Is $1,000,000 Enough to Win Financially? (Here's the Truth)

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is one million dollars enough to win financially it's brian preston the money guy brian i am super excited about this show and here's why this is going to be a show that's going to give us an opportunity to kind of smack some haters around to smack some trolls around because often times on this show we like to talk about motivational topics we like to get our team our tribe super juiced up about saving for the future and then in come the trolls sending us emails going out to the website leaving comments on youtube that are just throwing just negativity our way and so we want to address that and hit that on today's show well look i want to throw out an olive branch because i'm actually a troll tamer call me a troll whisperer and the fact that i love to turn trolls and i've actually been successful this and we have people come to the show throw shade at us but then i say stick around a little bit longer and before long you'll be part of this movement with us and here's what i'm talking about is it oracle of omaha warren buffett just yesterday was talking about how inflation is berkshire hathaway is experiencing inflation still prices with some of their manufacturing and you guys are seeing i mean whirlpool is announced they're going to raise the price of their washing machines and their appliances so this is the what the naysayers throw our way is that it usually comes in several different forms they say look i live in a high cost of living part of the country so a million dollars is nothing i live out on one of the coasts i live in one of those places a million dollars just doesn't doesn't add up to much of it and then of course the inflation which i've hinted at because by the way you guys are i'm the the troll whisperer you guys are the troll slayers because somebody just the other day was talking about our 88 times over and he was making fun of the fact that when he retired at 65 he'd be able to buy two cups of coffee and one of you guys came off the top rope and just totally just slew through this you know elbow arm you know you totally took it across with a sickle and um and and told him no you're doing the math all wrong so i want you guys to know we deal with these naysayers all the time when we get into today's show why a million dollars is still a very valuable part of your journey to financial independence yeah and what we want to equip you is we don't want the naysayers to pull you off track you the person that is that is doing the things you're supposed to be doing moving in the direction you're supposed to be moving don't allow that noise to pull you off and we thought you know in good form we would kind of show you an example of one of these naysayers went and pulled a comment that we're going to share this is a cautionary tale by the way when you post youtube comments on things you are potentially becoming part of the show so here's our first exhibit so this is what david said david said i wish all these financial shows would get away from the whole eighty percent of the millionaires are first generation it's true but it's highly misleading i was a millionaire before i was 40 because of my house most homeowners nice humble brexit i know right no big deal uh most homeowners in large cities can't help but become millionaires a million dollars is nothing these days all caps we're holding it up as the your rich level of wealth the same as we did in the 80s and 90s a million dollars worth of wealth is not financial freedom especially if you live in a city talk to me about the percent of people that have 5 million or 10 million that's the point when you can enjoy your money at a million you're still saving david first if you need a hug i feel like david needs a hug but the second thing is by the way five million ten million you're still saving i just wanna actually you're saving and your army of dollar bills are doing even more but david had some points in here that i i want to address first of all i think this is one of the reasons we take a lot of flack for when we talk about our network statements if if your biggest appreciating asset is the house that you live in your use asset that provides you shelter that's a little concerning because i don't look at that type of million dollar net worth the same as i do as liquid assets meaning like your savings your retirement assets thing you know all the money that you're putting into investments that's completely different than the equity in your house because at the end of the day you have to sleep somewhere and now look i know there's lots of folks that are moving from california chicago new york they're coming to tennessee and other parts because they're all my neighbors and you might actually be turning some of your housing value into net worth usable net worth because you've sold the house but for everybody who's going on zillow and getting themselves in a frenzy daydreaming about how wealthy they are remember where do you go like you could sell your house for these vaulted values but you're probably going to pay 40 more to buy the house that you go into next so it doesn't actually benefit you so that's my first comment for david is that be careful on how you're looking at your net worth if it's all built upon use assets that's not very viable for financial independence and here's a little behind the scenes that brian and i like to do when we do our annual net worth statements and we update those we both value the homes that we live in at the price we paid so even