience Ezekiel chapter 23 if you can't and I'm I can tell you that it is not the word of God the Bible is not the word of God yes there some mentioned men men was made it was from my book is the Bible God's word I had some 10,000 sent to this city and I think they're available I don't know whether they'll be given out here I had instructed them give to everybody let them go home look at it themselves and read for themselves and make up their own minds in this book contradiction the Quran tells us he said do they not consider the Quran with care had it been from anyone other than Allah you would have found in it many discrepancies many contradictions the Quran is not involved this evening but this is what the Quran says that if this is not the word of God you will find in any book claiming to be from God that book will be free from contradictions like for example the example the brother gave I repeat that I said look it says in one of the books Solomon had 4,000 stalls of horses another one says he had 40,000 stalls of horses and 4 and 40 is only the difference of a zero so you say I said you know my cousins the Jews they didn't know the zero when they wrote the book they didn't know it's my Arab brothers who found it from my fathers in India and they shared it to the world zero the Jews didn't know they wrote this in words 4 F R4 in Hebrew of course 40 F 40 I says now who made the mistake God or the writer and they were not saved we are told that they were not saved from mistakes Mrs Ellen G white you say she's a cultist Mrs Ellen G white the prophetess of the 7th Day Adventist movement in her Bible commentary she says she has no motives to lie she believes in the Bible to be the inspired word of God and yet she says say the Bible we have we read today is the work of many copyists who have in most instances done the work with marvelous accuracy in most instances she they have done their work with marvelous accuracy but copies have not been infallible and God most and God most evidently has not seen fit to preserve them all together from error God didn't see fit in other words this is this is his business God's business if he wants to see fit if he wants to do a thing he does it if he doesn't go to hell that's your business so God didn't see fit to preserve them from making errors in transcribing in the following pages of her commentary Mrs White testifies further I saw that God had specially guarded the Bible God had specially guarded the Bible I'm asking from what yet when copies of it were few learned men had in some instances changed the words in the original manuscripts they changed the words thinking that they were making it plain when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain by causing it to lean to the established views which were governed by tradition like the Jehovah's Witnesses they have produced a translation called The New World Translation the Orthodox you don't accept that why don't you because they have their own leanings according to their own ideas they're changing the words same thing that the Protestants did they were people who believed in Jesus as God so they said now they change the words so we said this is has been going on from the very beginning the boast about 24,000 manuscripts brother Swagat you know new two are identical your Scholars say out of the 24,000 that you're boasting about no two are identical then how do you come to know that this is the word of God and this is not out of the 24,000 on the very face of it when you open the book The inil and the tat you're talking about it says Mark m mat begins in your version the King James version it says The Gospel According to St Matthew the Gospel According to St Mark The Gospel According to St Luke The Gospel According to St John I'm asking what is this according according according what is this according to why according to I have got brother swag's book it says homosexuality it's caused and its Cure by Jimmy swag or just Jimmy swag either doesn't say according to Jimmy Swagat why this in the book of God according to according to according to according to you know why because Matthew didn't sign his name Luke didn't sign his name John didn't mark didn't sign his name John didn't sign his name these are assume Anonymous books Anonymous books attributed to God I say this is not the in you see even in your Arabic translations of these books Arabic translations it says in mat means the gospel of Matthew in is used in Marcus Lucas Johna the one we believe in is in Isa the Gospel of Jesus what he preached that is what we believe in as from God and the script when you look at these books Matthew mark it says these are theel of the gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John we believe in the Gospel of Jesus the one that he preached and we are told by Matthew that he went to a certain place and he preached the gospel Mark says he went to a certain other place and he preached the gospel Luke says he went to a certain place and he preached the gospel John says he went to another place and he preached the gospel I said did he have a book under his arm did he have a book under his arm no what whatever he preached was from God that is what we believe in if you can produce a document called inil Isa the Gospel of Jesus we would be very happy to give it a recognition to find out and verify whether it is from God and accept it as such but what you have is Matthew Mark Luke John and JB Phillips a preent of the CH Chester cathedral in England a paid Ser of the Anglican Church when writing about Matthew in his preface he says early tradition ascribed this gospel to the Apostle Matthew early tradition that's what people said but Scholars nowadays almost all reject this view which Scholars Jewish Scholars Hindu Scholars Muslim Scholars no Christian Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denomination they say that Matthew didn't write Matthew they say he say the author whom we may still conveniently call Matthew conveniently why conveniently because instead of me telling you the first book of the New Testament chapter 9:9 the first book of the New Testament chter 5:1 17 I'm wasting your time and minds too sisters no I said Matthew 9:9 Matthew 5:17 conveniently I'm using the term Matthew he said the author whom we may still conveniently call Matthew has plainly drawn on the mysterious Cube again in inverted commas that stands for the German word qua sources which might have been a collection of oral Traditions he has used Mark's gospel freely in the language of the school teacher he was copying wholesale from Mark Matthew an eyewitness and a your witness to the happenings with Jesus one of his disciples his Apostles he goes and copies a 10-year-old boy who wasn't there does it make sense to you a man who is an eyewitness and a year witness a companion of Jesus he goes and copies a 10-year-old boy who wasn't there does it make sense to you and you say this is the word of God the genealogy between Matthew and Luke we are given 66 fathers and grandfathers to Jesus in a genealogy of 66 fathers and grandfathers except for one name no two names are identical separate list everyone is a different name brother Swaggart says one is the genology of Mary and one of Jesus I say why of Mary does the book say that no the book says this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the other one ends with Jesus Christ there's no Mary inside 66 names no two are alike except one and the father of Jesus christly God Almighty he's not there can you imagine God Almighty dictating the genealogy of his son in inverted commas and yet he leaves himself out he's going out of his way to dictate two genealogies with 66 names and he's not in it he's not there I'm asking what is he trying to tell you what is he really trying to tell you when his name is not there a man who had no genealogy we believe no genealogy he was born miraculously without any male intervention you give him 66 fathers and grandfathers and you say this is God Almighty dictator say we Muslims Brothers SW God we take strong exception to this type of handling of this Mighty messenger of God we say he was a mighty messenger of God he was born miraculously the holy Quran testifies to that it has made a thousand million Muslims in the world today without any any kind of proof from the Christians to believe that Jesus Christ was born miraculously and he was the Messiah he was the word which God bestowed upon Mary I will be dealing with the subject tomorrow night as Muhammad the natural successor to Christ and I'll be open to further questions besides the questions this evening so with these words Mr chairman ladies and gentlemen I am very very grateful to the community here for creating such an opportunity for me to share the platform with the the greatest charismatic speaker in the world today brother Jimmy Swagat I think it's a privilege and honor for me and now for 10 minutes Reverend JY shager I look at the Bibles that Mr dad has and from the Quran Surah what we call chapter 62 and 5 it says as the likeness of the ass carrying books as the donkey as unaware of the value of the load on its back so some men are ignorant of the spiritual treasure they hold in their hands what does the bible produce that is the Ironclad evidence what it produces I was in Africa a short time ago and I was with a group of ministers and I was being introduced to them and speaking with them and I asked or I didn't ask him but he was asked how did you become a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you see Jesus cannot be the Messiah and a great prophet and a liar at the same time he is either who he said he was or he's a liar and he's not a liar amen he said this is the way I became a minister of the Gospel he said one of my closest friends was a Christian we argued incessant over Islam and Christianity one day the young Christian said there's a demon possessed man you know in St John I'm sorry St Mark 16 and verse1 17 it says in my name they'll cast out Devils this is a book of power Millions upon Millions have been healed by the power of God by invoking that mighty name of Jesus Millions have been changed instantly from the worst bondages that hell could ever produce such as he mentioned by the power of the word of almighty God I remind you that no dead book could produce those type of results you can go in our church and over half the people there were former alcoholics drug addicts every bondage that hell could muster and I know you're religion of Islam believes in hell but tonight they are free by the power of almighty God set free in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ The Gospel of Jesus Christ produces results it breaks the bondages of sin it fills the empty heart he said we went