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happy 2021 2020 was a rough one for a lot of us i hope and pray that this is the year that the family and everyone that has cared about this case will learn where suzanne morphy is and what happened to her i've been to chaffey county to get more answers and i've spoken with people who are very close to this case i've been trying to get in touch with one guy in particular a friend of barry morphew suzanne's husband in maysville he's a part of the chafee county volunteer fire department he says he led the original volunteer search and has worked with barry on jobs and works out with him he also confirmed to me that he was the first community member to see suzanne's bike after a few attempts to reach george davis he finally spoke with me despite barry telling me he wouldn't [Music] winter is here in colorado snow and ice cover much of the county i wanted to find out more information about the initial search that george davis said he led george said barry friends and family members searched within a 22-mile range of the house and they did grid circles he told me that they had a lot of guys with prior military service experience and search and rescue backgrounds helping he said he himself has over 10 years of law enforcement experience and a military background to organize gridline searches george said about 300 people searched each day for the first two weeks a few of the original searchers have refuted that claim of 300 people and told me it was more like 20 to 30 guys also chaffey county sheriff john spezi said in his first and only press conference that they had over 200 people searching for suzanne in the first week with over 2 000 man-hours anyway george said that all the information they got they gave directly to the sheriff's office he seemed to really understand how important the first 72 hours were to the investigation i really wanted to know how did george get involved besides being family friends with the morpheus another firefighter buddy allegedly called george and notified him about a missing bike being discovered near where suzanne and barry live he said he listened back to the radio call he got in his truck and headed there he also said he called barry and according to george barry asked you've heard are you going i'm driving back from denver now and george couldn't recall when that call was made so when george says when he arrived at the bike scene there were two other deputies who told him that the bike was down here allegedly they were in the process of pulling the bike up out of the embankment which he says quote a giant no-no he said they shouldn't have touched it kept it where it's at took pictures before removing it he continued by saying there were a lot of things that the sheriff's office did like that but chopped it up as being a small town law enforcement agency that don't see this sort of thing often and don't know everything george said he thought the deputy's thought process was that you know suzanne went over the bank and then she just went home i have not been able to verify from the two other deputies accounts of what the bike scene looked like and if they properly processed the scene appropriately i asked if the bike was damaged to george and he said it was not damaged georgian said there is a little more to it but the sheriff's office has that information his theory was that suzanne did not ride off the road george also said definitely not an animal attack and he repeated that statement but remember no law enforcement has publicly confirmed that suzanne's bike was found despite the family telling news agency it was found the same day she was reported missing i also asked george if he saw the bike helmet or cell phone or any item that was recovered the thursday following suzanne going missing he responded by saying he couldn't give out that information on how that was found but said that they were in the helping process of those items throughout my conversation he said it's just very sad george was really willing to talk and even at one point went to grab his jacket to talk with me further outside i asked him about whether he helped andy mormon with his search in september and he said he sat down with andy and showed him where they had searched weeks after suzanne went missing on maps but he couldn't take off the time for work for to help andy because he had taken so much off in may and june i also asked if he had been in touch with trevor noll and why he had gone so silent since the end of may us and the media thought he was the spokesperson for the family george said he didn't know but did say that he hasn't spoken with trevor since about three or four weeks after suzanne went missing george added that trevor was very emotional about it the entire time i started my conversation asking george if he had done any more searches or plans to he said they hadn't because of weather issues george did say that he and barry were planning something and would talk about it when he would get back from a trip sounds like they are planning something for the one year anniversary of suzanne's disappearance perhaps a statement george davis wasn't the reason why i went to chaffey county i think it was just good timing while in salida i also stopped by the sheriff's office but unfortunately their offices were closed however i noticed that suzanne's missing flyer is taped to the front door a big difference from my last visit so people who enter and leave will be reminded of her another thoughtful thing happening for suzanne is that a group of ladies are collecting funds for a bench bricks and tree to be placed at the new skate park in the center of salida so those who visit will always remember her as well i'll have information below if you'd like to donate thanks so much for watching please leave a comment and let me know what you all want me to talk about next i promise the next video will be made much sooner than later follow like subscribe all that jazz continue to keep suzanne's name out there someone knows more and will hopefully come forward soon if they haven't already until next time
Channel: Lauren Scharf
Views: 24,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tsSygTktu9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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