Is Angioplasty a Scam? The Terrifying Truth | Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center

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hello and thank you for tuning in to mcdougall's medicine with Dr John and Mary McDougall I'm their daughter and your host Heather McDougall and tonight we are doing things a little bit differently since we can't be with you live we have pre-recorded this show so that we can still check in with you and ask your questions anyway we didn't want to miss that Sunday so we thought we would do it ahead of time so thank you all for being here hello Mom and Dad Dr McDougall and Mary how are you oh you're you're so honest Heather I would have just tried to fool them I think they would have known that we weren't Live Well you know anyway yeah we have a good following and uh we're here live with you every every Sunday night five o'clock Pacific time free open to the public a place to encourages you to bring friends and relatives to see what John and Mary and Heather are up to in terms of uh regaining your lost health and appearance and Taylor has so many questions I know that people send to her all the time that we could we could be doing shows for months yes you can never run out of questions there are lots of resources you know there's the McDougall site which I spent since 2002 building and Heather's been working on for the last three years but everybody that visits our site particularly professional people think it's a really really nicely done site so that's there's uh well let's see many years of newsletters good degree if I started them in 2002 so I quit in 2017 so that you know that's a few Decades of newsletters and then we have the YouTube presentations which I've been offering so anytime you're interested in any problems you have you go look up a McDougall and diabetes McDougall and heart disease and so on and now what I'm doing is I'm putting together a series and we're going to be broadcasting this series in July the intention is to make as impactful uh presentation to people your friends your relatives and to my colleagues it's called mcdougall's medicine a challenging second opinion which is what the national best-selling book was of mine that I wrote they told those medicine nothing hardly anything's changed at all since then I just have a few things to add but you know the truth is the truth it's the truth so you know last week or so a couple weeks ago I went over with you the business of chest pain and why they do um where they do heart surgery and those heart surgery is to relieve chest pain but but I made a statement to you I made a statement that doesn't save lives now I'm going to try and explain to you this as succinctly as possible I don't expect you to get all of this but you have a pause button on your on your when you're playing YouTube and so when I tell you something you can go look it up or re-watch it this is particularly intended for cardiologists people interested in heart surgery bypass searches Etc I'm going to talk to you about why heart surgery fails always possibly something that someone could take into their cardiologists they want to yeah I don't know I know all right well let's see if we can get this going if we have any luck with our slide presentation this time but you got a good view of me Heather perfect all right so anyway this is a disease it's atherosclerosis it's due to injury of your arteries by your fork and spoon primarily Smoking may have something to do with if that's always been the scapegoat although people who smoke cigarettes at a high incidence in countries where they eat a starch-based diet rarely have heart disease so you know just like I said I think it's a kind of a little bit of sending you know it a different direction than your dinner plate but it's the food that causes this so what happens is you develop inflammation and this information leads to primarily hard fibrous material that's calcified but also it leads to some volatile plaque so we're going to talk about the end of this presentation so the way you see these uh these volatile plaques excuse me the the non the non-lethal scars is you do an angiogram or you can do an ultra fast CT scan which is this is you see a picture of the heart you can see the arteries here they just I mean it looks like you're holding your heart in your hand and then you see over here a detail of the artery which has scars in it and also calcification these are scars just like just like if you if you you banged your head on a cement when you fell off your bicycle you get a scar it would heal and be solid that's what these are they're scars and they start with injury injury cysts like I say from the fork and spoon injury leads to inflammation which leads to scar tissue and calcification if you get inflammation in your long-term tuberculosis you get miliary calcifications you get inflammation of your Bursa your tendon you get calcifications you get inflammation in your breasts that you see on a mammogram they're looking at calcifications to your breast ducts this is hard fibrous Rocky material perfectly stable and that's what they bypass on that's what they do bypass surgery right so uh what will happen is uh typically and I've seen this happen so many times before and it's actually taught informally in medical schools is we have a sales pitch going on to the husband or the wife when they have uh you know they have a problem let's just imagine this is a husband that's laying there in the bed just had a heart attack the well-meaning heart doctor uh comes into the room says the Lord of the wife and husband and says ma'am can I come over here and take a look at this I want to show you your husband's heart you see these lesions here and what I'm pointing at is uh with the arrows I'm pointing at hard fiber scarves okay we call these plaques ma'am now this is the blockages in your heart's arteries there's much of this hard fiber scar perfectly stable and non-lethal and then maybe the doctor will say something like you know what we call these lesions ma'am we got a special name for these we call these filmmakers widowmakers I mean most of you know this wish makers and and it's it's that's the way the sales pitch goes but let's look at the reality of this situation uh what they're looking at here is they're taking a catheter and putting it through the leg okay up here through the leg and into the heart and then they blow dye into the arteries and they see blockages these are hard fibrous scars these blockages look here on my left and they blow up a balloon and they fracture they fracture the scar and as a result of fracturing the scar you release products of injury which cause the blood to clot half the artery so treated are completely closed down in five months so what we did to counteract that problem is we put stents after we blow up the plaque versus the plaque we put stents in we're kind of like a Chinese a Chinese puzzle and you prop the artery open well that's good because it helps if you are reopened maybe prevents the clots but it causes smooth muscle proliferation so 40 percent of the cases that are so treated with these stents are closed down within a year so I just want to clarify something this one over here on