I went with him he was going to pray for this man demon possessed a maniac said when we arrived he was frothing at the mouth said I've never seen anything like it and he said my friend prayed for him with no visible results and he went to get another Minister and I was left alone with this maniac and he said I think I will pray for him myself and he said he prayed in the name of Muhammad come out of him I ask you what happened nothing he prayed several times in the name of mamad come out of it nothing and and I do not mean that disrespectfully of Muhammad he could have prayed in the name of Abraham or Moses and it would have done no better he could have prayed in the name of Paul or Peter and it would have done no better so standing there alone he says I think I'll try it my Christian friend has said it I don't believe it but I'm going to try it he laid hands on in the name of Jesus Christ come out of you he said brother swag it before my eyes he was delivered by the power of almighty God I know that you do not deny the miracles of Jesus but I remind you as I close this a dead man man cannot produce Miracles Hallelujah I want to say it again a dead man cannot produce Miracles Jesus Christ is alive I've got two minutes he said come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I'm meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls one day very soon you see he's promised to come back he's coming because he said he would come every single prophecy in this book that is supposed to be fulfilled has been fulfilled yes amen the others that have not yet been fulfilled will be fulfilled there is a hunger in the heart of every person for God only Jesus Christ can feel that hunger because God is love he loves you this book says he is he loves you in spite of the sin and the iniquity he loves you and he wants to make himself real to you he's not distant far away unapproachable but through Jesus Christ you can approach him and love him and worship him and he will love you because his book says that he does thank you let us acknowledge both These Fine gentlemen let us acknowledge both of them only $100 now all Muslims are truthful all that I have all that I had is allahar allahar L and gentlemen now is your opportunity um we should be passing out the sheets of papers any question that you have please uh address it to either on the Reverend Jimmy swagit or brother Ahmed dad Ahmed dad does the Glorious Quran exists in its original and pure form and were the originals in fact burned there is an usmani Quran you know and the khif brother swag mentioned something about variant readings that Osman had those variant readings burned and uh to give an example from his own speech if somebody was Shand right taking down notes of brother swag speech he mentioned a number of names he was actually mutilating them we forgive him because then is otoman or something like that when he saying Usman he said something about Omar which sounds most horrible we are not taking you know exception to that because this is you are not used to the our names but the person who's taking short hand and you reproduce that you'll never be able to connect that you were talking about Osman the third CIF of Islam or you're taking about talking about Omar the second khif of Islam ha you pronounce it correctly so in that case if I was going through the notes for publication brother swag speech I would you expect me to leave it as it is you know what the way mutilated spelling of otan is not otan it's Usman so I would say o t h m instead ofan I said look it's O M an Osman wouldn't I do that so what happened is this the books the Hebrew scripture as well as the Arabic scripture were written originally without the vowel points without the vows Hebrew without vows Arabic without vows to a native of the language it was quite easy to understand what was being said but to an outsider without the vowels you can't make the proper pronunciation like for example in English if it was written without vowels that the man is sleeping on the bed the bed will be written b d you know it should be bed it's not bid it's not B it's not bad it's not bad BD stands for bed you know your senses of the language makes you to substitute the vows in your mind b d stands short for bed the Arab knew that and the Jew knew that about his language but as soon as goes to a foreign Nation the person doesn't know how to pronounce like the word alhamdulillah which means praise be to God the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds written without vowels how are you going to pronounce alham ilham alham how so different nations as soon as they started accepting Islam the way they heard it they started pronouncing it they started writing it mutilating the language like English some of my people they pronounce divorce as divorce divorce as divorce iron as iron what do you want to do our spelling between the English of the Englishman and the English of the American your spelling varies but fortunately this sound the pronunciation is not varying but if that produce a separate difference in in the pronunciation ation you said no you'll have to change it so those variant readings of the various pronunciations they said look this the Revelation was given in the dialect of the qur the family the tribe of Muhammad and that pronunciation should be Reser preserved so every other pronunciation with different vowel points it says eliminate them and that one that was done by Osman is preserved in the museum in the Top Copy Museum in istambul that is in Turkey brother swager is this live please explain to me how in Revelation there are supposed to be 144,000 people who are supposed to enter Heaven and all of them are Jews from the 12 tribes what happens to the Gentiles like us is that your question that's question the 14 4,000 as mentioned in the Book of Revelation as the brother said has to do with the Jewish people 12,000 from each tribe has nothing to do with Gentiles and those 12,000 are chosen from each tribe during the Great Tribulation period because they are the ones that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and so they are raptured up in up into heaven has nothing to do with the salvation of the millions that have come to the Lord has nothing to do with the Gentiles it just speaks of that 144,000 and uh it also states that whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saved so any Gentile that would call on the name of the Lord will be saved as well I trust that answers the question brother Ahmed Jesus said the Lord our God is one is one Lord and you shall love the Lord with your God with all your heart Mark 12th CH the 29th through the 30th verse Muslims agree with Christians that there is only one God but how do Muslims love God without a change of heart the change of heart look at the Muslims look at them Jesus said by the fruits you shall know them do men GA fix from the thisle or Grace from The Thorn he said every good tree will bear good fruit and every evil tree will be evil fruit here is the test the fruits Islam has created the biggest Society of te tolers in the world there are some 1,000 million Muslims in the world and almost as a whole they are T tot they don't IDE alcohol here is the fruits my own particular race the most racist people on Earth you know the Hindus of India the the the the cast Hindu you know the the super was Brahman cast my nation and you see the same Nation the most racist Nation on Earth becomes one who accepts the black and the white the rich and the poor in his Brotherhood a change with all these claims that are being made for Christianity Jesus Christ transforming people's lives you know the the old you goes out of you and the new you comes into you I says my dear brothers and sisters look in this mighty nation of America according to brother swag 11 million drunk cards that's what he says 11 million drunk cards and 44 million heavy drinkers your nation and brother swag says I see no difference between them means 55 million he considers them to be drunkards the only difference is that he's not going far enough in Islam we say even you're social Drinker the Holy Quran says but before that the prophet Muhammad said whatever intoxicates in Greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity no excuse for a nip or a to out the Holy Quran says you who believe most certainly intoxicant and gambling brother in his book on gambling says 54 billion a year you are squandering on gambling and fortune telling ID worship and an abomination of Satan's handiwork a shine such Abomination that you may prosper and wine barels were emptied in the streets of Medina never to be refilled this is the fruit this is the fruit of this teaching with 2,000 years of preaching look at it you have these powers of Miracle working Christ gives life he heals a sick Muhammad couldn't in the name of Muhammad they couldn't do it I says my brothers you don't read the scriptures Jesus Christ he said for there shall arise many false christs and false prophets who will show you great signs and wonders if it were possible to deceive the very elect if false Christ can do that if false Christ can perform Miracles if false prophets can perform Miracles then I says is this a test of your faith no then Jesus Christ tells those who are doing this miraculous work he's telling you in the gospel of St Matthew that on that day on the last day on the day of judgment he says many will come to me on that day saying Lord Lord did we not prophesy in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name do many mighty works in your name in the name of Jesus didn't you do all these things didn't you do all that he said yes he said then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity I said here explain you he won't tell the Jews depart from me footsack get away I don't know you he won't tell the Hindus get away from me or the atheist get away from me he will tell you I want to know why why would he tell you I don't even know you get out I says look these are not the test John the Baptist According To Jesus one of the mightiest messengers of God Jesus says among those born of women there has not risen another greater than John the Baptist and yet he perform no miracles did he show me what did he do What miracles no no Miracle is not a test but the greater Miracle is that without any Miracles you transform Nations nations are transformed 1,000 million people they don't invite alcohol because of the dictates of Muhammad Mr Swagger what will happen to Muslims who believe in Jesus but do not receive him as Lord as a Son of God when they die the Bible tells us that there is none other salvation under Heaven other than by the Lord Jesus Christ believing in Jesus that he's a miracle worker that