Is It Possible to Make a Healthy Doughnut that's just as Delicious?

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[Music] to be honest with you guys after two episodes of this series I'm already feeling it two episodes that's all it took yes I have a sweet tooth but I just didn't I didn't expect the amount of sweets I would be taking in to actually produce this whole show because the truth is I'm going out I've got to taste these things I got to do the research and I'm not the best Baker so when I come back here I'm failing multiple times and every time I do fail you know of course I'm tasting along the way all leading to sugar crashes of epic proportions so for episode three of sweet tooth I'm gonna be exploring the donut which is by far one of the most popular food items in New York City people are gonna obsessed here but I'm gonna try something a little different for this episode I'm gonna try to make a healthier product so I don't get taken down you know try to lower the sugar levels and figure out some other ways to create a healthier product that I feel good about but before I attempt to make this healthier version at home there was one place I felt like I had to stop at for inspiration which is a place called dodo nuts and they've been slinging Donuts since I around 2010 and they started in Brooklyn but when I tasted their going up for the first time maybe seven years ago that was it I fell in love it was the best donut I ever had it was just so fresh and I really liked it because it felt light it didn't feel overly sweet like a lot of donuts out there so we're gonna head over to dough to see if we can get some tips on how to create a nice balanced donut that isn't too sweet [Music] [Music] what do you think makes you know at the core of the dough donut what makes it so special compared to other doughnuts in the city I think the brioche dough is doing really is one of the best dough's it's really light it's soft and pillowy and it's just got that flavor that cake doughnuts don't have like that lightness and the glazes itself like it definitely I mean when I'm developing the recipe the recipe for the glaze I'm constantly tasting and tweaking and seeing what can be better where how can I inject more flavor so it's a process but you're starting with a good base so I started this new series on my channel it's all about sweets it's called sweet tooth and I'm struggling a bit with you know managing eating so many sweets so as as a pastry chef do you have any tips for someone who's cooking a lot of pastries and sweetie obviously you can't eat donuts all day like you get them there you got that you can some days and what what does that feel like I feel like that will take me I mean you definitely have end of the day you might regret eating donuts all day I mean it's delicious while you're doing it I really try and just eat real foods when I go down because you have to be tasting it yeah that's like you're tasting the glaze yes so there's not really a day that's not gone by that I haven't had a lot of so what you're telling me is there's not it's hard to manage it's it's not easy some days are better than others but and just eat better when I'm not here but I feel like Julia Child said everything in moderation and when they're out of the fryer it's really hard to resist this morning I woke up and I could have but these are the killer because they're so so easy to eat so I'm trying to get the key to the glaze you're saying that it's not too sweet yeah but you won't you won't give away the scenario so I guess my job is figuring out how to do that I think your job would be to figure out what would help cut the sweetness of the glaze there's different things for me I get interested in but kind of like science food books like Carol McGee where there's one lady who used to be on Alton Brown's show and [Music] that really is my favorite doughnut in New York City it tastes like you're eating just an incredible luxurious brioche bread with just a sugar glaze on top but I do want to I want to craft a homemade version that is a little healthier that is lower in sugar and it's gonna take some research because I didn't get the tips that I needed from Laura so we've got some work to do on this homemade version today's video is sponsored by trade coffee and I'm not only like drinking coffee when I'm editing these videos but I also like slipping it into recipes from time to time so you will see that later on in this video but what I really like about trade is that it's a fresh product and that's so important for me it is just high-quality just like this recipe today the higher quality of the product you know the better you're gonna feel in the long run and they also are partnering with 50 of the nation's best Roasters another thing I really like about trade is you can go on their website and take a little coffee quiz it's gonna ask you a few questions about your you're brewing preference your your strengths of coffee and it's gonna match you up with the perfect coffee for your style so I actually got this stuff that's roasted right here in New York it's a medium roast and it's ready to go from my favorite style which is French press so trade is giving the first 100 people who click the link below 50% off their first coffee so if you're interested click the link below and type in the code word brothers now back to the recipe so let's talk about this quest for a healthier donut and I'm not talking about completely you know going in another direction like gluten free or dairy free I want then tick feelin done' tasting done' like I got endo but just with a few key factors that make this a little healthier for me what