Is Bayonetta 3 the Best of the Trilogy?

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2022 has been a wild year for video games especially for Nintendo Pokemon Kirby Fire Emblem Xenoblade Splatoon Mario basically every major IP of theirs received a new installment this year sorry Zelda fans but the one gay mouth a lot I was most anticipating was okay probably Xenoblade 3 but my second most anticipated game was easily Bayonetta 3. while I showed up to the band at a party fashionably late I fell in love with these first two games instantly something about the satisfying combat Lube matched with this entertainingly absurd tone kept me engaged for hours on end so you could say I was looking forward to the third installment dude the months prior to this game's release had me acting like a different person I was so excited to play I actually started getting into the freaking lore my YouTube history was just Theory video after Theory video I was this close to busting out the red yarn late at night to try and piece the darn timelines together it was rough Ivan went on my way to watch the 2013 anime movie and I fell asleep 10 minutes in point is I was stoked for this game it'd been eight years since the last installment so all fans expectations were through the roof and now the game's out I was up for that midnight release smashing a like a fool waiting for Nintendo to give me access to the game and I beat it fittingly on the spooky scary night of Halloween but that one question Still Remains doesn't meet expectations is it the best Bayonetta game is it Game of the Year okay maybe more than one question so enough Dilly dallying I mean this is Bayonetta we're talking about let's get right into the actions starting with the [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I don't know about you guys but I always look forward to the title screens of whatever game I'm booting up I mean hey alongside the box art this is the other half of how a game packages itself a truly good title screen will Captivate you and get you craving that upcoming Adventure despite their Simplicity I like the first two and given the Slick logo for this game I was Keen to see what Platinum had prepared this time round okay guys bold Choice as for the aesthetic of the actual game itself I like it a lot I've gone on records saying that I was never really a fan of Bayonetta one's PS3 360 era art Direction and thought 2 was a major improvement though there are plenty of people out there who think the complete opposite so three probably took the best route possible in finding a middle ground between the two the grittiness is still there but the world isn't devoid of color either there's as much Variety in the different locales you could want too a much needed fix that frankly both the first two games struggled with grassy planes scorching deserts and Mustafar The Color Purple it's all here man and the character's designs all feel right at home in this surprisingly diverse world look I'll be honest with you guys when I first saw this new design I wasn't a fan I remember watching that first trailer again stoked about seeing platinum's name and then going oh my gosh what did they do to her Well turns out past me was an 80 cause this design is Golden man I'm not sure why but her new look has grown to me a lot to the point where I'm not sure which is my second favorite I do still stand by twos being the best though come on nothing beats a pixie cut all the returning faces get some great redesigns too Lucas finally dripped out I love how casual rodon is now and Enzo's trucker hat is so in character the one exception is of course Jon look the code's cool now but what in the world were they thinking with this pink lemonade zigzag nonsense come on all in all though the characters look good especially the newly introduced Viola who gives off so much of this it's not a phase mom energy that is completely sold by her hair jacket shirt everything as for the enemies well they really like green look Bayonetta enemies have always been really bizarre looking see that's a that's a bandit of one looking enemy right there I remember this one time I was playing smash ultimate with a friend on the clock tower stage and this guy showed up and my buddy was like dude what the hell is that I've been in this game several times now and to be honest I still don't really know as for the third installment this is the first game of the series Where Angels aren't the main enemies and instead we've got these homuncula and while they all follow the same toothpaste look and color scheme they're still able to differentiate themselves I would see this beefy boy and go hell yes combo food and on the other hand I'd see this ground tentacle guy and want to delete the game the point is their designs are distinct enough for you to recognize each of them respectively and know what to expect and whether you're giving or receiving the thrashing you'll be jamming out either way it's a staple of the Bayonetta games to choose an old 50s era song about the moon and turn it into this insane Battle Theme I still remember my socks being blown off when I realized there was a