Irish People Taste Test Gumbo

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We're eatin gumbo Do I know what that is? No. I'm guessing it's something like a goulash kind of thing like a stew Spices, fish, a cow? Ooooh! it looks very very very good Oh that smells good Donal: Oh man! Madi: This is so good does it go downhill from here I was That is wonderful It's very nice that we had that together The comments will go mad! It's right up my street because I love a bit of spice, I love a bit of meat Oh it is spicy, though, I don't think I could eat that much of it I'm actually getting a bit spicy now, it's kind of burning me Am I getting the meat sweats already? Elga: Yeah Dermot: Yeah? Elga: Yeah. It's not that spicy, it tastes like broth and I'm happy about it Anthony: Yay Bláitín: Fine. What the hell is.... Black Eyed Peas? No? Yeah? I kind of want the eye-looking things they look nice Madi: Black Eyed Peas? Donal: Is that what they are? Is that where they got the name? It's got giant chunks of meat in it so I'm happy Did you have something that kind of went all squishy? Yeah! Anthony: Messy Bláithín: A lot more complex, flavours-wise, though. Lamb so fresh it's still running through the fields! I like how the meat just falls off the bone but I'm not liking how it's... it is like a bit of soggy tissue This is an attack on the senses Do you think? Yeah *Moaning* I'm not messing, my ears actually hurt after eating that They do all have kind of the same consistency and the the same colour *laughs* It does look like the tip of a penis Ah, that's gorgeous Anthony: Yeah, I can get on board with that Bláithín: Yeah It's quite bland, actually, BUT I kind of like it! It is kind of like a puzzle, you're kind of looking for meat like, oh, where are the prawns gone? Yeah that's actually very true! I'm disappointed. Overall, Classic Louisiana is a classic Gumbo apart from the big severed penis in the middle Donal: I'm so confused what is Gumbo Madi: It's seafood with also chicken! Bláithín: It's going to taste the exact same isn't it Anthony: It looks like a shaved testicle Bláithín: It's going to taste the EXACT SAME! That looks like a.. that looks like a ... that looks like a testicle, actually The oyster is very fishy Oh, what is that? What is this? It isn't.. you're not telling us something! Donal: Jesus, sniff off that, did you get that? Madi: Yes, that's not very nice bang off that, what happened there? *gagging noises* No, spit it out You should have had more other stuff with it Eugh, it's so slimy Elga: No! No! No Mammy no! Dermot: Just have a bit, go on, have it Elga: No! No man, I think someone spilled their dish into someone else's and they had to eat it and that's what we got It was an oyster? HOLD THE PHONE, WOAH not gonna lie This looks ever so slightly like vomit. Bláithín: This is vom. Anthony: It looks like vomit Bláithín: It is. Ah, the chickens weren't good enough all the pigs weren't good enough nah, let's kill an innocent rabbit! That's real bland, though. It's not great. Elga: No. Dermot: No, it's not good. It's just.. you're chewing stuff. That's it Why did they add another animal into it, jeez! It's a tornado of murder! I'd honestly rather suck on my own toes Yeah that's... yeah, I'm done on that. Donal: It's tough on the old belly. Madi: It makes me burp I am absolutely covered in Gumbo Donal: Thank you Madi: It's fine Second one was my favorite and then the one with the shrimp and the oyster is also very good It's kind of like getting a meal and then putting it in a blender and then just serving to people We haven't even smelled this You just saw the sausage and went straight for it Couldn't resist just going straight for the sausage rising it up out of it and *chomping noise* Like, for God's sake woman Subtlety! That's ALL WE'RE ASKING FOR AROUND HERE SUBTLETY! ELGA: *laughs*
Channel: Facts.
Views: 1,334,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Facts, gumbo, american food, Louisiana, cajun food, ireland, american dinner, taste test, new orleans, classic gumbo, stew, rabbit, chicken, shrimp
Id: Mg1JBpyGmnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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