Is God Mad? - Romans 1:18-32 - Skip Heitzig

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] would you turn in your Bibles please to the book of Romans chapter 1 we're continuing in this series called heart and soul which is an excursion through Paul's greatest work and that is the book of Romans now as we start today I want to just show you a picture of my mom I've done this before but look at that sweet lady this is a in her older years before she went to heaven but this lady was about 5 foot that's what she ended up as I'm 6 5 she's 5 foot maybe she was 5 - in her earlier years but she kind of shrunk down a little bit she had a great smile I'll show you another picture just so you see the so there's me next to her in the tie and it could my sweet little mom with a frisbee hat on and so what I remember about my mother is her laugh her love and her unconditional acceptance of for rowdy boys but there was another side of this lady it was the side you don't want to be on it's the eyes she had a look in her eyes and that little German frame against your body you you the wrath of mom I was 5 years old when I discovered the wrath of mom it's so distinct in my mind because she was responding to my mouthing off to her I remember where I was standing in the living room and I remember it was an epiphany moment for me and what I realized is never mess with that lady again she's very capable with or without dad to handle for boys self included infinitely greater than the wrath of mom is the subject that is before us and that is the wrath of God it is an attribute of God that some people dismiss as pure fiction they decided it's tooth painful to think about so they don't even believe it exists the wrath of God there was a street evangelist who was standing on a street corner yelling at people as they walked by saying flee from the wrath that is to come for there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and as people were walking by one old lady decided she was sarcastic and she walked up to him and she goes well I don't have any teeth so how can I gnash my teeth in the evangelist bent over and said with all due respect ma'am don't worry teeth will be provided for some people when you put the words God and wrath in the same sentence it's an affront to them it insults their sensibilities and sensitivities in fact some Christians almost feel like they have to apologize for God because of this attribute that Sully's his otherwise perfect temperament and they like to backpedal on this they don't like to talk about this Bertrand Russell wrote a book many years ago called why I am NOT a Christian why I am NOT a Christian and he wrote and I quote there is one very serious defect in my mind in Christ moral character and that is that he believed in hell I do not myself feel that any person who is really profoundly humane can believe in everlasting punishment Jesus Christ certainly as depicted in the Gospels did believe in everlasting punishment end quote if you happen to feel like Bertrand Russell you're gonna find this to be a very difficult passage and so let me just say I am simply the messenger this is not my Bible I didn't write it but I do believe in it and I believe in it in its entirety and because it is in the Bible and in this study of Romans I'm not gonna say well this is one part I don't like to talk about so let's just skip a few chapters to get to those really fun parts that would sort of be like a doctor telling the hospital administrator listen I want you to know in advance that I don't like to give bad news to my patients so if they're dying of cancer and they only got six months to live I don't want to say that to him I'm just going to Pat them on the back and say it's all gonna be great or if they're doing certain activities that are harmful bad habits I don't want to tell them that they're doing those things I just want to give a hug make him feel really good about their visit and send them on their way that would be malpractice Paul cannot be accused of malpractice so Paul tells us about the wrath of God now Before we jump into these verses we kind of bring you up to speed so far so good with Paul so far so good so far it's all been about the good news right that's what gospel means whenever you see gospel I said last week translate that good news so Paul is saying hey I got good news for y'all there is a righteousness from God for you he will close you with the righteousness that is in Christ if you believe in him that's the theme of his book but from verse 18 and for the next few chapters he's going to give detail after detail about the wrath and judgment of God why why well because Paul believes and it is true that you will never fully appreciate the good news until you fully apprehend the bad news you have to know how bad off you are before you go you know that gospel is really great news so he does you that service the theme of the book is the righteousness of God as we have said to you on a couple of occasions but Paul now begins with the unrighteousness of man because until mankind admits that they are they will never seek a savior if you don't admit you have a problem you will never seek the medicine the solution for that problem I'm it's interesting that in the 12-step program for alcoholics the step number one is to admit the powerlessness you have over alcohol you admit you're powerless over alcohol and you admit that your life has become unmanageable let's step one consider this Paul's step one Paul is saying before I wash over you with the grace of God you need to know how good that grace is by seeing how bad off you are without it so with that in mind we begin