iPad 4 Repair still in demand. Damaged Home button connector soldering

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here we have an ipad 4 an older ipad and it was mailed here so we can replace the home button connector on the motherboard there's a damaged home button connector on the board here we're going to extract the connector from a donor board which is this one here and we're going to solder it back on the customer's board but that was not the only thing that's wrong with the customer's ipad we told the customer that he has an expanding battery a battery that's expanding and also a damaged digitizer flex cable we need to change all three customer agreed they gave us okay and we're going to go ahead and proceed with replacing the home button connector let's take a look and i see that this connector was tempered with b4 look at this we see scratch marks on the sides here we do not know what's going on under but this does not look good let's start by removing the connector and inspecting what's under and we'll take it from there we do see signs of flux and we do see signs of a repair attempt it's almost always the person who attempts the repair has absolutely no experience and they think this stuff is easy but that's how we stay in business right now i'm heating from the bottom we cannot hit from the top otherwise we're gonna damage the battery connector and i think the pins they still look good or the pads i always say pins when i mean pads and i say pads when i mean pins let's clean up very nice now we can crop the pads by applying solder onto them and we're going to reflow the connector that we're going to remove from the donor board onto here okay and that's perfect let's move this board onto the side and jump over to the donor board and extract this beautiful looking home button connector okay we're gonna do the same thing apply heat from the bottom let's grab the customer's board and we're gonna solder do i just drop it did i just drop that connector i did okay right here i caught it before it went to the ninth dimension all right and we should be good let's wait until the boat cools down a bit and we're gonna check and see if all the pins are making a good connection very good solid solid solid solid and solid all the pins are solid and our job is done right then we're all good the job is done [Music] you
Channel: NorthridgeFix
Views: 6,211
Rating: 4.9695044 out of 5
Keywords: ipad 4 repair, ipad 4 home button connector replacement, connector soldering, home connector solder, northridgefix, repair, 2021, ipad 4
Id: ccaSAz55tYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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