Is it Accurate? Trying The Marilyn Monroe Makeup Collection by Wet N Wild!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel it's been a minute but sometimes I get inspired and I want to make long form videos again it it was funny because I woke up and I had the ideas uh and I didn't have any cameras nearby uh not ones that worked at least the ones that worked are in storage and I only had the iPhone 12 and my mic on the iPhone 12 was compromised so whenever I recorded any audio it sounded fuzzy and I was like no how am I going to do these videos my cameras are in storage and I cannot get them right now um my my phone isn't equipped to do this kind of content what do I do I ran to the Apple Store and I bought a new phone and my wallet is in the other room currently crying and calling up her therapist um but I think it's worth it because I will make it worth it okay I will make it worth it um we'll worry about that later but I'm excited because now I can record the video ideas that I had so we're going to be trying today the Wet n Wild Marilyn maroe makeup collection no it was not sponsored it was not sponsored it was gifted meaning they don't expect you expect me to make any content ever when they give me gifts this is genuinely like a hey we love your content here's a gift I think you'll like if you feel like doing anything with it cool if not no big deal that's usually what gifted things mean um so they sent me the Marilyn Monroe Wet n Wild makeup collection and I looked inside and I was like this is really freaking cute and at first I actually received this not that long ago I received this maybe like two weeks ago and I didn't have the idea that I have today and I didn't know what to do with it I was like this is a cute collection I just I I don't know what to do and then it hit me I should try to recreate my Marilyn look with this collection is this product actually spot on enough to do my maryn look with it can I do it because if so that's a game changer so before we get into this before we get into the products I have to explain the differences between when I cosplay Maryland and when I do my everyday inspired look of Maryland so you know it's funny because one of the biggest things I get one of the biggest comments I get is oh well you know you're changing your face so much to have that look um but people don't realize that maryn changed their face so much to have that look in fact it was quite different to the point that if she went out in public people actually did not recognize her without her makeup routine on so that's how much of a transformation her own makeup routine was so it's funny when people get upset that I do it but it's like her face was also transformed um but in this video I'm going to actually show you how to do my everyday makeup look that is inspired by Marilyn so it's Marilyn's makeup routine shaved down uh to be more universally flattering all right so let's go ahead and see what we've got I'm going to start off with the eyes I always start off with the eyes when I start my makeup routine um and this is the palette there is potential in this palette yo that's just like the colors I use oh yeah okay so this color is a little bit useless I don't know what the gold was for well you know no no I know what the gold was for Jess you know what the gold is for sometimes she would put gold underneath her eyes here this was I believe in the I don't want to date it I don't want to date it but it was older Marilyn for sure she was in her in her 30s yeah she was definitely in her 30s when she did a little bit of a gold all the way underneath there we're not recreating that look all right so I'm starting off with a white eyeliner on the eyelid that's just to make the Shimmer part stand out more and the illusion of deeper more sunken in eyes as well um cuz it's it gives off the sultry look to have deeper set eyes and I'm using the Marilyn R Wet n Wild white pencil I actually had to crush it I I just snapped a piece off and melted it on a pan and did it that way it would be way more convenient though if this was a jumbo pencil cuz then I could just I could have just painted it on so Wet n Wild if you're watching this I would consider turning this into a jumbo pencil okay so I'm going to go ahead and grab that Shimmer and it's very pigmented so that's actually really good I just hope that it's as shiny and not as powdery cuz Marilyn's eyelids were very glow yes ma'am you caught me dead in my tracks this is pretty well yeah yeah okay yeah okay I wanted to I want to use my fingers I feel like it's better to use my fingers for this it's supposed to be like really shimmery and glossy um it doesn't give off the gloss effect but it is very pigmented which is equally as successful I think I think it gets a message across very well done I'm going to go and grab I'm just going to skip over this light one cuz I just don't think that that's going to be the most useful for me here I'm going to go to the medium one um and I'm going to go and carve out the Sul tree eye shape and I'm going right into my orbital bone oh my God y'all did not oh this is correct okay I honestly walked into this not expecting that much I thought it would be oh yeah it's got the vibe no like this is correct this is correct now I'm really curious to see how they did the lipstick because that's that's a tough one that is a tough one so I'm going to go ahead and go in with the darker brown now that I've cut the crease a bit and I'm going to just do the outside of that ignore it right now I got to blend it in and I and I kind of take it up a little bit to Define it it's kind of like a cut crease essentially but a little bit toned down the ey Shadow yes yes that's all I have to say this this made me realize I was messing with a collection created by a true fan because for the eyeliner they didn't go for black liquid like an eyeliner a pen I really thought that I was going to end up having to use a black liquid pen I don't know what it is but every time I see someone recreate Maryland's look that's what they use and it is not only inaccurate but it ruins the Vintage flare because in the ' 50s liquid pen wasn't really a thing people were still using pencils pretty religiously then and that includes Marilyn and so I was I was worried I was like oh you know what kind of eyeliner are they going to include and they included the right one um in fact from what I could see it's the perfect shade as well because the makeup artist from Maryland used a blend of Black Pencil and brown pencil to create a dark brown and this is a dark brown so whoever made this collection was a real fan that's all I'm going to say so how I do the eyeliner from Maryland is how I do it when I cosplay Maryland as well we do the same routine just because it's very beautiful you're going to start off by lining your eye as close as you can literally try not to line your eyes is the goal for the first step so that's done you're going to then recreate the wing following your eyes so I'm not flicking up I'm going down and this is what really gives the eye shape it is to create and this is what Marilyn did as well this this was uh a technique that her makeup artist did he created a a hill is what i' like to call it right above where your eye is like right here so as you can see my eye is exaggerated it's more open this way and then it swoops down down very romantically the next step is to take that white pencil and create a white line right underneath ooh that's really pigmented right underneath the uh wing and