is fruit even healthy?? | my attempt at a tier list

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today we are doing a fruit to your list because apparently only one in ten people in the western world consume enough fruits and vegetables on a day-to-day basis uh and if you're wondering why i have so much blush on i don't i'm like sick or something and my cheeks are just like super hot and red and um i've already tried to film this video like eight times so this is the one we're going with the one where i look like a weird marionette doll or something oh it is what it is let's begin the fruit tier list welcome to me trying to use my camera for the first time and it didn't really work out so here it is starting with bananas are they healthy in 100 grams of banana you're getting almost 30 of your total daily value for b6 15 manganese some copper vitamin c b2 and folate but most of these nutrients aren't difficult to get however bananas do have a significant chunk about potassium and magnesium potassium and magnesium play critical roles in many cellular functions and were actually recently listed as shortfall nutrients by the usda a shortfall nutrient is one that is chronically consumed in numbers below adequate intake levels by a large portion of the population potassium was even labeled as a nutrient of public health concern by this guide as was magnesium by another study quote the evidence in the literature suggests that subclinical magnesium deficiency is rampant and one of the leading causes of chronic diseases in cardiovascular disease and early mortality around the globe and should be considered a public health crisis so that's got to be a point for bananas for sure you know they have they have those good things about them but i'm going to give them a b next up fruit juice yes according to the usda juice is just lumped on in there with regular old fruit except calling juice fruit is like calling potato chips vegetables oh wait so i'm gonna go ahead and give fruit juice uh an f because although we're not really taking sugar into consideration in this list which obviously is like a debate in itself even if it's not from concentrate it's not a consolation prize for real fruit and i think in this instance the sugar and the calories do matter because it's basically just like a liquefy it's just like a sugar shot at that point right to your veins so i'm anti-fruit juice blueberries yeah that was a lot cooler in my mind than it was on the screen and why did i choose a black background for blueberries bear with me here blueberries are consistently ranked as some of the healthiest fruits in the world so you may be surprised to see their nutrient content when we pull them up and look at their daily values though they're actually not that special i mean if you look at them next to a banana they're actually a little bit worse but the vitamins and minerals present in blueberries are really just a bonus because they're rich in other phenolic compounds that make them particularly potent antioxidants such as anthocyanins presumably thanks these antioxidants many studies have found that blood markers of dna damage inflammation and oxidative stress were reduced in as little as eight weeks of blueberry supplementation why is this important oxidative stress and inflammation are thought to play a role in aging and the development of a range of diseases and health conditions so foods high in antioxidants like blueberries and other fruits and vegetables protect yourself from damage and lower your risk of disease overall blueberries are one of the most well studied fruits on this list and they've been linked to a range of health benefits uh most notably better cognitive function and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease so blueberries blueberries get an s tear from me they are super healthy with a lot of data to back it up and i'll put some studies in the sidebar if anyone's interested in looking at them further like i said i'm trying to like keep it casual so i'm not gonna like talk for five hours on how healthy blueberries are the rest here okay that's enough this video is sponsored by magic spoon growing up my parents never bought the fun cereal and i hated it so much and i didn't understand why we always had to have like shreddies and all brand when the other kids got to have the cool cereal but as an adult it's pretty easy to see why being that cereal is pretty much just straight sugar like look at this it's literally candy cotton candy crunch sour worms is this real that's not real there's no way jolly rancher this is real i've seen that one oreo oats drumstick cereal like what okay i saw a really wild one before what was it sour patch kids come on so when magic's food reached out to me and i reviewed their cereal zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein and only four net carbs per serving they have all these nostalgic fun flavors and cute packaging fruity cocoa frosted and now peanut butter you can try them all in a variety pack i was like that is so cool i'm so stoked for you guys to send me this cereal so i was really hoping that the fruity one would be my favorite because it goes best with the video obviously that was kind of the plan here but it wasn't i liked the chocolate one better i just did it's just a classic flavor it's just i always have a chocolate craving that's the one i like the most okay i feel really awkward eating this on camera but it is it is good am i supposed to make eye contact like it's good it also doesn't have like a protein-y taste at all it really just tastes like normal cereal but not the healthy kind not like shreddies i also love how it makes the milk all chocolatey that's such a good part of cereal how it makes the milk all thing you don't get that very much when you don't eat cereal so it's pretty fun okay so if we do like a mini to your list i would say honestly all the flavors are really good but i'm gonna go ahead and say chocolate gets an s tear for me the frosted flavor i actually really like that one as well so that one that one definitely gets a good one from me i don't know i want at least an a maybe an s i really like the fruit that one i can't really explain what the flavor tastes like obviously it just tastes sweet but i don't know it's quite good and the fruity like i said i hope that the fruity was gonna be my favorite because it went best with the video but it tastes in my opinion pretty much like exactly like fruit loops a little bit less sweet but in a good way but if you like fruit loops you will love the fruity one for me i'm still gonna give it a b just because that's not my favorite flavor of cereal but if you like fruit loops that'll probably be your jam it's also keto friendly gluten free grain free soy free low carb and gmo free go to kiana to grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use the promo code kiana at checkout to get five dollars off your order and again thanks to magic spoon for sponsoring this video next up oranges there we go a 100 gram serving is high in vitamin c and not much else when it comes to vitamins and minerals now vitamin c is really important and we need to top it up all the time because it's water soluble meaning we pee out the excess every day and we can't actually store it in our bodies it's also fragile so some of it breaks down if you cook it so if you cook most of your food and you don't eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to begin with then okay maybe