he's a prophet that he's a great teacher is not enough you have to accept what he did at calvary's Cross for your soul to be saved man labors under a terrible bondage of sin as a result of the Fall sin is not just an act that you commit it's not even a force it's a nature you cannot control that nature by cutting off a man's hand you have to get to his heart if all the Muslims in the world are thrilled and happy with what they have why do hundreds of thousands of them watch my telecast secondly true Christians don't drink either what mankind must have is a change of heart you don't deal it from the the exterior it comes from the inside only Jesus Christ can do that not not drinking alcohol is not enough just not gambling is not enough just keeping rules is not enough Christianity is really not a religion it's not a series of dos and don'ts you cannot earn your salvation he paid it at over's cross totally and completely we accept him and then the nature of sin is broken the person does not drink because he fears his hand will be cut off amen or his toes or his nose or whatever but he doesn't drink because the desire is taken away accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the gospel is to the whole world not to just to select you for God so loved the world and incidentally the word begotten also means to produce sir God produced his son ahed ahed does the Glorious Quran state that the holy injil is guidance For All Mankind no the Holy Quran doesn't say that the angel is a guidance for mankind nor does the bible say that you see Jesus Christ when he sent out his disciples on the mission of preaching and healing he instructed them he said go ye not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather and to the lost sheep of the House of Israel I want to know where the American Anglo-Saxons fit in as the Jews the house of Israel then he's telling a Jewish woman a Greek woman comes to him wanting her daughter to be healed so he turns his face away she goes on the other side and she won't let him go so the disciples say help her this woman is persistent you know like a drowning man clutching his straws drowning women do the same heal her child so Jesus says I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel the Jews so there's a helper Jesus says do not throw the bread of the children to the dogs who are the dogs the Gentiles you and me every other human being other than the Jews are dogs and pigs According To Jesus or according to your scripture it says Jesus says do not throw that which is holy into dog dogs do not throw PS Before Swine L they turn and Rend you who are the dogs and who are the swine the Gentiles so he says do not throw the bread of the children to the dogs the woman in desperation her child's life is at stake she says Lord Master even the dogs have cred from the master's table so he said give her the Crums look this is the scripture unfortunately the scripture is not being quoted the scripture quot what Jesus said i' would like to hear what Jesus said Jesus says not about this supposed idea that you just believe and you be saved he said verily verily I say unto you except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven there's no heaven for you unless you are better than the Jew and I'm asking how can you better than the Jew by not keeping the laws and the Commandments you answer that Mr swag for Mr dad's proof that the Bible you hold in your hand is not God's word what proof can you prove that he is wrong I mean proof not just believe I believe I have proven it beyond the shadow of a doubt tonight that the word of God is true and I don't know what more proof that anyone would need you can read the Bible and not believe it but the Lord told us to believe it and we would receive its many many benefits if one does not want to believe irrespective of the proof proof that is shown one still will not believe the Lord said said to one particular individual if one came back from the dead he was telling the story there of the 16th chapter of Luke and the rich man said send someone from the dead to warn my brothers if one came from the dead he wouldn't believe it if he doesn't believe the prophets that are already there so there is no proof that one can give for un believe because it will not believe that's the reason that he said and I once again quote my favorite verse for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and I'll I'll close with one more statement sir I am proof that this is real for he has saved my soul ahed could you quote and give the reference from the Glorious Quran stating the holy inel has been corrupted and if not then tell us when it was corrupted by whom and where exactly is it changed Mr chairman and my dear Brethren you see I started this talk of mine with some incantation some recitation I was not trying to Mesmerize or hypnotize you I was actually uttering the words from the Quran instructing us telling us informing us that the scriptures that the Christians are talking about the Bible is their own creation I repeat what I had said I read and I'll give you the translation in the name of God most gracious most merciful said woe to them who write the book with their own hands then say this is from God that they may beneit from it some small reward like that $15 million profit they made on the RSV 15 million is very small compared to Eternity in compared to God's you know goodness his salvation is nothing 15 million so so to them what their hands do right and W to them for what they ear in other words I was proving to you all along actually I was giving you all a commentary on that quranic verse without going into details because I knew time was at very at a premium originally we had agreed to a format of an hour each and for some mysterious reason I was robbed of 40 20 minutes so I had to cut short everything I have so much more to give which I'm now reserving for tomorrow night so the thing is this now this was actually a commentary of this situ situation that this book is written with their own hands you add in and you take out you add in and you delete look this is proof enough the books that you have in your hand is a proof that the books have been changed you have been changing them and out of the 24,000 manuscripts I say no two are identical that's a challenge no two of those manuscripts are identical Mr swager is there any way in the Old Testament that says that Prophet Muhammad will come after Jesus thank you most every religion tries to find the Bible and somewhere in their teachings and their beliefs and so does the Quran it tries to say that it is mentioned in the bible or Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible but uh Muhammad is not mentioned in the Old Testament I know you're referring to the book of Deuteronomy but he's not mentioned that passage is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ totally and completely Muhammad is not mentioned anywhere from Genesis to Revelation period Ahmed what do Muslims have to say about the fact that people are healed in Jesus's name I have no hesitation in accepting this phenomena that it can happen but these things are happening in Hinduism people are performing miracles in Islam people are performing Miracles you see in the name of a false god you can perform Miracles Jesus Christ told that woman if you remember you know the woman who had a bleeding sickness issues 7 years no healing and she while Jesus was passing by she touched the Helm of his garments and she was instantly healed and Jesus felt that something was being drawn out of him he looks at the woman he says woman it is thy faith that healed thee her faith that she had the faith that Jesus by touching him she got healed is your faith so in other words a faith in a false god can also perform Miracles Jesus says so for there shall arise many false prophets and false christs who will show you great signs and wonders if it were possible to deceive the very elect even the Disciples of Jesus can be deceived with such Miracles so Miracles is no proof at all whether the person is genuine or not Mr Jimmy Swagger why didn't the Old Testament mention that Jesus is the Son of God if yes read it to me please in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emanuel and Emmanuel means god with us thank you sir Ahmed dad who would deny that as God has preserved his word the Torah Etc and the Holy Angel in the past he is able to Pres deserve it always what I was Pro proving to the whole night is that the books have not been preserved see now you are begging the question the books have not been preserved if it were preserved it would be worthy of recognition I said what is preserved there the things that are there have created all the mief the type of book that you as a pornography said read it my brother look he had 10 minutes he had enough more than enough time to read that that little chapter of Ezekiel I said I dare anybody to read it to his congregation and I tell you I dare you will not read it reason because it is not the word of God if it was the word of God you would not be ashamed of it if God Almighty was not ashamed to reveal the details of the homs of those two sisters I asking why should you be ashamed are you holier than God that's the implication you are so holy that you D not utter the words but God Almighty uttered it you holier than God I says no the thing is it is not from God see the scriptures have been changed and the tat he speaking about is not the Old Testament you are telling us that the Bible cons was written by 40 different authors look 40 different people wrote the book we say when we believe say we believe in theat means the Revelation that God gave to Moses he didn't send a book down brother swag admits that the only was written by God was those tablets and those those tablets Moses destroyed them he threw them and they broke them to Pieces these other five books if they were written on tablets of stone you need a Skyscraper siiz Museum to hold those stones where did Moses keep them Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers in Deuteronomy where did he keep them those tablets of stones no he said these are not the Books of Moses Moses would have no reason to be little his brother Prophet lot that he committed incest with his daughters what for that Ruben one of the sons of Jacob committed incest with his mother what for the Judah the father of the Jewish race from whom you get the word Judah from whom we get the word Judaism that he had prohibited with his daughter-in-law by the roadside while he was on his way to Tim he sees this woman sitting by the wayside and you know he goes up to her and he says allow me to come in unto thee she said what will thou give me and he said I'll give you a kit