Irish People Try American Bourbon Vs Irish Whiskey

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Should have had Martin and Dermot.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mltain 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

This should be fun.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_Old_Anarchist 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad this was so split. Shows a well rounded group of palates

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tee_Hee_Wat 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

have yet to try the last 2

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bellyfuzz 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

This one had really good pairings.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AgathaM 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'd love to see makers mark on here it's my favourite and it would be cool to see what they think.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/falco189 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
you actually know what we're trying i do yes oh do you okay tell me american whiskey versus irish whiskey oh my no you're not you wouldn't lie to me i wouldn't i wouldn't [Music] oh yes this is the video i've been waiting for my whole life do we have to figure out which is which yes oh oh that's an interesting dimension i thought we were just going to compare them like an arm wrestle between two countries trying american whiskey versus irish whiskey yes wow bourbon irish whiskey because of course not all american whiskey's bourbon but all bourbon is american whiskey [Music] oh uh initially i i initially i was going to say that this was irish but then after smelling this one i think this is bourbon it's like there's no whiskey smell off this one but the o has has an alcoholic smell to it i think x smells a little bit more strong a little bit more robust i'm gonna try the uh the bourbon first okay i'll try this wait you think this one is suburban oh yeah oh jesus maybe it is it has that kind of oaky sweet i always get a little bit of cinnamon that has a bite to it that is definitely irish it's it's um it's strong it's strong if i'm wrong now i'm giving all the glory to the bourbon oh this one doesn't taste like like nothing doesn't taste anything it tastes like whiskey but it doesn't taste as strong it's a bit more burny i think oh is the bourbon yeah and i think x is the irish whiskey that would be my guess too but i think that's the whiskey and that's the bourbon i think the bourbon is the weaker one yeah the x is irish and the o is american because this one was more burny yeah this has unless this was a rye this has all the aromas and flavors i'd expect out of an american whiskey soap it was irish i'd have to take a real look at myself i'll tell you that x the irish mesquite and the bourbon we can hold on to our passports but this one is the best that is the american bourbon no oh it's so ashamed that i preferred the taste of this one i prefer the american one i think i prefer the american one yeah it sounds very unpatriotic yeah there was more going on with it i'd prefer the irish whiskey it was smoother pleasantly shocked me too you said that i was like oh crap i thought we had that i was like oh that irish one is smooth yeah it was too smooth and i will say that x was smooth um a lot of people have commented before that i can't say the word smooth i say smooth but no i say smooth i think irish whiskey is easier on people's palates who aren't used to whiskey but then i thought i find that like american bourbon can be stronger and spicier and like have more of a i don't know a burn or something but i it [Music] okay color wise the x is slightly darker oh it's ours which one is irish oh why this one has that oh my god i love that yeah it's pretty much what i see after a hard night out the next morning going into the bowl all right here we go sorry what was that you just did there soak a little bit of air in it's difficult today without actually soaking it directly back and splitting it all up if i try that now i'll start coughing and spluttering oh it's a milder taste it's a lot smoother than the first one i'll tell you about it that's definitely spicier yeah x is flashing back to teenage years for me were you a jack daniels drinker as a teenager uh jim beam oh yeah you could really light a match like just breathe fire all over somebody couldn't you it's not that bad but the aftertaste still get me you think that's irish no this is this is america oh yes that's irish i'm going to go with the x as the bourbon x is bourbon it's just a little bit sharper bourbon 100 placing all my money x is the american irish nice well done we've got two out of two the winner for me is alcohol that's easy to drink so if it's this one it's the winner no this is the tastiest one no i like the cake the cake is a good part of it which did you prefer i i like the bourbon more do you like the bourbon i like the bourbon more i would tend to prefer an irish whiskey over bourbon yes but this was almost a little watery 100 again the american american one it's just a lot stronger and actually when you put them together you really notice it like both are beautiful both are stunning irish whiskey is incredible everybody should try it and enjoy it but if you really enjoy the types of flavors that you get from whiskey and you haven't tried american bourbons and you've only tried irish whiskey it's going to blow your mind [Music] once again had a change a difference in colors yeah the o is the whiskey and the x is the bourbon yes just color alone they're paler yeah and they taste easier to drink yeah and they're less fumey not all the time he