Invideo AI Text to Video Tutorial 2024 | How to Create Faceless Videos (Full Guide)

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using in video you're able to convert scripts into videos allowing you to create faceless YouTube videos without doing the hard work for example in a matter of minutes I converted my script into a video like this it converted my script into a video using the power of AI technology it found relevant videos that would go with the text it felt relevant background music and also captioned it meaning people can read along the entire video you can even write a script for you and then turn that into a video within just a few seconds that's the short version however in today's full in video step-by-step guide for beginners I'm going to show you step by step in detail how to use in video to create faceless videos here's what I'll show you in today's video a platform walkthrough I'll show you step by step how to navigate the platform so that you understand where to go and where to find certain features I'll then show you the texture video feature which allows you to put in a script and have a full video generated for that you do need a script so also show you the best script strategy that then generates the best potential video also show you how you can let the in-video AI write a script for you by just giving it one single prompt I'll show you how you can change the clips I'll show you how to add or change the text how to change the layout how to change background music and very important how to add a voiceover this can be a text-to-speech voiceover from Nvidia or your own voiceover that you've created and then at the end of this video I'll show you a final result from a video I generated using in video all of this took a ton of work so please leave a like and let's get started alright so to get started we need an account I'll leave a link in the description down below which allows you to sign up so that you can follow along the process there will be a discount code waiting for you in this video but more on that later once you've created your account you'll end up right here this is the in video dashboard what you'll notice right away is that there's four main elements we've got templates we've got AI text video stock media and the editor we can use all of them but today we're going to focus on the AI text video because this is per perfect if you want to get YouTube videos done without showing your face in a matter of no time so we're going to click on AI text video which will then get to step number one which is the templates so as soon as you click on AI text video it will send you to this page where you have to convert a script into engaging videos however in order to do that you do need a template if I simply scroll down you can see that I've got tons and tons of templates which is absolutely fantastic and what you need to do now is choose one of them so what you can do to view them is simply hover on them and as you can see they will then start playing so whichever template you like all you need to do is simply click on it in order to start the video what I'll do right now is I'll go with the general business video however you can scroll down simply hover on them and choose the one that fits you the best simply click on the template then next up you want to choose in which format you like to make your video you can do landscape which is 16x9 perfect for YouTube you can do Square which is one by one for for example perfect for an Instagram post or a portrait which is perfect for Tick Tock YouTube shorts Instagram reels whatever it is for today's video I'm gonna do landscape because I want to make a video for YouTube Simply click use template and then you'll end up right here now this is where the good stuff starts happening this is where you can put in your script or you can let the in video AI write a script for you I'll demonstrate how you can do both before I show you how you can simply use your own script I want to make sure that you understand how to use the AI version so as you can see right there describe the script you want to generate all I need to do is give it one single prompt and it can then generate a full script which we're then going to turn into a video I'm going to ask it to write me a script about things to do in Amsterdam simply click on generate and then as you can see right now it is generating your script depending on the prompt you gave it it might take one minute it might just take a few seconds as you can see mine is done in literally just a few seconds which is amazing now let's analyze if this actually makes sense welcome to my channel where today I'll be sharing the top 5 things to do in Amsterdam first on our list is exploring the famous and picturesque canals of Amsterdam a UNESCO world heritage site next up you cannot miss the Anna Frank house where you can learn about so you can see this stuff actually makes sense which is fantastic now if you like this feature already where you can describe the script you want to generate and it then creates an entire script what is even better is that in video is working on an AI video generator meaning you can simply put in a prompt just like this how to make a video Blah Blah Blah generate and as you can see it's going to generate a full video for you by using AI technology now this is not out yet however it will be released soon if you're watching this after uploading this might already be out so what is good is that if you've got a Premium plan on in video you also get access to in video AI which will allow you to create videos from any single prompt so not just the script the entire video can be done with one single prompt as soon as this drops this is going to be a game changer absolutely fantastic what we can now do is click on create scenes and it will then make our video but before I show you that let me show you how to insert your own video script pretty simple and straightforward simply copy your script go to in video paste it and there you go this is now ready as well now what's even better is that a simple video script like that can actually generate videos like this right here that get 1.3 million views so this video alone right here as you can see is indeed monetized which I can see with an extension