Is Thailand BETTER than Vietnam in 2024? Prices, accommodation, beaches, safety

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hello everyone, my name is Olga, my name is  Rene we lived for a month in Vietnam and now   we are doing the same in Thailand. in this video  we will share our experiences about Thailand and   Vietnam as foreigners. the first thing that we  usually research about the country before we go   there is the weather. yeah overall it's great  if you don't go in the rain season and that's   something you definitely should check out before.  Thailand and Vietnam they have regions where the   weather most of the year is hot and humid, those  regions are like Da Nang, Phu Quoc, Nha Trang and   they are all in Vietnam. the regions in Thailand  that have the hot and humid weather almost all the   time are Bangkok, Phuket Krabi and Koh Samui.  yeah right now we are in Phuket experiencing   that hotness and humidity and also still a bit  of the extension of the rain season apparently   December is , usually it should be pretty dry  but this time around we are getting washed away.   yeah this year is a bit different so yeah check  that out before you go. so yeah if you cannot   tolerate the heat, if you cannot tolerate the  humidity I would say the whole of Southeast Asia   for you is maybe for a short trip but not for  long term stay. the second important thing that   everyone looks into is the Visa situation and  of course for different passport holders people   from different countries the situation will be  different but in general right now in southeast   Asia they lifted all the travel restrictions  connected to Covid, but still for now in Vietnam   you can only get a 30-day Visa which we did and  you pay 25 Dollar for itI think. -yeah. -yeah you   apply online you pay 25 Dollar and how long? about  a week it took them to send it? -yeah about three   working days so that's quick but you still have  to apply online of course. and in Thailand they   made it till the end of March, so basically for  the high season now you can stay here 45 days,   you get a stamp for 45 days, again not all  nationalities but many of them so check that out   before you come. of course it used to be easier  to stay in Vietnam longer term like for months and   people would just pay money and there it would  be extended, extended, extended, so that's how   they lived there for a year but now I know that's  not really possible so now it's only those monthly   visas. but in Thailand it's like before if you  want to stay long term like for a year or even six   months you can apply to study at a language school  or I even heard like a kickboxing school or more   at high school in certain cities like Chiang Mai,  Bangkok and Phuket I think too. somewhere if you   live there and you apply for that school you can  get yourself a year long Visa, essentially a study   Visa so that's an option, but that won't be of  course for free the school will cost you money   of course. we did hear that for Vietnam they are  planning to resume longer stay visas from the 1st   of January, but nothing official as far as we know  yet, so if you really like to stay in Vietnam keep   your eye out on the price, keep it in check. for  now what you can do are Visa runs. so on to the   next important subject and that's the cost of  living in Thailand and Vietnam. actually overall   speaking, costs are pretty similar I think. -I  think in Vietnam we were spending a bit less,   yeah so overall Vietnam seems to be a bit  cheaper. -there are some things that are   different in the countries for example in Vietnam  the coffee overall is less expensive [Music] For anyone who can't live without   the coffee, can't wake up. also you can get a good  coffee there. there are a lot of coffee shops,   not the Dutch one. are there other things that  were cheap in Vietnam? -local cheap beers,   cheap Heineken even Heineken that's produced  there is really cheap. -yeah the beer in Vietnam   indeed is really cheap and also the grab,  grab taxis, but also to grab motorbikes are   really cheap in Vietnam. they are more expensive  in Thailand especially here on Phuket. yeah   on Phuket I recommend to not use grab,  but bolt. -yeah that's the app we found.   -and also the apartments in Vietnam seem to be  cheaper. for the money that you pay you get a   decent apartment there where here in Thailand  it seems to be that we are paying more money   for basically less quality. and another thing is  the the barber, in Vietnam I could do a barber   for two and a half dollars yeah so that's really  cheap and here in Thailand it looks like one of   the cheapest I can find is about four dollars,  still really cheap. another remarkable thing   is that in Vietnam it only cost about one dollar  to take out money depending on the ATM you would   take out cash money with your cart, but here  in Thailand almost all machines will charge you   about six to seven dollar that's a lot of money.  -yeah in general especially Thailand is still   very cash dependent, so in the smaller shops, in  a lot of local cafes you still have to pay cash.   -you still need a lot of cash essentially.-yeah  and if they do accept cards then European cards   and probably American cards are usually not  accepted unless they are credit cards. what   we have noticed is that on our credit card  the exchange rate is quite bad so basically   Our advice is to take Euros or dollars in cash and  then exchange them in the country. in Vietnam it   was a bit cheaper to just take out cash. -yeah  in Vietnam we usually took out cash with the   card indeed, but here in Thailand not. here  in Thailand we have to run to the ATM a lot.   yeah and overall food, groceries, well  I think in Vietnam it was a bit cheaper,   but it does feel like Thailand has overall more  variety. it's more like shopping oriented, all   those malls and big supermarkets are very common  you can find them easily where in Vietnam they are   less common overall you spend even I think less  because of it because of less variety you spend   less. and yeah even like local food in Vietnam  is cheaper, in Thailand it's still very cheap,   still very affordable for someone from Western  Europe or Northern America it's still cheap in   both countries, but in Thailand it's a bit more  expensive than in Vietnam. although we both I   think like both Vietnamese food and Thai food so  we do eat local a lot. -yeah that's great although   I must say that Thai food I do like a bit more  don't beat me up Vietnamese people, please. what,   you are cheating on Pho Bo?!? with Tom  yum?!oh, yeah, Pho Bo is difficult to beat, but   yeah well. I think Vietnam is better for  people who really like bread because a   staple street food is the Banh mi sandwich,  it's like their inheritance from French   and yeah it's very very cheap. here in  Thailand bread is considered more of a cake,   it's more of a dessert so you can of course find  bread here everywhere but it will be noticeably   more expensive than local food whereas in  Vietnam it is easy to get Banh mi, easy to   get bread and satisfy your craving of bread. -the  cool thing is that I eat gluten free and Banh mi   did not give me any problems and it  appears to be made with rice flour yeah probably the reason. well another factor is  the transportation of course which is important   in Thailand. the cities, the islands they are  just more developed and there is more options   for transportation usually. for example in a big  city like Bangkok there is a Metro, there is this,   there is that. lots of Metro lines you can get  anywhere where Vietnam I don't think they have   a Metro, maybe I'm wrong if you're Vietnamese or  you know it correct me if I'm wrong but I think in   Vietnam there is no metro so that's a disadvantage  of course. but of course you will be riding a bike   everywhere but yeah the traffic is hectic and for  someone like me for example who doesn't drive and   doesn't want to learn in a hectic environment who  doesn't want to get into an accident or something   yeah I prefer to have some form of public  transport. what about the bike rent by the way,   was it cheaper in Vietnam or cheaper here in  Phuket? the bike rent was cheaper in Vietnam.   yeah we were told that we got a really good rate  in Vietnam if you want to know more you can check   out our video about our budget in Da Nang and  there we talk about everything. another important   thing is where exactly do you want to live? do  you want to live by the beach, do you want to   live in a big city, do you want to live closer  to the mountains? and of course both Vietnam   and Thailand offer a really beautiful scenery  especially if you want to travel throughout   the country not just stay in one place. you've  been in the northern part in how was it called   in Vietnam? Ha Giang, so that was really Scenic,  yeah absolutely. in Thailand you have in the north   also around Chiang Mai the beautiful scenery and  a lot of nature parks and down south and both   countries you have beautiful beaches. near Hanoi  we didn't travel there yet. yeah, Ha Long bay is   really beautiful and Scenic in Vietnam, here  in Thailand Phuket, Phi Phi Islands, Koh Samui you have it all it's just probably a personal  preference. I would recommend everyone to go   to both countries for a holiday. but to live  long term if you want to live by the beach   I think Thailand just has more options,  more developed cities on Islands   than Vietnam although Vietnam Now is really  developing rapidly. but there I think you really   need to know the season well in both countries you  need to know the season if you want to swim but I   think in Vietnam especially because when we were  in Da Nang just now we couldn't swim because it   wasn't the season. the waves were too strong and  it was stormy and yeah for Surfers it's perfect   and we saw people surfing but if you want to swim  or even chill by the beach it would get a bit   stormy. so if you're a traveler definitely watch  out for that. now what about language barrier and   about the alphabet, the people in the countries  in Thailand and Vietnam? well actually in both   countries especially where there are tourists in  the touristy areas they speak English. I must say   that in Thailand it's a bit more, it can be a  bit more difficult to understand the English,   but yeah that that might also be because of  the alphabet, in Vietnam they have a Latin   alphabet and in Thailand they have something  else. yeah in Thailand unless you learned the   Thai alphabet you cannot read anything, so for  example on the menu you cannot say what's on   the menu. but yeah in tourism industry you can  get away with just the English and your hands.   