was right they're not always very pink that tastes so it tastes irish but it tastes so different i think this has been in a funky barrel i'm afraid to even drink this one that one tasted like a bourbon that one tasted like the other ones yes smells milder than the other american whiskies yeah there's less peppery less pepper it's definitely much sweeter so it's glass to whiskey that's super mild mmm i don't know what that is it's kind of spooky as well that's nice it is nice it's strong but not in a nasty way there's no bite yeah don't bite it's just woof this is the better one you can see i liked him weaker he like yeah yeah yeah and then this one is the irish one i think o is definitely irish x is definitely a bourbon so the circle glass is what what i liked the whiskey what no i'd say i prefer the irish on this one i've normally preferred the irish but i think this is this is a nice hearty yes this one would tell you a story this one would sing you a song yeah i feel like i preferred this one um usually i like american like bourbons better but i think i prefer this one you liked the bourbon and i liked the whiskey now see now it makes no sense we're back to square one again i'm all mixed up now i don't know what i like i thought it was a bourbon man but then this whiskey came along and changed my life [Music] looks wise they look identical i think x is the bourbon and then this is the irish but this again smells like like like nothing let's get a nose okay caramel flavor strong flavor no no no oh the oh it's the fumier one but now now now we can't even use logic to guess yeah because we've been proven wrong i'm gonna say oh the irish oh it's the bourbon no way i think he's trying to trick us i think he's given us a bourbon aged in a whiskey barrel and a whiskey beige in a bourbon barrel that smells light so i want to say it's the irish whiskey but that's not how the game works anymore like are we in the matrix have you got a spoon i can bend or something a bit of a kick turbo no i think that one is the whiskey no i think that's irish that's irish oh this one is going to be tough oh demon yeah we could be in trouble here it's tough whoa oh that's okay see that's what i'm talking about when you're drinking a shot you want to have something that will make you make noises that only dolphins can hear couldn't tell your brand but it's definitely american i don't want to get this wrong i pride myself on this stuff this wonders gear is just like millimeters between them it's very close for the americans millimeters that's like fractions of an inch because you're the winner this one i like this this one's the winner all whiskey is great i mean yes it takes a lot of time and effort to make whiskey absolutely no whiskey is inherently bad mm-hmm they can be just not as good as the others if you're trying them together yeah straight you're also trying them under weird circumstances like it feels it feels awful to like put them against each other yeah it's i've never done how dare you how dare you colin so we're three for three apparently so if we went for separate ones one of us would come out victorious now it's the real prisoner's dilemma it really is it's your call what you do but i did call it first unicorn okay i'm gonna go no no i'm gonna go with x after bourbon oh is the irish whiskey okay i can tell you the x is irish and the o wow it's exactly what i thought it wasn't and then changed my mind when i tried it peer pressure wow i hate to be a traitor to my nation but like i did like honesty is honesty and i liked the bourbon x is the irish and oh it's suburban i'm so sorry i preferred the irish i think the last two i've preferred the irish whiskey i prefer the american i think i'd go with x i would go with x the irish one this time the bourbon was the perfect alcoholic drink but this still wins over on this round he did save the best for last yeah definitely i feel like there was a lot of commonalities across all the americans and all the irish ones oh wow what a lovely way to wrap it up they all had things that made them special and unique i think there was a good selection i don't think any country came out ahead of the other you know what i bet we barely even touched the surface of whiskey variants i'm gonna say this was the best shoot i've ever been part of i had an absolute scream i don't think i could have been paired with a better person i felt like i was led on a magical mystical journey at first i enjoyed the game and then at the end i guess wrong so now i think the game is stupid and wrong and we shouldn't have done it i liked it it was very stressful i really felt that the fate of entire country was resting on my shoulders um but i did it so all's okay i mean i don't think you could ask for better content irish people deciphering the difference between american and irish whiskey but like we have so many whiskey videos so if you want to see more there's definitely a playlist somewhere there's also a button somewhere darren will give you another whiskey fact come on whiskey is uh spirit
Channel: The TRY Channel
Views: 1,263,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try channel, irish people try, irish people, irish, people, try, irish people taste test, american bourbon, bourbon, irish whiskey, whiskey, irish whiskey taste test, bourbon taste test, bourbon vs whiskey, whiskey vs bourbon, whiskey taste test, blind taste test, whiskey blind taste, bourbon blind taste, irish people try alcohol, irish people try whiskey, irish people try bourbon, irish people try irish whiskey, irish people try american bourbon, whiskey review, bourbon review
Id: 61tWXDdZ8eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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