which means that this video is probably made well over just five thousand dollars with a simple five minute video with simple b-roll stock footage isn't that insane so the fact that a simple script like this can generate this many views and that much money combining it with in video which will then create the entire video for you is extremely easy however how do you generate a script like this yourself if you do not want to use the AI feature what you can do is actually quite simple we all have chiji T available and we all have YouTube available what you can do is click on these free dots right here then you can click on show transcript what that is going to do is going to show you any transcript from any YouTube video basically just the script what you can then do is click on these three dots here toggle timestamps and then as you can see you've got the entire transcription of a YouTube video I'm not saying you should copy this one on one what you can do though what you can experiment with is simply taking this script right here because this is proven to work this is proven to get 1.3 million views you could then go to chat GPT and then you can say rewrite the following script while keeping the same contacts and length dots paste enter and then what it's going to do right now is going to rewrite the existing script from the other video that you found now is this the optimal way who knows however it works extremely well because as you can see right here what they're now going to do is create a full script based on the information that you gave it right here so it's not going to be exactly the same however it's going to have a similar structure similar information and because of that you're gonna get a great script in return what you can then do is simply take this script from chat gbt which is going to be pretty good because you've got it based on a popular video with over a million views let's edit them right there you can copy it go to in video Simply paste it and there you go that's where you can then continue so this strategy works extremely well what I recommend you do is not take the exact video or take all the videos from one channel but simply browse around on YouTube find videos that are proven to work that had a lot of views for example this one 1.3 this one six hundred thousand five hundred thousand that's a lot of you that will result in quite a lot of money or this one right here 300 000 views but as you can see the Clips in the video are pretty easy we can easily generate that within video so these are very good videos that you can easily get done by using chat gbt and in video now if you don't want to take from videos like this what you can do as well is simply work with jet GPT itself so you can simply say write me YouTube script for a video about things to do in Amsterdam please include attractions restaurants foods to eat and hotels to stay at if you then click generate it's also going to generate a script for you so you basically don't need to write the entire script yourself you can let it be generated by in video you can use Chad gbt you can use existing scripts then rewrite them with chatgpt there are so many ways you can do that but as you can see this will turn out pretty good as well as it pretty much tells you exactly what you need to do Transition quick shots of famous Amsterdam attractions and then it gets the script etc etc and that basically keeps going now that is just how you can generate a script let's figure out how we can actually make our video we're going to get to an important decision because if you take a look at the left bottom you will see auto suggest images and videos before you click on create scenes you have to make sure that this is set to the correct settings because you'll see free eye stock and premium I myself as you can see right there I've got a premium account online video which means that I don't have any watermarks I don't have any limits and I've got the best stock footage which is very important because if you're using these free stock images and videos your video quality is going to be much lower so you do not want that because of that what I recommend you do is click on eye stock and premium before before you click on create scenes so that you're going to get the best potential video I've ticked these boxes I can now click on create scenes as you can see on the right hand side it is now setting up our project which means it's creating our entire faceless video by using AI technology as you can see it's almost done depending on your script this might take a minute might take two minutes but it should be done fairly quickly and there you go this is the storyboard tab on here you'll see your video which is now entirely generated by using AI technology so what Nvidia has done they've taken your script and they've matched videos to the script so for example I'm talking about Amsterdam and as you can see the video in the background is indeed Amsterdam now in case you don't like the videos that are automatically selected don't worry we can very easily change that and that is full guide I'll show you step by step how to do that I want you to know that you can customize pretty much everything you can change the text at logos duplicate scenes change the images videos whatever it is which will now show you how how to do so on here we've got the storyboard tab which basically means we've got the entire script on the left hand side as well as the videos on the right hand side however we also have the editor tab which is where you can basically edit the entire video at once as well as the collaborate tab which is where you can work on the video together with your teammates in case you have them for now I'll go back to the storyboard and show you how you can start editing this video I recommend starting off with scene number one which you can see in the scenes tab did you know that Amsterdam has more canals than Venice the background clip I do not really like I think this can be much better especially because in video has more than 8 million stock footage clips from premium sources like Shutterstock and eye stock which always get you high quality in fact what is funny is that if you were to pay for these stock footage platforms on yourself you'll be paying more than