Is His Mukbang Diet Really "Frying His Brain”? (SCIENCE)

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- Oh honey I know, I know. I know the fast food is getting to my head and I'm frying my brain in front of millions of people. (maniacal laughing) - [Kiana] Could Nikocado Avocado's Mukbang diet really be frying is brain? - Welcome back to my channel. Everyone's here for the train wreck. But I feel that people fail to understand that, the train wreck they subscribe to is a human being. Not all people are willing to not fit in their clothes anymore. To feel so bad, so often. But to me it was worth it, because it's how I was able to get myself out there. I'm at the point of breaking for good. - [Kiana] He's always been a bit dramatic but lately Nikocado seems different and some fans are becoming concerned. (sobbing) - Please! Please! Please help me! - From a talented and soft spoken violinist, sharing his passion for a vegan lifestyle. To someone gorging themselves on fried food daily, while seemingly becoming more unhappy and enraged in each video. Nikocado is as infamous for his wild meals, as he is his dramatic outbursts and tearful on camera breakdowns. And whether or not it's all an act and Nikocado Avocado is simply an elaborate troll, a character meant to get attention and stand out amongst a sea of Mukbang channels, the food he's eating is clearly real. The weight gain is clearly real and some of the consequences to his body and brain may already be irreversible. In this video we'll discuss how Nikocado's bizarre and scary Mukbang diet is a direct assault to the health of his brain, his personality and overall wellbeing. - [Nikocado] It's so, so good. - [Kiana] First off lets talk about that diet. For about four years now, since Nikocado switched from being a vegan YouTuber to a Mukbang channel, he has being doing different food challenges and generally eating on camera for years. - Those are big slices honey. - [Kiana] But about two years ago, he started to up the ante. The Mukbangs became more extreme and more frequent as Nikocado noticed that dramatizing them resulted in more views. - Ow, went in my eyeball. Fuck. - [Kiana] Fast forward to 2020, if we take a look at a typical week in Nikocado's life, and his three separate YouTube channels, the man is binging on a literal pile of deep fried and processed food every single day. Not surprisingly, he's gained a bit of weight. Nikocado has piled on almost 150 pounds as a result of this Mukbang diet, and recently celebrated a new milestone. - I'm 300 pounds. - [Orlin] Baby, congratulations. - [Kiana] Nikocado's lifestyle has resulted in a cycle of unhappiness that tends to look a little something like this: - Bam! ♪ Monday ♪ ♪ Tuesday ♪ ♪ Wednesday ♪ ♪ Thursday ♪ ♪ Friday ♪ ♪ Saturday ♪ ♪ Sunday ♪ ♪ And those are the days of the week. ♪ - I think we can all safely assume that an array of health complications accompany his current career path and growing body size. But what might not be as obvious is that his calorie dense and nutrient barren diet presents a very special and dangerous threat to the health of his brain. Although your brain represents just 2% of your total weight, it uses a full 20% of the calories you burn each and every minute. And it doesn't just require a large quantity of energy to run optimally, but is also uniquely sensitive to the quality of that energy. Whole, healthy foods provide your brains with the vitamins, minerals, fats, antioxidants and phytochemicals that support the tiny electrical communications between your brain cells. The communications that allow you to preform every function in your life. These communications are your movement, your memory, your mood and everything in between. Everything, pretty much everything, that makes you distinctly you. Now obviously Nikocado's diet isn't exactly nutrient dense, but as bad as that is, the real threat lies in what he is eating, not what he isn't. His Mukbang diet consists of massive quantities of foods that have been shown to interfere with essential blood flow to the brain. Slow communications between brain cells and even attack the fragile brain through aggressive molecules called free radicals. And what's even more terrifying is that, even if Nikocado is eating healthy off camera, the sheer quantity and frequency of his diet presents a unique challenge in that, as you consume these dangerous compounds, you need to go above and beyond eating healthy food to have any hope of balancing out the ratio of bad to good. In a quote from Doctor Joel Fuhrman, "It's impossible to have normal brain function and a healthy emotional life when the majority of your food calories comes from fast food. Not only are these processed foods leading to premature disease, they are negatively affecting our ability to function in everyday life." As a quick disclaimer before we get into the more serious part of the video, I wanna be clear that I'm not claiming at all that everything we're going to discuss is inevitable and true as it pertains to Nikocado's health and