though we live in nashville a really hot real estate market and our houses are worth more now than we paid for them we always value them at cost so really the change in net worth that happens year over year has nothing to do with appreciation and has everything to do with debt reduction through paying off the mortgage now we we kind of hit david pretty hard with that i want to give him a little bit of love and the fact that i also feel his pain in the fact that he lives in a high cost of living area well look i have been playing this arbitrage situation for decades now and the fact that a lot of you that reach out to take the relationship to the next level you live in the northeast you live on the west coast you live on the east coast in new york and so forth and you are worth seven figures even with your investments and yet you feel poor i mean i i we we have and this is why we have been so successful to bottom wealth is we attract those type of clients that come to us thinking that they have two nickels to rub together even though they're millionaires and we make them feel like vips just like they actually are but i do think that that does cause you if you're surrounded by abundance everywhere where everybody around you is making it in your eyes a gazillion dollars and they're all on the path to billionaire status and you know you might feel poorer than you actually are i think a show like this can hopefully ground you give you perspective so that you can hopefully have a healthier outlook on life so then the question is all right uh why do we so if there are these hurdles right if there is the inflation hurdle or there's cost of recovery why do we even focus on a million dollars like why is that something that we continue to come back to why is that something that a lot of the liberals on the website are built off of yeah well i mean you said it in the opening it's very motivating i think a million dollars is the first step before you go to infinity and beyond i mean let's let's face it the quickest way to get 10 million dollars is got to get to a million dollars first and i can tell you and look we have a point on this is because you know we push all the time 88 times over what we're talking about is a dollar invested by a 20 year old has the potential by a time that person is 65 years of age if it was invested to be worth 88 that's pretty exciting stuff but you guys you look at that you go yeah but what can you buy with 88 dollars well we're not stopping there but we do have a point on what is a dollar at 40. yep so essentially if you think about this why is a million dollar still cool why is a million dollars still powerful well think about this if you go think about the 88 times over for a 20 year old for a 40 year old one dollar we believe will grow to be about seven dollars and 34 cents by the time that they get to 65. okay well that that may not get you super excited they may not change your world but if you think about a four year that has a thousand dollars well that turns into seven thousand three hundred forty dollars or a forty year old that has a hundred thousand that turns into seven hundred and thirty four thousand and eighteen dollars so here's the pause point i want you guys to notice what we're going to be talking about here is critical mass i mean we're training you for financial independence when you're training for a marathon the first day you go out on day one do you run 26 miles you would your body couldn't even handle it yeah i mean it's so it's one of these things and i want to just highlight one dollars into seven dollars that's cool that's a that's a carnival trick yep you know but then you see a thousand to 7 300 you're like hey i can pay off some credit cards that's pretty big 100 000 to 734 you're like whoa wait a minute now we're replacing years of income and then think about this and this is why i still say a million dollars is a lot of money because a million dollars at 40 has the potential to turn into 7.3 million dollars this is even david the troll would agree that 7.3 million dollars is a lot of money and so we want this to be something that gets you excited we actually have a deliverable out on the website if you go to resource you can go see what we call the wealth multiplier we just told you for a 40 year old it's 7.34 whatever you've accumulated by the time you get to 40 you can multiply that by 7.34 without you saving another dollar that's what you would have available to you by 65. well maybe you want to know how much you if you have if you're a 27 year old and you've got 8 000 saved up what will that turn into if i'm a 50 year old and i've got 1.2 million dollars what will that turn into if you've not had a chance to go look at our wealth multiplier slide go to resources print this out put it on your bathroom mirror let this be the thing that motivates you every single day thinking about just how powerful every dollar in your army of dollar bills is so bo this is focusing on investing kind of every year what a dollar can become so you can think about as you're putting money in there we went a step further because we are recruiting dollars at all times at all ages i wanted to kind of go ahead and take it to the next stage of what david was asking us he says you know five million dollars is real wealth you guys never talk about that you're always stuck in this million dollar status let's actually pivot let's talk about what does it cost what does it take to create five and ten million dollars yeah i think what's really interesting is that you will you'll never get to five million unless you