the left left that's why they're seeing it too that's something that they just put through the leg Yeah and they popped up popped it open and then they pulled it out again that's right and the bottom one is where they inserted the catheter and they left it there right and it never comes out Mary okay you can't have that taken out all right so anyways they took care of the hard fibrous non-lethal stable plaques seems reasonable that it would work seems logical doesn't it except I'm gonna show you at the end of the presentation but it doesn't kill see here's the plaques uh here's the procedure where you put the uh the the uh uh the stent in the metal stent and you go in here you blow it up yeah you see that all right okay then because these stints uh they cause the smoke rust itself to proliferate and close the arteries what we do is we coat these stits with cancer drugs they're called drug eluding stents and they keep the the cells from proliferating for say three four five months but anyway you're left with this particular stint it's very complex this costs thirty thousand dollars if all goes well let's take a look at uh the results I'm gonna go through all the studies with you and this is what I want you to kind of you got it on recording you don't have to watch it again show it to your favorite doctor you could be a cardiologist and tell me whether I missed something you know because I'm talking about your business I'm talking about you're making a half a million dollars a year let's take a look at the research that has been done on doing angioplasty angioplasty for chronic coronary artery disease we have the oat study here which did not reduce the occurrence of death or infarction or heart failure that was one of the early studies done and then they did the Courage study 2 300 people same thing no reduction of death heart attacks and they had the same risk of having further cardiovascular surgery then you go on to a review this is an early review it wasn't done in 2012 twelve randomized trials 8 000 peoples no benefit no reduction of mortality no reduction in death all right so they do another ingredient 14 randomized trials same thing routine revascularization was not related to improved survival uh showing you the results there's nothing hidden here all right so then you go on long-term results how about up to 15 years maybe we see the benefit 15 years later nope nope did not find any survival difference there so uh let's take a look at arteries that are totally conclude occluded I mean there's just 100 blocked up that we opened up 100 how about if we get these people alive a little longer nope didn't do that either no reduction in mortality in other words death all right so how about some really sick people because you can show them benefits When a therapy has just a tiny benefit you can show it on really really sick people so how about terrible diabetics that have horrible disease well let's see randomize trial no difference in death rates are made there you go see that was on a 2009 uh how about people have severe heart failure okay and that was done in 2022 okay revascularization by PCI that's angioplasty did not result in more incidents of death from any cause or hospitalization for our failure ladies and gentlemen I have showed you all the studies okay you didn't see one and you can slightly suggest this procedure works why does it not work because they're treating hard fibrous old scars but it's business I mean they do a million of these a year in the United States I love this uh analyst Internal Medicine letter to the editor I just want to you know they talk about how it doesn't doesn't work I mean back then in 1992 you know it doesn't work and then they go and say well why do they keep doing so many of these and the title of the letter to the editor is money fun and angioplasty PCI percutaneous intervention coronary intervention that's what it's called you know why they keep doing these they're doing a million but in a minute a year they're doing a hundred million dollars and well more than that I'm not going to do the math race but look what they say we suggest that the combination of three factors never so closely associated before in the history of medicine has been synergistic in promoting coronary angioplasty these are the three things it's very lucrative patients are mostly self-referred and it's fun I mean you go into an operating theater and everybody claps and they just have a great old time but you pay the price all right uh so this is not uh escape to the attention of organizations like the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association in 2007 they told doctors to stop doing these procedures they didn't though the two studies looked at here are the studies and uh They concluded that this is in the discussion there was no change even though they told to stop doing these procedures that don't work there was no change in Behavior and the editorial is because of personal financial gain that they ignored the recommendations of this large these two large bodies it's it's the money all right let me explain to you why it doesn't work it's because they're treating the non-lethal part of the disease I'm going to show you what the killing part of the disease is you'll understand remember they're treating all fiber scars that's what there's that's what they're squashing and stinting and Drug eluding and all that stuff with right all right so this is the development of atherosclerosis and you can see that the deposits of scar in the arteries well here's an acute postulate you see this right here so you see this postural this is this is Puffs this is white blood cells this forms as a result of injury from uh slivers of cholesterol and collapse of fat that get under the artery walls and they form these festering sores and what happens is these festering sores they pop like a pimple on a teenager's face and that's sudden rupture let's go through the let's go through the areas here you start out with a healthy looking artery see this this thin layer it gets injured by uh like the fork and spoon primarily maybe products of cigarette smoke combustion maybe autoimmune reactions and you develop this sore the sore gets bigger and then it develops a little fissure and the inner contents of semi-liquid necrotic material comes spurting out like a rupture on a teenager's face just comes spurting out and they cause the blood to clot and here's a picture from a book I published in 1996 showing you the same thing you develop these plaques and then they clot here's what happens here uh you have the artery this is an artery section it grows the plaque see that okay and then what happens is you develop a crack in the plaque and then you form this blood clot in right here we go just a second come on little fella there you go let's see there we are see and the blood clots all right and then what lies distal dies and that's it folks that's why they're doing a hundred billion dollar a year business at your expense yeah there are consequences of surgery in addition to the fact that you're wasting an awful lot of money and time and suffering some pain is uh you've been not not been led to what really does solve the problem and this is a reversible