you might be lacking in vitamin c but it's present in so many fruits and vegetables and in ample quantities that in my opinion anyway it's the easiest micronutrient to get like by far so yeah and orange having 70 vitamin c i just for me oranges just don't really have as much bang for your buck as some of the other fruits on this list so i'm gonna give oranges a it is portable i mean in terms of its thick shell so i'm gonna go ahead and uh i'm gonna give oranges a c i'd rather eat i'd rather eat some of the other fruits on this list i think how many times have you heard that watermelon is just sugar and water well turns out watermelon actually crushes it now i don't know anyone who eats 100 grams of watermelon so in a 250 gram serving you're looking at 60 of your daily vitamin a 27 vitamin c 11 copper 8 magnesium 10 potassium some b5 and some b1 so not bad at all nice range of nutrients there with some pretty good numbers not to mention this is one of the lowest calorie fruits on this list a 250 gram serving is only 75 calories and watermelon has lycopene lycopene is a carotenoid that gives watermelon its color and has been linked over and over again to a reduced likelihood of a bunch of different diseases and even cancers now it's not known exactly how or why or how much lycopene can even be absorbed from watermelon but i decided to mention it because i think it points out something interesting about fruits and whole foods in general and that's that the vitamins and minerals the rda the stuff that we're looking to that's really a fraction of what makes eating these types of foods so important for us and you know even the worst fruits on this list they often have something that we're not measuring that's been shown to improve health outcomes we don't know exactly how or why or what it is but just that eating these foods is improving people's health in a measurable way which is really why i made this video just to kind of point out that kind of stuff the tear list is like the guys to tell you that i don't know anyway i feel like watermelon should have been an a tier but dude it is so inconvenient and the likelihood that you get a stinky one is like so high at least where i live no matter how many watermelons i knock on the likelihood of me getting one that's like spongy and gross is is it's pretty good it's like 50 50. so for me i'm gonna do a movie i'm gonna give them a beat because it's their nightmare to open they're heavy they're just there's so much to them that makes watermelon not exactly you know the best for me this is a subjective list okay finally we reached the almighty kiwi just 100 gram of kiwi is 123 of your vitamin c goal 44 of vitamin k 14 copper 12 potassium and 8 vitamin e and a little chunk of magnesium there too and if you eat the skin you increase the fiber vitamin e and folate contents by 50 32 and 34 and these guys are like a 10 out of 10 on portability because unlike most other fruits on this list you can eat all of the skin i was gonna give them a nine out of ten because of that little little nub which i don't enjoy eating but you can eat the nub in a pinch and you can't really eat like a banana or orange peel so i'm giving that a 10. all around so i mean for me based on the vitamins and minerals alone kiwi gets a nest here they're killing it all right next up strawberries the second lowest calorie fruit on this list and a very great source of vitamin c strawberries are known to have some of the very same compounds as blueberries common common berry thing though they're actually i think in a lot of tests they show to be a little bit less i don't know health promotey and blueberries like blueberries seem to win but literally please take that as a grain of salt because i i don't have a study to reference for that i'm just saying that's what i saw so we'll give them an a more like a b minus though because like realistically they only taste good for like two months of the year they're one of them i would say maybe just as a canadian we have worse access to the good strawberries of the year they taste like water next up apples apples are trash honestly let's look at the apples they are just not that great when it comes to vitamins and minerals comparatively in a 100 gram serving you're only getting six percent of vitamin c two percent of vitamin a and four percent of potassium and it's actually pretty hard to find a 100 gram apple average serving size is anywhere from 150 to 250 grams so if you make just not as much paying for your buck as some of the other fruits on this list in my opinion most redeeming quality of the apple is its fiber content which is quite good but still beaten out by the kiwi and it does score high on portability but unlike the orange it can get really banged up so i don't know apples it's crazy because i feel like apple is like the quintessential fruit but it's just it's just not that great it's just not that great and i i don't know i was looking it up on pubmed i was still i wasn't that impressed for me i'm gonna give the apple a d i gotta do it now no fruits are bad fruits but apples they're just not that great which is not that great but i want to say that of all the fruits on this list even the d even the apple even the orange they have a lot of things that are not being measured rhonda patrick calls this the unknowables which are essentially the benefits to eating whole fruits and vegetables that we currently do not have the capacity to study but that are probably contributing to the positive effects that we're seeing in the research that's why when you just take a supplement when you take a vitamin c pill or whatever often it's not shown to be as effective sometimes it is but particularly with antioxidants and that kind of thing is not as effective as the whole food so it's really really important to eat as many whole foods as you can because there's so many things that we don't know about them that are clearly contributing to our health so yeah that was really the point of this video not to bash all the fruits not to go deep into all the research on the fruits but really just to suggest that eating fruits and vegetables is a super easy way to be healthier there are so many articles showing this and specifically about fruits too i know people like to slam fruits and say oh yeah they're sugary or whatever but the data suggests that they're very healthy in reality all fruits belong on at least a tier at least it okay so forget my list except that except the fruit juice that does not be long on a tear just get that delete it i don't know why that was ever included to begin with all fruits are eightier all fruits are good for you eat fruits um i don't know how to end this video anyway thank you guys for watching this video and putting up with my weird red face this video if it wasn't your favorite well it wasn't mine either okay so this video from start to finish has been just i don't know so if you didn't love it then i understand because honestly i don't love it either yeah um hope it was somewhat enjoyable for you guys and i will see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Kiana Docherty
Views: 154,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fruit tier list, tier list, tier list lol, is fruit healthy, are fruits healthy, fruit, kiana docherty, best fruit, fruit tiers, tier video, best fruits, is fruit juice healthy
Id: waZZIK6zwxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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