where Paul leaves off in verse eighteen he says for the wrath of God has revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God nor we're thankful but became futile in their thoughts that is vain empty and their foolish hearts were darkened professing to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man birds four-footed animals and creeping things therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in the lusts of their hearts to dishonour their bodies among themselves who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this reason God gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness sexual immorality wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder strife deceit evil mindedness they are whisperers backbiters haters of God violent proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents undiscerning untrustworthy unloving unforgiving unmerciful who knowing the righteous judgment of God that those who practice such things are deserving of death not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them boy that's a mouthful Paul tell us how you really feel right so he's dealing with the wrath of God now in looking at this I wanna I'm gonna give you three things I want to answer three questions about God's wrath what it is why it's required and how it's revealed first of all what what is it what does it regard what's it all about verse 18 says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven back in the 1920s the 30th President of the United States Calvin Coolidge went to church one Sunday his wife didn't go for some reason she stayed home in the White House president went to church came back home but his wife wanted to know what was a sermon about what did the preacher talk about so in typical male fashion the president just said one thing one word she said honey what was his sermon all about tell me he goes that's it that's all he said well being a typical woman she wanted more than a one-word answer so she kind of prodded him and said you got to give me more than that and the president said finally well I think he was against it that summed up the sermon well I think he was against it you can't read this without coming up with the inevitable conclusion God is against it now there's two words in the Greek language that are used in the New Testament for the word wrath one of them is used here and you need to know the difference one word used in the Greek New Testament for the word wrath or anger is the word Tomas Dumas we get our word thermometer from the word Tomas or we get the word thermos from Tomas Tomas means a red-hot anger it's somebody flying off the handle into a rage losing their temper it is a word that means when people are overcome by a rage it is impulsive anger passionate anger and it is not the word that is used here for God's wrath that's not the word but that's why it's hard to imagine God as being wrathful because that is what we typically think of wrath as and that is because most of our experience with anger is with the selfish anger with the guy who drinks too much and throws his wife down or the the mother who is impatient with her five-year-old and flies off into a rage because the son or daughter spills his drink some of us have been recipients and victims of that kind of anger and wrath so when we hear the words wrath of God naturally we cringe but again that is not the word used here the word Paul uses for the wrath of God is a second Greek word that is the word or gay and the word or gay literally means to grow ripe like fruit when it ripens to grow ripe and it's something that builds up over a long period of time like water that collects in a dam and a huge dam it collects behind that damn it is stable it is settled it is controlled that's the word that is used here so God does not lose his temper God doesn't fly into a rage or lash out he lets the water collect over a long period of time and thus he controls his response and he waits for the right time that is the thought in the very next chapter of Romans chapter 2 verse 5 Paul writing says because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath get the picture it's like water being collected behind a huge dam so the wrath of God used here by Paul means God's firm settled and perfect hostility against all evil once again God's firm settled perfect hostility toward all evil the wrath of God is a parallel thought to something else mentioned in verse 17 the righteousness of God I want you to look at the difference go back to verse 17 we looked at it last week Paul said for in it the righteousness of God is revealed now look at verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven you get the link it's a parallel the righteousness of God the wrath of God God is perfectly righteous therefore God is perfectly wrathful he is never neutral when it comes to evil God didn't sit around and go oh well you know that guy 20 people so what he you know he meant well God is never neutral toward evil in the words of Calvin Coolidge I think he's against it now verse 18 what Paul is essentially doing is his walking all of humanity into God's courtroom Paul is acting like the prosecuting attorney he is bringing the accusation marshaling all the evidence and securing the sentence as guilty before God why does he do that because Paul knows that in his audience as in any audience there are some with enough hubris enough bravado to insist they're not sinful they're not guilty and they want to live in a false paradise of supposed innocence so he goes not so the wrath of God is being revealed and it's in the present tense is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness