Is E8 Lattice the True Nature of Reality? Or Theory of Everything?

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if an alien race that has figured out the laws of the universe how everything works came to earth and revealed it to us do you think it would look anything like the way we humans understand it what if they open their book of knowledge we were shocked to see that it only had one page in it what would be on that page well that one page could very well have no words with just one image an image that looks something like this what is this image and how might it explain all of reality that's coming up right now this has sometimes been called the most beautiful mathematical structure in the world what is it you ask well try to follow me here this is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional representation of a four-dimensional projection of an eight dimensional object if you follow that in your head you're way smarter than me let's look at it from a different perspective if you take an eight dimensional object which our brains by the way can't imagine and project it in a four dimension which is closer to our imagination then represent that in 3d which we can imagine then put that on a 2d screen like you're watching right now this is what you would end up with this structure is called an e8 Lee group what does that mean it's actually a 248 dimensional object but it can also be thought of as an object that has eight spatial dimensions with 248 symmetries in the 19th century the mathematician sophist Lee created algebraic formulas to describe the shape of symmetrical objects these are called Lee fields and then in the late 1890s we'll him killing found a set of Lee fields and described perhaps the most complex shape in our universe the e8 group this structure is so complex that the drawing you see here took a team of eighteen mathematicians for years to calculate and plot using a supercomputer why is this structure important well it happens to show up in parts of string theory but also in 2007 a theoretical physicist and a surfer dude Anthony Garrett Lisi published a paper proclaiming the mathematics of this structure contained all the particles and forces in the universe he called it the exceptionally simple theory of everything now this was just a pun because there's nothing simple about it but how can this geometric structure be the key to the fundamental nature of the universe well what you have to understand is that all geometric structures have their underpinnings in mathematics that is all geometry can be expressed as math for example a circle is 2 times pi times R a sphere is 4 times pi times R squared this holds true for this e8 object as well it's much more complicated mathematics but the structure can be expressed in mathematical terms and mathematics happens to be a language of the universe what Lisi did is he found a relationship between this object and all the forces and particles we know about how did he do this first if you were to look at the structure closely you would see that it has 248 points or intersections just remember that number 248 for a minute now let me tell you how that number is related to all the forces and particles of the universe our best understanding of the universe is represented by the standard model according to it there are four fundamental forces in nature strong force weak force electromagnetism and gravity and there are twelve fundamental particles in addition each of these particles has an antiparticle of itself so for example an anti quark or anti neutrino in total these make up all the elementary particles and there are exactly 28 of them twenty-four elementary particles and four force carrier particles each of these distinct elementary particles has eat quantum numbers assigned to it based on the charges each particle has this brings the total number of particles to 220 for eight times 28 Lisi found that he could mathematically equate all of these particles to one of the points in the e8 model but the model if you recall has 248 points not 224 how did Lisa explain these in points well he simply created 24 new theoretical particles which he thinks have not been discovered yet so even though none of these theoretical particles has been found dc's work is still remarkable take another look at EI and notice how the lines radiate from each point Li see also found patterns emerging between particles and forces like they happen in actual reality for example when photons interact with leptons they create electrons the same thing happens in the e8 lattice the connections shown within points on the e8 match up to real known connections between particles in our physical world if this is just a coincidence then it's pretty remarkable one of the particles he assigned to the shape behaves very much like the force carrier for gravity or a graviton and this is the key to lease he's claiming that this could be the theory of everything because it combines matter particles and gravity in one framework something that has been a holy grail in physics so basically all the normal things we know about gravity electromagnetism weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force can be described in terms of algebraic objects and each of these objects happens to sit inside this complicated eh structure does this mean that this g8 represents the framework of the universe or is it just fancy math made to look as if some of it fits reality Lisa's theory does have some problems one of the biggest problems with the theory is that Lisa combines force carrier particles bosons with the matter particles now string theory does this tube but with a lot of rigorous mathematics to back it up now this kind of math is not present in he ate so Lisi is kind of combining these arbitrarily and that is not acceptable to most physicists in addition to this a leading mathematician and export on lead groups skipped Garibaldi wrote a paper in 2010 which mathematically disproved Lisa but Lisa came back with Condor arguments to that so I think the jury is still out but the elephant in the room is the 24 new theoretical particles that came out of this theory so it requires the existence of yet undiscovered matter it's possible that the Large Hadron Collider which has since started up after Lisa came up with this theory could find these theoretical particles Lisi himself says I'm the first to admit that it's a long shot in fact I think that even if one of the new theoretical particles is found it would be a huge breakthrough towards proving this theories on the right track now how does this compare to string theory at least there's a way to prove it in my view unlike string theory what we really don't have a way to prove it and although e 8 has a vast number of dimensions the physical universe described by the theory would have only four dimensions which we are familiar with not the ten or eleven of string theory now you may have heard of a research organization called quantum gravity research this group has built a whole company around the idea of EA being the theory of everything they have some really well produced and slick videos on YouTube that you can check out for yourself there like many movies with actors special effects and animation so I commend them for making this science approachable to everyday people the problem with their videos is that they're mixing actual proven concepts in physics with a lot of unproven concepts including New Age mysticism this really diminishes their credibility in my view because the viewer doesn't know which part is true in which part is complete conjecture for example the description of crystals and quasi crystals is spot-on but then they leap from things like this to talking about emergence and how a conscious universe is responsible for creating reality this is just pseudoscience and they lose a lot of mainstream scientists here it also doesn't help that their founder kind of has a shady past because he became rich by selling question with products to infomercials and now he's supposedly a physicist and this is a shame because I actually think that many of the elements they're discussing have merit but the impression I'm left with at the end of watching these videos is that they're trying to force fit factual physics into their founders personal spiritual philosophy so I would take concepts in their video with a huge grain of salt I want to point out though that eh is a real mathematical structure it has been around for a long time quantum gravity research people did not come up with it and I think it's an interesting idea all that needs to be done is the Large Hadron Collider to find just one of the 24 theoretical particles and this theory may get hoards of scientists singing its praises hey guys did you enjoy that check out some of our other videos this is what I recommend this is what YouTube recommends and if you haven't done so already then be sure to subscribe by clicking right here join the conversation I'll see you in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Arvin Ash
Views: 625,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E8 lie group, theory of everything, Quantum Gravity Research, Quantum gravity research youtube, quantum gravity research debunked, Garrett lisi, Wilhelm Killig, the standard model, is E8 the theory of everything, physics, arvin ash, who gives a bleep, e8 simply explained, what is e8, sophus lie, Wilhelm Killing, E8 lattice, E8 lattice theory,
Id: aR88KR4sg-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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