iPhone 13 Unboxing - Are they ACTUALLY Good!?

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they're all here the iphone 13 mini iphone 13 iphone 13 pro and iphone 13 pro max so we're going to unbox the 13s then the 13 pros and then we can actually test the new features to see if they live up to apple's hype okay let's start with the 699 iphone 13 mini and as expected apple has kept the same slimline charger-less packaging as last year so you get your phone on top you get a cable manuals a single apple sticker and that's all folks next up is the 799 normal iphone 13 and you've probably realized that actually this time around we don't even get the plastic wrap on the outside of boxes apple says it's better for the environment i mean it probably is i highly doubt they've dropped this plastic sheet to reduce costs but it doesn't change the fact that apple used to make some of the most satisfying box peels ever and i'd be lying if i said that it doesn't lose a bit of that magic here i do wonder like 10 years down the line are we just going to get phones shipped in their own recycled paper bags is that the direction we're moving in yes regardless the contents inside are identical oh also i've saved up myself and bought 10 iphone 13s to give away to you starting right now rules are in the description i'll remind you again at the end okay so my very first thought when i picked up the iphone 13 and 13 mini was these feel like the iphone 12s after bulking season from a lot of angles they look similar they have the same matte finish aluminium rails on the sides which i'm actually a fan of so that's fine but then also the same high gloss fingerprinted glass on the back slightly less of a fan although picking a lighter color does help the cameras look noticeably bigger like actually enormous on this 13 mini but the main physical difference is really that they're both about 0.3 millimeters thicker than their predecessors and up to 10 grams heavier in my opinion on this whole flat design hasn't really changed i still really like the way it looks i still strongly dislike the way it feels but as far as how the 13s compared to the 12s at least for these smaller iphones i don't think the extra bulk is an issue the 13 mini still feels mini the 13 still feels regular and because last year's phones were almost eerily light if anything the extra weight here just makes the 13s feel a little more reassuring there's a good amount to wrap your hands around they've also brought all the buttons down on the 13. so everything's a little more reachable and surprise perk here i was fully expecting the thicker camera module on the back to create more table wobble but it actually stabilizes the phone the iphone 12s would rock significantly from two opposing corners the 13 only rocks when you press the top left the colors i've got are fine i mean this 13 mini here is starlight it's a little more blue than the straight black we had last year but you probably wouldn't notice if they weren't sitting side by side and the pink is well do you know what i actually prefer it i like it more in person than i did watching the event but i still just can't help but wonder if it would have looked better with more saturation as it stands in some lighting i could totally see this just looking like off-white anyways now we're on to the iphone 13 pro which starts at 999 you might have noticed actually that as well as matching the color of the accents to whichever color phone you bought apple also has this overarching color theme with their products of white being for the mainstream consumer black being for the pros but still no charger and i still think it's a shame i have a full video explaining why which i'll link after this one but equally apple isn't the only company doing this anymore and then of course we have the iphone 13 pro max the highest end iphone that you can buy right now starting at a thousand and ninety nine dollars and thankfully i have managed to get this in the color that i was most excited to see they're calling this sierra blue so to get one thing out the way i do think that apple's pro lineup of phones right now is a good looking bunch even if they don't think that i am will you go out with me no thanks with the iphone 12 pro max i'd say i've had at least 10 occasions where i've taken this phone out of my pocket to like pay at a shop or something and then someone has said whoa which phone is that or if they realize it's an iphone which iphone is that however at the same time i do wish that just like with this pink iphone 13 that these pro colors were punchier last thing stands this blue actually looks more like a gray in person and the gold it looks more like a carpet or curtain color there were some rumors that we were going to get a bronzy sunset option for the pro this time around which i think would have just been god tear but it looks like apple is pretty firmly set on making the pros muted anyways given that their starting price is literally 300 higher do the pros feel better than the 13s well just like last year they swap out that glossy glass on the back for frosted matte glass definite improvement in that it gives you one less piece of maintenance but then again like last year they also swap out the matte finish aluminium rails on the sides for high gloss stainless steel which i just don't understand apple has already established that matte finishes are more premium that's why the pros are mostly matte the normal phones aren't plus the aluminium would have made these pros lighter which because of how dense they now are thanks to beefier batteries and weightier camera systems they could have really benefited from you might remember that last year the 12 pro and the 12 pro max were some of the heaviest phones you could get in their respective size categories at 189 grams and 224 grams but this year that's gone