Investment Opportunities in a Recession - Robert Kiyosaki, Doug Casey

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well it's it's going to be a tremendous transfer of wealth in the next few years hello hello Robert kiyosuke radio show we're broadcast the good news and bad news about money and we're broadcasting from Scottsdale Arizona where it's either heaven or hell and right now June that's getting close to hell right now but it's a dry heat we have a very special show today longtime friend uh an authority in his field most respected and uh man I listened to he and I have shared the stage in many parts of the world together and I go to learn from this man this man is Doug Casey he's the author of Crisis investing and he's known as international Man and every time I talk to Doug I've got to ask him where in the world are you doc welcome to the Rich Dad show thanks Robert it's a pleasure to be here with you um I flew up from Uruguay where I am about half the year either Uruguay or Argentina last week and I'm now on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia good for you good for you anyway I could I could I love this I love South America and the people there sometimes I'm going to get back to work here what I was saying to Rick Roll another person I respect immensely it's kind of the theme song of people like you and me were kind of hard ass with guys I like gold and silver you know I don't trust my government that much and I don't save money I save gold and silver because it's liquid in other words if I need cash I just come out of silver or gold fast and I'm Into Cash and I was talking to a wreck about why do people hang on to cash what I think was it you that said they're guaranteed their inflation is at seven percent and they're paying you three percent or something why would you hang on to it inertia uh on the part of most people and lack of knowledge on the part of most people uh the the US dollar is an IOU nothing on the part of the U.S government and the US government itself is bankrupt at this point we're headed for really really serious trouble uh and and that's I do exactly what you do Robert when it comes to saving as opposed to investing or speculating when it comes to saving I buy gold coins and silver coins put them aside and forget it forget it exactly they'll be there if I need them or want them for some reason I remember everybody um Doug when I was about 25 years old silver was 50 an ounce today is 35 an ounce or about approximately four coin and I'm going why don't you buy more of it you know people go now I'd rather have the US dollar I'm going holy Miracle see my opinion on the speculation side I think silver is most and by the way we're not an investment company we're like Richard doesn't make recommendations but right now I'm looking at Silver and my teeth are getting soft going holy mackerel what an opportunity but people rather hang on to the dollar yeah I completely agree a little bit of history on Silver that you're very familiar with as well but uh back in the late 60s uh before Johnson took it out of uh dimes quarters and half dollars 90 cents an ounce and it ran up to fifty dollars and uh the last time it was a real bargain wasn't about 2001 when it was trading at four and a quarter dollars an ounce which is to say cheaper than it was back in the late 60s now it's about twenty two dollars and I think it's an excellent bargain it's not a freebie it's not a giveaway anymore but it's a great place to uh to put aside Capital Federal for upside I think at the moment right and I said you know I have friends with millions in cash and they don't need the cash I said why don't you put some of it into silver and gold coins no you know they'll put them in a long-term treasury as I go are you nuts well it's going to be a tremendous transfer of wealth in the next few years I think from the people that are doing what we recommend uh Capital comes to us and it's going to come and it's going to uh leave people that are doing conventional things we live in unconventional times so no um I I completely agree with you and I guess both of us uh speculate in small mining stocks uh which most people don't even know exist and aren't aren't something for most people because they're so volatile and it's such a specialist area and it takes takes a lot of um specialized knowledge for them but uh that's the leverage way to play gold and silver yeah so you know like when I was younger we were all younger there was uh was it James Brown the uh singer he was called The Godfather of Soul I sometimes refer to you and uh Rick rule is the Godfather of gold because I look to you for not so much why to buy gold and silver but you guys are macro guys I mean you're watching you are traveling the world constantly you see what's going on and I talk to most people you know they they were born in Scottsdale and they'll die in Scottsdale that's all they ever see yeah that's true that's true most people actually I had an opportunity uh just last week Believe It or Not uh to uh go to Equatorial Guinea with a few friends uh very few Outsiders have been there uh I passed on the opportunity for a number of reasons but uh I like uh crazy countries like that because I like on Level Playing Fields uh if I went to equity if I had gone to Equatorial Guinea and I was looking crazy place but if I'd gone there and I was looking for opportunities I'd be on an on Level Playing Field where I'd have more Capital more knowledge better connections uh than most of the people there which would give me an advantage here in the United States I'm just one of 300 million other people right and you've you've won the law oh I don't know we still say it but a while ago you said if you are 25 you'd go to Africa uh I would for just the reason that I just said uh I like to be um a commodity is unusual and in demand and the fact is is that a young guy who's got something on the ball who has something to offer something to say or woman or woman or lbgt would be politically correct here Rick well not much I hope but uh it's possible in most of these countries in Africa if you have something to say and something to offer uh to be sitting down with the uh with the president within a month and that opens up other opportunities because unfortunately most of these countries in Africa are very very political and things are uh uh they're less commercial than we are here you've got to have connections uh in Africa but still that's uh if I was a young guy yes I'd go to Africa yeah so let me a quick question how did you get into this business here known as