Nvidia would cost you which is pretty funny to see so that's something I like but how do we change this so you can click on videos in the left hand menu and then you can search for anything you'd like for example Amsterdam click search and then as you can see it is now going to load up all of these clips from Amsterdam what you can then do is simply choose the one you would like so you can simply hover on it to get a little preview and then what you can do is simply select this and then drag it into the layer so this clip right there looks absolutely stunning from eye stock I'm going to select this and then I'm going to drag it into media layer 1. what you can do now is trim this so for example if you only want the first two seconds to show up simply drag this to the two second Mark and then you should be good however I'm gonna stick to five seconds and then customize the length later on by using in video in the bottom right corner which you can see right here so I now have that clip in the background fantastic however we still have the text in the middle I do not like that so what I'm going to do is simply select it and then I'm going to drag it down to the bottom center bottom per perfect because that is how people view content if you look at the TVs Netflix YouTube captions whatever it is it's always in the center middle so we're going to do the same with our video right here the text that shows up as of right now is the default text however if you go right there you can change the text color and the opacity for example if you want yellow text what you can do is simply Slide the color palette to Yellow put it right there and then as you can see we now have yellow text what you can do as well is change the font so you can click right there and change it to any of these fonts they've got a ton of them available for example if this one might seem cool simply click on it and as you can see it will change insanely easy to do you can also change the font size if it's a bit big and you want to change it to 48 simply click on 48 and there you go you're not done so what you can see already is that in video is extremely easy to use it's kind of drag and drop editing which makes it really accessible for anyone to start creating faceless videos what you can do as well is simply drag this out so that you can get it to one line so that it's even easier to read and follow along but that really depends on whatever it is that you like basically set you can customize it to any style that you might like before I continue editing my entire video what I want you to know is that you can change the scene duration so as you can see it is currently set to five minutes however if I simply make this four just like that or free the clip is now going to be three seconds you want to make sure that you use this accurately so that you can set the pacing of the video this is really important because if every single clip is going to be 10 seconds but it only needs to be two it's going to be extremely boring and the pacing is not going to be right which means you're going to get less watch time on your videos and less engagement so in video has the feature where you can change the scene duration make sure you use it is really important then how do you add the logo it's not by clicking on this logo right here in fact you want to go on the left hand menu click on Logo click right there and then you can upload a custom logo simply select your file it's then going to upload you can then select it and then as you can see right there it is now adding my Channel logo in the top right corner in case you don't like it and you want to get rid of it you can simply click delete just like that click delete and it will then be gone what's possible as well is duplicating a scene if you simply click on duplicate scene it is simply going to create another scene like the first one or the one that you selected which is pretty easy to use as well as you can see we've got number one and then number two show up right here I've shown you the basics however there is so much more for you to make a great video from this so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna go through the scenes and show you step by step how you can change the clip how to make sure it's a good one change the text and basically everything you need to do in order to create an amazing faceless YouTube video but actually before that if you like what you see so far I'll leave a link to in video in the description down below with the code yvh25 you can get a 25 discount on any paid in video plan which allows you to create the best faceless videos at the highest quality now this is an exclusive discount that you won't get anywhere else because I've been a dedicated Nvidia user for a while they've allowed me to share this code with my audience so that anyone can get a discount you can apply it at checkout yvh25 for 25 off in case you would like to start using in video having completed see number one I'm now going to scroll down to scene number two a red light district that's both fascinating and controversial what I'm going to do is go to videos simply click right there I'm going to search for Red Light District Amsterdam you want to be very clear with what you're searching for so that you can get the best potential video as you can see I'll now get these clips this right there doesn't seem like it this definitely does so I'm going to drag this clip and click at right there and then as you can see this is now done now what is very important like I just mentioned this clip is 12 seconds however this definitely does not need to be 12 seconds if I look at how much text there is 4C number two so what I'm going to do is simply make this about four seconds just like that much better pacing gonna do a great job for a video see number two is done let's scroll down and move on to scene number three a football club that's been dominating the Dutch league for decades they're talking about iox so what I'm going to do first of all search iox and see if they've got any videos they've got a few clips of the stadium however that is not what I'm looking for I'm looking for actual footage from the team which gives me the great opportunity to show you how you can add custom images or videos to in video it's