from the flock so what guarantee that I will give it he says I'll give he say what what guarantee do you want your Signet and your bracelet and your staff and the old man gave it to her and he cohibin law and beg twins fares and Zara and they are put now in the genealogy of Jesus that they are the great these children of incest are the great grandfathers of Jesus Christ Matthew 1 verse one it says and this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of Abraham the son of David and Abraham be Isaac and Isaac became Jacob and Jacob be Judas and his brother and Judas we and Z of who are these look at the cross reference it tells you Genesis 38 and you find that this is the father-in-law prohibiting with his daughter-in-law produces his children of incest and they are honored to become the great grandfathers of Jesus Christ I want to know how does this come into the book of God how does this come into the genealogy of a man who had no genealogy will Mr Swagger please address the request of Dr dad to read certain passages from the Bible I assly mean the passages that um brother Ahmed read that challenge you to read in his uh presentation Mr deat has the U problem of answering questions that never were asked amen Ezekiel 23 the word of the Lord came again unto me saying son of man there were two women the daughters of one mother and they committed whoredoms in Egypt they committed whoredoms in their youth there were their breasts pressed and there they bruised the teeths of their virginity and the names of them were oholah the Elder and ohala her sister and they were mine and they bear Sons and Daughters thus were their names Samaria is aholah and Jerusalem Ahab and aholah played the Harlot when she was nine and she doed on her lovers on the Assyrians her neighbors which were clothed with blue captains and rulers all of them desirable young men Horsemen riding upon horses thus she committed her whoredoms with them with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria and with all on whom she doed with all their Idol she defiled her neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt for in her youth they lay with her and they bruised the breast of her virginity and poured their whoredom upon her wherefore I have delivered her into the hands of her lovers into the hand of the Assyrians unto whom she doted these discovered her nakedness they took her sons and her daughters they slew her with a sword and she became famous among women for they had executed judgment upon her and when her sister ahabah saw this she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she and in her homs more than her sister and her whoredom she doed upon the Assyrians her neighbors captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously Horsemen riding up horses all of them desirable young men then I saw that she was defiled that they took both one way and that she increased her whoredoms for when she saw men portrayed upon the wall the images of the Chans portrayed with Vermillion girded with girdles upon their loins exceeding and died attire upon their heads all of them princes to look to after the manner of the Babylonians of childa the land of their Nativity how much more do you want me to go all the way no wait no wait wait a minute verse 19 yet she multiplied her whoredoms and call into remembrance the days of her youth wherein she haded La the Harlot in the land of Egypt for she D doed upon their paramor whose flesh is as the Flesh of asses and whose issu is like the issue of horses you want me to keep reading I think that's enough okay wait a minute all $100 now all Muslims are truthful all I all I here's the $100 that man's got a pocket full of money if he takes all that money back to South if he takes all that money back to South Africa he's going to worsen the US debt I don't know what kind of U programs you have here in is Islam but I'm going to give his $100 to whatever you have here to help pay for this Auditorium tonight Mr D you made a statement that Islam believes in the Virgin birth of Christ but does not uh that the but but that God does not beget nor is he begotten Luke the 1 chapter the 34th and the 35th verse explains the birth of Christ as the Holy Spirit over sh shadowing Mary and the power of the most high pouring upon her how do you explain this you see brother swag God had suggested uh during his talk that the Quran is a copy a pleasur ISM of stories from the Bible now this let me give you this example here a comparison between what is told in the scriptures and what is told in the Quran about the birth of Jesus if I may in the name of God most gracious most merciful behold the angel said oh Mary that God Almighty has chosen thee and purified thee chosen thee above the women of all Nations this is the honor that is given to Mary the mother of Jesus in the Holy Quran that she is a woman chosen above the women of all Nations so oh Mary worship thy Lord devoutly prostrate thyself and bow down in prayer with those who bow down this is part of the tidings of the things unseen which we reveal unto to thee oh Muhammad by inspiration you were not with them when they cast lots with arrows as to which of them should be charged with the care of Mary nor was thou with them when they disputed the point I will not go into the full story but if I may I have to do it tomorrow night but the verses continue behold the angel said oh Mary that God Almighty gives you Glad Tidings of a word from him his name will be the Messiah translated Christ Jesus the son of Mary held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter and of the company of those nearest to God what the Christian would say sitting on the right hand of God we said not physically not geographically but in stature in spirituality in the company of those nearest to God but you and he will speak to the people in in childhood and IM maturity and he shall be of the company of the righteous when this good news is given to Mary about the birth of a holy son she says she said oh my Lord how shall I have a son when no man has touched me the angel says in reply even so Allah creates what he Wills whenever he decrees a matter so whenever he decrees a matter he merely says it be and it is this is the Muslim concept of the birth of Jesus for God to create a Jesus without a human father just like that to kill to create a million jesuses without father without mother just like that the biblical version in comparison I suggesting to Reverend dunas the head of the Bible society in Johannesburg I had gone there to buy an Indonesian Bible in Johannesburg and he called me for tea seeing this funny head gear of man in this beard that I was interested in Bibles he called me into his office and I explained this to him which was something novel to him something amazing to him that I was speaking from my book so he said look this and the Bible appears to me to be the same I said yes on the face of it on the face of it we are both trying to say the same thing that Jesus was created by a special Miracle but I says when you compare them closely the difference between the Quran in the Bible is chalk and cheese I don't know whether the Americans understand this expression chalk and cheese the Canadians didn't because they didn't know chalk they new crayon crayon and cheese is not the same thing chalk and cheese this pulls apart WS apart the Quran says for God to create he merely wills it and the thing comes into being the Bible says and the Holy Ghost same question how can this thing be when no no man has touched me or I know not a man meaning sexually the Bible says in the Holy Ghost will come upon thee and the power of the most high will overshadow thee this gives that picture to the atheist and the agnostic to beat you with how did the Holy Ghost come on Mary how did the almighty overshadow her like a man doing to his wife how no we know it doesn't mean that but the language of the two see the quranic language is for God to create he wills it and the thing comes into being the biblical language is Earthly I said between the two I'm asking Reverend dunas which version would you be prepared to give to your daughter the quranic version of the birth of Jesus or the biblical version and believe me he bowed his down his head in shame and he said I would prefer to give the quranic version to my daughter brother Swagger what did you mean by the term unique after I answer this I propose if it's not out of order that we make this the last question we've been here 2 and 1 half hours for we have 15 more minutes oh I'm sorry very good fine um they're paying him by the hour they're not paying me at all but I got $100 so in the Greek translation in the let me change it in the original Greek the word unique simply meaning different than any that there had ever been there has never been one like the Son of God he's unique and there has never been one like Mary that produced the son of God as he eloquently explained just a moment ago it just simply means there was never one before him like that there will never be one after him like that he was unique as God's own son manifest In the Flesh and incidentally we Christians don't believe in three Gods we don't believe that God is married and lives in an apartment in heaven and has a bunch of children we don't believe and teach such foolishness as that we believe that out of love God Almighty con condescended to come down here on this planet and live among men and to walk and talk among men and inhuman formed the Incarnation to die on calvary's Cross as the perfect sin offering for mankind man helpless to save himself and he did just that and he told the people you kill this body and in 3 days I will raise it up again once again he was unique in that he was unique in his in the prophecies he was unique in his birth he was unique in his life he was unique in his miracles he was unique in his ministry he was unique in his death he was unique in his resurrection he was unique in his Ascension and when he comes back he will be unique in his coming again Mr D we have invited you to our Christian Nation to debate the topic is the Bible the word of God will you now show the courage to invite Reverend Swagger to debate you once again on the same topic in the city of Mecca and if not why you you see if the question I had asked are you prepared to debate brother sagard in the United States in the different cities I said I'm prepared now to offer $10,000 for each meeting in places like the medicon Square Garden in New York venues of that kind $10,000 per meeting four meetings in the United States $40,000 but the questioner is asking whether I would be prepared to invite him to Mecca now I don't rule Mecca number one number two if you want to get into Mecca you need a visa