iPhone 15 Pro Max 一個月真實心得|iOS17.1 最新更新體驗
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Channel: 蘋果爹
Views: 270,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4k, UCt757ZhOr3vrvSxKT96b6vA, apple, iphone, apple watch, mac, 蘋果爹, apple dad, 3c, 蘋果妹, 果粉, 蘋果, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro Max, 發熱, 相機, 火龍果, iPhone 15 Pro Max vs S23 Ultra, iPhone 15 vs S23, iPhone 15 發熱, iPhone 15 更新, iPhone 15 夜拍, iPhone 15 Pro Max 相機夜拍, iPhone 15 Pro 續航, iPhone 15 Pro Max 續航, iphone 15 pro max 電池 容量, iphone 15 pro 新 功能, iOS17, iOS 17.1, iOS 17
Id: ptb4I-nZTdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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