iPad Pro (2020) - First 15 Things To Do!

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what's up guys my name is Brandon and you just got your brand-new 20/20 iPad pro you unbox that you went through the initial setup process and now you may be wondering what can I do next what can I do to take full advantage of all the amazing features on this beast of a tablet so in this video I want to share the first 15 things you should do on your brand new 20/20 iPad pro these are gonna be tips tricks and just essential things that you need to know about the iPad pro and if you guys find any of these tips useful throughout this video I would appreciate it if you give this video a thumbs up the first thing is to learn the gestures if you are not familiar already there are tons of gestures that you could do on the iPad pro for multitasking for just getting in and out of Windows just a lot of things to make life easier and you need to know these so a lot of the basic ones like swiping up to go home and things like that point now the control center a lot of these are really well known but some of the things that you may not know you could do or if you use four fingers a four finger pinch will bring up multitasking just like so it can also take you home if you're inside of an application just use four fingers and pinch in like that basically you could just have to pinch in all the way like that to bring up the multitasking view also if you have an Apple pencil there's a very easy way to take a screenshot so when you have the pencil in your hand just swipe up from the bottom left hand corner and it will take a screenshot for you just by doing that simple gesture then you can annotate on it and do everything very simply another cool gesture you guys can take advantage of is a pinch on the keyboard to get a floating keyboard that you can move all around the screen so as you guys know especially if you have a twelve point nine inch it can be kind of annoying to have to sit there and type and it's kind of you know it takes a while to sit there and type a lot of sentences on such a big keyboard but this makes it small like your iPhone so you could type very fast and just pinch out to bring it back to normal size and speaking of typing and texting there's also another gesture that will allow you to copy and paste quickly and for this you just use three fingers well you have something selected and pinch in and it will copy sometimes it will be a little bit finicky and go down the page but as you can see copy and if we want to paste that you just pinch out with three fingers and it will paste it just like so that comes in handy a lot once you get the hang of it and to add onto that you could also undo and redo with three fingers by simply swiping right or swiping left as you can see do swipe through fingers to the right that's a redo so just a lot of simple gestures that could take a while to get used to but definitely come in handy when it comes to text editing the next thing you guys need to do is take advantage of slide over and split view for great multitasking so for this if you have an application open let's just say we have Safari open and then we bring up our dock just like so if you want to have another app open at the same time we simply take it up and drag it over to the side right here of the screen and we have two apps side by side you could change the size of them if you want to just like so you can also have multiple applications open in the slide overview right there so if we take our Twitter right here and put it on top of this as well you can see we have multiple applications open right there if we go ahead and swipe from the top home bar right there just kind of bring it over like this you can go in and out of different applications over here in this view which once again it's just great for multitasking now another cool thing about split view is that you can have two instances of the exact same application opened at once so let's just use let's say Safari for instance let's just say we wanted to have two windows of Safari side-by-side so I'm just going to go ahead and click on the link right here just kind of bring it over like this and as you can see we have two different versions of Safari opened at once and we can go ahead and interact with each one of them like they're two separate applications and if we go back to the home screen and go to the icon of the application that we have two instances open up you can see we get a new menu item called show all windows and it will show you all of the instances you currently have open of Safari or whatever that may be so just very useful tips there for multitasking on your iPad now the next thing you guys want to do is set up face ID if you did not do this in the initial setup process so for this just go to your settings and go to face ID and passcode so once you're in here you will want to go ahead and set up face ID if you did not do so already you will have to take two scans of your face you can also set up an alternate appearance if you want to so if you wear glasses or you know a wig or whatever the case may be you may want to set that up you should also have both of these options selected right here require attention for face ID and attention aware features and you can read about those if you want to also you can go ahead and select what you want to be selected down here as far as allowing access to when locked so these are things you could access from the lock screen without putting in your face ID or passcode and I would also highly having password autofill enabled at all times that way you can have your passwords filled in just by scanning your face it makes the whole process of using passwords and Safari so much easier it's like your own personal password manager the next thing you guys want to do is hook up a bluetooth mouse or a USB mouse if you have an adapter like I do here and take advantage of true Mouse and trackpad support which was just added in the latest iPad OS