fairly simple all you need to do is click on uploads right here and you can select your media what I'll do right now is simply search for iox just like that I'll go to images and you can also download videos from wherever you like however I'm simply going to take one of these pictures just like that I'm gonna download this go back to in video click right there click right there select the image it is then uploading as soon as that is done I can simply drag it in here just like that and it will now show up fantastic so that is how you can add a custom image or video to in video so that you can add it into your video next up we've got Scene number four we're about to reveal all the secrets of this captivating City what I recommend you do here is don't make it about the secret part make it about the study part what a lot of people do with tools like in video is they'll simply let it choose based on for example the secrets or revealing this or that but what I recommend you do is stick to the main theme of your video which in my case is Amsterdam so what I'm gonna do is search for Amsterdam and then make sure to just select a general clip from Amsterdam so that people stick within that kind of theme rather than selecting Clips based on one single word that is unrelevant to my entire video and then add the clip based on that that in my opinion is a no-go so I've added this amazing clip from this Tower right there which is going to look great in our video so far so good but what happens if there's too much text in one single scene as you can see scene number five has quite a lot of text did you know that in Amsterdam there's a bike parking garage that can hold up to 12.5 K bicycles amazing however there's too much text what you can do is simply click right here within the text box and then what you can do is split it up as you can see it says split text at cursor which is fantastic so what you can now do is simply go right there did you know that in Amsterdam add a few dots click split text add cursor and there you go what you can now do is make these two separate ones which you can see right here so we now have the you know that in Amsterdam with the dots and then after that we should get there is a bike parking garage that can hold up to 12.5 K bicycles I'm also gonna make this put to the center that looks a bit better to me so what I've now done I've taken text that was too much and then split it up into two parts which makes it easier for the viewer to read apart from that you can also duplicate the text box or you can entirely remove it by clicking on duplicate or remove at the top right corner of that specific text box so for this one what I'm going to do is upload a custom image the reason for that you want to make sure you do that is because it's relevant there's a specific bike parking garage that we're talking about so what I'm going to do right here is search for that one which is called the feeds flat then what you need to do is download a video or a picture from this so that you can then insert this so I'm going to take this one right here of course make sure that you're aware of copyright issues click upload go for the process we're going to take this drag it in here perfect if I now play this what you'll see is that first of all it's going to say did you know that in Amsterdam and then we're gonna get hit with the second part of this specific text box which is fantastic I really like this feature as it allows you to make it look better even though there's a lot of text that would have been on the screen now as you can see this picture might not fit in the best way possible so you can click on crop right there click best fit and if for example you can zoom in on this specific part and then click on done and this will now change which is pretty cool in case that still doesn't work you can click on fit type you can then click on crop the screen or stretch the screen I recommend doing crop as it usually is better however that is how you can make it fit into the video perfectly apart from that what is cool as well is that you can flip images or videos which you can see right here horizontal or even vertical let's go with this one right there this is the original we'll go with this one and as you can see we've now flipped it we can also add effects simply click right here on the left hand side you'll then get all sorts of effects which is pretty cool to see you can add a blur you can change the angle distance and opacity you also have blending which you can see right there so you've got the normal mode multiply screen overlay which you can see right there a lot of stuff will change as well as special effects right here so for example you've got 80 videos effect which you can simply click on and as you can see this will then entirely change you've got Aurora which are these little Flames which is pretty cool if you want to preview it simply click on play right here and that's what it looks like it doesn't fit this kind of video very well in case you want to get rid of that what you can do is click on this Arrow which is going to take you to the previous version just like that and then finally you've got animations if you click on the type in the top left corner you can choose any of these and they've got so many they've pretty much created every single possibility which is great you you've got a fade and then you can make it go in from left from left big from right from right big from up up big from down from down big you can see they've got every single possibility combination that you might want so this is fantastic as well simply click right here and there you go you've just added this you can also change the duration of that specific fade in for example set it to one second and there you go that is now done you can click on in place and you can make it pen zoom in or out whatever it is they've got it available right here fantastic so far we've created five scenes in our faceless video which we can check by simply clicking right there and then we can preview it what you can also do to make that easier is go to the editor and you've got your entire project right here if you then click on the play icon right there you're gonna get to see a preview from your video hopefully this preview is good already however