disease this is an entirely preventable disease populations of people throughout history who've eaten a star space diet do not get this disease that's my speech for the day I'm happy to answer some questions that was great you explain it so well Dad and I just can't believe that this is not common knowledge it's just the reason I see this stuff an idea just it's so obvious oh well and I I just you know I feel sorry for people that are railroaded into these surgeries without knowing what's really going on and they don't ask you they believe in the doctor I know they believe in the doctors are next to God well I'll tell you you show any of your doctors what I just shared with you or the presentation that Heather and I are putting together for July and August which really really challenges the heart business and the cancer business and the diabetes business and the Obesity business and it's going to be a good fun five hours of the presentation that starts July 29th so we'll be sending out an ad about that on Saturday yeah and I'm going after my colleagues too we're going to be offering CME credit eventually for this series of lectures you're going after them to try and bring them into the full yeah because you know General Practitioners family practitioners internists they don't make money off doing this yeah not just the cardiologists and the heart surgeons that have this huge business going uh you know they you we'll maybe we'll talk about hearts and thank you for correcting me on that I want but yeah lucky I'm I'm going for my patience I you know whoever is not telling you the truth I'm not to straighten that out you know if it's all there yeah there's nothing you will find I do want to mention one thing though this is for chronic coronary artery disease when it comes to acute problems like if you suddenly have a heart attack and that means you have chest pain if you get to the hospital right away then they can do something then all that rigmarole all that procedure may result in you sparing some heart muscle maybe result in you staying alive longer not dying maybe but you gotta get there within 90 to 120 Minutes or otherwise the clot is fully organized the muscle of your heart is dead so if you don't get there within certainly six hours you're toast well six dollars is a lot different than 90 minutes well it depends on who you look at I get them saying I've given I'm giving them six hours oh okay well that's that's me I mean I'm thinking about and sometimes you can't even get an ambulance to come within 90 seconds or 90 minutes 90 minutes to 120 it's the general the general thoughts on how quick you have to get to the operating room table but I give them a little extra all right I'm not trying to be good to my colleagues well but what the other thing I would wonder about is if you if you actually managed to get to the hospital in that length of time would someone would anyone at the hospital realize that you had to get in there and the oil the emergency room is really set oh they are oh yeah because they realize this is some a place where you can do some good so they're they're set to get you through the ER not to the ER you would be guaranteed if they suspect you have a hard time you're gonna go right up to the rampant yeah but they see you're talking about a small percentage of people yeah you know you're not talking about 90 95 98 of the heart surgeries that are done which is what I just talked about well don't you think that I mean I mean at least I've heard I don't know I've never had one but I mean I hear about people that have a heart attack and they don't even realize 20 because they've had a heart attack so between 10 and 20 who don't realize or they think it's not that bad so they can they don't have to rush when you do an EKG or some other type of test to look at Dead heart muscle now you find 10 to 20 percent of people have silent heart attacks okay so I I got a I got a good idea why don't we just not do this you know why don't we just stay healthy uh avoid the damage we know what causes it it's the unhealthy Western diet meat the dairy you know the vegetable oils and all that stuff just don't do it and you don't have to learn about the hard business but see you know you're looking at a situation where half the people that live in the United States die prematurely of heart attacks or Strokes so you can imagine how many people are walking around like 150 million people with artery disease that you know that eventually manifests itself happened we're going to die prematurely heart attacks and strokes so if I went out on the street and I just did random angiograms or treadmill tests well you'd find half people have blocked her basically everybody's it and they've tried to do that uh the cardiologist because you know you've got to get business in so we're going with cast large Nets over the population of and we do it by testing it used to be back 30 35 years ago that you know if you were a male my age or younger you'd get a treadmill stress test as a screen to see whether or not you had coronary disease but like for example women half the women who fail there's nothing wrong with them and it's it looks an old disease this treadmill test and so if they find any disease on you it's going to be the kind that falls in the untreatable category because they're old scarves they kind you find you know that you want to run to the hospital for are excruciating like some elephants sat on your chest chest pain what about the the new things that come out the old credit card things they have two little things to put your fingers on would they help I got two little things you put your fingers on these arteries right here they sell these little things they're they're supposed to tell you whether you're having a heart attack or no they don't do that well I suppose you could you could read Destiny depression if you were really good but they're mainly for rhythms and what they're trying to tell you is if you get atrial fib which a lot of people do maybe 30 percent of the population as they grow old or get into regular rhythm called atrial fibrillation and you can detect that by doing this Rhythm strip that's a model it isn't going to help you anyway I can tell whether you have atrial fib just by going like this I can feel it I can tell it's in a regular regular pulse so save your hundred bucks or you might find it a good well I'll tell you what I'll end up doing more of and we'll end up doing more trips trips to your doctor's office more worry more sleepless nights more if you're going to go into the medical business they're going to find you remember half the people have an artery disease so there you you know if you look you're gonna find so you end up in a some type of Diagnostic Center you're you're you should be in up for the expectation that there's going to be something wrong because for most of us there are you know almost nobody is is free of imperfections and if they look hard enough they'll find something to treat you have drilled that into my mind dad there are reasons there are reasons to seek medical attention and they're obvious I mean if you're bleeding to death if you have excruciating pain you know I mean the body's smart it knows when it's in trouble