Is it better than the Lian Li o11? - The NZXT H9 Ultimate Case Review

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Everyone loves the Lian Li 011 Dynamic. And in  fact other case manufacturers are starting to make   what, their, their homages. Companies like Phanteks,  Hyte, and Antec, and then now we have NZXT with   the brand new H9, of which I have both versions  right here. Now I'm going to start with this.   This is a stunning case. I mean this makes builds  look amazing. Sure it does look like an 011 Dynamic,   but there's a lot to be said about NZXT's design  and both version of this case, both the H9 Flow and   the H9 Elite. Now I've done three builds in this  case today. You can go follow along with the stream   and come away with the exact same build and it's  something that you can absolutely build on your   own. This isn't custom water cooled or anything  like that. Now in this video today we're not only   going to review the H9, but we're also going to  compare it against the flagship from Lian Li   and the 011, the 011 Dynamic. So by the time we're  done you should be able to make a more educated   decision about which one you actually want to go  with, whether that's the H9 or the 011, but spoiler   alert. Let me just say both of them are going to  be absolutely fine. So let's start and cover the   NZXT H9. You either got the H9 Elite, with like  all glass and even glass at the top, or you got   the H9 Flow, which has tempered glass more like the  traditional 011 Dynamic and then it has an airflow   top bit. If you get the Elite you get three of the  new f-120 dual RGB fans and you get one rear f-120   Q fan for the exhaust. Now if you go with the Flow  you get the f-120q non-RGB versions in the side   and then you get another f-120q in the back. The  H9 Elite also comes with an RGB Hub and a bunch   of splitter cables. Now with all the RGB and the  tempered glass and that floating radiator mount   it actually comes with a hefty price difference,  with the H9 flow being $159.99 and the Elite coming   in at $239.99, which is okay. Well you're going to  turn back on. There we go. That's $50 more than the   Lian Li 011 Dynamic. Though the 011 Dynamic has  no fans and no Hub or anything like that that   comes with it. So now that you know what all the  differences are let's jump into the rest of the   specs, because everything is kind of the same.  For size you're looking at 495 millimeters by   290 millimeters by 466 millimeters. Weighs 26.67  pounds. Yes it is a very hefty case. For IO you've   got two USB 3.2 Gen 2 type A ports, One USB 3.2 Gen  2 type c port, and you get that nice audio jack and   it comes with a cable for that as well. I also  want to mention the back panel because the back   panel is actually pretty different. It has a ton  of perforation and airflow there in the back. So   it's very, very good and you can definitely feel  the fans pulling air. That is something that is   actually pretty important to notice guys, because  when you're placing this system just realize a lot   of people will stick it up against the wall and  you could potentially block the airflow for those   side fans. If you want to do an air cooler, like  what we have inside of the u12a here, you can do   up to 165 millimeters in height ,which is exactly  the size of this. Look at this, look it's just right   up there. For motherboard compatibility you can  go up to an ATX motherboard. For PSU clearance   it's 200 millimeters. Now, now here's the deal.  The PSU is actually in the center of the case.   For length and stuff just know 200 millimeters,  which means if you're sticking super chunky PSUs   in here. Just something to be aware of. Sticking to  the back cable manage event is a lot like the 011   Dynamic. It's kind of a stacking system for your  cable management. I'm just going to pop it open here.   In other words you're kind of stacking all of your  cables up top, which is actually kind of cool, and   they've done a really good job back here. You have  a ton of room for all sorts of cables and tons of   velcro and all that sort of stuff. It is actually  with the three different builds, it's very easy   to find a great way to clean up and make this  look very, very nice. And again the whole secret   here is just when the shroud is closed to have  everything look clean. As you can see here we   also use this for doing things, like doing your  Lian Li fan control. The one thing that is nice   on this versus the 011 is that in the 011 this  whole thing just removes completely, but the fact   that this actually swings makes it a lot easier  for you to manage and know how your cables are   going to run. If you're going to run, like drives  or whatever, it was which you can use this for   very easily and then you can just close it up.  This thing can do, like the 011 Dynamic, 10 fans   and you're talking 10 120 millimeter fans. For 140  millimeter, fans 2 140s at the top and two 140s at   the bottom. For radiators it's multiples of 120. So  360 at the top, 360 at the side, 360 at the bottom   and you can do 120 millimeter in the back if you  really want to. Now for the side it actually says   that you can do push and pull. Now speaking of  GPUs you can do up to 435 millimeters, which   is plenty of room. You're seeing two very large RTX 4000  series cards in either one of these builds. You can   also do vertical mount if you get the vertical  mount kit. You're actually, you're seeing both   versions wow. It's like we planned this. It's so  awesome. You are going to get sag with some of   those thicker GPUs. So something that you're going  to have to be concerned about. I had to place it,   the little Peg, on top of one of the Lian Li fans.  Comparing all of that, when you think about specs   and everything you're sticking inside of these  cases, these are very similar to the 0I1 dynamic.  The only difference being is that the 011 Dynamic  also allows you to do things, like flip the overall   direction of your motherboard. You can also do a  side mounted GPU. They're additions, I don't think   a lot of people obviously care, but I want to make  sure that I highlight the differences between the   two cases. In terms of what fans you can put in it,  what mobo sizes, what radiators, and all that stuff.  