IRCC Canada | Passport submission Vfs India | Canada Visa Process

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what's with all this fish what do you mean by RCC office what do you mean by Bangalore OC or what is the passport transmission letter or what is the CPC Ottawa and then I issued a CPC Auto what does that mean are they sending your passport to Canada like what's going on we're going to be talking about all this stuff in detail today so it actually snowed here in Windsor I'm going to do some three days before that's so welcome to Oasis Canada I think I was working when the first snow came it looked really beautiful and yeah foreign [Music] I did say that I'll be making a video on password submission and today I'm going to do that so today I'm talking about passport submission PPR the password biometric validity letter in a passport submission letter so talking about PPR PPR no rainbow basically passport is request electronic and for that you need to submit your passport to the visa application center to get it stamped another Visa stand shared internet you need to send your passport so password submission will let targeted within 30 days VFS Global website Nagata you can choose the country that you're applying from and then I'm going to as Canada then click on take me to the website Biometrics and apply trailers same web page open up now you need to click on this mute web form for passport submission and next it will direct you to a set of information and over here it'll state that the appointments are free of cost service is Allah appointments are free of cost now click on proceed in a validator phone number and then type the OTP when you choose the password submission process there are different options first in our another two-way Courier Service and the second is passport Visa officer two-way Career Services any Visa category choose chain I'm choosing temporary residence study permit did you enroll Biometrics yes location ended the Bangalore Avenue I'm choosing Bangalore any Visa submit chamber multiple applicants but apply Channel now choosing the PIN code for collection easily accessibility type another one and check now you need to provide your address [Music] GC killed in the received sheet of PPR in the PDF upload Channel upload shaded rainbow number the name application number automatically displayable contact number email ID date of birth Biometrics in a premium select yes that received contains your tracking ID now upload the receipt here and over here your PPR and next you'll see that premium in the cost not an average 632 premium is now let's go back and change it to normal that is no under premium and you must select whether you want a paid SMS service or not and then you'll see that 10264 on under the price foreign any SMS Service 1443i as you can see over here normal service in a premium service for Less free one-way Courier Service I acknowledge and I agree and give my consent in the Carnegie I agree and give my consent to click chamber in a reform download last video Nyan consent for money the economic passport submission is almost like a 15 to 30 minutes so passport transmission it's actually this mail if the ircc asks you for a passport better that meal is your transmission lectures and then sign everything and when you're filling the constant form a lot of my friends have asked me like Biometrics yeah foreign so this is what the career form looks like you don't know what another actually passport number then your name email ID and address the address third Point leave cheated to move to the fourth it would have returned the SMS tracking service manual contact number and then agree by giving your name signature and place then we'll sign Shader place and the next thing is your passport request letter [Applause] that is to the officer VFS Global Canada in the other corner you can write your address you need to take it to the Courier office a courier office first thing that you need to know is that indeed Canada consulates first one is and the second is in Bangalore and the third is in Mumbai consulates embassies so basically Courier Services and that receipt contains your tracking ID add tracking ID which is SMS services [Music] foreign and for normal they say that it takes like 15 to 20 days [Music] you need to check your Visa number password this is for students if you have compulsory programmer in English if it's a normal like optional cork so if you have a compulsory Co-op then it'll show up as sw1 it means that partitions it's like a work permit so that is the difference between sw1 and S1 visa and then in that other place of issue number password usually but in this case mostly for students and online applications issued at CPC even though Embassy number visa application process the entire visa application process I will definitely make a video on that so probably a little lengthy videos and that's it about passport submission so that's it for today so see you next time in another video
Channel: Eliz@ Canada
Views: 18,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uGi-AgAzE2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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