you know it's been doing this for like millions of years maybe maybe it's a long time a long time a long time's been doing this so okay great are you ready for some questions we've got lots I'm over ready yes all right here we go this first one's from marthena she wants to know what you think about the BMI standards according to them she is underweight but she's healthy active and feels great well there's been a lot of argument about BMI it's uh you take your height and you square your weight in kilograms something like that and divide one by the other anyways it's a it's a way of of trying to match weight to height and get some idea whether or not uh you're obese um it doesn't reflect well very muscular people as far as uh you know they can have a lot of muscle and have a lot of weight not be very tall and they'd have a high BMI you know with a little muscle yeah anyway uh yeah normal BMI I think it's uh 17 for a woman man maybe 22 percent 30 percent you're obese 35 your morbidly obese 40 50 you know you're you're 35 to 50 percent you're you're operating room material they're they're pushing bariatric surgery at you you know but what about this person who is under or BMI is low so stop stop getting bmi's stop stop doing the calculation yeah look in the mirror I have said this before in debate situations I remember one of the women one of the men that debated me was a naturopath it was about 100 pounds overweight and he got that question uh how do you diagnose obesity they started out by talking about well you know we have measurements we have bmis and so on and I just said well I want you to take off your clothes and look at the mirror I thought it was a good answer perfect definition I I don't know I didn't really mean it say that she feels great she's got lots of energy so I think that would be a good a good indicator like what you see on the other side of the beer you're doing okay great thank you aren't there studies that show that underweight people live longer well actually they kind of have a U-shaped curve in other words people who are a desirable way usually under Seekers underway reflects people who have cancer and chronic disease studies that that are shown for elderly people they're supposed to eat fewer calories so they weigh less or something well that's because the fat ones died you know the sick once died that's why older people that's why that's why risk factors don't count much in older people because the people who accounted for like high cholesterol they're over here they're dead they took them out of the assessment pool they're gone so if you get to be 75 80 years old you have a cholesterol 250 or 300 they already killed the sensitive ones that's terrible oh no well it says something about living longer eat the odds okay I don't know whether I asked the question look at Walter kepner's research in my November 2016 newsletter look at what Walter Kepner said you should be as far as your height and weight go that's those are good records I you know both Mary and I we flunked the Walter Canada test we're thinner than he says we should be but you know I you know I feel good about my weight and I I think you do too Mary so but anyway that would give me some reassurance that you're not too thin as the camera Kempner uh charts November 2016 newsletter very that's helpful thank you this next question is from Jill she just read your latest lecture on vitamin D she spends the entire summer Outdoors takes a Beach vacation midwinter however her vitamin D is still low should she be concerned no no no vitamin D tests are highly unreliable and um if you really really do terrible on a detest so your your level is like you know eight nanograms per just millimeter 880 grams per milliliter that's that's really low and they say low is below 20 and you know some some people who say low is below 30 and some say it's below it's about 60 or 90. so what would you do make sure you get plenty of Sun Well if you get as much sun as you can possibly get and you're well I guess I guess the question is what are we trying to treat are we trying to make the vitamin D levels look better in the our next blood test we're trying to have good health yeah all right well first of all one of the things that I want to share with you is that when you're unhealthy overweight have heart disease arthritis inflammatory reactions and so on your vitamin D is artificially repressed on the blood test you're it's artificially low because inflammation results in byproducts that lower the vitamin D level on a test so you have to be Trim and Healthy to have any semblance of what the vitamin D level is in terms of your own personal health um there was a study done in Hawaii where they looked at uh the people who are on the average age oh I don't know about 40 years older than they spend an average of 29 hours a week out in the sun and half of them flunked the vitamin D test and many of them are Surfers you know you flock the vitamin D test once and you spend your time in the sun they're unreliable that's what I would say is that a wife okay and then the next adult then look the the Medicare won't pay for them okay uh the AARP recommends to get stuff let me have that wrong and what are the organizations I could look it up I was just looking at it I should have remembered it anyways it's it's condemned Medicare won't pay for it don't pay for the testing or or the treatments and besides that it takes you to the option would be the only option given you is to take pills or shots and the pills and shots after you after you take more than say 800 international units you increase your risk of fractures and falls so if you're going to take any Vitamin D supplements to make the numbers look better don't take more than a thousand international units 800 is you know some of the research says over 800 will increase your risk of Falls and fractures but certainly over a thousand units you say well how do I get a thousand units well most supplements for sale are 5 000 units what's Mom looking at I'm looking up vitamin D tests I mean you can you can do vitamin you can buy your own vitamin D test from Amazon oh sure yeah so how can we trust that they're reliable they tell they sell something along with it you need sunshine is essential vitamin D is just one of the issues you know this has to do with your circadian rhythm jet lag has to do with your immune system Sunshine lowers your blood pressure raises your good cholesterol lowers your pulse rate that improves your mood relieves depression I mean it's an amazing important part of life you know in addition to the vitamin D test and I'm making billions of dollars for people testing the supplements the doctor's visits yeah I think billions of dollars is fair to say probably maybe only hundreds of Millions but anyways it's it's it's nonsense it's done I do more does more harm than good that's one of those areas I'll be talking about when we get that series of lectures great thank you this next question is from Mary she has been told that her type 2 diabetes was probably caused by a multiple toxic mold infestation in her house can diet help this and how well why would they ask Mary today no but it's very very wrote this in until you become an expert on molds