IoT Water Flow Meter using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Water Flow Sensor | Measure Water Flow Rate & Volume

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hi al in this video we are going to learn about y FS 201 how that affects water flow sensor will design water flow meter using this sensor will also measure the water flow rate and volume using the same sensor this can be done by interfacing what the processor with no dams you esp8266 to le board will use the i2c OLED display that will display the instantaneous flow rate and total value of water passed through the water pipe this type of system can be used in water management system to monitor the water consumption as well as leakage the flow rate and volume data can be sent to any online server like thing is fixed server using the thing is big server we can monitor the water flow rate and volume remotely from any part of the world this project requires a custom PCB so I have designed a custom PCB using easy idiot or LAN PCB editing tool so you can see this is the 3d view of the PCB this is the back view and this one is the front view so I have uploaded the gutter file in the website article you can download it from there so after downloading the driver file you can be cheap next piece vidcom currently they are giving 10% off on any PCB and PCB assembly services you can get full air PCB are $12 all you need is PCB instant quote so just click here applaud your gerber file so i uploaded the gerber file for the water flow meter after uploading the gerber file you can view the Gerber file from Garber b1 so this is the top view bottom view you can select the quantity then the word color select the country of the shipment and then add to cart after that your order will be submitted now let's begin with the project [Music] [Music] so this is the waifus 201 water flow sensor that I recently purchased from Amazon you can image the water flow rate up to 30 liter per minute using this sensor it can get the pressure reading up to 1.75 mega Pascal so this is the front side and the back side of the sensor one is the inlet for the water pipe and another is the outlet for the water pipe so you can see there is a direction indicated that the water should flow from this part to this part that is from inlet bug to outlet bub the sensor has three pins that is VCC that works at five volt ground and a digital output pins that generally measures the pulse now when you disassemble this sensor you'll get a wheel like structure and there is also a Hall effect sensor now this whole effect sensor measures the output pulse and this output pulse varies according to the flow of water so just insert pipe on the both the end and up inlet end and also on the outlet end like this now let us see the circuit diagram so just connects it output pin to GPIO - that is deep flow of no dams to you we are using I to say OLED display so connects it or I to seep into D 2 and D 1 that is Sdn HCl now let us see how we have assemble the circuit on breadboard so this is how I assembled a circuit on breadboard but you can just use the PCB that I explained earlier initially when the motor is not turned on the flow rate will be displayed as zero and the quantity will also be displayed as 0 as you can see the R is the net and B is the volume now when you turn on the motor the water will start flowing from the inlet valve to the outlet pub now here you can see the rate is almost five to seven liter per minute and volume is increasing and increasing so you can see here on the serial monitor the product is given and also the liquid quantity is given it is increasing now it has become L must 2.8 to 3 liters so this is how you can measure the instantaneous water flow rate and the total water flowed from the pipe the flow rate depends upon the cross sectional area of the pipe and also the velocity so simply you'd knowing by knowing the velocity you can determine the flow rate as well as the volume since the cross section area is constant now you can go to the thing is peak server and here you can see the water flow rate data and the volume in numeric order is given now this data is logged after the interval of 15 second you can use MQTT protocol or just use a blink app for more better results the process of signing and creating an account in thing is peak server is given in the website article so you can see the OLED display is displaying the water flow rate and volume instantaneously so now let's see the programming part we need the to liability for Oller display this our parameter are related to OLED display library you can get in from the link in the description change the API key for that you need to go to your thing speak account and click on the API key copy the write API key and then paste it on the Adina code okay similarly you need to change the Wi-Fi SSID and password we have defined the LED pin as 14-4 not MCU and sensor penis - we have defined so many parameters including the Milly's function we're initializing the OLED display and assigning every variable as a zero we are using iose our function that is interrupt service routine for measuring the delay and using the Milly's function we are comparing the flow rate this formula will just give you the flow rate in milliliters and liters and all these parameters are now displayed in oled display and serial monitor using this display command and then this line you will simply send the water flow rate and volume to the thing is fixable all you need is select the right board and then select the right port and upload code to the esp8266 board so that's all about the videos thank you for watching hope you liked this video please drop a like
Channel: How To Electronics
Views: 82,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water flow sensor iot, YFS201 Hall Effect Water Flow Sensor with ESP8266, water flow sensor esp8266, esp8266 water flow sensor, iot water flow meter, Water Flow Sensor NodeMCU, Water Flow Sensor Thingspeak, water flow sensor project, esp8266 water flow meter, water flow sensor, water flow meter sensor, Hall Effect Water Flow Sensor, flow sensor, water flow sensor installation, water flow meter reading calculation, Water flow sensor switch control, Water flow rate calculation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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