in Vietnam sometimes it feels like it's easier  but also again not everyone is speaking English.   but yeah in general both in Thailand and Vietnam  people were very friendly towards us so we did   not experience any harassment or if we needed help  there would be someone who was offering help so in   that area we cannot say that Vietnam or Thailand  is better because for us in both countries people   were really nice and helpful. yeah definitely  yeah. and about foreign communities before   Covid we know that in Da Nang there was quite the  expat Community, yeah in Vietnam. and of course in   Thailand too, Covid did make things more difficult  especially in Vietnam things were made a lot more   difficult and a lot of people a lot of foreigners  left Vietnam because of that. yeah but now people   are coming back well until the Visa situation  is not getting better in Vietnam it won't get   much better but in Thailand I think many people  who used to stay long term here are now coming   back. so yeah these days probably in Thailand the  foreign Community is bigger if that's what you're   looking for. in Bangkok but also here in Phuket  we do see quite some foreigners with children   and just the people who stay here long term and  especially if we compare it to Da Nang and Hanoi,   or Hanoi we did see some tourists too but it still  feels less than here in Thailand and especially Da   Nang we did not meet many tourists. in your  own country you are probably used to having   sidewalks and that you can walk every were,  but as some of you may know in Asian countries   sidewalks can be a real problem. imagine that  there either are no sidewalks at all and that   you need a motorbike to get basically anywhere  even to a barber or the local supermarket shop. or   there are sidewalks and then they use them as bike  parking so you can still not use the sidewalks.   yeah because of that you have to walk on the  road with motorbikes and with cars going like   this close next to you and they can drive  relatively fast. well we did notice that   in Vietnam there are sidewalks yeah the  situation there is better with walkability although it's not, it's still not perfect  there can still be trees in the middle of   the sidewalk or if a sidewalk goes next to  some residential buildings people would just   park their bikes on that sidewalk, put their  boxes with their plants on it so essentially   again you are pushed to walk on the road. so if  you're someone who likes to walk to places who   doesn't like to always have to drive either  it's a motorbike or a car. for example us,   we do like to just go for an evening walk just  to get some basic exercise and in Asian countries   that can be an issue and of course this is the way  it is this is the way life is here and you either   accept it or not. now to the interesting part  that Rene has been waiting for, it's the shopping.   in the biggest city in Thailand, in Bangkok there  are really big, huge shopping malls where you   can get anything you want. any foreign brand  not so many local Brands but other than that   all Electronics, clothes so whatever you want  is there from luxury to more budget-friendly   brands. in Vietnam there are also shopping  malls especially in big cities but it will   be one or two and they will not be as big as in  Thailand. so basically I like the ones in Vietnam   hahaha. yeah well it all comes down to when you  need something and you want to buy it and if   you don't have a shop then you have to order it  from overseas and then you have to pay tax which   can amount to quite a lot but if you can buy it  in the country it might be cheaper and faster.   so for example when we needed to buy a new iPhone  at the official shop at the Apple Store in Bangkok   they have two of them in Vietnam unfortunately for  now they don't have it but you can of course still   buy an iPhone but it will be from a reseller  company not from official store, so if that's   something that's important to you yeah you might  want to look into Thailand rather than Vietnam.   