when I had to come to the United States your government forced me to get a visa and I went through the process of acquiring that visa and I'm here you see I wanted to get go to the old Zambia you know when Zambia became independent I wanted to go to Zambia at that time Smith was ruling this south southern rudia so they gave me visa for and I had to sign at the back that I do not recognize the illegitimate Smith regime before they'll give me a Visa I had to I wanted to go so I had to sign the document that I do not recognize the illegitimate Smith regime in southern rudia say similarly if I have to come to the United States i f i fulfill your terms and conditions whatever you tell me if I'm prepared to go through with it I get the visa without that no Visa in Canada no Visa here no visa for people in South Africa you have to fulfill the conditions now there is a condition attached to you visiting Mecca and that condition is that you declare with your lips Muhammad the meaning is the meaning is that I believe that there is but one God not father Son and Holy Ghost not Jesus that God I Believe In The One and Only God Allah which is his name and that Muhammad is the last and final messenger of God you feel that condition you are welcome to come to Mecca Mr swag m swag according to your argument the King James version of the Holy Bible is necessary for salvation can we then surmise that anyone who uses Bible or another Bible will burn in hell such as Muslims Buddhists Catholics Jews Etc I have never said never believe that you have to believe in the King James version to be saved that's foolishness that's silly and before I answer the question if you won't let me come to Mecca let me go on television over there Mr do do mentioned the Dua version of the Bible sir we do believe in the Dua version of the Bible translation let's put it that way we do not accept the those fous books that were mentioned but we do believe in the Dua translation we feel it's a good translation no one has to believe in a particular translation of the Bible to be saved you do have to believe in the word of God to be saved and once again the word of God says there is none other name under Heaven it also tells us that we are saved by faith not by work Works lest any man should boast we're saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and I don't care where that word is if the word of God do you have a Quran over there sir could I man I was hoping he brought one okay any word of God that's in this book if you believe it pertaining to Salvation you will be saved you follow what I'm saying if the word of God pertaining to Salvation pertaining to being redeemed pertaining to being saved if it's written on the side of a wall somewhere to be frank with you it's written on our hearts that's what the Bible tells us you can memorize this book and worship it and it won't save you it has no power to save you but the word of God if adhered to and that means accepting Jesus Christ as one's own personal savior if that is in the Quran you can be saved Mr Dad how does the Muslim account for different versions of the Quran does this make all of the versions um lies as you claim the Bible is I repeat there is no such thing as different versions of the Quran I said there are translations yours are versions brother swag in the previous question he answered he said look there are seven spous books in the DU version seven SP means which he rejects so it's a version there are seven books out of this which he's not prepared to accept as the word of God whereas every Quran in the world translated as it is God's word translated and you have a choice of words but they are not versions this is a version this is a version chunks and chunks are thrown out from what is in here different version I hope you understand my English you know I don't know how how how simpler I can put it to you that the things are varying what is in here seven books not in here what is in here is not in there what is in here is taken out from there again can you see it's a version I hope I don't know Reverend Jimmy swager what is Trinity we believe the word of God teaches that there is one God not 2510 12:15 one God manifest in three persons three different personalities we believe there is a Heavenly Father we believe there is God the son and we believe the Holy Ghost as Mr D do mentioned that Came Upon Mary is also God they are indivisible meaning they agree perfectly they are one in unity they never disagree they never have disagreed we believe that when you get to heaven if you get there Jesus Christ the son of God will be seated according to the word of God by the right hand of the father and will actually maintain that Throne forever basically that's what we mean by the trinity in a short nutshell we have a time exactly for two more questions Mr D do you believe in the Holy Ghost why or why not you see the idea of the Holy Ghost in christiandom is that he's one in a trinity where the Christian says that the father is God the son is God and the Holy Ghost is is God but there are not three Gods but one God in his catechism he continues that the father is Almighty the son is Almighty and the Holy Ghost is Almighty but there are not three almighties but one Almighty it continues your catechism it says the father is a person the son is a person and the Holy Ghost is a person that's what brother swaga says in his book person person person but not three person but one person I'm asking what language are you speaking I'm asking is that English by God it is gibberish it's not English you see you said person person person but not three person but one person I said brother swag God you and your two other brothers let's say you are three identical triplets and we can't make the difference out between the three of you they all identical we can't make out the difference if one of you commit murder can we hang the other you say no I'm asking why not so you tell me that he's a different person that's a right what makes him different his personality so the father you know imagination the human mind you can't help when you use words they conjure up mental pictures when you say in the name of the father you have a certain mental picture of that old father Christmas Santa Claus millions and millions of time bigger than man but something like a man sitting on some planet with his feet dangling onto the Earth as his foot stol the heaven is his canopi the loving father in Heaven when you say God the son I'm asking are you think of a priz bull or a false no you're thinking of a handsome young man blonde hair blue eyes handsome features something like what we saw in the King of Kings Jesus of Nazareth you know uh on the day of PR where Jeffrey hter was acting you know handsome young man blond hair blue eyes handsome features nice beard not with a PO noose with a crooked nose that might make other pictures come into your mind you know Shakespeare made famous is it shilot shilot no you see so you're thinking of somebody like an English man or a Nordic or a German type with a straight nose the sun and the Holy Ghost something that came like a dove when Jesus was baptized in the was Jord by John the Baptist or something that came in flames of fire at Pentecost I said the picture is not very Vivid but the picture is there you have three distinct mental pictures and how hard you try you can never superimpose those three pictures and create one there'll ever be three in your mind but when I ask you how many pictures you see you say one you are lying to me brothers and sisters you are lying to me actually we have about 3 minutes Mr swager this uh question is from the management do you give us permission to everyone interested in obtaining a copy of this event um number one number two why didn't you allow televising this event and number three we have offered this opportunity to televise this event in Mecca but it was refused shame on you you did misquote me I did not say that God is a person the son is a person the Holy Ghost is a person and they are one person I didn't say that I said there is one God not one person um it seems to me they're televising it I see 1 2 3 4 five cameras you said they're not televising it they're televising it aren't they I'm I'm a little confused I don't understand do you give us permission uh for everyone interested in obtaining a copy of of this event video yes we will certainly do that providing that you do not edit the texes you see I know a little bit about television and you you can make anyone say just about anything you want them to say by chopping it up we are experts at that Mr dad and uh I would trust this man are you looking at me sir I trust you but I don't trust the whole world that I do not see and we asked to sign a statement if you wanted to televise it and take it with you do whatever you want to do with it providing that you tell us where you are going to edit it and how you're going to cut it up I think that's only fair we would not want to take anything he said and chop it up and make him to seem to say something that he did not say that wouldn't be right or fair and I think that we've been just about as Christian as anyone could ever be with it I want to say something just before we get started I have not known too very much about Islam I do not say that with any type of Pride but I have to be honest in the last few months I have studied Islam somewhat and I'll admit I've only scratched the surface back some I guess it must have been about 2 years ago now I made a derogatory statement over television about the Quran if you were not listening that particular week I'm never going to tell you what it was I wonder if it's ever been explained how many passages in the Quran and it is a beautiful book literarily it's on unequaled but how many stories were plagiarized from Jewish fables and folklore I wonder and he said he prayed in the name of Muhammad come out of him I asked him what happened nothing he prayed several times in the name of Muhammad come out of it but I remind you as I close this a dead man cannot produce Miracles Hallelujah I want to say it again a dead man cannot produce Miracles Jesus Christ is alive I want to look for a moment at the alleged contradictions or variations found in the word of God and from this I want to prove to you that this is the word in second Samuel 24 and4 and 1st Chronicles 21 And1 it mentions that God provoked David 2 Samuel Satan provoked David 1 Chronicles it seems like a contradiction of course anyone that studies the word of God knows that God is said to do things often times that he only allows to be done to be honest with you there's evidence in the Quran that the same thing was done by God want to say that again there's no contradiction here God often