get to a million dollars first like that's the thing that you have to do and so he said okay well let's talk about what does it take to get there how much does it take to actually get to five million dollars and fte daniel and true fte daniel fashion put together a great illustration this is what he found how much of a lump sum would you need to invest at each age in order to get to 5 million by the time that you get to 65 and for a 30 year old if you've accumulated about 217 000 that 217 000 by the time you get to age 65 will have turned into 5 million so there's kind of your number if you want to have something to shoot for or if you want to think about a monthly savings amount if you can save seventeen hundred dollars a month starting when you're 30 all the way until you're 65 you can have it turn into five million dollars for a 35 year old you need almost four hundred thousand you need about three hundred and ninety four thousand dollars saved up or you need to commit to saving a little over three thousand dollars a month and then for a 40 year old if you want to get to 5 million dollars by the time you get to 65 you ought to have saved up 681 thousand dollars or be committed to save 5 257 per month starting at 40 if you're at zero all the way until 65. it gets a lot harder the older that you get because what you can see is if you're a 45 year old what's it take to get to 5 million well then you have to have 1.1 million dollars what i think is really encouraging is we know a lot of folks who are at that 1.1 million dollar level in their mid-40s because they did the thing in their 20s and 30s they were supposed to if you're waiting and starting at zero that becomes pretty daunting but the bigger your army of dollars get the more soldiers you have recruited the more powerful it can become and what i think is really really remarkable is for a 50 year old if you can get your assets by 50 years old to a touch under 1.8 million dollars 1 million 755 000 without saving anything else that army of dollar bills is on track to be at 5 million by the time you get to 65. now no doubt we attract financial mutants there's a lot in our audience that you're well on track with all these numbers but i don't want to lose focus to the motivating factor of what a million dollars is because i still think five million is aspirational sure a lot of you guys will reach either 5 million decca millionaire with 10 million status but i want to still remember there's a whole group the the bose and the bronze who have not arrived yet but you're you're trying to figure out this whole financial education thing and you've stumbled across the money guy show a million dollars is still a lot of money that's kind of the purpose of today's show and we've put together a lump sum remember we've already covered what you need to save each month to get the status now let's talk about if you had a lump sum status so you can compare where you are in your savings and so a lot of times we'll have uh parents say to us or grandparents say to us you know i want to set up junior i want to set up my granddaughter to be a millionaire by the time they retire how much money would i need to invest if i want to do that and so we said yeah it's a really novel idea let's create uh deliverable and so we found out if you have a brand new newborn and you want to just put a a lump sum of money in an account to grow for them for the next 65 years you would need to deposit 1 544 that's amazing 1 544 can turn into a million or maybe you have that high school uh senior that's about to graduate you say you know what for graduation you've made good grades you're going to college i want to set you up i'm going to open up an account i'm going to put in 9274. in the account for you when you graduate high school and if you would just leave it there i have seeded the first million dollars of your retirement portfolio so if this again if this is something you're curious about go to the website resources go print out this deliverable and you can see for where i am at my age do i at least have this much saved up and if i do then i'm on track for millionaire status by the time i get to retirement and if you're one of those folks that still thinks a million isn't a lot of money multiply by two multiplied by three whatever the number is that you have in your head that is actually reaching kind of wealth status but also i want to kind of go back to what david asked us when he wrote the comment on youtube how many millionaires are there how many five millionaire people out there we actually had fte daniel go pull the data points because david said he wasn't really that impressed he said don't don't talk about millionaires that's he didn't say this but tell me if you inferred the same thing he said that's not that impressive right if you just own a house you're a millionaire that's not that impressive well he he all but alluded to the robin leech lifestyles of the rich and famous of the 80s and 90s still talking about a million dollars in 2021 in that same vein but it is to the point that this is still a very elusive goal and the data kind of supports that i mean if you notice look how many households in in the united states have a million dollars and you can see it's 12 of the population a little over 15 million households have a million dollars and so if you can just kind of stop there if you're someone who has you've done the hard work you've saved you've built wealth and you've crossed over that seven figure mark you were already there in in pretty elite company that's a unique so for david to say oh a million