release iPad OS thirteen point four so I don't have a bluetooth mouse around me right now but I do have a USB mouse and I have a little USB C to USB a adapter right here I could just plug this into the bottom of the iPad and I have this MX performance Mouse that I can use right here and you can see on the screen I do have full Mouse support you can see when you go ahead and scroll over applications on the home screen they have this little animation to indicate that you are on them also when you're inside of an application you can pull up the dock by simply taking your mouse down to the bottom right here and if you want to go home you could just keep on dragging all the way down past when you pull up the dock and it will take you home you can go ahead and click on the battery percentage up on the top right that will bring down your control center you can bring down your Notification Center by simply dragging from the top left corner and if you go into your settings you can see you have a menu option here in Settings General called trackpad and mouse and from here you can change the tracking speed if you want natural scrolling or not also your secondary click you can have that selected - left or right and when you do a secondary click you can see right here it will bring up the haptic touch or 3d touch menu right there which is really convenient and if you have a Magic Trackpad you get even more features in exclusive gestures than if you had a magic mouse or a USB mouse or any type of Mouse so if we go to our settings here I have the Magic Trackpad - right here and I'm not connected yet but if we go to our settings Bluetooth you will see it down here Magic Trackpad - and once it's connected we can go ahead and use our cursor right here and acts just like a mouse but once again we do have more exclusive features on here so we could do the three fingers swipe up to go home and if we keep swiping up you can see it brings us to our multitasking view right there we can also quickly go in and out of applications using a three finger swipe over to the left and the right now will take us into multiple applications whatever we have open which is really convenient also in Safari we could do the same with going back and forth on webpages with two fingers and if we go to our settings general trackpad you can see we have just a couple more options right here than we did with the mouse also if we go to settings accessibility and then go to pointer control right here you could change a lot of things so you can increase the contrast automatically hide pointer you can set them out of time that the pointer hides you could change the color so if we wanted to change this to like green you can see it changes the pointer color you can also change the stroke size if you want to I like having no color on this I think it looks a little bit cleaner you could change the pointer size if you wanted it bigger you could do so just like that you have pointer animations trackpad inertia and also your scrolling speed right there so just a lot of things you should go ahead and consider and just take a look at if you have a trackpad or a mouse and especially if you combine this with a keyboard it just makes this pretty much a laptop I mean it's a great laptop replacement if you take full advantage of these features once again that we're just introduced with iPad OS thirteen point four the next thing you guys should do is go ahead and configure your display settings so if we go into our settings right here and then go to display and brightness there are a lot of things that we can change right here so first of all we do have dark mode with iOS 13 and iPad OS 13 I like having this on automatic so it changes when the sun goes down and changes back to light when the sun comes up but for this video it's easier to see everything in light mode so i'm going to keep it on light you can also change if you want to have a custom schedule for light and dark mode you can go ahead and do that you have true tone you have night shift you have auto lock which I like keeping on never just because I usually always remember to lock my iPad especially if you have the case that locks it automatically there's really no point in having auto lock on just because sometimes if you're like reading a long article it will just lock on you and that can get annoying even when it dims before it locks it does get quite annoying so I like having that on never and then here's the feature I talked about if you have the iPad cover the smart folio cover I would recommend having that on that way every time you close the case and locks your iPad and when you open the case and unlocks your iPad and then also if we go to our settings and go to accessibility display and text size there are some things in here you want to look at but the main thing is auto brightness I like having auto brightness disabled but some of you may prefer to have that enabled so you can either disable or enable that right here you also have reduced white point you have and versions like smart invert and classic invert you have differentiate without color increased contrast reduced transparency a lot of just display features in here you should definitely at least look at and see what you want to configure but of course the main thing in here is going to be auto brightness the next thing you guys should do is test out the new lidar sensor with some augmented reality applications so as you guys know the lidar sensor is a brand new sensor on the iPad pro 2020 it's the first one of any Apple product and should go ahead and take advantage of that so if we go into our App Store right here and go to apps and then go all the way down to categories and then go to see all you can see we have AR applications up here in the top left and this will take you to a big page where you can see a ton of different AR applications to choose from and they are categorized as well you can see learn with a re model with AR shop with AR and just more AR to explore some