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hey I'm Jay from the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator myths a series where you guys ask me questions give me challenges or tell me myths that you guys have about the game and I try to answer them in this video we have a lot of good ones to go through today so let's get it started first myth of today's episode is Jay I got one I call this glitch I survived one dose is a day when Kakuna goes to the bathroom to kill a random person three hide the body in the stall so you can use it later four let kikuna go to the bathroom five turn off the lights and pour water on her 6 while kikuna goes to turn off the lights quickly bring the body and show it to her while she is being electrocuted ok the cone is inside the bathroom so let's pour it on her there you go ok there you go I'm gonna hide right behind here come on Kirk Oni oh [ __ ] we got to turn the lights off I forgot she didn't even notice me holding the body look at this oh my god I didn't even know you could do that alrighty guys this is attempt number two I'm not gonna forget to turn off the lights this time and thank goodness that the students can't notice the bloody footprints on the floor and also they can't notice legs sticking out of the stall but anyway that's a story for a different day let's pour this water on Taccone Sam body up okay there you go I'm gonna hide behind here yeah apparently you got to turn the stupid lights on before you leave the bathroom [Music] look hey look Kokoda look before you die damn you third time's a charm like they always say got the water honor and turn off the lights pick up the body and I'm gonna jump out right when she turns the lights on I promise you guys come on cook Oni turn those stupid lights back on all right one two three look how can I show her the body if he's facing the wall like there's gonna be no line of sight for her to see crew dead end holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the hell is going on with you stop it stupid lights back on okay here we go here we go here we go there you go okay let me try something guys I'm gonna stand right next to the stall that she comes out of and if she doesn't notice me holding Cudas body then I don't think this is gonna work because if she can't notice me carrying a body in her peripherals and there's gonna be no way she's gonna notice me because there's no space to stand in front of her while she's getting electrocuted does that make sense guys and why can't I grab this body now oh my god I can't grab who did it what who did it go where she who did is gone guys who debtor has literally left the building you guys see that okay right when she turns it on I'm popping up from the corner I did it see she just teleports into it she was looking for the light switch and I was standing right in front of her and nothing happened who did it what the [ __ ] are you serious what do they always start flopping like a little fish and then go up to the next level she better be up here cuneta are you in this stall she is in this stall it's kind of she's halfway between the first and the second floor you guys see that gobbledygook right there that bunch of just jumbled [ __ ] that's cadet okay one two three see I popped up as she was searching for the light and nothing happens I kid you not guys I have done this more than 20 times all in different ways I tried glitching through the wall to get her to notice the body through there I went as soon as she was searching for the light I stood next to her as soon as she was getting electrocuted and nothing maybe this worked at a previous build but as for the one that I'm using right now kokoa is not detecting the body as she's getting electrocuted if somebody is able to do this one more power to you but I'm gonna give this one the big old please bunk on to the next one well the principal recognized you wearing a mask I'm gonna go ahead and say hell yeah he will because I put on the frickin Metal Gear Solid rocks and he saw right through that [ __ ] so what's stopping him from seeing us through a mask I don't know but a lot of people seem to be asking this one in the comment section so we're gonna do that right now and also I feel like this is a good opportunity for me to tell you guys why I didn't mention that like the cell phone that you have is made by the psycho brand or the box that I was in a psycho brand even the laptop that he's using is a psycho brand it's because I mentioned that a long time ago when the psycho brand first popped up in the yandere simulator builds I doubt that has anything to do with the deal he was talking about after he kills young Jerry John but I'm gonna touch on that later in the episode right now we got to see if he can see us through the mask so there he is just chillin on his laptop let's take one step in and he didn't notice me okay he didn't notice me okay so that one was a really simple one to do but before we move on to the next one there's a new update to the headmaster so if you make him stand up and then sit back down ten times he'll taze you anywhere in his office he'll 360noscope your bitch-ass I guess he has some freaking long-range taser or something because look at this we're gonna make it his dance up and down ten times that's one he's gonna sit back down to get your candy ass up and then we're gonna make him do this ten times in total and then he's gonna shock my ass so I'm just gonna keep running around in this circle and eventually he's gonna tase me no matter how ridiculous he looks there you go long range tased in your face okay so now he's gonna say the line mr. psycho the deal is off a lot of people had some really good theories in the comments section but I started to think about it more and more and I think that the deal has something to do with mr. cycles daughter Megami psycho the last rival in the game because if you go on the yandere simulator website and you read like her bio it says this Megami unlike all other characters is fully aware of the fact that there is a danger person on school grounds once she arrives at school she will do absolutely everything in her power to protect the school's population that includes installing security cameras hiring security guards and in stating a zero-tolerance policy for suspicious behavior Megami clearly has some very important information that would cause her to go to such extreme lengths but what does she know the psycho Corp have anything to do with it and more importantly the senpai have anything to do with it so I think that the headmaster and mr. psycho made a deal for mr. psychos daughter Megami to