so that's the what that's what it means second question why why is God so mad why would he have wrath why would he be angry at all what is that wrath directed at well Paul paints a pretty ugly picture in the verses that we just read and I'll say that he sums it up by giving us three reasons reason number one for God's wrath is for suppressing God's truth that's what he says in verse 18 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them simply put God put his stamp in us and God put his workmanship around us so we can look inward in a sense we have a conscience and in the conscience there's the testimony of God and in the cosmos around us there is also the testimony of God but people hold that down they suppress it the word suppress means they know the truth but they are holding it down or holding it back in order to live unrighteous lives The Jerusalem Bible translates this verse because they keep the truth imprisoned in their wickedness in other words there are people who don't believe and it's not because they can't believe you ever heard people say that you tell them the gospel I can't believe that that's it I can't believe that really you can't believe that now I can't believe that well what if I gave you enough evidence so that the logical step is that you believe that would you do it then no okay so you got to rephrase that don't say I can't believe it say I won't believe it very different it's not a matter of ability it's a matter of will so many people don't believe not because they can't believe but because they will not believe they don't want to believe RC sproule calls this the psychology of atheism let me give you what he wrote he said and I quote unbelief is generated not so much by intellectual causes but as by moral psychological ones the problem is not that there is insufficient evidence to convince rational beings that there is a God but that rational beings have a natural antipathy to the being of God in a word the nature of God or at least the Christian God is repugnant to man and is not the focus of desire or wish projection man's desire is not that God exists but that he doesn't end quote so this is why so many people work so hard at suppressing this they work hard at explaining God away and and and and working hard at saying you shouldn't believe in God they do it every Christmas in every Easter the National atheists work really hard at holding down the truth so why is God's wrath required for suppressing God's truth number two for ignoring God's revelation look at verse 20 for since the creation of the world so you know right now the Paul is a creationist he believed that there's a God in heaven who actually created the world for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen or visible being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so they are without excuse because although they excuse me verse 20 because although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God nor we're thankful but became futile in their thoughts their foolish hearts were darkened professing to be wise they became fools and they changed the glory of incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man birds four-footed animals creeping things therefore God gave them up to uncleanness etc here's the deal Paul is saying God who is invisible and unknowable unless he reveals himself has made himself visible and knowable by his creation now this is called the argument from design and I'm not going to get too heady into this stuff but some of you know if you have a background in apologetics that the term for this is the teleological argument for the existence of God so I'll push that word aside that's what it is but this is the argument from design in other words creation is the visible disclosure of invisible God just like an artist would reveal himself or herself by a painting or a sculptor would do that with a with a statue the divine artist has revealed himself and we call this general revelation general revelation in other words anybody at any time everywhere can know this stuff it's general revelation I found it interesting Johann Kepler some of you know that name Johann Kepler the father and founder of modern astronomy had a great little sentence he said the unde about astronomer is mad it's a great quote the unde about us Ronna MERS meant put in another way if you can look up at the sky and the galaxies in the Stars and say there is not a god you're nuts that's Johann Kepler the father of modern astronomy the unde about astronomer is mad David would agree with him David wrote in Psalm 19 the heavens declare the glory of God the firmament shows his handiwork Dan today they utter their speech night and tonight they reveal knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard in other words when you see the art hanging in the sky you concur the artist himself must be awesome the art speaks of an artist the design speaks of a designer now you should know that Paul the Apostle appealed to this argument from design natural revelation whenever he spoke to people like those in Athens or those in the pagan city of Lystra this is in Acts chapter 14 he says to those in Lystra God has not left himself without testimony he has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons he provides you with plenty of food and he fills your heart with joy he is appealing to the design of the natural world to show in visible terms the invisible God now I want to drill deeper look at verse 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it and I'm reading my version the New King James Version if you are reading a more modern translation even the nests