IRS Scammer THREATENS to Call 911 (animated)

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[Music] in the last episode the scammer was led to believe that Diana got beat up while I waited about 15 minutes and I called back as a guy who beat her up and he believes me let's have some fun hello yes is this Mike Adam yeah erm I gathered you were just talking with my wife is how I'm talking with you life what's this about how did it is the body attack what about him are you her boyfriend authority to tell you that I'm not her boyfriend her if you're suspecting her then that's not the case of year you're speaking with officer Peterson from the Internal Revenue Service tactility Carthage sir okay you're not the right person it's me she wrote down Mike Adam not Peterson you're not the right place or I knew that I'm not the right person but officer Mark Adams he's handling other case right now that the reason you called has been transferred to me I'm gonna kick his ass when I find him where is he is he is he in in this town of course sir what happened what happened Kenny Kenny can you tell me what happened she was gonna sneak around with him she wanted me to bring bring her to to Rite Aid and wouldn't tell me what for she said was trying to sales to get an aspirin there was nothing to do with aspirin she was trying to sneak around with him she's a [ __ ] he was pregnant but how can you how could you doubt your right man come on you should have trust in your relationship why would she be sneakin around why did she lie to me way to go get aspirin very very good white by the way she's unconscious right now she's unconscious right now did you beat him up did he beat her up I did oh my god heard that not a good thing you know she shouldn't be no she shouldn't let me let me tell you first of all can you tell me like the pilot attack defuser um my wife usually files the taxes let me tell you that your tax table has been audited okay and when we audited your tax papers there has been a miscalculation error on the tax papers and right now at this point in time the only reason why we give you a call so that we can inform you that the Internal Revenue Service has decided to file a lawsuit against your name okay and can tell me like are you aware about the situation hi I think I see you're moving I know she's just she's still breech is still breathing I just want to make sure that you call 9-1-1 so I called 9-1-1 for you do you do that of course I will do that what would you tell him I will tell them that that you beat you right in your voice unconscious right now so that wouldn't be very good for me is this real I'll give you a bad daddy number I'll give you my name and I'll give you my office address as well if you want a very tight oh I know I that's not necessary I know your Diaries so if I owe you the money you'll keep quiet about this maybe my pain is that just right now it's not about your debt okay so right now and moreover at this point in time I'm not sure there you can see this amount and take care of this matter or not and by the way let me tell you that you have not done a good thing so i need to call 9-1-1 so that i need to check on your wife either see sign or not so can you bear with me for a minute I'm just gonna pay you sir it's not possible right now it's not it's not yet decided whether you can pay this amount or not not if you wanna pay this amount and take care of this matter I think you have a word with it I need to have a word with the attorney have the attorney decide to decide now the attorney decide we give you a chance then and only then you can pay this amount and take care of this matter and do you know what is your outstanding balance she's got a number written down here forget it let me nobody here outstanding Molly what she had been on the paper again just let me know she wrote down here 5,000 for 4523 but but she also wrote down settling for 800 because we don't have 4500 we only have 800 because on a monthly payment plan and the officer asked her to pay $800 so that we can cancel the arrest warrant and the allegations that there is on your name and the rest of the amount we are going to simply put your wife on a monthly payment plan she's waiting about that instead of that you beat you write her she's fine she's fine you wish finally help you out you know that how much I'll who you couldn't pay them she said she was gonna that you guys were gonna let her go with 800 dollars that I told you they but she said no Muslim Imam amount that he had to pay a minimum amount of $800 in the rent of the amount we are gonna go ahead and return the monthly payment plan so that he can pay this amount and enrollment okay he said that you're gonna be paying a monthly amount is that what you guys who died to that correct now today what she said no she said that you guys were gonna settle $800 and clear the dad get it with your wife I don't think so hand the phone to your wife out feet with her okay this memory tape man I'm okay now are you something's going on so i call 9-1-1 right now man for you you only make things worse if you do that alright now Mickey now as I've told you that you need to pay a minimum amount of $800 in the rest of the amount you are we are simply gonna go ahead and put you in a monthly payment plan correct or not clear your debt that no monthly payments that correct so really diesel debated really be able to pay $800 hi I can but alright see the problem was he told me not to tell and that's why if I would hand over now hand over the phone to your husband okay all right yeah you did sir yes I am all