of my personal favorites are I like the IKEA place application ice Cape is a great one for landscaping so if you wanted to see like how trees or house rubs or have flowers or how pavers would look in your yard front or back you can use ice Cape to get a good view of that AR magic is a great AR application to show you like magic tricks in AR it's pretty cool there's just a lot to explore with AR we're still in the infancy stage of this and I think the lidar sensor is just a great addition to Apple products and I think once again we're gonna be hearing a lot more about this this is also going to be on the new iPhones this lidar scanner is so just take advantage of it test it out see what you think about it even if you don't like AR at least just test it out just so you can see pretty much the most compelling feature of this 20/20 iPad pro the next thing you guys should do is at least just know about external hard drive support so you can hook up an external hard drive to your iPad pro itself and be able to transfer files back and forth from your hard drive to the iPad via the files application this is super super useful if you have a lot of documents need to sign and you know transfer to a hard drive or whatever the case may be this is just a very very awesome feature that once again makes this pretty much a laptop replacement at this point and speaking of hooking things up you should also hook up your ps4 or Xbox controller v Bluetooth to play games at the the controller so if you have a ps4 controller right here you can go ahead and pair it by simply going to the share button right there hold share and the PS button together at the same time until you see the light up top make this little flashing indicator right there just like so and then if you go into your settings and go to bluetooth right here you will see the DualShock for show up down at the bottom there it is just go ahead and connect just like so and then you could actually play games with it so you could play things like Pub G or fortnight or Call of Duty actually I don't think you can with pub G but you definitely can on Call of Duty and fortnight and Real Racing a lot of the applications you can actually use controllers on and it just makes life so much easier actually felt like I was cheating when I was playing fortnight at first with the controller here playing against other mobile players of course some of them do have controllers too but it's just a great way to play games on the iPad especially because you can have it sitting away from you and you know kind of sit back and play it like you're playing on a console so definitely go and check that out at least know about that as a feature with your new iPad pro the next thing you guys want to do is install applications so this may seem like an obvious one but a lot of people forget about this and just don't install as many applications as they should this iPad pro can handle everything you pretty much throw at it so go ahead and install all your productivity applications like Photoshop Express adobe draw Google Docs Google sheets things like that just go ahead and install everything from the App Store right here as well also games you have a whole section down here for games I do also like apple arcade if you do want to spend a little bit of money five dollars a month to get access to a ton of games I would highly recommend looking into this I don't think it's worth it for the iPhones but for the iPad I think it's definitely worth it and you should always check out the today tab right here as well because there are always things up here that are updated every single day you get a lot of information and a lot of I've learned about a lot of applications from this tab here so definitely check that out also if you want to install updates just click on your profile picture right here and then you will see updates right here show up if you do have any updates now after you install a lot of applications of course you will want to customize your home screen and your dock so this is easier to move with a trackpad or Mouse it's easier to move applications and things like that so let's show you what the track got here real quick so if you go ahead to an application you can see you could just click on it and move it around just like so it makes moving applications really really easy here on the iPad so once again you could just click it and move it makes it a lot easier of course you can do that with your finger as well but it does take a little bit of you know holding it for a second and then moving it but anyways you also want to go into your settings right here and then go down to home screen and dock and from here you could actually change the layout of the home screen so you can see a little animation there if you want more applications or if you just want bigger applications so as you can see this is more I have that today be right there but if we go back and go to bigger and go back to the home screen as you can see we have a much bigger grid layout here that today view is gone unless we go ahead and swipe over like that so I personally prefer more but you should go ahead and mess around with this and see which one you like you could also have the today view on or off so if we go back you can see it will not show by default you have to slide it slide over to see it so you can go ahead and change that if you want to as well I like having mine pin there on the home screen you also have show suggested in recent apps and dock so this is these icons right here it will show some recent applications right there if you don't want that enabled you can't go ahead and disable that and it will just show what you have in the dock and only what you have in the dock I like having this enabled those because sometimes it does give you access to applications a lot easier but yeah just customize everything on your home screen of course you can move multiple applications as well if you go ahead and drag like this and then just tap on another you