makes this a successful healthy doughnut is lower sugar definitely need lower sugar I want it to be seasonal and fresh really taking advantage of what's in season right now getting fresh ingredients and then three I think we can incorporate a longer fermentation into this actual doughnut because this is a yeast resin doughnut a longer fermentation will help us unlock more vitamins more nutrients and it will digest more of those flowers break those down a little more so it's easier for you to digest in your belly especially if you deal with any gluten issues longer fermentation is always a good thing now the key factor to make this doughnut healthier is that I'm incorporating a vegetable into this doughnut and that vegetable is very in season it's a kombucha squash which is originally from Japan but it's one of my favorite squashes just because it's so flavorful and it does add a nice sweetness so not only we're gonna be taking down some of the processed sugar because there's natural sweetness in the squash but also what I really like about adding this element is the kombucha squash is very starchy so it's basically taking away half the flour we need to use just by adding this starchy vegetable so we're really taking care of not only low sugar but we're taking down some of that flour as well to prepare the squash I cut it in half and I took out the seeds and then I just put it in some tinfoil with a little oil roasted that in the oven at about 450 degrees for an hour until it was nice and tender and then you can just remove the skin [Music] so next I added 1 cup of milk to a pan and about 4 to 5 tablespoons of butter this is a brioche style dough that we're going for you don't need to go crazy with the butter though and then 1 tablespoon of honey to help activate the yeast and I heated that up to about a hundred and 15 degrees and then I added in about 1 tablespoon of yeast and just let that balloon for around 15 minutes I took on my stand mixer and I put on my whisk attachment because I just wanted to smooth out that roasted squash I added about half of that squash it's around a cup and a half of puree and then I added two eggs to that and blended that up and just kept scraping down the sides [Music] [Music] and at this point I could switch over to the dough hub because I am ready for my dry ingredients for my flour so I just incorporated around four and a half cups of flour nice and slowly and just kept mixing that for around ten minutes until the dough was nice and formed of course you could do this right in a bowl as well I took the dough out of the mixer and right onto a floured surface and then just needed that for another few minutes until it was nice and smooth and you know the do let that sit in a bowl for about an hour to two hours until it is double in size since we're in the experimentation mood today what I did was I tried two different size donuts and I really was just using any type of household utensils to cut these Donuts because I didn't have the proper cutters so for the first one I used this little ceramic dish it was about I would say four inches wide that was gonna be the bigger donut and I cut out a few of those and then I used the top to a olive oil bottle and cut out the middle and then I rolled out some more dough and for this one I used a smaller cutout it was actually the top of a mason jar which was closer to three inches I cut out a bunch of those as well as the little donut holes and one tip that's really gonna help you in the frying process is taking some parchment paper and cutting up just little squares so each of those donuts are gonna get place on that square and then they go to proof so when you actually go to fry those you're not gonna be messing with the actual structure and screwing with any of the proofing that you've created over time so let's talk about the fermentation process like I said before we want to experiment with a longer fermentation so for one batch I just stuck those in the oven and let those rise for about two hours with the oven light on that's a classic proofing environment for the second batch I want to do experiment with a longer fermentation so what I did was I took those and put those in the actual fridge to slow down the fermentation and let those sit in the fridge for about 12 hours or you can even go a little longer so while the donuts are proofing let's talk about the actual glaze and this is where we run into some big-time problems because the classic donut glaze is pretty much all powdered sugar you've got about 75 to 90% powdered sugar or just a little bit of liquid to thin it out and get that proper texture and what happens is when you actually dip the donut in and you let that powdered sugar harden and solidify it creates the perfect texture that sort of glass like coating around the outside of the donut and that's what we want for this donut but it's not easy and I was really struggling to try to create that with a lower sugar product so I asked you on my Instagram like by Mike G for some options and I got a lot of recommendations corn starch xanthan gum someone even said flour but honestly I tried a lot of them and they did not work but I did see a recipe out there for a healthier glaze using this stuff right here this is called coconut butter or coconut mana and I actually tried it out it's pretty much just coconut blended like a whole coconut blended into a butter consistency so we will be adding some sugar to that to sweeten it up but most of the gleams we're almost flipping this most of the glaze will be coconut so we are taking care of the low sugar on that one but we're still missing a few things as far as seasonality I actually had