up to 204 and 240 i don't think it makes them completely unpalatable but this 13th move can be a little tiring to hold for long periods of time like i was trying to take a thumbnail for a video coming very soon and every minute or so of holding it out like this i had to take a breather also the camera modules on the pros are even bigger than the camera modules on the 13s which means that if you're using the smaller sized one there's a good chance that your fingers will overlap anyways probably more significant than the slight design differences versus last year are they actually new features so there are eight key things apple talked about you can see them on the side here we're gonna go through them and we're gonna test them for starters all iphone 13s are powered by the new a15 bionic chipset so i've lined up an iphone 12 12 pro a 13 a 13 pro and a 13 pro max and if we test the performance using geekbench we actually get a bit of a weird result when we run the cpu benchmark which simulates how fast each phone can crunch through general tasks we actually see a pretty standard expected bump in power the iphone 12s all sit at about four thousand in total and the iphone 13s are all sitting at about 4700 4800 which makes them just over 15 percent better but then when we run the gpu test which is looking at graphic intensive tasks and simulates how well they'll be able to play games amongst other things it gets a little murky both the iphone 12 and 12 pro have very similar performance but between the 13s there's an enormous gap the normal 13 is about 20 better than the iphone 12 but the 13 pros are actually almost 60 percent more capable in part thanks to having five gpu cores instead of four on the normal 13. now on one hand that is an unexpectedly enormous improvement that's the equivalent of the 13 pros being a whole generation ahead of the 13s but i also think apple should have made this clearer they're calling the chips on both the iphone 13 and the iphone 13 pro the a15 as if they're somehow the same thing when actually in some ways there's a bigger gap between these two versions of the same chip than even the gap between the a15 and last year's a14 it's great if you're thinking about getting a pro but a pretty standard more subtle bump in power if you're considering the normal 13. the second thing is magsafe so i was half expecting apple to announce that they'd improve magsafe this year given how much of a push they gave the feature with the iphones last year and how at the same time it wasn't exactly the most reassuringly strong connection and could have done with an update they didn't do that but they have released an updated magsafe wallet which has a built-in tracker such that if it ever does get detached it will tell you the exact location that it was detached it's a good idea and it works as advertised but it is also a little alarming that we even need a feature like this that your wallet can just slip off there is one new feature though that i think is a complete no-brainer win and that's the new screens so this is last year's iphones versus this year's iphones and aside from the obvious reduction in notch size you can also see that if we crank them all up to max brightness that the iphone 12 is the dimmest as it sits at around 625 nits then the iphone 12 pro from last year and the base iphone 13 from this year are about the same at 800 nits and then the iphone 13 pro sits right at the top at a thousand nets i feel like the difference in practice isn't quite as much as those numbers make it sound but safe to say max brightness isn't an issue on any of these iphone 13s and if anything what i would actually love to see is a lower level of minimum brightness because i do still find that when i'm sitting in a pitch black room about to sleep it is still a little too bright but brightness aside the displays on the 2021 pros now also refresh up to 120 times per second versus 60. and we already know what 120 hertz looks like but i guess this is just me confirming that ios does take good advantage of that and the animations have all been very clearly optimized such that even if you're watching back at a quarter speed you will struggle to see a dropped frame the screens we've ended up with really they're pretty comparable to the ones on samsung or xiaomi's highest end phones except that the iphones have stuck with this completely flat design and a notch while most androids have opted for curved screens with a hole punch but all right i would say that the things that i'm most excited about with these phones are pretty much all to do with the cameras i actually read a lot of your comments after my iphone 13 reaction video and there seem to be quite a strong sentiment that these iphone 13s are basically the same as the iphone 12s and that apple just isn't doing anything new anymore and i think this is why see i am personally someone who spends a lot of time taking photos and videos for me it's a hobby and it's my job and so the fact that probably 50 of the improvements this time are camera related that is exciting for me but i can also see how from the perspective of someone for who photos are just a way of keeping memories they don't really matter from my angle though this is what i think is good this is what i think is bad so first up is cinematic video and i am so so excited about its premise but also slightly disappointed by its execution so what it does is constantly assesses depth information it decides how far everything is away from the camera and then it applies a proportional amount of blur to mimic the feeling of a high-end cinema camera and i think what's impressive about it is that they have managed to make this cinematography easy there's a lot of subtle clever things going on with the phone to make sure that for you the user you just don't have to think about it they've made it such