dollars is not special i'm going to argue it is pretty special let's put you in the top 12 of this country just by crossing into that one threshold there's something i can't help but notice from a numbers standpoint just like we know i remember when we did our back to the future episode and we recognized the delorean had to reach 88 miles per hour before it actually could time travel right yep notice the the back side of this 88 percent never reach never millionaire status so i mean once again i'm telling you these numbers swim all around us guys use this to your benefit and then bose already said you know look a lot of you you're thinking you live in a coastal city a million dollars not much how about two million dollars you can see it drops the number down to six percent or a little over eight million households and then we even went a step further with five million dollars is three percent of the population or a little over three and a half million and then look at this if you want to know where the one percent is there's a little under one and a half million households that have deca millionaire status so if david if you're out there listening and you're still a fan which i hope that you are and you said i will talk to you about the 5 million talk about the 10 million about 3 of american households make it to that level about 1 make it to the 10 millionth level but again we've said this over and over and over before you can get to the 1 and before you can get to the three percent you got to get to the 12 you got to get to that first million first and a million dollars is still a lot of money there's still a lot that a million dollars can do for you i feel like this show has been an ekg in the fact that we get we talk about how valuable a million dollars is but then we scratch the edge of those that are aspiring to go even higher to 5 million 10 million i want to bring it back down to the low side of the ekg and you just set it up is that a million dollars still does a lot for you and we've actually mathematically figured this out is that first of all we know one of the biggest things you're doing with your money why are you saving why are you investing is that you're hoping that it's gonna give you that great big beautiful tomorrow and the fact that your money will work just as hard if not even harder than you do with your your brains your backing your hands safe withdrawal rates are something we hear in retirement planning all the time and you hear about from the trendy study somewhere around four percent is what people think about the real answers because they've updated is somewhere between four to five percent if you do normal retirement how does that play into a million dollar expo yeah so if you think about what a million dollars can do from you and you're gonna retire today and someone might come to us and say hey i'm i'm thinking about retiring and i've saved up this money what does that mean for me well using very simple math not actually running through a full retirement plan because that's what would always want to do before we ever signed off that someone could retire we'd run through a an estimate showing that you know what a million dollars can generate for you about 45 000 perpetual income it's kind of this idea of living off the interest it's about a four and a half percent withdrawal rate and if you can live off of 45 000 a year there's a chance that you'll start retirement with a million bucks you'll pull off 45 000 a year in today's dollars and then when you leave this earth you'll leave behind at least a million dollars in today's dollars again it's this whole live off of the interest idea but for most households at least in this country that's not all that's not all that means because if you think about someone who has worked for their whole career and they've paid into the system there's another benefit that most folks get when they reach a certain age and that's social security so if you look at the average social security benefit and again this is from uh the daniel help me with the fred acronym again it's the federal reserve economic database there you go that sounds about right i think it's the e always gets or it's that guy we bumped into down at the coffee shop fte daniel and then we got fred and so if you look at the average social security benefit that most americans about eighteen thousand five hundred dollars well if you take uh forty five thousand dollar annual income plus a social security benefit that comes out to sixty three thousand five hundred dollars that's that's pretty close i mean because we we took it a step further we said what does the typical american what do they need in retirement by the way all of you guys your data junkies we didn't take average we did median the median income in the united states is about 60 is 68 700 so with a million dollars you basically are able to reproduce or to replicate about the median household income in this country that's not too shabby and again withdrawal rates it's not always a static four and a half percent you know if you're someone who's going to retire early we're talking about a little bit in show prep about this you may want a lower withdrawal rate you might not want to be as high as four and four now if you're someone who's gonna retire later perhaps you can have a higher withdrawal rate but this at least gives you an idea a million dollars still goes a long way and it can still do a lot for the average american household yeah and so let's let's talk about what does wealth actually look like for you because we've we've covered a broad spectrum