if it is not you can always change it to make it much better all you need to do for that is simply click on the specific scene so for example this is scene number four on the right hand side you'll then see the clip as well as the text which you can simply change or start editing so do know that you can do all of that in the storyboard as well as the editor section in order to add music all you need to do is go back to the storyboard then click on music which you can find on the left hand side and then all of the songs available will show up what is great is that in video because you've got the paid plan in case you now do you can use all of this without getting into any problems in terms of copyright you know sometimes uploading videos to YouTube and you take the wrong song they will copyright strike you which is not good for your Channel all of the songs that show up right here you can use without getting into trouble what you can do is simply find these songs based on category so angry serious playful inspiring set relaxing or you can search you can also filter on genre as well as sound effects so I really like that they've got sound effects I'm pretty sure they're only online video tool like this that have sound effects included in their music or audio library so that right there is a really really cool feature for example let's say you're editing your video and you need an alarm sound you can simply add those right here and they've got a ton available so that right there is fantastic however when it comes to General music go to moods and then simply search so for example we'll go with relaxing for this video it's a travel video so a relaxing song should be good and then as you can see I can preview these songs right here simply click right there on this button and as you can see that will then start playing in case I would like to add this as you can see click to add as a layer this will replace all background music in this project click yes because that's what you want to do and there you go the selected music was added to the video If you then go back to the editor you can find that song right here which then shows up and is done in your video you can once again also trim that so let's say you only want that music for the first four songs just like that you can then trim it extremely easy to do but Nvidia has one of the best if not the best music library as well as sound effects they've got so many available you can see ten thousand four thousand five thousand they've got thousands and thousands of songs available for you to use on your videos now what if you're not sure how something works for example I wanna make this way less text but I don't know how or what to do what can I do there's actually a button in the bottom right corner which is the live chat button in video has 24 7 support as you you can see right there so all you need to do is press that button and then simply ask a question for example hi Kenny how can I remove text if there's too much text in just one scene as you can see Kenny right there is already typing he says Hey there you would have to go into the storyboard then create a new scene just after the one having too much text and then from the left copy the extra text and paste it into the new one created there you go as you can see I now figured out my problem by using the 24 7 support which is fantastic so we've now added our script which we've turned into a video they've automatically added all of the captions we've then changed all the clips so that everything looks nice we've added background music you would say we're almost done and you'd be right to say so however there is one important big thing missing a voice over so how do you add a voiceover to your video on in video it's actually pretty simple let me demonstrate how this works if you're in the storyboard what you'll see is the voiceover appears right here add voice over in editor so you want to go to the editor which automatically happens if you click on voiceover and then as you can see there are four options we've got automated text-to-speech which is basically an AI voice we've got import from uploads meaning you can import it from your uploads that you've already done you can upload your voiceover files if you've never uploaded this file before you can now upload it to Nvidia or you can record the voiceover live right now so for example if I click and I will read out the text loud it wouldn't capture that and then add it to that specific part of the video however if you click automated text to speech what will happen is you load up all of these voiceovers so you can select the type realistic now this is new and this will get you the best quality voiceover which is going to be better than the Legacy one so make sure you select realistic from there on you can choose pretty much any language that you like the video to be in and from there on you choose the voice over that you would like to go with for example if I like to go with Maxwell I can click Max as well I can then click generate voiceover I'll demonstrate what it sounds like in a bit and it's now generating the voice over now what you want to do is click this box right here add automated vo for all scenes this will make sure that the voiceover gets automatically created for every single part of your video so click right there and then that should be done and there you go as you can see we've just added another layer which is the voice over layer did you know a red light district and a football we're about to so on here you can basically see your text and this is then the voiceover for that specific part of the text however I did not do anything of this all of the text right there in the voiceovers showed up automatically because I just clicked on add voice over to all the scenes so it automatically generated all of that right there which is fantastic if you want to remove it all you need to do is Select it click backspace and then as you can see it will then disappear so if I go back to voiceover I can also record the voice over just like that as you can see I need to give of permission to do so click allow right there if I then click record so I simply go back to the beginning click record right here recording begins in and I'll actually do this live did you