Frank Sinatra cover in the first game Bayonetta 2 presents one of my favorite vocal themes in gaming with Moon River and Moonlight Serenade of the three cool does not disappoint but I'm not sure what the copyright policy on that is see you're just gonna have to take my word for it a song I can play though is you know it you love it Whispers of the I mean alfine sorry I remember I first heard this track in one of the trailers and I was like dude what is that song I need it so for ages fans were stuck with the stinky version of the song with all this sfx from the trailer but you must believe I was still jamming out so when I actually got to play the game you know I popped off when I finally got to hear that full version [Music] oh people this is genuinely my new favorite Bayonetta theme and they knew they struck gold as we hear it as a light Motif in other tracks as well this includes none other than let's hit the climax or I mean time for the climax oh I mean get to the climax sorry an iconic track that's been remixed in every game and my favorite thing they do with it is make the intro longer with every version [Music] yeah okay but what if we added another [Music] okay but what if we added another [Music] hey now that's more like it but I will be very Frank with you guys these tracks are all blown out of the water by one song in the OST a song that literally nobody expected to find in a Bayonetta game while I appreciate to bits how faithful the majority of the OST is here Viola's Battle Theme makes it all look so trivial it's not even funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like your design Viola steam expresses her character immaculately and is a total Bop as a result I remember the very first battle first I got into I heard this song searched up the track immediately and rocked out for the rest of the day Bayonetta 3's OST definitely took more risks to be more musically diverse and in my opinion is probably the most consistently great out of the three because of that I consider all day saying yo guys listen to this now listen to this oh how about this one but we've still got the rest of the game to cover if you liked what you heard then I'm poor you to search up the OST click on literally any song and there's like a 90 chance it's a banger now so far I've just been praising the presentation but I should probably address the elephant in the room the visuals I'm a firm believer that art style trumps Fidelity every time and the art Direction definitely does a lot of the heavy lifting here but the lack of Polish is still undeniably prevalent while I still wouldn't say beo 3 looks bad it's certainly a bit underwhelming I know this game had an extremely troubled development so I I feel kind of awful criticizing the graphics when it's honestly a miracle we're even playing it but even Bayonetta 2 look more polished than this you know the game from 2014. I know a lot of people were getting worked up over the environment textures and yeah those could definitely do some work but what really rubbed me the wrong way were the facial animations like for the most part they're pretty solid but then the game does these close-up shots and all the Jank is just on full display I know some will bring up the argument of well the switch isn't that powerful and that is true but keep in mind that this system runs banana 2 breath of the wild Luigi's Mansion 3 and now near automata all pretty well even by switch standards for a major release these Graphics feel just barely serviceable I know everyone was throwing a temper tantrum about the frame rate but I never really had any issues that truly detracted from my enjoyment with this game a character action game like Bayonetta obviously needs at least decent frame rate given how reaction and input based the gameplay is and yes I am expecting to get comments from people complaining about how it's not running at their coveted 7 trillion FPS and that game is thus ruins ah but Imma let you in on a little secret yeah but you're feeling real Goofy for taking out your mortgage to buy that six figure PC for only the most optimal Roblox gameplay banana 3 remains in this range and if I was ever doing poorly I knew it was my fault and never once felt the need to blame any performance issues for reference the game runs at a targeted 60 FPS but often drops into the 50s or even 40s if there's a lot going on and let's be honest there is yeah it's a shame especially going from the first two games whose switch ports rarely drop below 60 but those games also didn't have Kaiju fights on the go I should also mention the surprisingly ambitious set pieces which are locked at 30 FPS and honestly it's a miracle they even squeeze these into a switch game at the end of the day with the second and second combat that needs nothing short of all your attention most frame jobs weren't very noticeable and I'm thinking that while we're here we should probably get talking about the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jumping if there's anything I can count in this franchise for it's that oh so addicting ban at a gameplay Loop all you fans of the series know exactly what