like the New International Version or others it says what may be known of God is plain to them that's that's good in other words it's pretty obvious it's pretty plain so at the end of verse 20 Paul can say so they are without excuse so here's the deal if you can look at something that is designed and go there must be a designer you're thinking right let's say you um come up to a beautiful designer dress okay I'm trying to get your attention gals a beautiful designer dress sitting on a mannequin like this and you look at it a while and somebody else comes up it goes yeah not amazing after it took millions of years and random processes and that this thing just happened it took a long time and a lot of explosions but that's how that dress convey you go are you nuts that's a UH no Oscar de la Renta whatever it is there's some cool designer who did that the design speaks of the designer now that's wise but if on the other hand you take the modern approach and here's the theorem that no one plus nothing equals everything really you believe that yeah no one plus nothing equals everything okay you know sort of like this let me give you one of the great inventions of modern time where it here it is a Lego block check this out come on and if you play with Legos you've grown up or some raise your hands yeah some of you right so any of you still play with Legos raise your hand okay god bless you god bless you god bless you so so Lego blocks we got then I had to borrow this for my grandkids but we got some not too long ago and I was putting him together and I made like a little house I thought it was really cool so just from a simple little plastic block I could make a little house or a wall but from a simple little block you can also make a masterpiece like this that's all from Lego blocks that's from Disney springs down in Orlando Florida that's all Legos look at that's that's Toy Story man how cool is that or you can make this that's also from Lego blocks look it's going out and in the water this little dragon now keep that up for a minute that that picture this is a way evolutionary theory works it's the idea that from simple plastic blocks like this accidentally fortuitous occurrences of accidental circumstance randomness over a long period of time produced that and that's insanity because you look at this and you look at that and go now there's some brilliance behind that there's there's a master behind that masterpiece but that's complex and this is simple and the idea that complexity of life forms over millions of years accidentally produce that Paul says that's not plain what's plain to them in natural revelation is that masterpieces like you and I were designed by a master artist now there was in the scientific world for years this theory called the steady-state theory that things just sort of continued the way they were without any punctuation we now know that is debunked let me just give you this little factoid the radiation of the Sun is produced you know you go outside and you feel the heat of the Sun the radiation of the Sun is produced by the Sun losing part of its mass in fact every second of every day four million two hundred thousand tons of mass is lost from the Sun what that means is and we now know one day the Sun is going to burn out it's gonna have an end it hasn't always continued because it has an end at some point it must mean therefore it had a beginning so we can look at that and we can notice that and we can make these conclusions in natural revelation interesting poll put out a few years ago by CBS News in New York Times they did a joint poll of 885 people in the United States of America now this is modern times 55 percent of Americans in the general public were creationists more specifically 55% of the general public believe God created the world in six days I happen to be one of them 32% were theistic evolutionist that is they believe God created the world but he used the process of evolution to do it that's 32% only 13% were Orthodox Darwinists what that means is 87% of modern Americans believe God somehow created the world we're not talking 1500 years ago we're not talking medieval time we're saying modern Americans believe most of them 87 percent that God created the world a question why would so many people in modern America believe that because Paul said it's pretty plain to them verse 20 God's invisible attributes are clearly seen not everybody sees it that way and God's wrath is poised against those who suppress God's truth and ignore God's revelation there's a third reason and it sort of follows the first two for perverting God's glory verse 23 and they changed the glory of incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man that's idolatry birds four-footed animals creeping things therefore God gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonour their bodies among themselves now it has a sexual component who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed for evermore amen it's all the people say you know really it's all about feeling good and do you does it make you feel good if it makes you feel good worship and serve that impulse for this reason verse 26 God gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due now Paul has taken this down word spiral of human morality this is the theory of devolution devolving not evolving devolving the bible does not teach that man started low and climbed higher the bible teaches that man began high and sank lower and are sinking lower with every subsequent generation so it begins with familiarity I have some concepts some knowledge of God it's pretty simple it's pretty plain but it goes from