another important thing is Healthcare of  course and well I've heard in Thailand   that the healthcare is good they have big  International hospitals and things like that. a   lot of people are going to Thailand for different  kind of things. well I myself had experience with   International hospitals, it was nothing major no  operations or anything but just like a doctor's   appointment it was always efficient there was  a translator even so yeah there is no shortage   of that in Thailand especially in Bangkok a lot  of people find it more cheap to do the dentist   work and to do plastic surgery in Thailand in  Bangkok then in their own country. so we're   almost finished don't worry, be happy, we're  almost there just stay tuned. so then there is   a issue of safety and you might know that recently  when we were in Vietnam my phone got stolen and   that gave us a bit of a shock so we started to be  more careful about our belongings but other than   that I myself was in Thailand before in Vietnam  before you travelled to Vietnam and Thailand too   and both of us never had any issues. well I would  say that in both countries I felt quite safe even   by myself and together we also feel quite safe  and we never got anything else stolen from us and   overall we feel that people are friendly no one  is unnecessarily aggressive towards us or anything   like that. people are usually really respectful in  Thailand and in Vietnam no hostility or whatever   it feels safe. yeah we got a bit unfortunate in  Vietnam but it could happen anywhere in the world.   I would still like to exercise just common sense  like don't leave your things unattended. this is   not Japan you cannot just leave your phone on the  table in let's say Starbucks and just go away and   then find your phone at the same place. I  mean you might be okay, you might find it,   but yeah just don't do it intentionally. just  take care of your things don't walk alone at night   somewhere where there is nobody else, just as I  said, exercise common sense and just be cautious.   well there are a couple of things that you should  consider and that is that in Asian countries, most   of them are developing countries. the salaries  are relatively low and an iPhone or a phone can   be like six months or maybe even a year worth of  salary for a person and also but that's I think   in every country that where there are tourists  there are people that want to take advantage and   yeah especially after Covid. yeah I mean during  Covid things became more difficult for people,   so just don't wear flashy jewelry, don't show  off on the street or something like that. just   be careful and in general we do feel that it  is safe to be a tourist and to walk along and   walk around the streets we don't feel any danger.  what's our recommendation? where is better to live   or to go on a holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam  what would you say? on a holiday or to live I can   and want and will in both countries. you can just  do that? and I recommend everyone doing the same,   going on a holiday to Thailand going on a holiday  to Vietnam. yeah there are certain things that are   better in Thailand, like Thailand is in general  more developed and there are certain things   that are better in Vietnam like we had a better  apartment for less money so you have to evaluate   what's more important, but yeah I agree with you  that before committing especially to longer term   you should try both countries and for a holiday  I think yeah I agree as well that both countries   deserve that you go there at least once. yeah I  would say that both countries deserve more times   even but a lot of countries do and yeah there are  many countries to visit so I would give Thailand   and Vietnam at least once. yeah for sure, and for  me, for myself I think I would like to live more   in Thailand than in Vietnam just a little bit just  because Thailand is a bit more developed. yeah but   so far we are still undecided if we want to live  in Thailand for example for a full year and we   are still continuing living here in Phuket.  and in fact we will have a video about just   the daily life here and we plan to do a video  about a food tour here so if you're interested   in how it is right now in Thailand especially  on Phuket subscribe. and if you want to check   out how it was for us in Vietnam, we also have  those videos on our Channel already so you can   watch them right now, check out all the links in  the description. thanks for watching and please   leave us your opinion which country do you like  more and why? we do want to know your reasons
Channel: Olga Pro. Going places
Views: 40,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, thailand, таиланд, Thailand December, Phuket Thailand, Thailand travel, Phuket travel, Phuket December, Thai Food, Thailand Vlog, Travel Vlog, Bangkok Vlog, Foreigners in Thailand, Foreigners in Bangkok, expat Thailand, olga pro, กรุงเทพฯ, กรุงเทพมหานคร, Bangkok December, Prices Phuket, Phuket first time, Thailand First time, Phuket 2022, Thai Baht, Karon 2022, Vietnam, HAnoi, Da Nang, Danang, Vietnam 2022
Id: kcgTW_W6uUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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