an apple in my fridge you know there's not many fruits in season these days in the middle of winter but I juiced an apple I thought that flavor would add a really good sweetness and pair really nicely with the overall donut and of course take care of the seasonality and freshness but there's one last thing it's that classic texture and not just the texture of when you mix the actual glaze but when it sets so I actually found another recommendation from you guys on my Instagram for using gelatin with the idea that the gelatin would help the overall glaze set once it dries out so I tried that so basically I heated up the apple juice I added about a teaspoon of gelatin in there then a few tablespoons of sugar just to get it sweet enough so it had an impact on the donut but not overly sweet I added in a little bit of cinnamon and some salt just to enhance the flavor and then I just poured that hot mixture over the coconut butter and when I thought the consistency was spot-on I even tested it on my finger just to see how it would actually run off the donut once they were glazed now as I mentioned before I had that delicious coffee brewed from trade I wanted to see how that would work as an icing so I did the same exact technique I had that hot coffee I poured in a little bit of gelatin as well as the sugar mixed it up until it was all dissolved and then poured that over the coconut as well until I got a proper glaze so let's fry up some donuts and I'm using some canola oil but you can use any neutral style oil the first batch came out of the oven looking pretty nice and I started frying those up and you can see you just add them right to the actual oil with that little parchment paper and within 20 seconds you can just remove that parchment paper with no struggle at all to remove all of the paper and just start flipping them every 45 second because you don't want them to burn in when they are nice and golden brown just around this color you can pull those and let them drain on a paper towel now here's the batch of slowly fermented donuts I let those sit in the fridge for about 14 hours and this is where the magic happened check out these insane fermentation bubbles and I know those from sourdough bread making when you have that long slow fermentation you get those beautiful bubbles which is a great sign and another side effect you see in bread making from the long fermentation is just a nicer crust color and I felt like that happened with the donuts as well it just seemed like an overall nicer product so I was really excited to try those out donuts fried looking really good we've got our glaze sitting in some warm water right here just to stay at the proper consistency and I did test it on a donut hole and I think we are we are perfection I'm hoping and what I really like is the way that dough does it they dip the donuts in and then they let the glaze drip over the side so the aesthetic is just so pleasing when you see the dough donuts in a display case you know that that is dough and that's what we're going for today so the glaze hasn't completely set but it's getting pretty close but the gelatin just needs a little more time so we actually get that you know that crack but let's break in oh look at that that's insane so fluffy the first thing that jumps out to me is the flavor and texture of this doughnut just take a look at that like golden fluffiness and I don't know if that's coming from the squash the addition of the squash making it extra fluffy but it is just beautiful and the flavor isn't like overwhelmingly squash at all but it adds a little sweetness and it just adds that extra dimension so you feel like you're not just eating straight bread straight dough which I really like and you have the glaze which I'm really proud of because aesthetically it was really tough to pull off I I failed many times and I almost bailed out a few times but I'm very excited about this product right here the goal was to create a healthier doughnut that wasn't gonna take me down and that I've been eating these and I feel fine there's really not too much added sugar in these you basically just have a red product with an added vegetable in there then you have a glaze that is just mainly coconut check that out see how the glaze has hardened that is from the gelatin it's got a nice sheen and when you break into it there you go that crack is what we're after love it amazing right there Wow delicious well it was that a journey but I think another success in a sweet-tooth seriously these things are tough to really get a nice product baking it's difficult it's like one thing goes wrong and you screw up the whole entire batch but in the end we prevailed make sure you follow me at life by Mike G if you want to see all my experimentations on Instagram before they happen on this YouTube channel and thanks to trade coffee for sponsoring this video hey French just a reminder that trade is giving the first 100 people click the link below 50% off your first coffee just click the link below in the description and use my codeword for others [Music]
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 429,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking video, enzyme tire spunk, healthy doughnut, make perfect doughnuts, yeast doughnuts, yeast donuts, healthy donuts, healthy dessert ideas, sugar free desserts, sugar free doughnut, dougnut glaze, perfect donut glaze, coconut doughnut, coconut butter, paleo doughnuts, healthy food made easy, sweet tooth, how to make donuts, healthy donut, donut recipe, paleo donut
Id: v4LFoCA8Utk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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