iPhone LOG - The Biggest Leap In Mobile Filmmaking

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every year we take a look at the newest iPhone from the perspective of filmmakers what in the newest phone has us the most excited at the time sometimes it's a huge leap forward like when we got prz sometimes it's a small step with nice but minor improvements but the iPhone 15 pro and pro Max that we have here may have one of if not the biggest Improvement for filmmakers yet and that is thanks to the addition of log which yes we know we're very late on this the phone's been out for several months a filmmaker is never late he arrives exactly when he means to or or something like that but right off the bat let's start with what log is log which stands for logarithmic encoding is a very flat image that retains as much info from your shot as possible for the iPhone it's also the image without any of the extra intense processing Apple puts on it to make it look pleasing so right out of the box and what log is doing for us here and specifically the fact that it is prores log it's giving us as clean an image as possible from our iPhone sensor there's plenty more to say about this but my friend Stu maschwitz already made an excellent video that goes into much more informed detail than I can do here so check that link out in the notes below he also made some conversion Luts that he's giving away for free which I will be using in this episode so check that out too but let's jump into the image here with this shot a very bright and sunny setting which is feeding our sensor with a delicious amount of light giving us the best image possible what we are looking at here is the built-in camera with all of Apple processing on the image and this is lock none of that processing at all then we can toss on one of Stu's conversion LS to get into re 709 color space and I'm sure you can see that there is a massive leap in quality between the two first let's take a look at her sleeve here it's oversharpened in a very unpleasant video look and the highlights have a harsh video likee Edge as well but if we shift to the log version you'll see that we have a much nicer rollof on the sleeve and we don't have that gross sharpening either for me that sharpening is probably the the biggest difference between the two to make this image more appealing apple is Den noising the footage and then sharpening on top of that you can see that really well in the tree area here and over the building street light and sign right around the edges you get this artificial Edge that I'm sure you'll recognize from times that you've taken your own Den noising too far but again when we shift to log we get a much more smooth and clean Edge now this shot is from Apple's camera app and it's not prores and our log footage is shot in prores using the New Black Magic Camera app which is Amazing by the way it's the best camera app I've used by far and it's free super easy to use every feature you could want including setting my shutter to angle which is just the coolest thing its interface turns the phone into a very familiar feeling camera as well which I appreciate it felt like I didn't need to translate anything in my head while shooting because it was all very intuitive and the best part is it's free so definitely worth giving a shot for yourself for our first shot here I did want to compare the two at that greater divide between between the in camera app and the Black Magic app but going forward we're only going to be using the Black Magic app like this shot here moving away from the ideal setting it's still daylight but not bright and sunny more toward dusk with the sun well on its way out and here I am again using the same phone my iPhone 15 Pro Max but this time both shots are done with the Blackmagic app with identical settings and both in progress the only difference here is log or not even through the Blackmagic app with prores you see we are getting the same issues around objects like this and again if we look at our log and drop on a l this time using the L called one L which is supposed to give the Apple log image an Alexa styled look but now with them both corrected we can see that the difference between the two is pretty much the same especially in the streetlight we have some really ugly artifacts and that same Edge but again in the log we don't have any of that and all of this applies to the iPhone 15 Pro too we tested the two phones against each other the Pro versus the pro Max and again with the Blackmagic app on both the same settings on both and I can't really see a difference between the two cameras at least not to my eye there is a difference in the lenses though but before we get to that let's thank today's sponsor and that is licked which is basically the only place I know of where you can get some of the biggest songs in the world inside your films and videos without dealing with copyright claims or emptying your entire bank account we have used licked a ton on the show specifically in our VHS episode where we used all kinds of very well-known popular music now I'm not going to say what we paid for those songs because every channel is going to be different depending on your subscribers and so on but I will say as I have before it was under 50 bucks per track and that is absolutely insane we have reached out to labels in the past before like I said and we were told thousands of dollars over $5,000 per track was the cheapest I ever heard back then but lick figured out how to make this not only possible but affordable they've partnered