I'm talking about when I say it just doesn't get old this installment finds itself being more ambitious than ever before building upon the base gameplay far more than we saw in the transition from the first to the second game right off the bat you're thrown into these surprisingly expansive areas a stark contrast to the previously linear levels of the first two games this allows Platinum to litter the world with loads of optional tasks for you to complete you've got the usual challenges for rewards the returning broken chest from Bayo 2 the sick time reverting bits chasing down cats and a solid amount of extra combat encounters thanks to this increase in actual things to do as well as the infinitely better traversal options like oh my gosh I felt so much more inclined to actually explore and sync hour after hour into this game whenever I play through the first Bayonetta I usually hit the credits at about 9 to 10 hours in and the sequel is even shorter clocking in at just seven but ban at a three straight up doubled that play time at around 14 to 15 hours there there's just so much more to do and then incentive to keep playing is only strengthened via the combat okay that's like half true because Bayonetta 3 pulls a bit of a DMC and has you place three different characters throughout the campaign the first of which is like Peak gaming the second feels like a work in progress and the third yeah we'll get to that later let's start things off on a good note with thankfully the majority of the game the levels of the titular character herself in my opinion playing a series in this game is the best it's ever been that increased fluidity from two is still intact making every combo feel cohesive and intentional I'm sure most of y'all watching are already familiar with how Bayonetta combat structured but I'll quickly break it down for any newcomers Bayonetta games function around the light and heavy attack system with the x-bun is dedicated to punches and a to kicks the player can string these attacks together in any manner they so please giving this freedom to perform any combination they want without having to pick from a list and yeah there is a list but I never felt pressured to use it since so much of the battles are centered around fuel every combo would be ingrained via muscle memory rather than memorizing a series of buttons this made me that much more immersed as I took upon this role's Bayonetta since I felt like I had total control over every movement given what seemed like an infinite amount of combo Roots the Ingenuity behind the core gameplay allows for newcomers to start having a good time right away while still presenting a high skill ceiling for those who just can't get enough and you know I gotta mention which time which is a I don't know the greatest game mechanic ever conceived by simply giving you a few moments to take advantage of after performing a successful Dodge Platinum makes the combat Dynamic like 10 times more interesting there is nothing quite as satisfying as dodging a lightning quick attack from an enemy and then being rewarded with a chance to turn the tables and while this combat Loop has aged remarkably well we're just scratching the surface like I mentioned before Bayonetta 3 shows far more Innovation than we've ever seen from this IP and that starts with the weapons I remember when I first heard they were moving the ability to equip different weapons to different appendages I was worried because what other game lets you rollerblade on chainsaws while studying the blade or vice versa but the new weapons in introduce here more than make up for that exclusion as they prove to be some of the most creative and fleshed out stuff Platinum has ever given us the privilege of using compared to the first two games where you had your usual swords whips and various projectile launchers and banetta 3 you've got a yoyo with moves all named after yo-yo tricks this mic stand with the finisher of a whistle note uh Splatoon apparently and Thomas the Tank Engine there's about a dozen of these for you to collect all with enough depth to tell us a full playthrough on their own now each of these weapons are paired with their very own demon and in the previous games these guys only appeared at the end of boss fights for the climax Bayonetta 3 thankfully made their role far more prominent I remember seeing these giant Kaiju clashes in the first trailer thinking oh that's gonna be a fun set piece um nah this is just the gameplay Bayonetta 3 introduces the brilliant mechanic by the name of demon slaves being limited only to your magic meter you can seamlessly switch between controlling Bayonetta and the demon of your choice and it's a total blast they even let you integrate the demons in regular combos by summoning them on the very last hit giving you even more opportunities to be in control of the battle they're more prevalent inclusion here does wonders for the combat Dynamic frequently switching between different flows of battle keeps the player engaged to see multitask and adapt to different situations accordingly I remember thinking Umbreon Climax from 2 was a good addition but man the