Is Ramtha's School Of Enlightenment A Cult?

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got some new fan art for you so I was looking at this group called ramesses school of enlightenment it isn't really well-known as a religion at its face which makes it even more dangerous because people let their guard down they don't expect this kind of thing to be as devastating or crushing as it is they just view it as an academy of the mind to put it in their own words a retreat so let's take a look and see what it's all about let's get into it [Music] so what exactly is rent the school of enlightenment personally I become instantly suspicious when I hear enlightenment sounds - Wu efore my taste in their words it's an academy of the mind that offers retreats and workshops to people of all ages and cultures they use the latest quote-unquote neuroscience and quantum mechanics combined with ancient wisdom to teach people how to access extraordinary abilities of the brain here's my first major hang-up people seem to think that groups from thousands of years ago had some kind of special knowledge that we don't have today some special insight into the world that was lost I just want to say on the record that ancient Egypt was really good at architecture but we're better with architecture than ancient Egypt could have possibly ever been they dug up giant pieces of rock and built pyramids out of them without the aid of the wheel that is absolutely amazing it's baffling how they managed to do that but we have the aid of the wheel now we have the aid of steel and so many other tools that they didn't have we have skyscrapers that reach 2700 feet in the air not to mention how narrow they are in proportion to their height most pyramids are under a thousand feet tall I think one or two are just barely over a thousand so even an architecture claiming that ancient people were more skilled or knowledgeable about the world around them than we are today is just factually wrong it's just wow that's pushed two people to make them think you have secret information that nobody else has and they have to come to you to get it this group also likes to say Ramesses teachings are not a religion they offer a unique perspective to the mysteries of life obviously they aren't just offering another perspective there at the very least heavily implying they have some information that you don't have and if you don't come to them you'll never accomplish what they're saying they can do for you the home campus sits on 80 acres of land and yelm Washington it's fenced in and it's only accessible to staff and quote-unquote students not open to the public but you know who else calls people students Heaven's Gate and you know who else Jehovah's Witnesses they call themselves Bible students frame it in an academic way so people are more likely to think what their telling you is factual they have RSC coordinators aka ramp the school of enlightenment coordinators in 37 countries plus the u.s. the USA's coordinator is Ramtha herself yeah she's female I totally thought it was a dude at first I don't know why probably because lots of these groups get started by males oddly enough her real name is Judy zebra night or JZ night spelled k ni ght but she was born judith darlene hampton when you think about it males are a lot more likely to commit violent crimes just for funsies let's take a look at some of the statistics real quick according to the FBI males constituted ninety eight point nine percent of people arrested for forcible rape eighty seven point nine percent of people arrested for robbery eighty-five percent arrested for burglary eighty three percent for arson eighty one point seven percent for vandalism 81.5% for motor vehicle theft seventy nine point seven percent for offenses against family and children seventy seven point eight percent for aggravated assault and here's where it starts getting interesting males only made up fifty eight point seven percent of the people arrested for fraud fifty seven point three percent arrested for larceny theft and 51.3% arrested for embezzlement i'm not going to draw any conclusions from those because my conclusions are very likely wrong except i will say that it seems like women do things in a less direct way i don't know even that could be wrong it's just how it looks based on the statistics anyway so they also have an interesting policy regarding children get ready it isn't actually as bad as some other groups policies on children like the twelve tribes or children of god but here's our ESI's policy children five and under may attend most groups at no charge children 6 to 17 may attend most events at a 50% discount but they're required to attend a beginning event an advancing workshop to become current and to continue with future events parents have to sign a binding legal document stating that children are given express permission to attend the school and have it notarized while also providing the child's birth certificate and documentation or ID proving their relationship to the kid there are a lot more rules to it but those are the primary and most concerning ones in 2008 JZ Knight earned over 2.6 million dollars from sales alone they officially started in 1988 I tried finding population data on him because that's always interesting but it's really hard to find I couldn't find a word about it but it's reasonably large like I said they have a presence in 38 countries so about the leader Ramtha or JZ Knight Ramtha is actually channeled through JZ Knight who began publicly channeling Ramtha in 1979 apparently it seems like a totally likely story and I buy it a hundred percent with zero reservations JZ Knight was born in Roswell New Mexico in 1946 for you conspiracy theorists out there don't get excited I don't think there was any kind of alien crash landing in Roswell in 1947 I think it was a lot of drama over nothing one of these days I'll talk about that whole event on my Science Channel anyways Judy says the spirit of RAM the first came to her and her husband at the time in the kitchen of their trailer in Tacoma in 1977 here's a quote from their website JZ Knight is a unique channel of rampa and author of the best-selling autobiography a state of mind my story historians and religious experts who have studied her life's work called JZ Knight the great American Channel and recognized her as one of the most charismatic and compelling spiritual leaders of the modern age JZ Knight is the only channel through whom renfa has chosen to deliver his message Wow okay so historians and religious experts who've studied her life's work call this chick the great American Channel and recognize her as one of the most compelling spiritual leaders of the modern age that's an interesting claim here's another quote from their website one day I will have turned out Christ's from this school and the world will rejoice for this is the mission that quote is credited to Ramtha that's definitely something let's take a look at their belief system the main cornerstones of ramesses