times in the Old Testament especially is placed in a position of being responsible for something when he only allows it to be done and in reality he is responsible in effect when you think of that in an explanation about the contradictions in the Bible whether Satan in provoked David or the Lord provoked David he said look this is we attribute it to God that though the devil did it we said God did it on that basis would we be prepared to concede that God had those 6 million Jews incinerated because Hitler did it we because God intended it this is what he wanted to do so God is responsible for the Massac or the incineration of 6 million Jews or even 600,000 or even 6,000 is dramatic enough if they if Hitler did it who you say God did it are you going to blame God for that you going to exonerate Hitler and the Nazi party because you said God did it no dear brother swag God we don't think like that if a criminal does such and such a thing we say it is his action he's responsible we don't say God did it because eventually the power comes from God but God has given you that free will to think and and to see right from wrong so if you do wrong you are responsible you can't hold God responsible so either David was provoked by the Satan or by the Lord and Satan and Lord are not synonymous terms in any religion they are opposites Satan and the God Almighty are opposite things in First Kings 4:26 it speaks of 40,000 stalls Solomon's grandure 2 Chronicles 9:25 4,000 stalls relating the same incident and we would have to think isn't that a contradiction it is plain pure and simple it relates the same story there are several incidents in the word of God stating the same identical thing in various different ways where one account will be given and the number will be slightly changed another count will be given it'll say 2,000 and then 2 Chronicles or 1 Chronicles 3,000 or whatever in any book claiming to be from God God that book will be free from contradictions like for example the example the brother gave I repeat that I said look it says in one of the books Solomon had 4,000 stalls of horses another one says he had 40,000 stalls of horses and 4 and 40 is only the difference of a zero so you would say I said you know my cousins the Jews they didn't know the zero when they wrote the book they didn't know is my Arab brothers who found it from my fathers in India and they shared it with the world zero the Jews didn't know they wrote this in words 4 F4 in Hebrew of course 40 F 40 I says now who made the mistake God or the writer and they were not saved we are told that they were not saved from mistakes Mrs LG white you say she's a cultist Mrs LG white the prophetess of the 7th Day Adventist movement she says in her Bible commentary I have the book there in her Bible commentary she says she has no motives to lie she believes in the Bible to be the inspired word of God and yet she says say the Bible we have we read today is the work of many copyists who have in most instances done the work with marvelous accuracy in most instances she they have done their work with marvelous accuracy but copies have not been infallible and God most and God most evidently has not seen fit to preserve them all together from error God didn't see fit in other words this is this is his business God's business if he wants to see fit if he wants to do a thing he does it if he doesn't he said look go to hell that's your business said God didn't see fit to preserve them from making errors in transcribing in the following pages of her commentary Mrs White testifies further I saw that God had specially guarded the Bible God had specially guarded the Bible I'm asking for what yet when copies of it were few learned men had in some instances changed the words in the original manuscripts they changed the words words thinking that they were making it plain when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain by causing it to lean to the established views which were governed by tradition like the Jehovah's Witnesses they have produced a translation called The New World Translation the Orthodox you don't accept that why don't you because they have their own leanings according to their own ideas they're changing the words same thing that the Protestants did they were people who believed in Jesus as God so they said now they change the words so we said this is has been going on from the very beginning we believe that Moses wrote what is called the penuche those first five books with the exception possibly of the last few verses and do Deuteronomy and he could have even written that because we believe that God and I know Islam believes that God is so powerful that he could have revealed to Moses exactly how he would die and exactly how that his funeral would be conducted that would have been no problem for God but whether he wrote it or whether Joshua wrote it it was written about 3500 years ago the first five books supposed to be the Books of Moses Genesis acts Leviticus Numbers in Deuteronomy these revisers Scholars of the highest emence they telling us today that Moses didn't write the Books he didn't write the Books he's not the author the author Genesis author the first book of Moses in inverted for us Exodus second book of Moses inverted commas Leviticus third book of Moses in inverted commas numbers fourth book of Moses in inverted commas Deuteronomy fifth book of Moses in inverted commas I'm asking why the inverted commas what for why these inverted commas they are telling you in a very very diplomatic psychological way that these are not our words we don't believe so but the Common Man the lady the preachers the Bible thers the hot gospelers this is what they believe that these are the books of Moses but Moses didn't write them we don't believe that these are his words so we put them in inverted commas is not the book of Moses there are more than 700 times in these five books you read the expression and the Lord said unto Moses and Moses said unto the Lord and the Lord said unto Moses and Moses said unto the Lord neither the Lord said this nor did Moses write it English this is your language this is written in the third person not by God not by Moses if Moses wrote it he would have said the Lord said unto me and I said unto the Lord the Lord I or the Lord says I said unto Moses and Moses said unto me this is in the third person and that somebody else is writing about these things it is not the word of God it is not even the words of Moses with regards to the Orit I found out from Jewish Scholars that Jewish prophets didn't write the obituaries you know before dying he says you know on my Tombstone you put these words fat Jewish do didn't do that in the book of Deuteronomy it says my brother admits that it could be the works of Joshua but they are supposed to be the works of Moses how does Joshua fit in it says and there Moses died in the land of Moab died in the past tense over against be and no man know his un this day and Moses was he was 120 years old when he died now some mention about the many versions of the bible really that an incorrect statement there is only one version of the Bible there are many translations our Scholars argue constantly over varied translations King James version as we use that term as I mentioned incorrectly is really a translation others have been put out they were critical of the King James even to the point of laboring incessantly to derive the Old Testament from the Hebrew in which it was written minus a few verses in aramic and the New Testament in Greek translation some are incorrect we think I personally like the King James and brother Swagat has given us to understand that translations and versions are one and the same thing we Muslims we have a number of translations of the Quran even into the English language different people Yu Ali M Pall know daradi and on and on we have English translations by different people and there the translation means a difference in the choice of words choice of words in translating a certain phrase from Arabic into English choice of words versions are quite a different thing look here I have in my hand this Bible which brother Swagat as well as many Protestants do not accept as the word of God this is the Roman Catholic version of the Bible the du or version of the Bible this Bible has 73 books this is an encyclopedia of 73 books seven more than one which brother Swagat takes oath on the King James version this is the King James version he takes Oath by it in his evangelist bazine December 1985 somebody questions brother Swagat about the Bible being the word of God God and he says word of God and in bracket I refer to the King James version in your evangelist of December 85 the King James version the King James version has thrown out those seven extra books thrown out in other words those seven extra books the Christ the Protestants do not accept as the word of God you use certain technical terms like like apocrypha which the masses of christiandom do not know what is this Apocrypha Apocrypha means doubtful weak not deserve to be in the book of God as such the Protestants threw it out as a fabrication these seven books are thrown out from here so this version the Christian Protestants will not accept as the word of God am I correct this is not the word of God so we put it aside I agree with you what you tell me I accept you say it's not the word of God I say I agree with you and put it aside now you tell me that this is the word of God the King James version with his 66 books this was first published in 1611 by order of his majesty King James whose name is still based today authorized version authorized by who not God Almighty by King James you authorized it not God Almighty there are some 24,000 manuscripts of the word of God of the New Testament alone I should say that dates back before 350 ad the original statement or signature or autograph of the word of God does not exist as I mentioned the first one was printed on Vellum or or clay tablets some 3,500 years ago they perished from overuse and from being put on material that had little lasting quality at least not that long but at any rate some 24,000 copies have been made and scholarship tells us when it concerns the ancient books of antiquity if at least 10 copies are inexistent you don't have to have the original to guarantee the original and when one considers that there are 24,000 copies and there are some varant in those copies we admit but basically the text is not changed the boast about 24,000 manuscripts brother Swagat you know no two are identical your Scholars say out of the 24,000 that you're boasting about no two are identical then how do you come to know that this is the word of God and this is not out of the 24,000 on the very face of