right now see what is happening what what we truly arrived is right now she's doing and outside the total settlement with the Internal Revenue Service so we asked her she followed three conditions okay now let me educate you about that the condition that you needed to follow now the first condition was that now feel the time we did not go ahead and resolve this matter you are not authorized to this can make this like holidays line because these lines are federally recorded and monitored by the Internal Revenue Service headquarters the local County Sheriff Department and the Attorney General's Office and you asked your wife not to disconnect the phone till the time your case has not been resolved am i clear on this yes and the second condition that is the mode of payment at this point in time since you have a lawsuit on your name you check your credit card or your debit card wouldn't be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service so in order to pay the Internal Revenue Service you have to use the mode of payment that is called an electronic federal tax payment systems have you ever paid the government by using electronic federal tax payment system before sir I don't know what any of that means I usually write in the MARAC all right in the third in the final condition that we told you arrive is that till the time your arrest warrant has not been cancelled till the time you do not go ahead and resolve this matter your wife had to keep this information confidential that means he's not authorized to disclose this information with any third parties that means she can discuss this information with family members but not third party not outsiders not the person that you do not know about it am i clear on this she's she told me that that you told her not even to tell me and that's why I be another I told you I told like Mike Adams you know the clearly she was speaking me to Mike Adams right it was it was Mike Adams was losing that direct the senior officer Ellis ray Jackson first okay Richard that first Union officer and Mike Mike Mike it's like Officer Mike is a senior officer and I'm the key and then the supervisor over here and my name is supervisor Peterson okay well ray Jackson told her not to tell me and that's why I beat her and if she keeps any more secrets you should not be here you should not lay hands on your right man come on well he lovin fun it did not do that crime you know that good go if you go inside the prison for that sir you should not do that oh I won't go to prison because if she tries to do that I'll beat her some more all right now forget about that now are we are you willing to settle this case or not right now the main concern is to settle this case are you willing to settle this case or not yes and I agree this is the the main concern is that this money it's not so that way there's no arrest warrant that's correct once you say this amount out what is gonna happen is you're gonna cancel your arrest warrant we are gonna remove all the charges that has been present a you name okay the amount in order to pay the Internal Revenue Service you have to you have to go down towards the government approved federal store by going down over there unity party and electronics federal tax payment voucher I'll give you the address all right down in the piece of paper okay okay so I'm going to have to take off that sorry gonna have to go down towards the government of proof Edward store where you get those tax training vouchers now once you have the tax payment voucher you need to go down to a local IRS office by going over there you have to submit the tax payment voucher that you are going to get that you're going to purchase from the you know from the government of proof read those so that I'm going to there at that the address some are do you have a pen and a piece of paper availability right now I do all right so can you just help me I mean there's a code yeah I sure can five to zero three zero hang on one second woman cook me some mashed potatoes before I gotta get going don't give me no letter right right Matt right okay don't forget the butter right on the edit okay okay I got my dad e350 0.335 Sam 0.33 do D G da Street that's Rick Liuba q what do BQ do vacuum that correct what's do BQ d 19 t BQ that stayed in it in Iowa in Davenport I live in davon I'm saying I'm saying that acute oh that's a long [ __ ] oh okay that have acute that's pretty close to me okay so now in this address let me tell you in this address there is a government approved federal store now which is affiliated with the Internal Revenue Service and you will get the tag-teaming vouchers over there and the name of the store it called our target so do you have into an entire gate through nearby a placer I I think I think I'm let me see here I'm looking at Google right here and you write this Tabak you or whatever is according to them the it is close to have Davenport which I also have to look up okay let's look at like do you happen to like it happens in any target Tony about it later any target or we have a Rite Aid real close I thought she was going alright you can you can go to writing no no problems outlets to write it perform it lays probably ten minutes all right now the car take those tack them in love you can use credit card you can it's a bit card and even you can use catches so what is the mode of payment that you are going to use inside the Rite Aid so can you tell me well I probably end up having to use cash no problem and do you happen you have a very good idea to put ID along with you of course all right now you have to