teachings are stated as you are God the directive to make known the unknown the concepts that consciousness and energy create the nature of reality the challenge to conquer yourself wow that is an awful lot of word salad again they're appealing to that secret information that you don't have until you go through their little they also say everyone is responsible for their own reality which means everybody has full control over their own reality and reality can be changed just by thinking about it I could buy that on some level where whether you're happy or not hinges on your perspective of the world but it looks like they're claiming that you can actually change the world by deciding to you want to be rich think about it and you can make yourself rich you want to end hunger in the world change reality to be one where there's no hunger and there won't be anymore you want to end disease change reality to end disease and it will bend to your will but that makes me wonder what happens when somebody's reality conflicts with another person's reality who wins anyways they think that many natural disasters will occur in the near future that's been taught for at least 30 years so staff and students are pushed to builds flood proof underground bunkers protected by sheets of copper but if you don't follow the teachings you won't be protected from the disasters regardless of how solid your bunker is they believe that Grantha is an ancient Lemurian male spirit warrior and a master teacher who's mastered his own humanity centuries ago and returned in our modern times to teach us Lemuria l'amore and that isn't familiar to me glad I had the electric Google machine to borrow a term from Bill Nye it knows all just a simple search and we should have the answer here's the definition of Lemuria Lemuria is the name of a hypothetical lost land located either in the Indian or Pacific Ocean as postulated by a now discredited 19th century scientific theory well check that out now discredited scientific theory from the 1800s but the myth persists and now there's a Lemurian time traveler who inhabits people in the 21st century the world is an amazing place isn't it not only has Ramtha answered all questions about humanity but he also learned the meaning of life and conquered death seems legit a former member named David McCarthy talked about a specific teaching that isn't mentioned on any official school materials he said he was constantly terrified by the idea that lizard people would eat him and that kept him obedient and tied to the school he said in the 1990s he was taught that the ancient figure Jehovah would return to Earth in a spaceship along with several lizard people these lizard people would feast on the humans who didn't fall under ramp this protection McCarthy said a lot of people deny these things ever happen because this teaching and others were only taught to ramp his inner circle they say these are sacred teachings that outsiders wouldn't understand yeah that's really common among cults Scientology sticks out prominently in my mind you only get secret documents from them detailing their creation myth after you reach level ot 3 which costs around three hundred thousand dollars to reach if you bring up the whole Xenu story to any regular Scientologists below ot 3 they'll laugh at you and call you silly for believing something so ridiculous about Scientology either way you can't verify what the guy said because it isn't on paper anywhere but I'm inclined to believe it based on what I know about cults and how they operate the official spokesman of ramesses School of Enlightenment responded to the claim saying I don't recall that ever coming up well I guess we know what Obama and Hillary do on their days off right better hide your wife hide your kids and hide your husband I knew they were lizard people but where's Jehovah and where's his spaceship anyways let's take a quick glance through their website some of this stuff is free some isn't but like I said JZ Knight made 2.6 million dollars from sales alone in one year that is an insane amount of money an insane amount of sales crazy to think this woman has such a following finally I wanted to talk about life after ramp this school of enlightenment aka Lars it's a group formed by past students of the school who believed they were brainwashed and I'd say they're right they claim the school used classic cult-like activities and fear-based teachings to foster obedience from students that is a trademark sign of a cult but I think the group is reasonably small and I'm not sure if they're still active because I couldn't find any mentions of them beginning in 2007 and ending in 2012 kind of a shame I hope they're still around the group held public meetings speaking out against and trying to warn people about the school of enlightenment and ex-scientologists attendee wrote an article about the extreme similarities between the two groups here are some of the most glaring similarities between Scientology and rse one management pressuring members to spend big bucks for training even if it means going into debt to group leadership claiming to have unique and powerful teachings that you can't find anywhere else three confinement during ric training events and retreats the gates are locked and participants are allowed to leave only for medical emergencies four students are allowed to participate in the group events only after signing a legal non-disclosure agreement designed partly to pressure them into abandoning their constitutional rights to free speech five members are not allowed to question or challenge the teachings six members or customers are recruited with promises of achieving psychic abilities and seven if you don't achieve those abilities then it's never due to the teachings it's the students fault those are quoted from a neck Scientologists forum post that I'm putting in the description if you're interested anyways it's an odd group and like most cults its destructive it sucks people dry and leaves them scared list that the world is coming to an end any moment and that the leader is the only one with the answers they need to survive it's toxic maybe one day we'll see it die off like other cults just have to keep talking about them and in my eyes the ones that are less known are the most important to talk about because they have fewer critics okay that's all I've got for you follow me on discord patreon and all social media check out my Science Channel which is growing fast and check out my podcast as always links are in the description thanks for watching guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 51,322
Rating: 4.857574 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, video, telltale, telltail, cult, spiritual, woo, what is ramthas school of enlightenment, ramthas school of enlightenment, rse, class, school, student, ancient knowledge, new age, spirit, scientology, scientologist
Id: nUSd50Z7UvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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