with the labels and have gathered music from the biggest artist around the world including popular tracks from Justin Bieber Sam Smith Coldplay and so on and using that recognizable music is always a big win it's a great way to connect with your audience and grow your Channel or to punctuate a joke which we do all the time they also have the biggest music catalog for creators with 150,000 stock music tracks for any situation and access to those massive artists to take your production quality up while protecting you from copyright claims the stock licenses can also be used on any social platform with unlimited usage they have solid search filters and hundreds of curated playlists and by supporting lick you are supporting the artists as well and the more creators who join the platform the more labels that lick can sign on so sign up to lick and use our link below for 14 days free stock music and 50% off your first mainstream chart track and that is a limited time offer so be sure to jump on that now and now on with the show so we have the 15 Pro and the pro Max here both of which bottom out at 13 mm but the pro top pops out at 77 mm while the max goes all the way to 120 mm but we're mostly staying around 24 mm to get the best quality throughout all of our shots but even when we do jump to the top end the quality still is solid once again we have the log conversion to Rex 709 and the version with the Apple processing at first glance it's not too big of a difference but it's the details that make the log so much better again with the best examples being in the background especially with hotpots and color like the light here in the loog the light has a nice foggy quality with decent rolloff and the Apple processed version just looks like ass just just pure ass not to beat the idea into the ground but it really is that range and removal of the oversharpening that makes such a huge difference for me you can see clearly in these two shots specifically a more milky feel versus that sharpened video feel through the Blackmagic app you also have full control of your ISO so we shot a few examples to see how the image is handling the different levels of iso here [Music] and something I found more interesting this time around was the low light which is where I found the most obvious difference between log and Apple's processing we shot this in our warehouse with the only light coming through some cracks in the garage door and another iPhone light bouncing off hand each camera was set to 800 ISO and while the log version definitely isn't the best in low light it's still passible and infinitely better than the processed version which is blurred and smudged with a bit of a ghostly look to it pretty unusable in my opinion but let's also jump through the iso again to see what kind of noise we are getting in this low light [Music] setting like we had with the other phones this is prores which comes with massive file sizes the minute and a half long clips that we shot were clocking in around 6 to 7 gigs which is a lot for your phone luckily thanks to the inclusion of the USBC Port you can connect a hard drive to the phone and record right to that hard drive which is much better for your production pipeline too since getting the video off the phone otherwise is a bit of a pain but now you can record straight to the drive then take that right to your computer and we are recording 10 bit proes 422 and that is both the log and the Apple processed versions but as you've seen the difference in the image just by stripping away that processing is massive again we use the Blackmagic camera app all the same settings throughout and for our conversion from log to rec 709 we used a mix of St Luts and the one Lut links to all that in the notes below and every time we talk about the new iPhone I ask myself the same question at the end would I shoot a short film on it that answer has always been no until this time well I'm not jumping straight to a yes for the right project I would be open to the idea for the first time the lead forward that log gives us here is pretty insane and given the fact that you can write your script right here make your storyboard shoot your film edit it and even do music for it right in your phone if you wanted that that's just insane to me and so exciting for the future of film making not because Pros can get their hands on this but because the full production process is in the pocket of so many future filmmakers as a young filmmaker this is officially all you need to get started figuring out how to tell your story and I think that's going to lead to filmmakers being more fluent in the language of film at a very young age and that will bring some amazing art from the Next Generation so if that's you don't see this as just a phone look at it as your film school go make your art let it fail make more and do it again all with this tiny little thing that's already in your pocket don't wait don't make excuses don't say yeah but just get out and write shoot edit repeat [Music] see you later t
Channel: Film Riot
Views: 79,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film riot, triune films, ryan connolly, filmmaking, tutorial, how to, adobe, film school, iphone, mobile, iphone 15 PRO, apple log, log, filmmaker, filmmakers, apple iPhone 15 Pro MAX, iPhone pro max, iphone 15, mobile filmmaking, iphone filmmaker, mobile filmmaker, phone, cinematography, luts, lut, biggest leap in mobile filmmaking, game changer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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