demon spit right in its face so having said all that I had a fantastic time playing a cereza in 13 of the 20 chapters the other seven Platinum graciously shifts the spotlight to the two other umbran witches one of them being newcomer Viola my stance toward Viola's gameplay has remained largely the same ever since I saw the previews mixed her inclusion definitely feels more like an experiment than anything else she's got one weapon one demon and one painfully annoying gimmick rather than triggering which time via a Dodge Viola triggers it by parrying and I know this might not seem like a big deal I thought the same thing but it's a rough change for a number of reasons when you've hardwired your brain to react to these split-second attacks with the right trigger reteaching yourself to do so with the bumper is not a good time now not to mention that the pairing window seems to be way less forgiving than that of cerise's Dodge whenever I got hit as Bayonetta it felt deserved I cannot tell you how many times I swirl into Perry's Viola only for it not to be registered it doesn't help that half the enemy attacks just don't feel naturally periable either dodging felt applicable to every scenario but can someone tell me how I'm supposed to Parry fire or a sneak attack from under my feet or literally anything that isn't directly in front of me but let's say all these complaints are just because I'm bad which I am then Viola's gameplay should be fine if you just get good right well sorta since which time with Bayonetta was mapped to a movement option repositioning myself felt convenient and encouraged but Viola plays inherently more stationary and this might just be a preference thing but I like having that freedom of being wherever I want on the battlefield whenever I want and I can't help but feel that Viola restricts that even her General combos feels sort of strange and not nearly as satisfying or intuitive as the Blade weapons we had in the first two games but hey who cares when you get to listen to Ghost all fight long to play this is my wedding the last of the characters we have to cover is a bit of a different case Jean Jean spy missions were shown off at the very end of the final trailer for this game and I thought Corky and how naive I was I want you guys to imagine eating an entire box of saltine crackers without water congrats you've just experienced these missions I feel like I'm not allowed to get too frustrated with them because they really aren't that long but oh my gosh did they feel like it they try to Hype them up with this flashy intro and then you realize it's the most mind-numbing Stealth gameplay with these annoying as hell elevators incredibly restricted combat and terrible boss fights and it's not like I don't enjoy side scrollers dude I love the Shantae series to bits I just don't like bad side scrollers and I know there are only four of these levels and I'm probably getting way too worked up about it but every second of these missions I was just longing to go back to the hack and slash gameplay I understand they wanted to give Jon more for presents in the game after two gave for the short end of the stick but this was not the way to do it and oh my gosh the story just shafts her anyway but we'll get to that rant later let's end this segment of the video in a more positive note with a portion of gameplay that actually was engaging the set pieces after seeing the initial preview of the Gamora Tokyo Chase prior to the game's release I was only expecting Platinum to sprinkle these in here and there but holy cow dude they're found left right and center it's wild like any set piece they're predictably shallow in terms of actual gameplay but it's a spectacle that counts like I dare you to find an Uncharted fan that plays these games for the mechanics you can't and that's fine I mean everyone loves these games there's nothing quite as thrilling as a well-crafted set piece that blurs that line between gameplay and Cinema with Bayonetta being such an over-the-top ridiculous franchise making these a priority was a no-brainer I cannot name another switch game out there that has set pieces of this magnitude and ambition you can tell with every pixel on screen that the devs had an absolute blast putting these together and that becomes especially apparent with the sheer quantity of them sometimes being placed back to back like you'll be doing this heart pounding Balls to the walls train bit and then two seconds later you're blowing bubbles queen butterfly what and okay there are some stinkers here and there like this Gamora roshambo fight which is so slow oh my gosh dude and I guess they were just so proud of it that they put it in twice why but for every one of those there's another action-packed memorable way to finish off a chapter on a high note like dude don't even get me started on the singing bit highlighted the game man and okay I know what you're thinking yeah yeah this is all flashy and nice to look at but what's beneath that shiny exterior where's the substance no you weren't thinking that well good good job anyway in fact you're right on time for a transition into the as one that