today we've talked about the basic million dollars and what that can do for you but then we've gotten very aspirational going to 5 million 10 million what does actual wealth look like for you and guys i got to tell you it's very personalized i mean we have clones that especially when i first started y'all know when i started my first business in 2002 if you had 50 to 75 000 i would have come and painted your walls in your house to get you to hire me because that's how i mean so a lot of those clients are still clients of mine but now their hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars has turned into six hundred seven hundred thousand i had a call with a client that's been with me since 2002 just yesterday i mean and and it's just incredible to see what this has happened for him and the fact that still a half a million to even under a million dollars is plenty absolutely when you add in social security pensions and other things that some of some people have been in the workforce for a number of years have opportunities too but then there's others of you who are very aspirational you're very successful at a young age you might need five million dollars so i want you to know this is very personalized that's why we always talk about the abundance cycle and taking the relationship to the next level is you have to figure out what your level of wealth is and that's why we've done several shows on the five levels of wealth yeah it's so funny brian i get i get this question often you know people will find out that i'm a financial advisor and it's what i do for a day job and maybe they've never heard of the show and they'll say hey you know i'm thinking about how much i need to retire and i'm like oh man what what a nebulous question to try to answer because there's so many different variables that go into that what kind of retirement are you looking for what are the goals that you hope to achieve and what i find so remarkable even across our client base is you already mentioned we we have clients who maybe only have uh 500 600 7 000 portfolio but they are indeed financially independent they're able to do all the things that they want they're able to live the life that they want to live at that level and then we have other clients who might have seven even eight figure portfolios and they're just not quite there yet because of the things they want to accomplish the things they want to do understanding where you are and what you're working towards is the only real answer to only real way to answer the question what's my number how do i know what my number actually is and and bo from even because that's analytics that's giving you when what's your number is just mathematically figuring it out but there's also an entirely different part that does not involve math whatsoever and that's kind of what we were trying to get to when we we we started doing the episodes this is kind of an annual tradition now that we cover the five levels of wealth and i feel like last year if you go check out the show we did just in i believe it was 2020 um this new updated version came out we kind of nailed it especially when we got to stages four and five of wealth but bo just to kind of review walk them through what the five stages of wealth are yeah so in the first stage of wealth is we're really talking about stability this is the part of life where you have the basics cover you know you're no longer wondering am i going to be able to keep the lights on am i going to be able to keep food on the table you know this is as you've worked through the early steps of the financial order of operations you feel like you're on sound financial footing it's no bar no more a question of am i going to be able to like make ends meet you were actually in that stage of life where the ends are meeting i think it's interesting and this is a point we've made on several shows you make it to stage one of the five levels of wealth just by having pretty much your debt under control and a thousand dollars in bank because we know sixty percent of americans can't even come up with a thousand bucks if they really got squeezed on it so it's a pretty low barrier to get into the first stage of stability yep and so then we talk about the second level of wealth uh that's actually strategy that's where you recognize that not only are the ends meeting in your financial life but there's a little bit of excess there is some thought around okay maybe i should deploy my army of dollar bills in a certain way to achieve a certain outcome whether that be financial abundance retirement short-term medium-term long-term goals you have some strategy around your finances you're recognizing if i can give up just a little bit of today for that big beautiful tomorrow i can put some steps in place to allow me to walk in that walk in that direction yeah the army of dollars guys when you realize that your money's gonna work harder than you can it really opens up lots of opportunities for the future and that actually takes to takes you to the third level of wealth which is security now you recognize okay not only are the ends meeting not only am i on sound financial footing and not only do i have a plan in place but my plan is actually starting to work i can see some of the fruits of my labor and we just kind of said that's not sweating the small stuff that's recognizing that hey maybe it's okay if i do go on that trip or hey maybe it's okay if i do have that luxury because i know that my strategy that's in place is going to allow me to achieve the financial goals that i ultimately want to achieve and