carry that so what do you need to do is you need to carry a pen in the visa paper you need to carry your valid valid voter ID or a state ID along with you and after that you need to carry eight hundred dollars in cash as well and you have to move down to where she write it to right now and can you tell me right now are we talking on your cell phone yes this is my cell phone alright can you drive down to it divided right now so that you can purchase or tax women vouchers and so that I can start on canceling your arrest warrant well my car battery is dead I'm charging it right now but it's probably gonna be about three hours do you have that long to wait I know we do not have that much time you know because you need to go you need to be present inside the IRS office you need to find out some documentation then only then your arrest warrant for the cancer well I can't help that my car battery's dead I'm charging it right now stupid wife that stupid wife of mine left a radio and headlights on two walked out there she doesn't drive she just goes out there and listens to the radio and she was scared at a dark last night and left uh the lights on told a woman come on I didn't use my hand that time I kicked her she come on okay I won't Bob so how long do I complain then you you're rested in no time you know that well I won't do that anymore there oh yeah I was about you know I was about to call 9-1-1 so that I can send an officer down there just just to make sure that that you know that's a pretty good thing for you but can I tell you something now okay do you know what the words game baiting you know what that means what do you mean today do you know the word scam baiting I know and uh do you know what voice changing software is voice voice changing software that's when I go I use this software right here and then I click it why like a man or I can just keep on sound like this yeah I've been scared yeah I already knew that that's 45 minutes I took from you guys man come on this time your fists I didn't like it the latter call were where I hung up acted like I was beating my wife that was another 30 minutes yes this was hotel I love that guy I do have a website yes yeah and I already copy that guy that hopefully already spoke with but there's no need Ethan right that's how I'm imitating right I have nothing to do with that guy all right and do you have it do you have a website I do can you tell me the name of your website what would you do if I tell you how does it leave a comment other to your video can I leave a comment then no I think what I might do is tell all your friends to uh dislike and all this stuff I mean come on I'm not that event come on what would it what did you do to Hawks hotel now check out these videos I lost a lot I just like this video even subscribe you know you did okay I'll tell you what they did I'll tell you what it is it's a you can get by just typing in Papa monkey comm problem will get outcome are you sure about that yes type in in your on a computer PA PPA PPA okay let me check Appa monkey calm uh-huh and what else well that'll bring you to my youtube channel there's a reason right all right if you type in YouTube / Papa monkey it'll bring you there - let me check it right now that I'm taking it yeah of course I can see right can be eating any meat is right that's me okay that I already touched right yeah dude I would never beat my wife my voice over here man man how many of any told me that you are reading you know how it's like man what this guys doing man come on more concerned about getting at $800 and you thought it was real man because I you know Vinny told me the amount that was 4523 I got it at that time I got it that your community no talking to you anyway know what I had a lot of fun I'm sure my subscription rate I don't have very many subscribers but I'm sure you guys are are gonna help me with this phone call all my friends to subscribe to your channel man come on okay we are not that bad kind of person it can people that you guys are making a lot of money from this right yeah I mean how much money are you making okay like in a month in a month I'll tell you a month okay in a month in a month alone I make around $80,000 okay you know what one person told me and I didn't believe him but he said he makes $10,000 in a few hours and I'm thinking wow you know sometimes you won't believe one guy one guy like we was talking with a woman on an old woman and his camera round you know you won't believe ten lakh dollars man $1,000,000 can you believe that yeah it is rather hard to believe that rather have to believe right but the truth he definitely that guy can are on $1,000,000 from an old lady man come on yeah well you know I have found this that you guys when I use this voice right here listen to this place you guys I can say anything I mean the last guy I I kept him on the phone for over thirty minutes and I told you I'm not paying and I got a shotgun and he never hung up never hung up yeah because you guys are more apt to scam old people than younger people you see more as a target I think [Music] Superman here please consider hitting like and subscribe and leave a comment
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 45,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, original, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, african scammer, prank call, crank yankers, scambaiting, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, Justice League, pappamonkey, irs scam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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