keeps us so strong to be honest the narrative aspect of the Bayonetta games were never really what I played them for especially during my initial playthroughs of these games the storytelling was just way too cryptic for me to get properly invested it was always the style and gameplay that kept me hooked but now that I've actually spent time digesting the lore I can appreciate what's here don't get me wrong Platinum is still incapable of competent storytelling without the help of square but once you get past that convoluted barricade there's quite a beautiful tale across these two games now the question is how does Banana 3 follow that up well the funny thing is uh it doesn't this Game's plot is so barely connected to the first two games it's baffling you could probably pick this up as your first band at a game and understand the story all the same I mean I kind of figured this would be a different cereza given her new design evidently being reminiscent of her younger self but I thought they would at least mention the Lumen sages or eyes of the world or Loki but nah it's all about the Multiverse now this game was super upfront about its premise even during its advertising season there are Multiverse Shenanigans going on and low loads of different band editors because of that which I can get behind man call it overdone but I was stoked to see some intriguing character interactions between the numerous to races as they attempted to mend the stability of the universe or whatever but uh no I kid you not these different vendettas show up for like three minutes each help you out in a boss fight or something and then get killed off like I'm pretty sure some of these variants she doesn't even exchange a word with she's too busy nonchalantly ripping out her heart I mean you go girl speaking of which we should probably talk about our banana or I guess not hours because I believe this is the kid from the first game but the timeline is a mess so honestly who knows if you take a peek a band at a Twitter for even a second the main complaint you'll see is that this game ruined its characters these people are of course referring to the very contentious ending but I believe the red flags start appearing way before that this is the first game of the series to not have a focus on cerise's past you know the thing that made her feel human the very aspect of her character that let the player sympathize with this seemingly invincible and infinitely confident witch so removing such an integral part of her character results in ban at a feeling noticeably more shallow and frankly not that much more than a one-liner dispenser and maybe this is me but I didn't even think the one-liners were that great this time rounds sure they're all in character but none I felt were nearly as memorable as those found in one and two I feel like a [ __ ] celebrity in this town so raises quotes from the first two games are forever etched into my brain but I can only quote one line of person three and I just played this game granted it is a banger line but we'll get to it later as it's a late game thing Jon is a similar case the only game in which he had depth was the first but even in two she served as the Catalyst for the journey here she is literally just screwing around with her spy stuff that's it she's tasked with finding Dr sigur to help with their Multiverse drama while Bandit and Viola tracked on the five chaos um gears and I should probably explain Viola's deal Viola just kind of shows up out of the blue in the prologue and says John you both have to help Viola claims that she's from another world in which they've already met but that world is gone now given the opening we know that to be true we also know that she had what seemed to be a close relationship with the band out of her world given her distraught reaction to witnessing her demise first hand so after claiming that if they don't do something reality will be wiped out beao and John just say yeah sure why not violis establishes this umbrun witch in training and honestly it's really endearing we see her fail time and time again but her perseverance keeps carrying her forward Viola had me rooting for her through every Endeavor and proved to be an infinitely more intriguing character than Bayonetta in this game her unapologetically rebellious nature felt like a natural spin on that of Sirius confidence and served as a nice addition to the cast not to mention that they absolutely crushed it with her and bayonetta's interactions like oh my gosh sores is portrayed as more or less a mentor figure albeit a very condescending one and seeing Viola get worked up over a petty nickname was always funny maybe a bit too heavy for your little paws Kitty how Don't make me say it again my name is Viola b-i-o-l [ __ ] a [Music] blah a big issue with Viola however is that her Arc never gets fully resolved there's never that gratifying moment in which you can feel the culmination of every bit of growth she's had over the course of the journey and that's especially disappointing when you realize what the purpose of her character was all along there's a lot of Mystique surrounding Viola's