Is It Worth The Hype??? What Really Fits In The Uniqlo "it" Bag???

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hi guys okay so today we are doing a very different uh video we are doing a bit of a test and trial and I'm going to tell you guys if this bag is worth it so this is the viral Uniqlo bag that everyone says fits a zillion things and today we're going to find out if it really does fit a zillion things [Music] okay so this is the Round mini shoulder bag from Uniqlo now this is not something that's typical to like Uniqlo India it is pretty much across the globe I was pretty intrigued by this bag because I've seen a lot of stuff on Instagram about it and apparently it's pretty huge on Tick Tock as well like even my producer on my Malaysia shoot was carrying it and I asked him I was like you know you're carrying like the It viral bag and he was like yeah I saw a lot of tick tock videos and said it fit a lot of stuff so it's all be great for the shoot this was sent to me by Uniqlo as a gift and I got it after the trip so I didn't really get to try it so I thought why not test it and see how much it can really fit so it's pretty much a regular sling bag uh has a long strap which I will open where show you guys all that once uh you know like we fill it it has two pockets on the inside and then the big main pocket which is pretty big like right now when I look at it it's quite large and it's got like the like a boat kind of a format this is for 40 1890 about 1500 rupees in India let's see what it fits and let's see if it's worth it it also comes in a gazillion colors so they keep updating the colors and the patterns since this was sent to me I didn't really pick this color I really like the color but as a travel bag I would pick like a black or a tan because then you can just kind of use that you know with everything and it's easy to match but yeah we have a whole bunch of things I thought uh I'll bring out some random stuff that you usually put in your bag and see how much fits so um starting small obviously some keys right everybody needs Keys uh though if you're traveling I don't know if you'll need keys but anyways uh a lip balm and maybe an extra lipstick which I'm gonna put into the so I'm using the pockets for these right now um let's see how that works eventually airpods okay so far so good everything seems to be fitting just fine um I also have like a lot of other bigger stuff so obviously got a bottle of water got my sheets uh this is usually what I have my cash in which is a card holder with some cash but I thought it's better to have a bigger wallet because most people actually have a wallet so we're gonna try and put that in then um some wipes okay here we go also a pen I don't know who writes anymore but why not since we're testing um Shades obviously on a trip you want Shades right so we're gonna throw in some shades so Fat's looking good guys like I mean there's still a lot of room in this bag wow okay I'm gonna move in with a big water bottle now this is bigger than your standard I guess small uh mineral water bottle because it's a reusable one it's glass so I thought let's try the bigger one and see if it fits which has also fitted very comfortably which is really like shocking and amazing at the same time okay so so far this is how I look in pretty good right um some sanitizer some gum obviously I picked like the biggest packet of Gum as well because I was like I want to really see how much fits right so we've got some massive gum and I have like perfume and deodorant I I thought I'd have to like use either or but I think I can actually fit both guys this is pretty wild like and I could also fit in my extra like I think card holder and I still have space this is insane oh my God okay let's see let's see if it zips with everything I had on this table and there's still room for more like that's that's insane I also have the 14 pro Max which I don't usually put into my bag but today since we're testing where I'm gonna throw in something else as well one is in okay time to zip now it feels a bit stuffy but still zipping okay guys it's really heavy but everything has fit everything is fit how Wild is that like so this table was full of stuff and now it is all in my bag like I did honestly did not think that everything I had here would fit inside I thought some things would fit and I would have to as I said I had options like the perfume and the Dio and uh like you know a mix of stuff but this is pretty wild that it has fit so so much I'm quite shocked now that we have managed to fit a whole ton of stuff inside um let's see how it looks it actually still retains its shape pretty well for the amount of stuff I put inside and it's meant to be obviously a sling so you can sling it across you can wear it shorter if you want like it to hang on the side here you can wear it longer like a longer sling um it's also again Universal like unisex men women like anyone can use this that's why it's kind of basic and clean in terms of design which I kind of like like I feel like when you're traveling or for an everyday bag you want something that's kind of you know clean and easy to