familiarity to vanity emptiness futile thoughts then it goes from vanity to idolatry worshipping all sorts of things including myself then it goes from idolatry to immorality and anybody who's study world history confirms that idolatry always tends toward immorality why an arrant theology will produce an errant sexuality if you are wrong views about God you have wrong views about humanity of you're wrong views about origins you have wrong views about sex on and on so Paul is painting a picture of the downward slope of the human condition and God's settled and perfectly righteous antagonism toward evil in particular those who have some knowledge of the truth but are suppressing it for their own self-centered path and for those who do that and are that poised Paul is saying God has his wrath poised and in the words of the evangelists teeth will be provided now the last question and we'll close with this is is how how is it revealed so far we've considered the existence of God's wrath but how does all that stored up wrath ever get released and to answer that I want to move quickly because you know I sort of feel like in Diego Montoya in that great theological movie The Princess Bride remember remember the scene where inigo montoya is with Andre the Giant and Wesley and they're about to storm the Castle and inigo montoya said let me explain no there is too much let me sum up okay so I feel like I have to I was gonna keep going but you don't want me to do that I've memorized most of the lines in the film but so he realizes I gotta make this quick so I want to make this quick and let you know before I get to Paul's point of how its released in general God's wrath is released three different ways number one there is the final wrath the final wrath we all know there's going to be a final reckoning in the end a final judgment at the last day don't think that Hitler's getting off the hook don't don't think that God's gonna say oh well in whatever Paul Pott you know he wasn't all that great but whatever I'll let him go I don't think that Isis and Baghdady and all those monsters are gonna get off scot-free there will be a great white throne judgment and the accounts will be settled in the final judgment it is um it will be a judgment unlike any earthly Court there will be no debate about guilt at the great white throne judgment there will be a prosecutor but no defense there will be a judge but no jury there will be a sentence but no appeal there will be a punishment but no parole there will be imprisonment but no escape this is what Paul refers to in 1st Thessalonians 1 when he calls it the wrath that is to come the wrath that is to come that's God's final wrath or Romans chapter 2 verse 5 the day of God's wrath that's the final wrath number 2 there is what I call God's provisional wrath let me explain no let me sum up it is God's wrath visa vie the public administration of justice ie the legal system you're looking at me like I have no idea what you just said okay so if you got a ticket on the way to church today because you were going 55 miles an hour in a twenty mile an hour zone you just experienced the wrath of God through the judicial system in Romans 13 Paul talks about those government officials who do that he says for he is God's minister and a venture to execute wrath on him who practices evil Bernie Madoff is in jail for a hundred and fifty year sentence he's experiencing the wrath of God through the judicial system Willie Nelson Nicolas Cage Martha Stewart and I could have given a host of other celebrities who have evaded paying taxes and have been fined a heap because of it they're experiencing the Provisional wrath of God those are simply examples of how God uses human government now it's flawed it's flawed because it involves humans so humans don't always get it right but God uses human government it's flawed because sometimes they put people in prison who shouldn't be there sometimes they let people go free who should be in jail but that's God's final Wrath and God's provisional wrath now I'm gonna get to the text there's a third way God will release his wrath and that is Paul's point I call that God's permissible wrath that is he gives you what you want you go he does and you're looking at he does that's good no that's bad when God gives a society or a person everything he or she wants that's a an act of judgment or wrath because what is happening as God is pulling off the restraints he's abandoning you to your own desires look at verse 24 therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonour their bodies among themselves verse 26 for this reason God gave them up to vile passions verse 28 he says it again and even as they didn't like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting three times in one passage gave them up God gave them up God gave them up when we hear of God's wrath we usually think of the first way the final wrath we think of Thunderbolts coming out of heaven we think of the great white throne judgment but this is the quiet invisible work of letting people have what they want this judgment is not God's intervention this is God's non intervention this got stepping back going having your way do whatever you want that is God's judgment now if you're thinking well that's just Paul talking I don't have enough time I could take two separate Sunday showing you through the scripture how often this pops up but let me just give you a few examples in hosea chapter 4 when the Lord is saying I'm going to judge the Northern Kingdom of Israel called Ephraim in that text this would he said Ephraim is joined to his idols let him alone not there practicing idolatry I'm going