can move all these to a different page or into a folder or whatever you want so just customize your home screen to your liking and speaking of customizing things you also want to customize the control center right here the toggles in here you can actually customize these so if you go into our settings and then go up to control center right here and then customize controls you can see we have all these right here that you can change and drag and move to different positions like so so I like having screen recording and dark mode for sure in here I do also like having these like even so if you just put a random one in there you can see it will make it kind of odd where you have like one down here and it's not very symmetrical so I like to have it an even number right there but just take a look through these and go ahead and whatever ones you want and move around whatever ones you want inside the control center here so that you have access to things that you use often and speaking of things you can customize you also want to customize the widgets panel over here so you can see all your widgets right here that's also on the Today view if you go to your Today vu and swipe down you can see you have all these widgets right here you can customize these either by going to this and going to edit and then from here you also have the option to turn on or off the today view but from here you can have pin to favorites so you can have up to three pin favorites on the today bu you can change these to whatever you would like and then you also have favorites right here so these are things that you're probably gonna use pretty often I do have calculator this is something I should have mentioned in my apps to download I would definitely recommend having a calculator on your iPad because for some reason we still don't have a built-in calculator in 2020 so pretty crazy but anyways yeah so if we go back to this right here and go to edit as you can see there's just a lot of things a lot of different widgets you can add to date today view for quick and easy access just go and check this out and add some things on there if you want to and once you start installing other applications those will show up and the widgets panel as well the next thing you guys want to do is consider purchasing iCloud storage so if you go to your little icon right here your profile right here and then go to iCloud and then go to manage storage from here you can change your storage plan and you can upgrade your storage plan now I would recommend buying iCloud storage for backups for document storage and things like that that way you can download movies and games and other things that take up a lot of space on the iPad itself so of course it's pretty cheap mine is ten dollars a month just because I have a lot of data a lot of backups but you can see it starts as cheap as $0.99 per month as you can see there 50 gigabytes is $0.99 per month $2.99 for 200 gigabytes honestly 50 gigabytes should be enough for plenty of people if you just have documents and things like that on your iCloud of course if you have a lot of iPhones and stuff like that or a lot of photos and videos that you put on here you will probably need to up that but at least consider buying some iCloud storage that we can download other things on your iPad without ever having to worry about the storage and the final thing you guys should do is consider buying a keyboard case or at the very least a smart folio case like I have here connects magnetically as you can see I will just drop in like that and you can shut it and that will lock the iPad and when you open it up it will unlock your iPad it's very convenient it also protects the screen so you really don't need a screen protector if you have a case like this so I would definitely recommend getting one of these as you can see here this was made for the 2018 iPad pro but it's still somewhat works for the most part the magnet still work and everything like that but also keep in mind that the brand new magic keyboard is coming out in a couple of months which I will be getting here on the channel and covering in depth on the channel so stay tuned for that smart keyboard is going to have the keyboard and the trackpad built in it starts at 300 bucks so it is pretty expensive but you can hold out for that if you want to so anyways guys there you have it those are the first 15 probably a lot more than 15 things that you should do on your brand new 20/20 iPad pro I think you guys are going to absolutely love this iPad especially if you did not have the 2018 iPad pro this thing is a beast at playing games with the new trackpad support everything is just awesome with this iPad and I definitely can't wait to try out that lidar sensor some more with a our apps and things like that I may make an updated video on that if you guys want me to let me know if you want any kind of videos if you have any suggestions or recommendations for videos on the channel be sure to leave me a comment down below if you guys enjoy this video I would also appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it learn something or if you just enjoy the sound of my voice I would appreciate that thumbs up and of course a subscribe and click that Bell notification if you guys want to be notified when I post new videos but anyways guys thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 2,503,224
Rating: 4.9075837 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 ipad pro, ipad pro 2020, ipad pro 2020 review, ipad pro 2020 first things to do, 2020 ipad pro first things to do, ipad pro first things to do, ipad pro, ipad pro 2020 unboxing, brandon butch, ipad pro tips, ipad pro tricks, 2020 ipad pro tips, ios 12, ipad pro ios 13.4, first things to do on ipad pro, 2020 ipad pro 12.9, ipad pro settings to change, ipad pro setup, ipad pro do this first, ipad pro trackpad, ipad pro mouse
Id: dcuLtf8vRNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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