that leads to step four and this is what i think most people are aspiring to reach is financial independence and and this is the part it's it's goes down as simple as this this is you get to do what you want when you want and how you want that's what you're daydreaming to do if you're working that job where you're like oh my goodness sunday morning no socks on you're chewing your fingernails on sunday you keep thinking i think i can i think i can because i want to do what i want when i want how i won't you're probably practically singing that to yourself over and over again but guys i got to tell you that is congratulations when you reach that stage but there is still a step above this at the top of the pyramid this is the part where you really have put a lot of time into knowing your why but bo walk them through what abundance is yeah this is the level of wealth uh which only a few people actually get there right but what we recognize is that it's not a number when someone gets to financial abundance because abundance is really about knowing who you are what you value and what brings you purpose you have now gone past stability and strategy and security and even like the freedom to do what i want when i want how i want it's no this is how i want to deploy both my time and my resources to do whatever that thing is i was put on this earth to do and what i think is amazing is it happens for different folks at different stages it's not a number thing a lot of folks yeah they get some minor status and that's when it happens some folks get there they'll never actually reach abundance they don't ever actually get there they just stay in that okay well i have some freedom but i'm not actually living an abundant life a life that's full of more than just the goal of hitting that dollar figure well i think we could fill this entire studio with research articles blog posts books about money and happiness but there's so much misunderstanding about the relationship of money and happiness when people talk about happiness that's different than fulfillment absolutely and that's why i'm trying to always give you guys the the breadcrumbs to go beyond happiness because that's the part where you're going to work in the morning to start building your army of dollar bills so you can do things on your own terms that is happiness though is just covering the basics that is understanding that but i'm telling you guys fulfillment is what i think most of us that's the life well-lived that i think we all aspire to what the difference between happiness and fulfillment is that when you wake up in the morning it's not that you're going to work to create resources to fill the bank account it's that you wake up in the morning and you feel like you have purpose that your own little way you're making the world a better place because of what you're doing and if you can line up all things in your life that is the part that i mean it gives me tingles just thinking about what you can accomplish if you have that understanding of going beyond happiness and trying to find the why and find the fulfillment you'll figure out money is so much bigger that's right than paying bills so much bigger than retirement money is a tool for building abundance not just in your life but even in much bigger ways in the world i think that's so well said money is a tool that allows you to focus on and spend your time energy and effort where you want to spend it what's so beautiful about the five levels of building wealth is that it's really hard to have security in your financial circumstance unless you have a strategy in place it's really hard to feel good about the strategy you have unless you have some stability you you know that you've covered the basics you know that you've covered your risks and then you can actually excel to the financial freedom part until you've hit that security part from the strategy and they all build upon themselves beautifully so that you recognize money is not the goal it's not the thing that i'm trying to attain it's not the achievement that i want to reach but what not having to worry about money does for you is allows you to figure out what that thing is and spend all of your time effort and attention working on that thing so let's bring it back to the million dollars which is the purpose of this show how we started it how do you get to a million and how do you go to infinity and beyond with it is that i always look at a million dollars and people get excited because i think when you're in your 20s when you think of a million dollars you're thinking of the ferrari you're thinking of all the things you can assume and buy with that money the reality guys is as you build your understanding of money and financial independence and how it works is that money actually is and wealth in general wealth specifically is silent you know there's a reason so many of these concepts millionaire next door why is that concept so popular is because we find out once you actually understand what makes money tick is that you might very well be living next to somebody who is checking both levels four and five on the stages of wealth and you had no idea yeah i wonder if the book would have sold as well if it was uh the millionaire that lives on top of the mountain that overlooks the whole city that you've never actually gotten to see in real life like it makes it so much less personal so it's less attainable what we love about millionaire status is that it is in fact actually attainable for everyone if you can just start early stay consistent work through the paces i think that's a