know that Amsterdam has more canals than Venice a red light district is both fascinating and controversial and a football club has been dominating the Dutch league for decades simply click right there and as you can see I have now generated my voice over click on add in case you want to add this if it's good simply drag it over to where it should be you can also trim this in case you had a few seconds in the beginning that were quiet just like that and there you have it our entire video is now finished we've got everything a good video needs so now we need to download it keep in mind if you've still got the free plan on in video this will have watermarks and limitations so I do recommend upgrading just like me I've got the Premium plan so that I can export my video by clicking in the top right corner at 1080p which is full HD which is the best video quality simply click export right there and then as you can see in the bottom left corner here my video is now rendering depending on your video length this might take a few minutes and then it should be done now what's even better is that if you've just generated your video for YouTube size what you can do after that is Click right here 16x9 it's going to open up this menu and you can change the sizing with your existing video for example if I want to turn my video into vertical so I can use it for YouTube shorts Tick Tock Instagram reels all that good stuff all I need to do is click on 9x16 and as you can see my video isn't even gonna change so what I can now do is simply get it into the right formats just like that so I'll just change the font size for example as well as the scene and then by doing so basically what happens is that you can now use that entire video as you can see right here just like that and then place it wherever you want it and you can then turn this into a short or an Instagram reel or a tick tock video Simply go scene by scene just like you would have done otherwise and as you can see you will then generate your entire video in a different format which is pretty easy to do from there on all you need to do is simply click download once again then it's going to download your video in full HD if you've got the Premium plan in this specific format rather than 16x9 so just a nice little feature I wanted to show you as well did you know that Amsterdam has more canals than Venice a red light district that's both fascinating and controversial and a football club that's been dominating the Dutch league for decades however the AI text the video is not the only way you can make videos with this platform if you go back to the dashboard what you'll find is templates they have over 5 000 different templates that you can customize with this you can also create videos in a bit I'll show you how you can make General videos by using these kind of templates as well as make YouTube intros YouTube outros YouTube shorts whatever it is that you need so this is going to be very useful too in order to do that simply head over to the template section then what you can do is search in the top right corner for a specific keyword or you can scroll down and you can filter by type or industry for example if you need a slideshow template you can click right there and of course is then going to filter on slideshow templates and you can do the same with all of these so intros motion posters out throws logo reveals Trends tutorials whatever it is right simply tick the box and as you can see if I just do tutorial you're now going to get the tutorial templates which is pretty cool then if you want to do this for YouTube Simply click landscape and then as you can see all of these templates will now be made for YouTube specifically make these healthy drinks in under two minutes so as you can see this is a fantastic looking template in terms of quality in terms of colors whatever it is you can then open it up by simply clicking on it and then selecting the format which in this case is landscape and as you can see the entire template will then show up in the video editor which you're already aware of if I now click play this is what our current template looks like make these healthy drinks in under two minutes number one bubble gums movie blend frozen strawberries a banana half car blah blah so you can see as of right now I'm having trouble to read everything that it says in that box so for example what you can undo is Select it then you can simply drag this longer so that it's going to be easier to read let's see if we can follow along now so we're gonna get the bubble gums movie blend frozen strawberries a banana half cup rolled oats dates and a cup of milk so we can now read that maybe make it even a little bit more so that everyone can read it and then we can keep customizing this so what I want to show you now is how you can customize an entire template so that you can turn this into a video which actually looks good so for that what you need to do is use the top right section so what you can see is that the template itself is already built out if you then click on these templates what you'll see in the top right corner is elements elements is basically what your video exists off so for this template we've got text boxes we've got background Clips we can add a logo we can basically do all of that right I'm just going to get rid of the logo for now and there you go so currently this is our scene now the background clip in my opinion already looks pretty nice I like the colors it's definitely fits the vibe very well however let's say that my title is a bit different so for example it's not going to take two minutes but it's going to take 10 minutes how do you fix that so what you can do is simply select this here it's going to show up here double click just like that and you can customize the text so for example if it's 10 minutes instead of two simply type in in under 10 minutes and there you go that then works if we're not going to make healthy drinks but we're gonna make Health smoothies for example simply type that in there and that's how you can customize pretty much anything what you'll now notice is that this box will cover the text right there so what you can either do is change the font size just like that or maybe it should be 88 no that's already too much so I'll make