personality. This video's purpose is to highlight some of the data surrounding the role diet plays in our wellbeing and personality and Nikocado's story just adds interesting context. (somber violin music) At this point Nikocado may have uploaded more videos of him crying on camera than any other YouTuber. - The light has been really off these past couple of days and so have my emotions. - He'll often go from moaning over taco's to bursting into tears. Sometimes before the food has even left his mouth. Again it's quite obvious that not every temper tantrum Nikocado posts is real, but is it all fake? (sobbing) According to many different studies, a calorically dense nutritionally barren diet, rife with processed foods, refined carbohydrates and trans fatty acids can result in emotional instability and an inability to control or regulate those emotions. This can mean very rapid onset changes in mood. Much like the numerous mood changes Nikocado seems to experience in one 20 minute Mukbang. It can also mean crying at even the slightest provocation. - And I was so excited, (crying) I was so excited, to compare Popeye's to Chick-fil-A. - Along with feeling more negative emotions overall and experiencing those emotions very deeply, often leading to depressive symptoms. Depression in the brain has many causes of course. But science now shows that the food we eat possesses the undeniable ability to worsen or alleviate symptoms or even bring them on out of nowhere. Many different studies have found that fast food and high glycemic foods show a relationship with depression, and not only that, but a dose-dependent relationship. Meaning the worse your diet is the more likely that you'll experience these symptoms and the more severe those symptoms can be. I wanna emphasize the dose-dependent element of these studies. Because it's pretty safe to say that Nikocado is consuming plenty of both fast food and high glycemic foods and he's in the unique and scary predicament considering the dose, in his case is just so abnormally large. Evolution hasn't exactly prepared our bodies or brains for a KFC, Taco Bell, Subway, McDonald's, Popeyes, Checkers, Arby's, Burger King and Olive garden feast fest, followed by hot Cheetos hash browns and nuclear black bean noodles less than 24 hours later. Obviously the food we eat impacts a lot more than just our body weight. It's an incredibly important factor in our overall health and wellbeing and the good news is that goes both ways. In an important review of 16 studies, with over 46 000 participants, researchers found that adopting a healthier diet, increasing whole foods and decreasing processed ones drastically improve mood and reduce feelings such as hopelessness, anxiety and other depressive like symptoms. And this was also found to be dose-dependent. The more participants improved their diet, the greater the improvements of their psychological wellbeing. Now I don't know about you, but I'm not quite sure that depressive is the word I would use to describe the bulk of Nikocado's breakdowns. As it doesn't quite account for the element of rage we often see in his videos. - No! (screams) - [Kiana] One of the most striking findings of studies into individuals with poor and overly processed diets, is that eating the wrong foods can make us angry. Even violent. (breathes heavily) - Ouch my foot (mumbles) - [Kiana] Aylesbury jail is a high security British prison. Notorious for inmate on inmate violence, mass brawls and gang activity. And the unlikely setting for an important study that tested the association between antisocial behavior and nutritional status. Prison food isn't exactly known for being the best or healthiest diet around and inmates at Aylesbury were often known to avoid eating their vegetables. But nutrient wise, their diets were presumably still a better starting point than Nikocado's routine meals might be. (squelching) Over the two year trial, the study authors discovered that when the prisoners were supplemented with the missing essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals not found in their diet, the number of violent defenses committed within the prison fell by a whopping 37%, and when the trial ended and the prisoners returned to their old way of eating, the violence among inmates quickly returned. (shouting) - And I feel like I'm just so angry all the time. I'm always angry. - According to Doctor Drew Ramsey, a leader in the field of nutritional psychiatry, without the proper nutrients the body cannot produce the appropriate chemicals and hormones required for clear thinking and healthy mood which in turn can lead to irrational and even dangerous behaviors. The diet of the average American has undergone a dramatic shift in the last 50 years. With one of the biggest changes being the spike in total calories consumed from vegetable oils. Vegetable oils such as canola, soya or palm are staples used in processed foods, restaurants and of course fried foods. As for Nikocado who is consuming something like three to 6000 calories