be able to have all the freedom that she wanted in the school in order to catch Andheri John so it kind of makes sense that after the headmaster kills young berrytown with the Taser and he's like mr. psycho the deal is off meaning that he doesn't have to deal with mr. psycho and his daughter Megami let me know if you guys agree with that in the comment section below but to answer the question if you were I'm asking going to the Headmaster's office he's still gonna see that candy ass on to the next one do something that makes you locked in an animation for example laughs tornado mode bedtime mode etc in front of the headmaster for 60 seconds because now he will shock you if you stay in front of him for more than one minute then he will shock you but well I guess you'll have to see that one alone tip after you've done that use the phone to be able to move again also now he reacts to body okay but this one I'm just gonna stay in tornado mode and I'm just gonna do this for 60 seconds and hopefully we can see when he tasers me so we can see exactly what happens he shocked me but I'm still moving around that is so sick it's a new Dead Alive glitch oh [ __ ] damn it he killed me twice headmaster so Savage he killed somebody twice this time I'm not gonna go in an Easter Egg I'm just gonna do the good old-fashion yawn dairy John laughs let's do this for 60 seconds and let's activate the new dead alarms rich there we go he said enough of this nonsense he shocked me I'm still standing still laughing and bam Dead Alive glitch activated oh yeah the camera still [ __ ] up though and if I get kind of close to him then he shocked me again let me see if I can actually leave the office okay here we go again blam let me see if I can open the debug menu okay I can I'm a teleport out of here and yeah okay we can walk around the camera is kind of funny just like with the original Dead Alive glitch but yeah guys if you do anything that locks you into an animation for 60 seconds while he has his taser pointed right at you he'll shock you it triggers the dead-alive glitch after you pull out your phone that is true but at the end of the myth it also said that the headmaster now reacts to dead bodies let's just show him one inside of his office and let's see what he does murderer shocks me instantly that goes back on the frickin laptop what a savage I feel like the more encounters that I have with the headmaster the more that he's creeping up on my favorite yandere simulator characters list like move over oka move over nurse move over Midori headmaster he's coming through but anyway guys the headmaster now shocks you did B stay in his office for too long he reacts to dead bodies the dead alive glitch is alive and well on to the next one J I think I got a dead alive glitch that might work head over to the Headmaster's office walk up to him while showing your camera and there you go Jordan sweet into the point just how I like it I think this one might work we'll see we'll see pulling out our phone he got that [ __ ] locked and loaded and we're walking up to him and I asked for the I guess I asked for it okay let's see if we can somehow activate the dead alive glitch I'm clicking to get out of the camera and it won't let me can open the debug menu no Easter Egg menu no teleport anywhere nope I can't do anything it's like a stuck animation all you can see is like the game inside the phone screen and the game outside of the phone screen there's like some kind of like Inception thing going on around here but I think I answered this one pretty quickly one take J's in the building guys I pulled out my phone in front of the headmaster he shocked me I can't get out of this phone holding animation I can't open the deep menu Easter Egg menu any of that stuff that is officially debunked on to the next one when the headmaster is going to electroshock you can you teleport to another place right before that moment happens when I first found out about the headmaster I actually tried to open the debug menu as I was getting electrocuted but you're stucked in like an animation so you can't do anything you just gotta let it happen but maybe if I open the debug menu while I'm going inside then maybe I can teleport right before he shocks me the trick is I gotta know exactly when he's about to shock me I can see him looking at me wait what the hell okay let me open it right here walk towards him okay the debug menu automatically closes when you get too close to him so to answer your question if you had the debug menu and you want to teleport right before he's about a shock to you it's not gonna work because once you get too close to him it automatically closes the menu so I'm gonna go ahead and give that one the good old debunked on to the last myth of today's episode how will the student react to you getting tased okay so we got evil girl right here we got headmaster pointing his taser right between these eyeballs we're gonna go up to him and nothing I think I couldn't see the frickin chair was in the way this time I'm gonna set the camera up right here so he's gonna be nothing blocking my vision and let's get the evil girl to come next to me come on evil girl come on evil girl you where the hell is she is that what we're doing now you're doing that okay get over here thank you set the camera up right over here go around okay there you go that's perfect look at this look at that damn she saw that she saw the whole thing she had no reaction whatsoever she didn't even smile after I died which is surprising because she's so damn even but to answer your question no students do not react to you getting tased so that is officially debunked and with that said guys that is gonna do for this episode of yandere simulator myths if you guys have any more comments questions challenges or myths you want potentially featured in the next video please leave them in this comment section below and I will choose the most creative and unique ones but if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is there dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 2,438,534
Rating: 4.9468179 out of 5
Keywords: kubz scouts, kubz, scouts, yandere simulator, yandere simulator myths, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yandere simulator myths kubz scouts, yandere dev, myths, questions, glitches, headmaster, theory, theories, mr saikou, saikou, megami, rivals, reaction, funny commentary, how to, video games, indie games, 2017, sandbox, anime, japan, high school, yandere, invincible, best glitches
Id: 01xthb3D82E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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