oh look man you are you an expert on wolves no I'll pass on that I I don't know of any moles causing diabetes I was gonna say that too I've never heard that but you know there's lots of things that I'm not aware of so it could be with the diet help that yeah well what else is going along with it do you have type 2 diabetes in other words you're overweight and you have elevated blood sugar or type one and a half and you're overweight and have a healthy blood sugar or are you underweight or normal weight or even overweight and have type 1 diabetes you know the diet even for a type 1 diabetic which makes a person who makes no insulin at all the diet's crucial because it prevents complications you know within 17 to 20 years most diabetics have suffered blindness kidney failure heart attacks increased risk of cancer dead you know this is a very very difficult disease to live with so even a type 1 diabetic or I I've often said I'd rather take care of a type 1 diabetic who always has to take insulin their whole life they're never going to get off of it they'll take fewer units under the good diet but they always have to take it but they are some of the most rewarding people to care for because they have so much to lose you know gangrene in their feet all kinds of problems so much to lose and yet if they do something cost free no I'm not trying to tell you it's easy not in our society but something that's important but you need a good diet you'll live a full lifetime without any complications so yeah you have to follow the diet will a cure type 2 diabetes yeah 100 well Akira went with type one and a half and that's a whole lot of discussion a little bit cures it a little bit probably might have to take a little insulin too pick one and a half well I got a whole lecture on that too that'll be part of the series as well part of the series as you are where I'm gonna go after my colleagues and try and convince them in a friendly politically correct manner that's right that they need to learn this for the patient I I have to believe and I know you're a big Advocate about Heather because you get to see other Physicians uh in a different different type of situation I do it when I see a patient cared for even by a doctor who is well-meaning I just go wow you know you could have offer them so much more you know why don't you tell them about the diet you know well no because they won't listen They Don't Really Care they're not going to do anything I can't get anybody to eat different I'm not gonna why would I wasting my time to accept my own time to talk to my patients you know why didn't you tell them about the diet huh because they don't know well that's what I'm trying to do with this series of five lectures is to make my colleagues understand they have a powerful the most powerful tool in medicine I actually may I remember in Hawaii a trip in medical center I gave a lecture to the Hawaii dietetic Association a couple hundred dietitians there Hawaii dietetic Association and I got off the stage and I said the first thing that I want to tell you is you have more to offer patients than anybody else in the medical business and that's because you know diet therapy or you should know it and I tried to explain to them you know you with your knowledge can cure so much relieve so much suffering and pain but you know what do you do you go out and you go on the floors and go in an office practice you tell people why skin your chicken buy skim milk makes the U.S salt I'm sure you get enough protein man make sure you have right make sure you get enough protein to damage your kidneys and arteries you know I still feel that way people the most powerful people in the medical business are those who have command over the new the knowledge of human nutrition my goodness think about that having the knowledge over human nutrition doesn't that sound powerful you know I mean if you said I'm the only one in the world who knows how the elephants are supposed to eat guess what they're going to be no elephants around pretty soon if they don't ask me what they're supposed to eat it's the same thing with people unless you start asking what people are supposed to eat to look feeling function their best there aren't going to be any more healthy people around him oh my goodness there are hardly any healthy people I could see out there you know they tell me 80 of the people are overweight or obese half half either have diabetes or pre-diabetic half will die prematurely of strokes and heart attacks you know 70 80 90 percent are constipated show me a healthy person well I'll show you somebody that follows the McDougall diet that's what I'll show you or darn close to it you have to be perfect thank you okay next question this is from Alexandra she's been following your s feeling great um but she's wanting to get pregnant and so she's wondering if she's following the diet correctly does she need to worry about folic acid or any other supplementation it's my July 2011 newsletter look it up it's a great great read it's about pregnancy one of our family members was going through an early stage of pregnancy and I wanted them to understand you know that they didn't have to worry about being pregnant and eating the right kind of diet but I understood you remember Mary when we I think it was when we had uh well between Patrick and Craig you know you were I was born we had gray I was much older when we had Christmas story or not you sure yeah personal that's right okay well we had these two healthy children all right Craig and and uh we had these two healthy kids Craig and Heather and uh you know we eat a little bit here and there okay we were learning about a good diet didn't quite got it yet and then what happened a couple years later uh Mary got pregnant and uh you know she kind of talked to me and we knew what we looked at what we knew and you know she said well I'm not sure everybody else says I should be getting meat and dairy chicken and fish and stuffing it looked Mary you know I'm not going to tell you what to eat I'd like to but I'll get away with it so uh she lost the baby uh you know an early miscarriage and uh it was tough but to say the least but I'll tell you when she got pregnant with Craig she didn't ask me what she was supposed to eat you know because she'd been cured the idea that she needed more calcium more protein more meat more Dairy having lost that baby and I don't wish you that experience but I can tell you I became a real student of what pregnant women should eat and just like when I horse gets pregnant you don't put them on cat food you know I mean these pregnancy is not a sickness ladies and gentlemen it's a state of health and you ought to learn it that way and if you don't eat the kind of diet I recommend you're going to gain more weight than you should that's most likely you're going to have a higher chance of getting eclampsia and preeclampsia which are kidney failure and blood pressure problems you'll have a great chance of gestational diabetes and you have an increased risk of having a deformation of your baby that's right deformations of babies are caused by what you eat you mentioned it folic acid okay we supplement the the diet or whatever you want to call it pre-pregnant women