it when you open the book The injil and the tat you're talking about it says Mark Matthew begins in your version the King James version it says The Gospel According to St Matthew the Gospel According to St Mark The Gospel According to St Luke The Gospel According to St John I'm asking what is this according according according what is this according to why according to I have got brother swag's book it says homosexuality it's caused and it's Cure by Jimmy swag or just Jimmy swag it doesn't say according to Jimmy SW got why this in the book of God according to according to according to according to you know why because Matthew didn't sign his name Luke didn't sign his name John didn't mark didn't sign his name John didn't sign his name these are assume Anonymous books Anonymous books attributed to God and the Gen ology in Matthew and Luke in Matthew it gives Joseph's genealogy and in Luke it gives Mary's geneology in the the the temple in Jerusalem if there had been anything wrong with I'm running out of time okay if there had been anything wrong with the genealogy of Christ they would have pointed it out immediately but they did not the genealogy between Matthew and Luke we are given 66 fathers and grandfathers to Jesus in a genealogy of 66 fathers and grandfathers except for one name no two names are identical separate list everyone is a different name brother swag says one is the geneology of Mary and one of Jesus I say why of Mary does the book say that no the book says this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the other one ends with Jesus Christ there's no Mary inside 66 names no two are alike except one and the father of Jesus Christ allegedly God Almighty he's not there can you imagine God Almighty dictating the genealogy of his son in inverted commas and yet he leaves himself out he's going out of his way to dictate two genealogies with 66 names and he's not in it he's not there I'm asking what is he trying to tell you what is he really trying to tell you when his name is not there a man who had no genology we believe no genealogy he was born miraculously without any male intervention you give him 66 fathers and grandfathers and you said this is God Almighty dictat say we Muslims Brothers swag God we take strong exception to this type of handling of this Mighty messenger of God the Judah the father of the Jewish race from whom we get the word Judah from whom we get the word Judaism that he had prohibited with his daughter-in-law by the roadside while he was on his way to Tim he sees this woman sitting by the wayside and you know he goes up to her and he says allow me to come in unto thee she said what will thou give me and he said I'll give your kit from the flock so what guarantee that I will give it he say I'll give he say what what guarantee do you want is your Signet and your bracelet and your staff and the old man gave it to her and he cibit with his daughter-in-law and begat twins fares and Zara and they are put now in the genealogy of Jesus that they are the great these children of incest are the great grandfathers of Jesus Christ Matthew chapter 1 verse one it says and this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of Abraham the son of David and Abraham be Isaac and Isaac be Jacob and Jacob be Judas and his brother and Judas far and Zar of Tam who are these look at the cross reference it tells you Genesis chter 38 and you find that this is the father-in-law citing with his daughter-in-law produces his children of incest and they are honored to become the great grandfathers of Jesus Christ I want to know how does this come into the book of God how does this come into the genealogy of a man who had no genealogy he was unique in his Ascension I give you the Ascension brother swag course in his book Mark chapter 16 verse 16 another place Mark chapter 16 verse 19 I say it's not in my Bible I didn't print this the Jews didn't print it the Hindus didn't print it you Christians you produced this book and you are telling me that this is the most upto-date Bible going to the most ancient manuscripts so I look up for Mark 16 I see it ends at verse 8 9 to 20 is missing did I take it out the Muslims took it out no 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence back by 50 go oping denominations they thought it fit that this is another fabrication imposed upon christiandom and they also threw it out it's not in my Bible therefore it is not the word of God if this is the word of God then that is not the word of God but I pick up another Bible look at this look at this two brother SWOT IID didn't take look at that I see back again it's inside what was thrown out the Ascension there are only two places in in the gospels in the gospel of Matthew Mark Luke and John there are only two places where Ascension is mentioned mark 16: 19 Luke 24:51 thrown out of this version thrown out as fabrication Ascension and yet these Bibles each and every one of them they tell us that Jesus when he went to Jerusalem he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem Matthew says Mark says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem Luke says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem John says he wrote the donkey into Jerusalem look God Almighty didn't miss that out his son riding the donkey into Jerusalem when every Tom Dick and Harry was riding donkeys into Jerusalem that he didn't forget but the Ascension is not mentioned not once and where his mention is now thrown out but I buy another Bible identical Bible That's to the looks printed by the same printers I look and it's there again what was thrown out they put it back again how come how come what games are you people playing look at this back again this is the 1971 version back again the Ordinary People poor people they don't know what's going on what game is being played who knows you read the preface the Learned man the preacher he reads the preface but he won't tell his congregation what he's reading in the preface in the preface we are told that individuals and two church denominations they stampeded them they forced them that they should put it back if not they're going to preach against his book to say look don't buy this buy the King James version don't buy this by the king the most up to- dat Bible going to the most ancient manuscript no no no no don't touch that this is the safer one because it has everything that you want to preach to catch the fish it's easier to catch the fish with this than with this the bait you know the fish you know uses like Dale Kani he tells us in his book how to says How to Win Friends and Influence People he says I like strawberry and cream I think most Americans do but he say when I go fishing I put a worm worm to catch the fish it's not that I love worms but this this is what the fish loves so I put one so now if you want to catch fish you got to use the right bait Ascension is now restored to the text says the prefet why not God told them so God doesn't speak freely to those Scholars as freely as he happens to speak as brother claims with him and I want to start this out tonight by quoting a passage of scripture that Mr doot and myself disagree somewhat over but which is one of if not the dearest passage in the word of God to the world of chrisom found in St John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only unique son fooled you there Mr D do his only unique son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and I want to use that as the basis for this simple statement that I would attempt to make tonight now prepare for the shock I said prepare for the shock from these 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denominations they say yet the King James version has Grave defects and that these defects are so many and so serious there are these are not my words there are so there are so many and so serious as to call for Revision in the English translation calls for revision and the revised it and in the revision the king pin of the Evangelist the preacher the hot gospel the Bible ther John 3:16 no Christian preacher is worth the name if he can't clinch the deal with John 3:16 John 3:16 for God so loved the world in the authorized King James version that he gave his only begotten son my brother swag changed the word begotten to unique this is not from the King James version the King James version says begotten I heard brother Swag On TV or was it video this morning this morning there he's speaking to a group as if it was his own church group you know giving some lessons on Babylon and I think it was on that or another one he used the word begotten this morning and in 8 hours time he changed it to Unique I'm asking are you ashamed of the word begotten Are you ashamed of it that Jesus is the only begotten son we believe the word of God teaches that there is one God not 2 5 10 1215 one God man manest in three persons three different personalities we believe there is a Heavenly Father we believe there is God the son and we believe the Holy Ghost as Mr D do mentioned that Came Upon Mary is also God they are indivisible meaning they agree perfectly they are one in unity they never disagree they never have disagreed you see the idea idea of the Holy Ghost in christiandom is that he's one in a trinity where the Christian says that the father is God the son is God and the Holy Ghost is God but there are not three Gods but one God in his catechism he continues that the father is Almighty the son is Almighty and the Holy Ghost is Almighty but there are not three almighties but one Almighty it continues your catechism it says the father is a person the son is a person and the Holy Ghost is a person that's what brother swaga says in his book person person person but not three person but one person I'm asking what language are you speaking I'm asking is that English by God it is gibberish it's not English you see you said person person person but not three person but one person I said brother Swagat you and your two other brothers let's say you are three identical triplets and we can't make the difference out between the three of you they're all identical we can't make out the difference if one of you commit murder can we hang the other you say no I'm asking why not so you tell me that he's a different person that's a right what makes him different his personality so the father you know imagination the human mind you can't help when you use words they conjure up mental pictures when you say in the name of the father you have a certain mental picture of that old father Christmas Santa Claus millions and millions of time bigger than man but something like a man sitting on some planet with his feet dangling onto the Earth as his foot stol the heaven as his canopi the loving father in