beautiful story to tell yeah just don't fall into the traps i mean from our experience of working with successful families wealthy people don't have credit card debt so despite what the world and all the commercial breaks are telling you consumption is not what actually creates happiness so if you're struggling with credit card debt and some of those basics figure out what you can do to turn your wages into investment capital that really is the secret how do you create a machine because that's where you're the ceo of a seven figure operation is as quickly as possible turn your working capital into investment capital so that the money's even working while you're sleeping so one of the questions that you may be asking is all right so are you guys saying that everyone needs to be a millionaire you know that's something we all need to shoot for not necessarily but i'll be honest it's not a bad goal if you're someone in your 20s and 30s and you're just starting out it may be hard to get your mind wrapped around oh i want to be a millionaire but you know what you can't get your mind wrapped around i can save 20 to 25 percent of my gross income yeah i can start taking the steps early on and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put that money away and i'm going to let it work for me while i sleep and one day i'm going to wake up and i'm going to be a millionaire status and if you're someone that's in your mid 30s into your 40s and you say okay well i've done a good job of accumulating and i'm not quite at millionaire status yet but but man i'd like to be there figure out what it would take maybe you're that person that you've been saving 10 of your gross income but now you know what i need to start i need to pick it up i need to do 12 15 i need to grow that and then maybe for that person in your mid 50 mid 40s to your mid 50s and you say okay i've achieved a millionaire status what's next maybe then you need to start thinking about okay well what what's the goal what do i ultimately want to do with the remaining years in my life both working and then post work and then what steps do i need to be taking now to get there maybe that number is to turn into one of david's 5 million or 10 millionaires maybe it's not maybe at 57 and you've got 1.4 million dollars saved up and you've got a pension and social security pay out and you have no debt you may be at that place or huh i don't i don't have to go to work anymore i don't have to continue to grind the way that i have if you're not asking yourself those questions you're doing yourself a disservice but i still think a million dollars is a great great goal well this is what i love about what we do we talk about the abundance cycle all the time and the fact that guys we just give it away i mean we are telling you all the information i don't care where you come from i don't care if you come for money i don't care if you're what your education status is money doesn't care about any of that stuff it just needs you to respect and get on the path to creating financial independence so that's why we help you learn we help you apply we help you grow your assets and then we do this is why is i call it the abundance cycle because it is full circle in the fact that when you reach a level of success that you start questioning am i doing this right what do i not know or how do i keep this going from a legacy standpoint you'll remember who took who invested in you for years because this is we've been doing this since 2006 who invested in you and you'll want to take the relationship to the next level and what i also this is a great time if you're just now discovering the money guy show is that we have actually even though we've been doing this since 2006 we came out in 2020 we brought a lot of our ideas and said what do you do with your next dollar how do you is there a step-by-step guide with what to do with your army of dollar bills and it started as a as a show in 2016 called the financial order of operations it's now a free download that you can go to resources where we go through the nine steps of what to do with your next dollar but it's even better than that because last year in 2020 we upped it to a course that's right and we've just as both said when we started the show we just did financial order of operations course 2.0 we doubled the amount of curriculum and we've created a pretty unique opportunity i'd invite you right now through the rest of the day we we have special pricing and other things go check it out this is an opportunity to kind of really turbo charge put rocket fuel in your financial journey and if you haven't had a chance to go check out even some of the other deliverables we talked about a few on today's show go to resources we constantly and continue to continually update those so if you want to talk about how valuable how strong your army of dollars can be how to make your grandchild a millionaire whether you should refinance your house how to go figure out how to do your taxes if you have questions about any of those topics there's a chance we have a deliverable for you so go to resources and make sure you check out the deliverable page guys thank you so much i'm your host brian preston mr bo hansen money got team out
Channel: The Money Guy Show
Views: 88,394
Rating: 4.9131851 out of 5
Keywords: money guy show, debt, budget, cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy stock, success, personal finance, Is $1, 000, 000 Enough to Win Financially?
Id: t2OAurkRpt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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