Is A 2-Sided Polygon Possible?

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65 4 3 2 1 why don't we ever learn about dgon and monogon well it's because they're impossible right no real eyes realize that you and I walk around on Dion and monagons every day but big flat tells us that two straight lines can only meet at no points one point or every point a Dion a polygon where two straight lines meet at two points that could only happen if the lines curve then it wouldn't be a polygon but what if the lines don't curve What If instead the space they inhabit curves this line is straight a two-dimensional Observer would agree that it never turns but unbeknownst to them the line does curve into a higher spatial Dimension beyond their comprehension add another straight line sharing those vertices and you've got a spherical loon and it's a true two-sided polygon but it's only possible in spherical geometry on top of that the hemisphere you live on is a monogon a one-sided polygon its one and only side is any spherically straight line you can draw on the globe a great circle
Channel: Vsauce
Views: 16,713,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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