then from there you're going to take the medium brown and create a shadow of what would be your eyelashes like that and then we're going to curl our lashes now Marilyn actually used false lashes um quite honestly I quit false lashes because they were killing my natural lashes so I actually decided to grow out my lashes and I would put extra serum on the outer Corners to recreate the false lash look that she would go for so the product that I use to grow my lashes is the uh babe original which I'll link um in the description box for you if you guys want to try it it saved my lashes completely um and I use that instead and it looks like I have false lashes on so included in the collection is eyeliner or eye shadow no none of those mascara um this is not Marilyn related it's just the big papa lashes um let's see uh oh this mascara is nice okay this is pretty good and the next thing I'm going to do is actually do the highlighter um and I think this is a really nice shade of highlighter it's a little yellowish and I'm wondering how that's going to look on the skin I usually go for like a frosty white um because I really want to imitate what the light looks like when there's vaseline on your face I just don't like vaseline on my face it's like a sensory thing so I don't do the Vaseline trick that she did um but this looks like it might recreate that look so let's give it a go where's my brush I'm going to do the brow bone oh no way oh no way oh that's perfect that literally looks like it gives off that Vaseline wet look what oh no way I'm genuinely wow I'm genuinely shocked like what that looks incredible this when I saw it right off the bat I knew it was the right color cuz Marilyn's blush was this type of tone very it wasn't very pink it was a like a mauvey shade it's hard to describe it like a rose mauve wow this looks just like the blush that I use when I do the look but that blush is more expensive wow okay so for the lips they have a clear basic Wet n Wild gloss oh no that's not a gloss that's a brow mascara oh I've always wanted one but I just could never justify it okay cool cool cool cool okay the lips uh they have a red is this liquid or is it techn oh it's a lip gloss a red lip gloss a red lip liner and then they have a red lipstick and then they have a what I Swatch to be some sort of like natural lip balm so we're going to rule this out cuz we're not going to use this I would have loved if this wasn't a lip balm if this was rather yeah it is a lip balm if this was rather um an orange lipstick she did do orange sometimes um not always she did do red a lot a lot of people think that like she never did Red and it's some sort of myth no she did red but it was like a concoction of Reds that had both pink and orange undertones um and uh then l a little bit later in the year she start started going for like this Creamsicle orange color that was really pretty I would have loved to see that in this collection so I'm going to have to say that is the only flop thing so far is that I feel like the lip balm is a waste I would have gone for a Creamsicle orange lipstick alternative so let's give it a go got to take the lip balm off that I have oh oh oh it's not oh okay it's it's kind of pinkish it looks darker in the stick is that rose scented or am I tripping is this rose scented I'm going to smell the lipstick I'm going to confirm I probably looked crazy doing that wait is it rose scented I can't tell it is oh my gosh I love that it's got like a vintage smell to it I'm going to smell that all day oh oh it's just not like well I'm just not vibing with it is all I want to say it's not that it's wrong I've seen a color like this in her collection I have seen it um but this one would not be the one I would include as a collection piece so I'm going to go ahead and take this color off I feel like it actually imbalances my look there's an imbalance happening it's a little bit too attention grabby of a color um a little overpowering for my face and I feel like it ruins a look all right so without the lips I'm going to grab the Buxom and i' I've used all sorts of different brands but essentially I just like to find like a very mauy almost nudish brown color and line I'm going to go in with the flower nose uh s so7 which is a really beautiful red with an orangey undertone and the brown liner was just to create depth for that color I'm going to go in with my favorite lip gloss ever this is the Fenty Beauty fuchsia flex and I love the way it looks so just slap that on top and this is what everyone keeps asking me about how do you do your lip routine girl this is it these three products okay so I prefer that much more I would say it is comparable to her lips in this picture um it's a calm down red it has orangey undertones it's got red undertones oh my goodness I didn't realize the lighting was so high like the exposure on the camera so I was like why ises my makeup look so washed out so this is what it looks like in real life yes and this is my face in normal lighting non regulated no studio lights that I was just doing my entire makeup routine in I realized playing it back that my face looked a little bit too like perfectly even and you really couldn't see the dimensions of either the makeup or my face so this is uh the most true to life that I can possibly get this is why I film in here this is my bathroom we're in my bathroom right now but I film in here because I feel like this is what I look like in person and I like to look as in person as possible so if you guys do this look please tag me so I can see it cuz it honestly warms my heart I love seeing how excited you guys get over it and and feel beautiful in it um if you guys want to see the Marilyn cosplay makeup routine it's very similar to this just with a little bit extra steps on the contouring and that is available as a YouTube short maybe I could do a YouTube video if you guys would prefer if that's easier for you I could definitely do it if you guys want so comment that down below if you do um but this Wet n Wild collection is incredible I was so blown away by the color choices specifically in the eyeshadow I'm a very detail oriented person so I would have noticed if it was in the right shade of brown and kind of stuff like that incredible incredible 10 out of 10 absolutely love it I could tell that they did really try to do their research on everything and I can see that they pulled from a lot of her personal makeup products to try to recreate the colors um this wasn't just thrown together and and put her face on like a lot of collections are it really did seem like they were trying their best and it paid off in the meantime comment down below what was your favorite product that you enjoyed seeing in this video and any ideas that you would actually like to see me do because I know you guys have certain requests one thing I got was the fem fatal fashion you guys want to see that uh executed in a lookbook type video if that is something genuinely of Interest let me know and I will do it because I want to make content that you guys genuinely want to look forward to um so I I don't want to do filler stuff so uh I may not be the most consistent in the long form uh version of content but um the more great ideas I come across the more likely I will be uploading new videos so I'll see you guys the next one
Channel: Jessica Vill
Views: 35,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 625rbOafrEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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