with folic acid women who are going to have babies could have babies because you have to do the supplementation before she gets pregnant by the time she discovers she's pregnant malformations already happened too late so you have to get women on folic acid supplements before don't you think it might be another way how about how can we just put them on your origins of folic acid it's called folate and it comes from things called foliage you got to get in the picture in other words the reason you have these uh spinal tube defects and encephaly spina bifida cleft palate heart deformations is because you're eating a folate folate folic acid is the pill formulates the plant form a folate deficient diet that's why okay there are other things that happen when you eat the Western diet that cause malformations too such as all the uh the pesticides and herbicides and other environmental chemicals they damage the chains they cause problems and how do you get the least pesticide in your diet eat low on the food chain you foliage anyway the best diet for a pregnant woman is uh is our diet we do add B12 to the diet that's an added recommendation makes some sense and I can walk around a little bit get some sunshine the chances are you're going to have an excellent baby and you're not going to gain extra weight the other thing that was kind of fun about you know pregnancy with Craig is I remember you a few times you probably tell the story about I do about about how Craig's pregnancy was different in the sense that you gained like 15 pounds I gained 15 pounds yeah and when she walked out of the hospital she weighed pretty much the same machine when she got pregnant and 50 you know 15 days later she was down to trim body weight but I I like the story because I I ate a lot yeah and I remember this was what 40 years ago almost 40 years ago so there weren't a lot of healthy snacks so I uh carried around bags remember rice cakes are they still around oh yeah bags of rice cakes I carried them around me in my car and you know how they're kind of like Styrofoam almost I have little pieces of rice cakes all over the inside of my car because I would eat rice cakes all the time so that I would be not hungry and uh I ate tons of them and never gained any weight well the other thing I want to mention is uh uh Mary Mary went from home from the hospital about two hours after Easter deliveries so that's what healthy women do is they work in the fields they have a baby they strapped the baby on their back or on their chest and they get back to work it is why some sex that's not what I just said throughout history but that's what that's what the other 99.999 people did who walk this Earth they say they didn't have the luxury laying around the hospital he said at the time they didn't have hospitals that was one of the most horrible things during my parents time they had to stay in the hospital for 10 days yeah my mom did too pretty women as if they were sick that's that's really terrible hospital is a dangerous place for babies for pregnant women forever all of us you know that it's got germs there you have people with instruments there they're going to get you wonderful a whole bunch of people want to do things to you in a hospital they're all trained to believe me they think they're doing the right thing too and hopefully there sometimes they do sometimes they do hopefully yeah hopefully they are again the best thing is to get out of the business good grief you're not going to win by getting in the medical business or the drug company business just get away from these people it's the food it's the food you're eating food poisoning like a protein in seven days give me 12. okay you know if I'm here to exaggerate a little bit you know I told you 90 90 120 Minutes on the blood clot and I get six hours well I want 12 days I want 12 days of your time that's all I want and we're going to run a program in July we're going to just take such good care of you in July yeah it's filling up already well that's good Heather I I you know I I don't know so it really troubles me why people can't see things the way I do which of course you know from my personal point of view I look at it as the correct isn't that a flawy of most of us human beings so anyway I got this problem I'm thinking I'm right I think I'm right okay next question this is from Devin it's about melanoma it says that uh people with many dysplastic nevius are at an increase for melanoma however you have stated that that's not so so can you talk about that a bit I I would have to recall what I said uh what we treat these uh these are like they're called stage one melanomas if I have them correct uh these uh are they like little moles well they're moles that start to get a little bit dysplastic right they start to grow a little the edges get a little fun looking you want to see a dermatologist and they'll cut it off they'll do a biopsy they'll say it's like a one millimeter thick well I think uh when it goes on to stage two it's like maybe two millimeters thick or 1.4 millimeters thick depending upon the stage it's at uh and I deal with a lot of people who have melanomas and uh there's a rule and again I'd have to look it up to make sure it's corrected that if you have stage one or uh would you call them Levi stage one melanoma that you're treated by just taking the local area that's all you do you don't do any extensive surgery but you know patients that doctors alike believe the more you do the better and so I just had a patient a couple weeks ago who had a superficial uh melanoma stage one and their thickness of their lesion didn't indicate surgery but he went through a whole dissection of his arm which was very nearly as they suffered chronic drainage and you know he went through a lot but the other thing he'd missed out on in his dermatologist missed out on that I'll share with you is that uh any melanoma that I had with a patient myself included I would treat with aldera cream you know they're look up aldera a-l-d-a-r-a and melanoma you'll find multiple articles on using aldera cream as a standard medical therapy for melanoma so you would use that even like as first line of therapy uh you know a mole on your arm that was discolored be in my patients and even if it was a deeper one because you see the way they don't want to worry about you want to worry about the the little cells getting out of the main tumor and going into the lymph system and go into other parts of the body well you know uh Aldara activates natural killer cells so your killer cells go out and they get these cells so you know I theoretically I would consider that part of fundamental therapy whether you would take this tumor off or not is to treat them with and again I'm not talking about something that's not that's really off the wall you look it up no no my an aldera you find a whole bunch of Articles where doctors have used it are using it recommend you use it and so on but I don't see it used to practice much anyways it's a pretty deadly disease and uh melanoma also has the highest rate of spontaneous regression of all tumors which means they just go away at about five percent of their time why they go away I don't know but I tell you one thing for sure you're more