Is Dick Really 😠 Mad 😠 At Tommy??? | The Smothers Brothers | Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour

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two measures in them Here I Am Lord wait a minute wait a minute I just I lost that spot I'd like to go back you lost a lot of spots a long time ago you lost the spot now why can't you sing a song all the way through but what's the matter it's not my fault it's not your fault that's right then whose fault is it it's not as simple as that I just can't feel the blame ones it's just that I noticed a lot of the people in the around um I get it that's right it's these people walking around the crew it's their fault oh that makes a lot of sense uh yes and no see it's not exactly it resisted I hadn't noticed although I I have noticed see I just noticed him and it distracted me for just a second I like to pick it up on the part that was into the song and I made a mistake I like to go back I want to get this clear though let me get this clear the crew these people moving around on stage the the cameraman the boom man the the cute cards all these people that's right the people who are necessary to put on a show the people who have done every single television show we've ever done all of a sudden they made you forget the lyrics of the song is that correct it's amazing isn't it yeah I know there but I sometimes I don't you know appreciate and don't send my mind just locked in on the the boom man there and I just uh just forgot that part I like to pick it up on the apart Here I Am Lord which is no I think it's too late for that but I do find it interesting you find it so interesting that there's people putting on the show and you know what else I find interesting is the fact that you think it's so interesting to mess up the song I'm going to step out of character for just a moment I like to destroy a myth right now see my brother really isn't mad at me of course maybe some people know that already but I don't think so see he's not really mad at me in fact he's never been mad at me he's my brother and this is TV and we we pretend I'm mad I'm not I'm mad no you're not Ozzy and Harriet you know when Ozzy yelled inherit are they mad no pretending on TV because Yeoman Fudd just real from really hate Bugs Bunny no no Mrs Olson doesn't live next door to all those people and foreign [Applause] is involved Nelson isn't really black it's what you do on television Raymond Burr can walk how else do you think he walks up and gets here all right Tommy I think you've just we've just had enough I've really hadn't hey you've gone far enough I understand I mean you think you're cute I'm not you make a mistake and you cover up by trying to be cute but I do understand the point he's not right this is television I understand that people pretend I understand that you're not really mad but a lot of times on television people do not pretend like right now I'm angry at you hey I'm angry at you and if you want to wander around all during the song you do it if you want to interrupt you do it just go ahead and do it but since people pretend on television you just go ahead and do both parts all by yourself you understand let's see now you sing both parts well now you see that you see I said sing both parts I didn't say explain it I said sing it well I'm just going to say that that's impossible for me to single with parts pretend hey I got an idea take my base do both parts I'm not I don't want to I said I was taking my base I don't want to take my base no yes take it okay go ahead see this is television I was just pretending to take your face thank you
Channel: The Smothers Brothers
Views: 4,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smothers brothers, the smothers brothers, Tommy smothers, dick smothers, the smothers brothers comedy hour, clown jewels, tv comedy, I wish I wuz in peoria, I wish I was in peoria, peoria
Id: ES4Qm7atf10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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