to step in he goes let him alone let him alone in Matthew 15 Jesus speaking to the religious authorities who were antagonistic to him and wanted him crucified said to his disciples let them alone they are blind leaders of the blind and both will fall into the ditch in the seventh chapter of the book of Acts when Stephen is recalling the history of the Jewish nation and how they made the golden calf in the wilderness this is what he said and they made a calf in those days and offered sacrifices to the idol then God gave them up to worship the hosts of heaven so many times for God it says I'm stepping back I'm abandoning you to whatever you want to do when God does that things are pretty bad I bring this up because how often I have heard and you have heard things like well you know what if America doesn't you know shape up God's going to judge America let me suggest to you based on Romans 1 God has already judged America it's too late part of the judgment of God is really that's what you want habit I abandoned you to your own will and your own desires boy that's that's pretty severe CS Lewis you know his name he was the great professor of literature English literature at Cambridge and Oxford he's an atheist who became a believer in Christ said there are only two kinds of people in the end those who say to God thy will be done and those to whom God says thy will be done now what this tells us is the more God lets go the worse things get until it will eventually culminate in the Great Tribulation so the spiritual and moral degradation that we see around us is to be viewed as a judicial act of God it's the wrath of God every generation you tell me if I'm right or wrong every generation says this you know when I was a kid things weren't this bad but boy they're really bad today right do we say that do you know your parents said that do you know their parents said that do you know way way back in the 1700s there you're great you're whoever was saying that do you know your kids and grandkids are gonna say the same thing you know why it's true and what is the reason for that truth God gives you over when God gives you over to whatever you want that's a sad day that is the wrath of God now I want to close with a good thought if I may I go back to my mom that little 5 foot 2 lady maybe 5 foot 2 maybe an inner prime and I think back to that day when I was 5 years old and I discovered the wrath of mom you know that day and I got to say there were many other episodes of that it was not the only time trust me I learned to respect that lady but those episodes of her righteous anger made all the other episodes of her laughter and her love and her acceptance all the sweeter when I compared the goodness of her to those wrathful times her personality's so BETT much better so much sweeter so it is I believe with with God I want to close with a verse this is um John chapter 3 verse 36 it is John the Baptist speaking and is what he said he who believes in the son that is Jesus has everlasting life how many of you believe in the son how many believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior do you believe that and put your hand up like you you're you're not ashamed of that can you believe in that let me just tell you then if that's the truth you have not you will have you have it right now everlasting life you have it now it's guaranteed when you die it'll just get better no matter what bad things you go through it'll just get better you have everlasting life if you believe in the son you have it and he who does not believe in the son now I'm not gonna ask for show hands he who does not believe in the Son of God shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him now listen to how that's foot the wrath of God abides in him in other words you're in this world it already abides on you every person in this world is sitting in the chair under that fabled sword of damocles waiting for the Rope to break and judgment to fall when you say I believe in Jesus Christ is God's Son who took the penalty for me you move chairs from sitting under the sword of damocles to sitting under the grace of Almighty God and that's why the good news said against the bad news is really great news father we thank you for the great news of the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ we thank you for what he's done for us we thank you that you've given us a plain and clear understanding through the writings of Paul who articulated to his audience in Rome why this gospel was so awesome and and what a wondrous thing it is when you are saying here I'll I'll take the righteousness of Jesus and clothed you and that so when I look at you I see you as pure and spotless as my own son what good news that is and we would never appreciate it unless we we see it in bold relief against that dark sky of your wrath so thank you even for that in Jesus name Amen we hope you enjoyed this message from skip Heitzig of Calvary Church how will you put the truths that you learned into action in your life let us know email us at my story at Calvary nm Church and just a reminder you can support this ministry with a financial gift at Calvary nm Church slash gift thank you for joining us for this teaching from Calvary Church [Music]
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 17,323
Rating: 4.7845116 out of 5
Keywords: wrath, love, Bible Study, Calvary, Albuquerque, Skip, Heitzig, Jesus, Romans, Sermon, Gospel, anger, artist, creation, design, glory, good news, grace, judgment, judicial, rage, the wrath of God
Id: IbzEKjxe1Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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