it 80 and there you go it now fits let's drag this so that it becomes a bit bigger and there you go now it fits again or you can simply drag this box somewhere else or this text basically everything is drag and drop like you've already seen any normal video editor so we've now got this part as the beginning we got the clip we've got the text boxes coming in with the text then we'll head right into this so these are going to be the instructions or the actual information in the videos which is going to be easy to read Because I adjusted the length we probably have to do the same here so that people can follow along so once again I'll select it I'll take the end part and then I'll drag it out so it's going to be easier to follow along we'll make it about eight seconds then go to the next scene and see if the information fits there it's easy to read probably going to has the same problem so we'll drag this one out to about eight or nine seconds as well and there we go and this is how you can start customizing your entire video from here on it works exactly the same so what you can do is Select it go to videos and then you can change the background videos if you'd like for example if I simply select this as you can see it's going to turn into this we've got this video right here which is selected here as well under the elements section but if I want let's say a smoothie clip because we're going to make smoothies I'll simply search Force movies the videos aren't going to load just like it would in the AI texted video part and then what you can do from here is choose any of these clips for example this one drag it in here then select replace don't select add as a layer select replace then you can trim it so for example if you want the first three seconds to show up or for example you want this part of the video to show up simply click add and then from here on it's going to add this video instead of the one in the template so all the templates are already finished however you can customize all of the templates based on your liking and that is with text the colors pretty much anything if I don't want the text right here to be kind of like orange what you can do is go over here text color you can make it black whatever it is right you can customize everything by using all of the stuff that I just showed you inside the elements editor that is just one video however there are so many different templates let me show you this template right there but it's going to be perfect for a listical video we've all seen these videos on YouTube about the top five XYZ water slides animals whatever it is these get millions and millions of views if I simply click play on this template what you'll see is that this is a template for the five deadliest snakes of the world number one the king cobra we've got a picture it's animated we've got text we can then read out that text and that is going to go to number two it's all skilled Viper same thing we've got the picture the animation and the information with the text number three the inland taipan so you can see this is a very very cool format which is just one of them that is extremely easy to put together as well as customize for example if we play this right here on the right hand side we'll find the elements if I simply click pause as you can see we now have all of the text we've got the texture overlay as well as the picture so if I just hit play just right there you can simply select the element which in this case is the snake if you don't want the snake you can remove it and add something else for example if you're doing the five deadliest water slides in the world whatever it is right if that even exists you can simply insert that by either taking a video or an image and then inserting that right here so this is basically these the exact same process from what I just showed you however it's a very easy and cool way to make videos because you can choose a template simply customize it and everything will be done so if you're not that great at video editing or choosing Clips or whatever it is this is going to be for you because all you need to do is find the right template for you to use simply change the text and then you're done what you can also do from here is the same as with AI text to video is voiceovers so for example all of this stuff right there there's a lot of text simply click voiceover automated text-to-speech click generate voiceover and that voiceover will then be generated for the entire format so if I simply click on that right there as you can see it's not going to say the five deadliest snakes let's see off the world just like that so this is extremely useful and very good in terms of getting videos done quickly with a nice format this is just one of them let me now show you how you can put together YouTube shorts so what I've done I basically went to the library which you can do by going to dashboard templates and then searching right here and I search for shorts just like that you'll then get all of these formats to show up for you these are extremely easy to customize for example we've got all of these videos right there in a bit I'll show you how you can use this to make a motivational short which for example right here has over 174 000 likes which is pretty insane but this is extremely easy to use if I simply play this for you you can see they simply have a background clip they put text in the middle they put their name up on the screen right there and then they reveal the answer and that is it this gets millions and millions of use which is extremely easy to put together with in video I'll quickly play this template for you this is more of an informational based one as you can see monetize a YouTube channel free tips and then they're going to go into tip number one which we've got these background Clips as well as text then we've got clip number two or tip number two I should say this is c number three with another tip another tip and then the outro so what you can do once again to customize this simply select it the elements will show up so for example if this is going to be a different kind of tip so for example not master SEO but monster let's say ads just like that you type in ads you then change the information based on that make your ads convert well for