7. IoT Based Agriculture Monitoring System Using Arduino & Node MCU

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[Music] we will discuss all these things in this video hello dear friends welcome to our channel best project in this video we will discuss about the topic iot based agriculture monitoring system as we know taking care of agriculture sector is very important to get better quality of food and quantity of food to fulfill this purpose we are using the latest iot technology to monitor the crop for better results the setup is as shown on the screen let us discuss the components used in this project setup this is the main switch to turn on and off the entire system this black cube is a 5 volt regulator to energize the arduino system including the sensors and lcd this is the second most important part of the system it is esp8266 module it provides wi-fi functionality to the system it is removable for study purpose it is the most important part of the system it is arduino nano it is responsible to run the entire system it works as a brain of the setup it is also removable for study purpose please like this video for our support this flat components is a small solar cell we are using it as a light sensor to count the intensity of sunlight this small white part is the ac connector for the water pump connection we can remove or attach the motor according to the need this cubic component is a relay to control the water pump an led is also attached above to see its on-off status this is a soil moisture sensor to measure the quantity of water available in the soil it is also removable for study this circular knob is a variable resistor it is used to adjust the lcd contrast it is a 16 cross 2 lcd with blue backlight it is used to print humidity moisture motor status and light intensity it is adhd11 humidity and temperature sensor it is used to detect the weather conditions it is also removable please comment your thoughts about this project below [Music] let's have a look on the components used for irrigation system it is a small dc submersible water pump it is used to supply the water for long distance crops this pipe is used to attach to the water pump in this way we can connect the pipe to mini water pump using this bucket we are providing the water to pump time to connect the water pump with a setup the process is as showing if you have any queries regarding the project please comment we have three samples for soil moisture test the first has less than 20 moisture the second one has moisture between 60 to 70 percent and the third one has more than 90 of moisturity to check the project data online we need to visit to the online iot server for this type in any browser adafruit dot io and search then click on the first link here if you visit here for the first time you will need to make an account then sign in after login go to dashboard then click on the desired dashboard as shown on the screen now we have finally reached to the project data here there are three ways to represent the data first is gauge then second is graph on the right and third way is symbol of data on the left this portion is showing the humidity data in graphs and gauge form with symbol as you can see also this portion is for temperature data same portion for sunlight data and the last portion is for water pump status first portion is for moisture data for better look of the page we are using full screen mode to connect our setup to wi-fi we will need to turn on the setup using this power plug we will provide ac mains to the system project title is appearing on the screen if you buy this setup your name will be on the lcd using this knob we can adjust the screen contrast according to the requirements setup has successfully turned on time to connect to mobile hotspot first turn on the mobile hotspot then go to mobile hotspot configuration as showing on the screen then after change the wi-fi name and password according to the arduino code [Music] save all the changes as we can see on mobile screen our setup has successfully connected to the project setup time to test the performance of our system this is how our test setup looks like for the first vv test l the soil moisture sensor and water pump operation current moisturity is 100 and pump is off we will dip the soil sensor into samples of 50 to 60 percent of moisturity and we'll see the test result [Music] new readings are showing 64 percent of moisture and pump is off because pump turn on at moisture less than 20 percent it means our system is working fine remember pump should turn on at moisture less than 20 percent let us dip the soil sensor in the 20 sample and we'll see pump turns on or not pump has successfully turned on because moisture level is less than 20 percent also showing the pump status on web page it means our system is working properly red status means pump is on showing exact status on iot server and offline setup now we will dip the sensor into moisturity level greater than 70 percent and we'll see pump turns off or not new readings are showing moisture level greater than 70 percent [Music] also pump has successfully turned off according to the web page let us increase the moisturity again moisturity has increased it means our system is working fine also you can see other parameters on the lct and web page pump is off because moisturity is greater than 70 percent [Music] in this session we will test the sunlight sensor using the light bulb and we'll see the results we are holding the bulb right above the sensor and we'll test it works or not the light intensity is increasing as we are bringing the bulb closer to the sensor it means our light sensor is working nice bringing the bulb little closer and see the readings both webpage and lcd are showing equal readings it means our system is working properly also look on the temperature and humidity readings those are also showing correct also decreasing the readings of light sensor when we bring it away from the sensor [Music] if you have any question regarding the project ask in the comments section if you want to buy this setup visit description box for more details [Music] [Music] thanks for watching the video we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Elexys Best Project
Views: 193,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, Agriculture Project, Greenhouse monitoring, IoT, Arduino Project, College Project, Diploma Project, Agriculture Iot System, Smart Agriculture system, Best Project, Smart Farming, Farming Project, Greenhouse IoT, Farming IoT Project, ESP8266, greatscott, electronoobs, how to electronics, svs embedded, hvs technologies, nevon project
Id: u3bHn12q-Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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