Very, very similar between the two cases. So how  was building inside of this case. Well for both   the H9 Elite and the H9 flow it's actually pretty  dang good. You can actually remove the rear side   bracket for the fans for installation. A removable  top bracket, an integrated front panel connector   that makes it very, very easy and in fact very,  very fun to build in. You can install all of   your fans, including your rear fans and your top  fans and get to anywhere within the motherboard   in a pretty straightforward manner. Where the 011  actually has a leg up is the fact that you cannot   remove the side glass of the H9 very easily. One  small issue there in the very back the rear fan   is actually trapped by this little clamp to keep  the cable down. You do have to use a flat head to   basically lift it up, but that's kind of the worst  of the building experience, which isn't, which isn't bad. So how   does this actually perform against other cases,  including the 011 Evo? Here is a smattering of   recently released cases for CPU underload in a  closed case scenario. As you can see that even with   all the air holes and thoughtfulness from NZXT  we're still seeing slightly better performance out   of the Lian Li 011 Dynamic Evo here by about  a degree versus the H9 flow. Which is cheaper by   the way and by a good five degrees over the Elite.  Now for GPU temperatures it's a much tighter story   here as all three of the cases do a good job of  keeping that GPU controlled. So I would say on the   temp side the Lian Li definitely has a slighter  edge over these other two cases from NZXT, but the   build experience on the H9 is definitely better  and more evolved and more refined. You can totally   air cool a PC inside of this case, and we tested it  against other newer airflow cases, and the results   actually surprised me. Now take a look at this. And  yes even though it is a smaller sample size. The   H9 Flow in an air-cooled scenario had no issue  hanging with other cases like the new TD500 Mesh   from Cooler Master, or even the Fractal North  for the CPU under load. Now GPU was a similar   story, with it actually registering the lowest  GPU temperature under load thanks to the direct   airflow from those lower fans. Okay Robey so  that's enough about the standard builds you test   these things with, blah. What about that amazing  build? Let's talk about the performance we did   for that showcase build. So for CPU under load  we saw our temps at 91 in the open case, and 93   in the closed case. Now remember guys this is how  Ryzen runs these chips. So it's not too surprising   to see these kinds of temperatures and in fact  AMD says this is completely fine. For GPU, things   are absolutely beautiful with the temperature  51 under load in the open case scenario and in   only slightly warmer 52 in the closed case. The  case is bathing the GPU with air and the GPU is   responding with very low temperatures under  load. Now finally for this last part. Here's   just a quick glimpse of how this performs in  1440p, but needless to say not only does this   build look really dang good, but also gaming on it  is an absolute dream. And I'd love to note down in   the comments below if you would agree. Okay so  wrapping it all up. The NZXT H9 for all of its   copycat hate is actually innovative in the build  area and even in how it looks. Dual chamber is here   to stay and clean lines in a roomier build area  are a welcome gift from Team purple. When it comes   to cooling it performance the flagship 011 does  have a slight edge and even a few more features   in terms of build and flexibility that the H9  is lacking, but with a slightly more dated build   experience. The real winner though in this case is  you, because if you go either way you really can't   go wrong building a showcase build that folks  will absolutely drool over and will be the envy   of any one of your friends. Now it's not about  what I think it's about what you think. W hat do   you guys think of the NZXT H9? Were you surprised  at the performance and how close the two cases   really were and if you would choose a case would  it be the 011 or would it be the H9? Which one is   going to be the case that you are going to build  in next? I'd love to know all that and more down   in the comments below. Now while you're down there  make sure you slap that subscribe button with that   like button and ring that notification bell so you  get notification each and every time we post a new   video right here on RobeyTech. Also remember all  of those live streams that I was talking about,   whether we build stuff like this, or we build ones  like the black one. You should absolutely check   out our RobeyTech live Channel over at  RobeyTechLive. If you have questions, you want to   talk about builds, Etc. Head over to our Discord  Channel, It's an amazing   community filled with tech and PC enthusiasts that  love to talk about these very same things. I'd love   to get your feedback on these videos as well. You  know what you might actually make a friend. Outside   of that we're always posting content on all of our  other socials, @RobeyTech, absolutely everywhere.   Guys I really hope you enjoyed this video and  I look forward to seeing you on the next one.
Channel: Robeytech
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Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a pc, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom pc, pc, building pc, robeyetech, robeytech live, nzxt h9, nzxt h9 elite, nzxt h9 flow, nzxt h9 review, nzxt h9 vs lian li, nzxt h9 vs lian li o11 dynamic evo, nzxt h9 vs o11 dynamic, nzxt h9 vs o11 dynamic evo, nzxt, best cases 2023, best cases 2022, h9, h9 flow, h9 elite, h9 flow review, h9 elite review, h9 vs 011, h9 vs o11
Id: 8mwKnI1cr20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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