that i could probably hand one of these to my grandma and she'd not just be able to easily use it but we'll also be able to capture footage that as far as she's concerned will look professional i think that while this isn't quite it yet this is the beginning of a new era in filmmaking you know that over time as smartphone cameras have ramped up they have been slowly but surely swallowing up the dedicated camera market starting from the low end point and shoots and working their way up and i think that this tech is going to result in phones consuming the next rung of that ladder however what makes me so sure that this isn't it yet is that turns out you can only record in 1080p resolution with this mode which is low enough that even if you're watching back on just your iphone screen you can still tell that it's not pin sharp plus the general softness that you see around the edges of objects but mark my words with enough computing power these are all solvable problems every iphone this year also has sensor shift stabilization although to be honest the difference seems pretty subtle versus last year's which use normal optical image stabilization the next one is clever though i don't think it's being used to its maximum but this feature has the potential to correct one of the main flaws of the iphone's camera in a lot of people's eyes see apple pitches their cameras as tools they're used by a lot of vloggers professionals and just creative people and so because of this they are built to only ever take photos that look as natural as possible some people like that but i feel like as humans we're almost wired to default to preferring colors that are brighter and more vivid and so there's a fair few people i know who straight out the camera just prefer the way that say samsung's images look however the iphone 13s come with a feature called photographic styles that can tune the images to your preferences and if you look carefully you can see that these are not just simple filters they are actually identifying what's in the photo and treating them separately notice how my face doesn't change between these two modes but the background does that said the only two things that you can change are tone which seems to just adjust the darkness of shadows and warmth i think this feature could have really benefited from a vibrant slider to control color intensity but really the biggest change that apple's been talking about here is that every camera on each of these new iphones has been upgraded bigger sensors and wider apertures further zooms and at least based on the numbers that they gave us about how much more light they let in etc this should be the biggest camera jump we've ever had on an iphone so first of all the 12 and 12 pro had a two time zoom camera the 12 pro max had a 2.5 times zoom camera this time around both 13 pros have a three time zoom camera so this is what last year's pro look like this is what this year's pro look like and if you crop in pretty simple obvious improvement and as for how much difference the better lenses and sensors have made well to be honest it depends on lighting if you just hopped out and took a random photo in broad daylight it's gonna look pretty similar on iphone 12 iphone 13 and iphone 13 pro the 13 pro is a bit sharper and a little bit clearer when you get up close but to be honest i think apple is reaching the limits of how much you can do with a 12 megapixel resolution cap if you're in low light though the disparity does become clearer and to be honest just like with graphics performance i would say that the jump between the 13 and the 13 pro is bigger than the jump between the 12 and the 13. but it only becomes most clear when you actually manually force each phone to capture the night mode shot for its full maximum 10 seconds because by default the newer phones will actually try to spend less time gathering light which is almost fighting against the fact that these sensors are bigger and they let in more light that said the number that apple quoted was a 2.2 times improvement this doesn't feel like a 2.2 times improvement and to be honest we've probably seen a bigger change when it comes to the ultra wide cameras and then finally the pro phones can also use their ultrawide cameras to take macro photos so as you bring your phone towards an object as soon as you get about 14 centimeters away from it you will see the phone automatically switching lenses to the ultrawide and then you'll find yourself being able to get very very close it is easily one of the best macro cameras you can get and easily one of the best camera systems in general you can get but if you want to find out if it is the best i've got a really fun proper camera comparison versus samsung's best coming very soon so stay tuned for that but i will just say i think macro mode activates a little too early given that the main camera is the highest quality camera you'd want to use that for as many photos as possible right except as soon as you approach an object even if your main camera could still focus on it your phone just decides actually nah you're gonna use the macro and i can't see a way to turn this off okay here's your reminder to enter the giveaway rules are in the description and if you do want to see why i'm not sold on this whole new charger situation you can find that video here my name is aaron this is mr who's the boss and i'll catch you in the camera comparison [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 6,209,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 13, iphone 13 unboxing, iphone 13 pro, iphone 13 pro unboxing, iphone, apple, unboxing, iphone unboxing, new iphone, iphone 13 pro max, iphone 13 mini, iphone 13 camera, iphone 13 pro camera, camera test
Id: 84FatKnHhJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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