likely to have a spontaneous regression if you're in good health and bad health and I know how to get in good health okay okay next question intermittent fasting apparently it's all the rage now and those who promote it say that it's necessary to stay healthy what do you think about that I you know I've I've done a little bit on fasting because I wrote this uh or did this YouTube show on Hunger and uh you know I tried to educate myself a little bit and that's probably as much as you can say about my education on fasting on it's it's very superficial one thing I have to notice that pretty much every religion has a fasting involved in their part of their practices so you know fifty thousand years of of History can't be all wrong so there must be a reason that it must be a reason I I don't know what it is though I mean there's a monastery in Spain where the they fasted they they lived longer had less of a weight problem um you know this is different if they're fasting that means they're not eating their junk okay so then one on one or two out of seven days that they're yeah at least they get a helpful uh yeah you know it makes I think part of immigration might be you become more conscious of food and more more appreciative of food during a fasting experience now that's different intermittent fasting is different than what Alan goldhammer does which is therapeutic fasting you know that's a whole different subject that I wouldn't dare to address because uh even though I spent a lot of attention to Alan goldheimer's work over the last 35 years um you know he he takes it to a whole different level but I mean they're intermittent fasting can be anything right as much as skipping one whole day of eating or one meal yeah yeah I'm thinking of a day or two without anything but water or maybe at least juice I I don't see it I really don't see it as a it's just like it goes along with My Philosophy I don't care when you eat what time of the day you eat I don't even care where you eat all I care about is what you eat you know that's that's really the the dominant Factor there and to get involved in things like uh time of day and number of times a day even though there's some importance to them I don't I don't think it should be done yeah I just figure it's because for one meal or two meals a day they're not eating junk so therefore their their numbers look better you know they they yeah okay we'll just kind of leave it at that we don't know anything about it okay okay thank you okay next question can you explain the difference between prostate cancer and breast cancer I'd love to boy I'll tell you that's that's one of the subjects that has to do with sexism with male dominance embryologically by way of Natural History by means of early detection by kinds of treatments they're exactly the same the breast is analogous to the prostate gland and all these measures that I just mentioned to you as far as the cost as far as how they grow as far as the failure of early detection as far as the failure of treatments go same thing but prostate cancer has gotten a better uh a better set of recommendations than women with the issues of breast cancer uh men have been given a better opportunity when it comes to early detection uh if a woman has a breast cancer if a suggestion of breast cancer made by mammography or breast self-examination which is usually the two ways that it's done she's rushed off to further testing treatment a man a man for the last 20 years has been told you have options you could do watchful waiting which is nothing you could have radiation or you can have surgery and unless you're a surgeon or a radiotherapist if you're just a general doctor most likely you're going to favor this the recommendation of watchful waiting because you know because you've studied it just like the surges of the radiotherapists have studied and they know that it makes no difference at all in survival no matter how aggressive you are treatment but that message isn't given to women uh you know we have we have a campaign against breasts I don't know what it is and the treatments are so aggressive yeah you have to I think you're right about the um the sexist part you know but I have to think about Back 40 years ago whenever you heard about prostate cancer 40 years ago it was always removal just like 40 years ago when you had breast cancer it was always removal and it's only been over the last few years that they found out that um you can do the same thing with watchful waiting but they don't have they haven't found that or they haven't recommended that for women yet well it should I should have recommended us of 1975 when Bernie Fisher did his classic studies so like PSA tests well that's another you know you you don't find that the PSA doesn't go up until the prostate tumor has grown to the size of an eraser of a pencil it's one centimeter in in size before it the the PSA and the blood goes up so it's a late stage disease and that's why PSA doesn't work ten percent of the population is positive for PSA on random testing if you take those who are positive for PSA and random testing and you do biopsy now biopsy isn't one needle it's 16 needles shoved through your rectum into your prostate then 30 percent of it will turn out to be positive but it depends on your age depends on your age if you're my age then the chance of being positive are somewhere around 80 90 or 100 percent you know if you're 50 chance of being positive over 50 percent but on average if they do a biopsy thirty percent of the time you're going to be positive and then boy are you confronted with a whole bunch of decisions you're still being told by Honest doctors you could do nothing you'd go through aggressive surgery or radiation which by the way has some pretty significant side effects to them and so you know but I'll somehow mutilating a woman is doesn't have the same value at least in terms of how Society or the medical profession treats the situations which are essentially the same yeah you sure don't hear about any women watch Floyd watchful waiting well except for my practice and also also Cleveland Clinic used to do that watch for waiting in my practice is you cut the obvious cancer out you do removal of the tumor with with the clear margins now maybe the reason that it's not done with men well why don't you do the same thing on men why don't you go in how about how about these analogies how about this we recommend breast self-examination for women right aren't you told the president check your grass every month or two yeah I I re I have always refused to recommend breast self-examination for one reason in 2001 the Canadian task force on preventive medicine said don't do self-examination and in 2010 the United States preventative Services Task Force told Americans don't do breast self-examination I have always refused to ask a woman to do about self-examination and I will continue to refuse it sure I can say this well you're going to anyways until you remove the gender the gender bio bias here folks you style Us in other words why not do prostate self-examination come on same same organ you say you can't do it I know you can you can do process oh that you don't want to do that how about the smart ass men who say to