example make your ads convert well just like that we're now customizing everything for example the media if that's not good we can go to images maybe we can type in Facebook ads if that shows up or whatever it is that we'd like simply add that right here so they don't have that many Clips or pictures all Facebook ads this could work simply drag that in there click replace and there you go you get the point by now it's extremely easy to start customizing and editing these templates which makes it very easy for you to make these videos the example I just showed you is even easier I found this template right here by simply going to the market and then searching for motivational video just like that where motivational videos for YouTube you'll find all of these templates right there that work out insanely well this is a good one this is a good one you can see it's proven to work millions and millions of views so what I now need to do is change the background clip if I choose to if I like this one already I can simply continue to use it and then all I need to do is simply change the quote that I have so if you simply generate 100 quotes with chat gbt and you simply change the quote from here you paste it you paste it you paste it you paste it you can literally generate hundreds of shorts in just an hour it's going to be insane I just told chat jbt give me a motivational quote I'll take this right here simply go to back to in video click in the text box remove this paste my quote and there you go if I then click right there as you can see my code is now there which is fantastic so it is extremely easy and fast to do I can now render this video and I've got a short I can do that 100 times and generate 100 shorts in literally 60 minutes it's gonna be insane and then finally for example for your YouTube video if you type in YouTube intro you'll find tons over 1200 templates that you can use to generate introductions for your YouTube channel and a lot of these are pretty cool for example this right there would be perfect if you've got a gaming channel all you need to do once again click on it click use template it will send you into the video editor and this is where you can start customizing it I'll quickly play the template for you so that you can see what it looks like as you can see this will indeed be perfect for your gaming channel it's gonna say loading whatever it is you can then put up your channel name your logo whatever it is right this is pretty cool to see a very easy to generate what you would do is simply click right here so that the elements show up your name is not this one but you simply insert your name in my case Yuri just like that I'm not a professional streamer but let's say I make reaction videos you can say I'm here to make you smile for example just like that picture that's not me so I will go to this right here I can simply go to images or uploads I should go to take this picture drag it in here click replace and there we go and that's how you can customize your intro you would then also export this the exact same way so you can see how easy it is to start generating videos and customize them with over 5000 templates available on in video all the templates that I just showed you and how to make them are all available for you allowing you to get normal videos done YouTube shorts done in just a matter of minutes making video creation accessible for pretty much anyone out there but before I show you the final result I want you to know that there's a link in the description down below if you want to get started with in video this video took a lot of time to make so I would appreciate it if you click on the link in the description down below and in case you would like to start using a video I've got a discount code for you which is yvh25 which allows you to get a 25 discount on any in video plan which is an exclusive discount I got from in video because I've been a dedicated user and I can now share that with my audience which is fantastic you can also go to the official in video YouTube channel to watch tons of great videos about how to use in video to start YouTube channels and do a lot of more cool stuff so I'll leave a link with a discount as well as their channel in the description down below so that you can get started and learn more now with that being said here's an end result of a video generated with in video Welcome to Amsterdam the vibrant City known for its Rich history stunning architecture and world-class attractions first on your list should be a visit to the iconic Anne Frank house where you can immerse yourself in the story of this courageous young girl take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque canals and Marvel at the Charming Gable houses that line the streets indulge in the mouth-watering Dutch Cuisine by visiting local restaurants like the Cass where you can Savor farm fresh ingredients in a greenhouse setting for a unique dining experience head to the Supper Club where you can enjoy a delicious meal while lounging on plush white beds experience the vibrant nightlife by exploring the trendy bars and clubs in the Lively lightset plane area welcome to Amsterdam the vibrant city known for its Rich history starting architecture and world-class attractions first on the list should be a visit to the iconic Anna Frank house where you can immerse yourself in the story of this courageous young girl if you've got any questions about in video let me know in the comment section down below I'll try and help you out and leave a like on the video thank you and then I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Youri van Hofwegen
Views: 68,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invideo text to video, text to video, invideo, invideo tutorial, text to video ai, how to use invideo, how to use invideo text to video, text to video ai free, invideo review, article to video converter, convert text to video, text to video converter, invideo article to video, text to video ai generator, ai video generator, invideo tutorial text to video, invideo ai, ai video editing, article to video, text to video software, ai video, how to make faceless videos
Id: -D15CwQ_jWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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