identity throughout the campaign specifically what her relationship with ban at it and well Luca is as I played I noticed the game kept implying harder and harder that they were her parents but I was like nah they're just some red herrings right then Etta would never have kids and with Luca of all people give me a break I was in denial this is one of the two things that every band and a fan is absolutely livid about I had to mentally disconnect this game from the rest of the series to even begin to analyze what they attempted to do here because my gosh it goes against the entire franchise fans have every right to be angry when Jean series is very obvious soul mate for the first two games who was fought tooth and nailed to save her multiple times and has had that care reciprocated is nonchalantly killed off by the most garbage twist villain in the world and replaced by the bumbling fool Bayonetta did nothing but make fun of in the first game so much of this game seems to want to retcon the first two it's absurd I've tried looking at this in a vacuum completely separated from what its predecessors established but even that doesn't work before the end reveal do you want to guess how many times bayonet and Luca interact you know he's supposed to be your soul mate so they were thinking in the dozens probably two times it's hard to even call them conversations which is Luca monologuing and so racist is maybe one word do you believe in fate Luca fate brought us here together and it will never tear us apart that's it that's the whole interaction okay to give credit where credit is due some of the best scenes in the game are when Lucas and his werewolf form because he does that now there's this ongoing attempt throughout the campaign in which Bayonetta and Viola try and bring him back to the light and they can hit pretty hard that Banger line I mentioned earlier takes place after Lucas demons refer to Bayonetta as Sarasota the nickname only he ever called her and she responds with you have no [ __ ] right to call me by that name dude the sad thing is though that line has even more potential that just isn't achieved because they didn't care to establish a believable relationship and instead prioritize shock value which isn't even how you write a good plot twist in the first place the lack of care to properly set up this Dynamic is to the story and endings detriment because it is the most staggering thing in the world for the player to see two characters who barely exchanged words throughout the entire narrative suddenly claimed that their eternal love will keep them bonded even when death forces them to part ways wait death yeah believe it or not that's the second thing everyone's ticked off about so okay this ending sequence actually starts off pretty strong it essentially mirrors the opening shot for shot except it's now hours to raise in the predicament we go through that boss fight we got just a glimpse of before and because we've seen the outcome the stakes are through the roof like dude when I saw bayonet get knocked down and then have to limp forward all over again I was terrified then seeing Viola show up just in time to witness her being crucified again oh man it's brilliant this scene conveys that despair so darn well and you genuinely feel hopeless that is until ah what you didn't cry while I was gone did you dude they did not if I'm being honest this is the only thing I wanted out of this story and man they delivered I know it doesn't make any sense but you think I hadn't eaten in days given just how quickly I ate this up they even let you play as the OG Bale and they bring back the old UI and then you place all three of them at once dude are you seeing this it is so unreal and awesome and powerful and they just can't hack it yeah they still lose ignore the fact that these women have single-handedly taken down Gods but hey whatever after one last Mega move that apparently does nothing the other band has disappear and Lucas shows up for a little family reunion now having control of this wearable form you fight to the death alongside him just barely defeating Singularity having pushed herself to her limit Cerise is no longer able to tame the demon resulting in her soul being knocked from her body as she lies helpless on the ground the act of them reaching for each other's hands is pretty powerful and genuinely tear-jerking but I doubt I'm alone with the feeling that Luca being painted as a savior here is just wrong it's not like just this timeline that's cursed either because they heavily implied that these characters all follow the same Destiny in every Universe I mean Viola's living proof of that I know it's a generic Trope but I don't think I'm crazy for not liking the notion that these characters don't have free will and everything that's ever happened to them was just the result of Fate what kind of message is that they took this Fearless character who didn't hesitate to pave her own path and turned her into the submissive girl accepting of even the worst of outcomes it is so perplexing to me how they missed the mark on Bayonetta as a character so hard that she genuinely feels like a completely