every single day of fried food, we can assume that a hefty portion of those calories come from vegetable oils. Mainly in the form of Omega-6 fatty acids and its dangerous cousin trans fat. Omega-6 fatty acids are actually essential in our diets. They're not bad, but we run into an issue of balance here. Too many and they can be disruptive to our mental health. Particularly in the brain, which is comprised itself of over 60% fat. An excess of these fats has been linked to volatile personality changes. - Hey Siri! - [Kiana] Such as increased impulsiveness. - Hey Siri! - [Kiana] Irritability. - Hey Siri! - [Kiana] And aggression. - Take my shoe and eat it bitch. - [Kiana] Doctor Joseph Hibbeln from the National Institute of Health, recently discovered a very disturbing trend. The surge in oil consumption since the '60's actually mirrors the rise in murder rates across 38 different countries. (screams) Now to clarify, despite what Stephanie Soo might think, I'm not actually implying that Nikocado's dangerous, but there is certainly an interesting connection between poor diet and aggressive behaviors. - Oh! I feel worse actually now that I ate, I feel like my brain's floating. - [Kiana] Watching someone chip away at their health and happiness over the years with Mukbangs can sometimes be disheartening to watch. But up until this point as we've seen, these changes are mostly reversible if Nikocado chooses to drastically improve the quality of his diet. Which is very good news for the rest of us who may over indulge every once in a while but not to the tune of a literal mountain of fast food every single day for three years. - This is what Mukbangs does to a body, it makes you nice and full. Got a full wallet, got a full belly, got a full subscriber count. But guess what? You get it, you got it, you got diabetes. - [Kiana] However, if Nikocado doesn't make a change soon, if he does continue with his Mukbang diet for the next two years as he's planned. - Can't have enough oil. (farts) - The brain damage accrued could be come irreversible. Yes, irreversible. It's no secret that as we age our bodies and brains naturally wear down with time. We get a little shorter, a little slower, maybe more forgetful and our brains shrink a little bit in size. This is a normal part of life that everyone of us will experience to some degree. With some people showing more changes to the brain than others. People who have dementia for example experience advanced brain deterioration, for reasons still not totally understood. Most of the time this is largely just genetic, but scientist have found that an unhealthy lifestyle, especially one sustained over a period of time, can result in similar brain changes that mimic the brain deterioration and shrinkage that we see in dementia and Alzheimer's. The author of one study noted, "There is strong evidence that people's unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise puts them at a serious risk of developing significant declines in brain function, such as dementia and brain shrinkage." You might be thinking Nikocado isn't even 30 yet, surely he doesn't need to worry about dementia, but lets not forget that Nikocado's lifestyle is magnified. The old people from this study leading unhealthy lifestyles probably weren't so unhealthy that they sat down to a Mukbang feast on Monday only to do the same thing again for several years of their lives straight. The author of this study also stated, "The damage done is pretty much irreversible once a person reaches midlife, so we urge everyone to eat healthy and get in shape as early as possible." - Orlin is 43. - Obese. - Obese! - Yay! - Yay! Obese! (clapping) Nikocado's story reveals a truth about why it's so important to strive to live a healthy lifestyle, regardless of body weight. It's not just about calories or macros and that goes for whether eating a lot or a little bit. Whether you are big or small. That's why I wanted to do this video about Nikocado without really talking about the weight gain that much, because it's about a lot more than body weight. Yes body weight is a factor in your health, but I think the food that you eat is literally on par if not more important than your actual physical size. Also obviously this video was dramatic AF. I'm not actually saying that Nikocado has brain shrinkage or he's gonna get dementia, or he's violent or whatever. I'm just using his story to make the data more interesting. Diet is such a big part of like living your best life, or whatever you wanna call it and I think that is so empowering because that's something that most of us can control. Anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this video. Hope you guys liked it and I will see you guys soon. (upbeat music)
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Views: 1,203,067
Rating: 4.953023 out of 5
Keywords: nikocado avocado breakdown, nikocado avocado, nikocado before and after
Id: _Hbye4_Laaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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