me well I don't bother a willing my woman do her only say I'm right here four ladies it's time to step up to the mark no thanks there's a bias here I didn't think I'd ever get to discuss that in public TV only here that's right after all my hair okay here's here's another fun topic this is a good segue into mcdougall's Revenge can we talk about this this happens to a lot of people you know they're eating the whole food plant-based starch-based diet and then all of a sudden they have a meal that's off plan even just a greasy meal and they'll spend the rest of the afternoon on the toilet sometimes why does that happen well because the ball gets adjusted in about two to three weeks it all you grow all different kinds of bacteria in the bottle and also you know by that time you're changing a lot of the metabolic processes are going on and I think it's the fats and oils you're not as uh as good as absorbing the fats and oils that you eat and it goes down and it causes bile acid secretion while acids are very irritating to the ball and I I believe that that's what happens is you get a lot of bile acids uh because you just challenge yourself with a high fat meal and the longer you eat this way or the better you or the better you follow the program is sometimes the worst the worse the revenge is or the worse than the worse the meal too I mean as long as you're kind of as far as you're going to get mcdougall's revenge you might as well pick your favorite food okay you know make it worth it right it's a self-education program it really is you will find out we don't have to tell you all you have to do is kind of pick up the message and just you know when you do it you get constant rewards when you don't do it you get paid too so it's a matter of once you decide you're going to learn and you're a careful Observer you will teach myself examination thank you can you talk to us a bit about the Women's Health Initiative oh yeah this was done Ron chabowski it was on my TV show and also on my radio show he's the head of the Women's Health Initiative Whi and uh Ernst Winder was uh he was one of the big members and I talked about learn Swindle a lot during our program he was the head of the American Health Foundation back in the 80s published 800 papers set up the journal preventive medicine ran this big big Center anyway they decided to do the Women's Health Initiative where they put them on a women a whole bunch of women on a lower fat diet because we had enough information there that said it was the high fat Western diet that was giving women breast cancer and killing them so they did this big study well designed study well I had uh Ron chapovsky on my TV show and my radio show and I had Hertz window on my radio show I asked them I said why are you using a diet that is only moderately reduced in fat the fat they're teaching a 30 fat diet you know aren't the diet they really need to go on it's only seven percent fat you've cut the fat intake from 40 to 30 percent or at best 25 why are you doing this you're wasting all this government money all this time with people well their answer is well we don't think we can get anybody to do this and they're dying of breast cancer don't be better I mean how would they know how to recommend the kind of program that we recommend look at all the years you've spent researching this you can't expect somebody just not volunteered my services oh wow anyway uh I don't I don't know that I have those tapes anymore we had a big cleaning here done in 2017. that's a good way to look at it anyway I know the women's health initiative and actually I actually eventually the women's health initiative and I'm going to be showing this in that series of five lectures I'll show you where the Women's Health Initiative did get Survival benefits even with the moderate low-fat intake that they offered it did turn out to be a very positive thing that was quite a few years ago that was in the 80s yeah okay that was on kgu radio in Honolulu I had my own show then I went on I had go ahead I was just gonna say no I went on I had I had the the biggest West Coast radio show I don't know ever I was on uh the major stations all over the West Coast like KABC in Los Angeles KSD Owens San Diego apix in San Francisco et cetera all over the West Coast I used to get 2 000 phone calls a night and I was on for five years until my sponsors listened to me and I lost every show in three weeks I just don't know why yeah I understand that 2 000 phone calls we have more fun we I was rated between number one and number seven during that five year period of time I was really popular to my sponsors so they finally listen to yourself thank God you're back on YouTube live right wait till they find out what I'm saying okay we've run out of time our hours up is there anything you'd like to leave everyone with before we end no I'll just you know they're people you love you have your friends and your relatives and they're worth the trouble and we try and provide for you as many teaching tools as we can to help you help the people that you care about and the rewards will be huge so you know get at it don't get me disappointed and uh stick with us we'll help you along we've been doing Mary and I've been at this for a half a century so you can hardly believe it so anyway um let's let's cause a revolution that's all I can say and you better hurry up because we are that old all right that was fun thanks for that hour yeah thanks everyone for tuning in next week we will be back live okay and you have a program July 17th right July 14th through the 25th and then the series the McDougall medicine series that we've been talking about throughout this hour that starts on July 29th yeah we're gonna have a busy July yeah I'll be busy I'll be busy we're gonna give them all the slides too aren't we all the slides yep so you'll have about let's see you'll have five but we'll have about somewhere between four and five hundred slides with the best references I know the best education I'm able to give be concise won't be brand new but it'll be worth worth watching I think the organization that I put this together is pretty hard to uh to deny it's just like I told shared you a little bit about heart surgery and even though it's really complex as I told you you now understand why it doesn't work they treat all fibrous scars and they ignore the part of the disease which is the rupturing plaques it's business so you see a week next Sunday thanks Mom and Dad Dr McDougall thanks everyone for tuning in see you next Sunday bye
Channel: Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center
Views: 11,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heart disease, Is Angioplasty a Scam?, heart attack, Angioplasty, Angioplasty Surgery, Angioplasty Surgery Scam, heart disease symptoms, coronary artery disease, cost of angioplasty, Angioplasty and stent, Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center, dr. mcdougall, mcdougall program, the 12-Day McDougall Program, Heart Surgery, the truth about heart surgery, heart conditions, cardiac treatment, Live question and answer with McDougall
Id: ShV03K-cDGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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