different person I don't even think her being in a relationship with Lucas inherently flawed sure it doesn't make sense but given that they seem to want to Branch away from the first two games they could have made it work as long as they didn't assassinate her character and actually did this crazy thing called showing the two conversing if the writers were just upfront about their little family from the get-go moments like these would have resonated exponentially more giving us a more rich and competent story rather than just some cheap twists if they actually got us invested in this relationship can you imagine how much more emotional of them going down together would be can you imagine how much more Viola breaking down on the pavement would mean there's this gorgeous scene right after with cereza having her final dance to a vocal track by the name of we are as one and it's of course all about their unbreakable Bond formed by faith and cherished memories it's an undeniably beautiful sequence but they have not earned it you can't just whip out this integral character Dynamic at the last second pretend the whole plot was about it and then try to cash in on emotional points it's like they're trying to Gaslight the player into thinking the narrative wasn't written by a fourth grader but they're not fooling anyone what's even worse is they don't even seem to have the courtesy to send her off respectfully after the credits roll we have the scene in which Viola now carries the label of Bayonetta look I like Viola I like her a lot I said she's a welcome addition not a welcome replacement it genuinely feels like such a slap in the face to fans by substituting this beloved character handing her name off like it's nothing ending her Saga in such an abysmal note is one thing but having the audacity to continue it with a surrogate protagonist is a whole other kind of I want to reiterate that I genuinely really do like Viola but the direction they seem to be taking this series really rubs me the wrong way and I know I'm not alone in that especially considering that kamiya's apparently planned up to ban at a nine well tldw the narrative is a flaming dumpster fire but hey at least there's a tonally insensitive dance sequence [Music] Bandit 3 is a tricky game to rank amongst his predecessors on one hand the soundtrack and art style are god tier but then the shoddy Graphics really take a hit to the visual Department you've got what I think to be the best gameplay in the series when you're playing a cereza and then the riveting watching paint drive with Jon the story while having good moments doesn't achieve much beyond that as it completely misunderstands its characters alienating its entire audience in the process to clear things up I actually quite enjoyed bandana 3. I know we're ending on a super sour note but this game genuinely might be my favorite release this year I am such a sucker for Ben at a gameplay and it most definitely delivered in that regard yeah it's got plenty of flaws but I'm looking forward to spending more time with it diving deeper into the combat system and getting creative with all the combo options as for the question of the video is it the best of the trilogy I mean you kidding man this is the first game where she has an idol animation Jeff Keeley get over here man jokes aside I do think two silver man's my favorite but there are so many things three does right that I wouldn't be surprised if it makes a comeback for me in the years to come as of now though it it's just got some low lows to unfortunately balance out the high Highs at the end of the day I still highly recommend this game I don't regret playing it in the slightest and can't wait to jump back in sure the story drives me crazy but hey games let you skip cutscenes for a reason this video is supposed to be like 15 minutes long but apparently I had a lot more to say so I hope you enjoyed it regardless if you did I implore you to check me out on Twitter at John poke Spyro as that's where I post updates for upcoming videos and whatnot Link in description yada yada you get it I'm a YouTuber either way thanks so much for sticking around to the ends and to everyone else who watched even a fraction of this video sometimes I feel like a madman as I spend more and more time in this Google doc so everyone being here really does make the madness feel worth it again thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a fantastic day [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Xander's Cut
Views: 22,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giantpokespyro, bayonetta, bayonetta 3 review, bayonetta 3 analysis, is bayonetta 3 the best of the trilogy, bayonetta 3 is the best action game, is bayonetta 3 good, is bayonetta 3 worth it, is bayonetta 3 better, bayonetta music, bayonetta 3 music, bayonetta 3 graphics, best action game, bayonetta 3 characters, bayonetta 3 on switch, bayonetta 3 gameplay, bayonetta 3, bayonetta 3 video essay, bayonetta 3 critique, should i buy bayonetta 3, which is the best bayonetta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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