Heaven when you say God the son I'm asking are you thinking of a priz bull or a false no you're thinking of a handsome young man blonde hair blue eyes handsome features something like what you saw in the King of Kings Jesus of Nazareth you know uh on the day of Prim where Jeffrey hter was acting you know handsome young man blonde hair blue eyes handsome fures nice beard not with a poly nose with a crooked nose that might make other pictures come into your mind you know Shakespeare made famous is it no you see so you're thinking of somebody like an English man or a Nordic or a German type with a straight nose the sun and the Holy Ghost something that came like a dove when Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist or something that came in flames of fire at Pentecost I said the picture is not very Vivid but the picture is there you have three distinct mental pictures and how hard you try you can never superimpose those three pictures and create one they'll ever be three in your mind but when I ask you how many pictures you see you say one you are lying to me brother brothers and sisters you're lying to me said he prayed in the name of Muhammad come out of him I asked you what happened nothing he prayed several times in the name of Mohammad come out of it nothing and I do not mean that disrespectfully of Muhammad he could have prayed in the name of Abraham or Moses and it would have done no better he could have prayed in the name of Paul or Peter and it would have done no better so standing there alone he says I think I'll try it my Christian friend has said it I don't believe it but I'm going to try it he laid hands on him in the name of Jesus Christ come out of it he said brother swaret before my eyes he was delivered by the power of almighty God I know that you do not deny the miracles of Jesus but I remind you as I close this a dead man cannot produce Miracles with 2,000 years of preaching look at it you have these powers of Miracle working Christ gives life he heals a sick Muhammad couldn't in the name of Muhammad they couldn't do it I says my brothers you don't read the scriptures Jesus Christ is said for they shall as many false christs and false prophets who will show you great signs and wonders if it were possible to deceive the very elect if false Christ can do that if false Christ can perform Miracles if false prophets can perform Miracles then I says is this a test of your faith no then Jesus Christ tells those who are doing this miraculous work he's telling you in the gospel of St Matthew that on that day on the last day on the day of judgment he says many will come to me on that day saying Lord Lord did we not prophesy in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name do many mighty works in your name in the name of Jesus didn't you do all these things didn't we do all that he said yes he said then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity I said here explain you he won't tell the Jews depart from me for sack get away I don't know know you he won't tell the Hindus get away from me or the atheist get away from me he will tell you I want to know why why would he tell you I don't even know you get out I says look these are not the test John the Baptist According To Jesus one of the mightiest messengers of God Jesus says among those born of women there has not risen another greater than John the Baptist and yet he performed no miracles did he show me what did he do What miracles no Miracle is not a yes but the greater Miracle is that without any Miracles you transform Nations nations are transformed 1,000 million people they don't invite alcohol because of the dictates of Muhammad and I've learned that Muslims are some of the most hospitable people on the face of the Earth and I've learned that you are extremely totally dedicated and serious about your faith in other words it's not just a sham with you you mean business Jesus said by the fruits you shall know them do men GA fix from the title or grap from The Thorn said every good tree will bear good fruit and every evil tree will bear evil fruit here is the test he said come unto me all ye that labor and a heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I'm meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest into your souls one day very soon you see he's promised to come back he's coming because he said he would come every single prophecy in this book that is supposed to be fulfilled has been fulfilled amen the others that have not yet been fulfilled will be fulfilled there is a hunger in the heart of every person for God only Jesus Christ can f that hunger you see Jesus Christ when he sent out his disciples on the mission of preaching and he instructed them he said go ye not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go and to the lost sheep of the House of Israel I want to know where the American Anglo-Saxons fit in as the Jews the house of Israel then he's telling a Jewish woman a Greek woman comes to him wanting her daughter to be healed so he turns his face away she goes on the other side and she won't let him go so the disciples say help her this woman is persistent you know like a drowning man clutching his straws drowning women do the same heal her child so Jesus says I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel the Jews so this a help her Jesus says do not throw the bread of the children to the dogs who are the dogs the Gentiles you and every other human being other than the Jews are dogs and pigs According To Jesus or according to your scripture it says Jesus says do not throw that which is holy into dogs do not throw Pearls Before Swine L they turn and Rend you who are the dogs and who are the swin the Gentiles so he says do not throw the bread of the children to the dogs the woman in desperation her child's life is at stake she says Lord Master even the dogs have cr from the master's table so he said give her the look this is the scripture unfortunately the scripture is not being quoted the scripture quote what Jesus said i' would like to hear what Jesus said Jesus says not about the supposed idea that you just believe and you be saved he said verily verily I say unto you except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven there's no heaven for you unless you are better than the Jew and I'm asking how can you better than the Jew by not keeping the laws and the Commandments you answer that there is no book on the face of the Earth that has had the textual criticism that this book has had I I sort of feel insignificant when I stand Here attempting to speak about the Bible when I realized that some of the world's most eminent Scholars have critically looked at every single text over and over and over again sparing no expense no time no effort to ascertain if it was what it said it was I have read the Bible through many many many times and others such as I have read it many more times much more educated than I could ever be understanding both Hebrew and Greek and the 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence backed by 50 cooperating denominations they threw it out to a US did the Muslims threaten you that look if you don't take that word out of the Bible we won't Supply you oil did they do that the Arabs did they tell you no oil if you don't take this word out from the Bible why did you take it out because it was an interpolation it was not the word of God the Bible you are carrying it has this interpolation and you said this morning I heard the tape he said one word even one word it says if it is not supposed to be there and it's there he said the whole book should be thrown away whole book but it's not only one word there are chunks and chunks of it according to your revises and brother swagar tells me in one of his books that if you want to know anything factual knowledge on any subject you go to The Experts and he gives an example that if you want to know something about geology you go to the geologist if you want to know about the Bible where do you go to the Baba Shoemaker no you go to the Bible experts the Bible scholars and they are telling you that this is a fabrication then the trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost Brothers swag God also quotes adverting from the first episod of John 5: 7 where it says for there are three that be record in heaven the Father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one if he gives me time he said now look which book I can open it and show it to you which book ad verba his quotation I said look but it's not in my Bible is this not the word of God in my Bible it's not there why is it not there because your Scholars 32 Scholars of the highest Eminence Bible scholars backed by 50 cooperating denominations they say this is another fabrication another interpolation so they also threw it out without any ceremony in response to brother Swagat Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible in response to brother Swagat last night at question time somebody posed a question to him where he was asked whether there was any mention of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the Christian Bible and brother swag according to his understanding knowledge he said no there is nothing in the Bible about Muhammad in the world today there are some 1,200 million Christians and a, million Muslims and they are at loggerheads on on the subject of the revealed scriptures the Christian he says that the Bible the Holy Bible is the word of God and they will not accept another and the Muslim says that the Quran is Allah's Kalam is the word of God homosexuality he says what it has done he's staying in his book on homosexuality you know this filthy dirty thing you call gays sodomites you call them gays he says America he says it's time that God would judge you if he doesn't judge you he says he might have to apologize to Sodom and gomorah and I will prove from the Christian Bible not from the Quran the Quran says they didn't kill him and they didn't crucify him you are satisfied but no to satisfy the Christian I will show to them from the Christian Bible that Brothers you have misunderstood the whole thing you are reading something and actually you're misunderstanding it doctor Dr sahb as says please please tell us tell these people that in my language in English when we say a spirit has no Flesh and Bones that it has Flesh and Bones tell them sir you're ready for this oh I want to be sure he's ready for this all right all right
Channel: Religous Channel
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Id: mC_lR-5UCJo
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Length: 195min 3sec (11703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 17 2015
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