pair with things which I think this pretty much is I like the boat design like you know the the shape because it sits really well here so I like to wear my slings kind of higher and I kind of like this angle of having it here because it feels better to me but even for someone that wants it lower I think a boat angle always works better because it kind of stays like this on this side really really well and when you're traveling especially and you want to have your stuff close to you and you want to be safe with everything I feel like this is also really great for that you know the other thing I like is the bag in itself is really light because it's obviously made from this uh fabric it kind of feels like your uh what is it you know like your windshield um kind of fabric like not like a bit synthetic and um like you can wash it and use it it's also cloth so I don't think maintaining it is going to be that hard yeah I think it's pretty good for the price and for what it's being pitched as I mean honestly if I hadn't seen so many videos or heard about this bag so much I wouldn't have like got the hype but now that I'm actually seeing the amount of stuff in this bag I mean look at this it's wild okay just to compare okay let's let's see let's put this here I'm gonna bring in one of my usual slings this is my Charles and Keith sling you guys have seen me use this ah like a hundred times okay this is not a boat is shape but like kind of similar it's empty I just want to see how much actually would fit into this because this is usually my uh like extra you know bag that I carry with neon stuff okay phone has gone in number one at least we've managed that um I don't know if the water will go because this bag is not as big as that one um even if I put this in I don't know if it will close will it close no so the water bottle is a definite no-go for this guy uh maybe a smaller bottle might fit but let's see see this is where I kind of I'm starting to Value this bag a little more because I feel like I had to leave nothing behind right like this gum is only taking over half my back um big wallet has gone in this also has gone in as an added let's see um perfume I think I'll manage but everything feels a bit like squished in here like it's not really just fitting fitting you know what I mean pen has gone in like the smaller stuff yeah you can the bow and fit but like also it has just one pocket which is kind of flat so it doesn't really like everything is in the main thing like it doesn't really fit in and if I have to pull out one thing I'm gonna have to like pull out is like everything you know what I mean like I can't really it's all piled on top of each other okay so no way shades are fitting in this with the rest of the stuff um there's no way I think I can manage this these three things have not fit will it close will it close it has closed my friends okay so it is really really full and as you can see like look at this like this is kind of how it looks so you can see that like everything is literally falling out like if I want to get my phone out or the wallet out I have to like literally remove a lot and it's it's not really practical if you know what I mean so it did fit the stuff but like it's like a really tight fit where just to get my phone and wallet out I've had to remove all that which is not really ideal so yeah now I've got everything out from that bag again this bag is empty so just to show you the scale of what has fit in this is pretty impressive also the good thing I like about this which I didn't show you earlier is that because it's so moldy and foldable and stuff you could just dump this into any bag and like you know carry it it's also really really light so if you're carrying it on a trip or if you want to just even keep it in a bigger bag so you can just pull it out and take your Essentials out it's pretty amazing so my verdict on the bag um I'm gonna do it in it to buy or not to buy style since uh you guys know I love doing that I'm gonna say to buy but I would definitely say Buy in like a basic color like a black a tan or whatever because then that's great for like everyday stuff as well as for travel but yeah I am balloon Away by how much fit inside this bag so guys this was something new that I tried let me know in the comments if you like this video if you like the format if you think I should do this with other bags and kind of see what fits in them and whether they're worth buying or not um let me know not luxury bags just like regular bags like this one also if you're getting the bag definitely comment below and tell me which color you're getting in and if you like the video as I said give the video a thumbs up and I will see you guys soon bye
Channel: Scherezade Shroff
Views: 35,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uniqlo, bag, round mini shoulder bag, whats in my bag, worth the hype, viral, Scherezade shroff, Sherry, Sherry shroff, beauty, fashion, how to, DIY, makeup, Tutorial, Style, Hairstyle, indian youtuber, indian beautyguru
Id: xn8bgIzJI_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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