the international Man you travel the world you're basically a soldier of fortune it's what I would call you well you know that's why I decided to get into the novel writing business Robert it's that uh a lot of people will read novels that won't read non-fiction books and um uh my first novel uh it's called Speculator about a uh a young guy just out of high school that gets lucky in a Mining stock decides to go to West Africa to check it out and gets involved in a a bush war with boy soldiers and all the rest of it right so um uh this is why Jim Rogers I don't know if you've had Jim on your show or not yes good friend yeah absolutely well one of his books is called Adventure capitalist and I'm very sympathetic to that the idea of sitting in a behind a computer screen all day is um it's much more fun to get out get out in the field and meet people yeah I don't know how people can sit there and trade the s p you know I'm going holy mackerel get a life you know so how did you how did you um what what was that where were you born and what twigged you to get out of wherever you were born and travel the world I mean what was the spark well I was born in Cicero Illinois which is a suburb of Chicago and uh basically grew up in and around Chicago and uh I made a mistake After High School uh to uh go to college something I don't recommend for people but it took me to Washington DC oh I went to misallocated four years of time and a bunch of money at Georgetown University um and uh I spent my junior year at Georgetown abroad in Switzerland traveled all around Europe and uh realized that uh the U.S may think it's the center of the world but we're not no America is only four percent of the world's population and uh just a bit more of that of the land area so uh I think you owe it to yourself to see all that you possibly can and uh in fact I think the last book non-fiction book that I'm going to write I'm in process of writing now is tentatively called Renaissance Man intended for younger people how to be do and have everything that you want in the world what you should do with the time that you normally spend in college drinking beer and chasing girls nothing wrong with drinking beer and chasing girls but you can do that anywhere you don't have to spend a lot of money and sit in back of a desk uh observing twaddle from left-wing professors so I have to get that editorial in there today because the higher education system in fact the entire education system in the United States uh is in good measure responsible for the corruption of women today wokism FYI is as we speak right now last summer I spent the seven weeks training teaching at Barrett honors program at Arizona State University so I brought all my entrepreneurial friends about my oil gallon my water guys I brought my own cattle guys in they're the real we we invest in Commodities so I brought my real capitalists in there to teach them about how we trade something outside of paper and my my I'm so hardcore I'm that if you can print it I don't want it you know that's how hardcore I am that's fantastic Robert and a young person instead of going to college for a year should spend a month taking a course learning how to build a house spend a couple of months on a ranch learning how to deal with beef cows spend another couple months on a farm learning how to how to grow things I mean that's what people should be doing during their college Years right Doug's one second so the students were ecstatic 37 professors came after me that's fantastic Robert absolutely totally agree with you I'll I'll the fight's still go it's almost a year they're still attacking their marxists I mean they're hardcore marxists so that's what the but I want to get back the reason I want to we can talk about gold silver and all this stuff in cbdc but I like your philosophy because the school I went to I went to school for a whole year traveling the world and on Merchant ships and you it's you can't come home if that makes sense to you high school friends and they're still high school friends smoking pot drinking chasing girls surfing and they don't grow up there's no education like getting out on your own uh on the road meeting different people every day in different places instead of sitting behind a desk listening to what I would call mostly unqualified people talk about irrelevant or or even destructive things so we're on the same page totally amen amen amen one quick War Stories one of my first stops was in Vietnam 19 years old on a bomb carry a victoryship carrying 500 750 and thousand Palm bombs to Cameron Bay and I'm I'm walking around this guy says you want to meet a Viet Khan what did you introduce you guys sat down had a beer you know it was a lot brother talking to my professor and he explained to me what they were fighting for do you know what I mean Doug that was priceless Priceless and he was just as committed as I was and then three years later I came back as a marine Gunship pilot helicopters I was going to fight him but you know that's real life and those those are when I heard you say you would if you're a 25 you'd go back to Africa I that's kind of what I wanted to talk about because a lot of our audience are young men right now probably under 50. and they're kind of wondering what's happening to their life and they should invest in crypto or s p or go to school whatever it is but there's a whole world out there Doug and it's one of the most exciting times in world history I mean would you agree with that yeah it is also a dangerous time of world history but unquestionably you have to go out and do stuff and by doing things uh it will hopefully allow you to have things and by having things it'll give you the time to uh be things uh read more books things of that nature so it's it's a it's a circle between B do and have the three most important verbs in any language and it starts with do you have to get out there and do things get out on the road hey Doug what's it's time for a break when we come back we're going more into it but I really want to get that out because we have a lot of young young men and young women right now who are wondering what's going on in the world where do I go or go as you say go into the world it's an exciting time exactly as a dangerous time we'll be right back [Music] Today's Show is sponsored by gold Alliance if you're concerned about high inflation looming recession a troubled banking system or out of control spending in Washington this is an important message to hear because the fact is during every major crisis in U.S history many of those who failed to prepare watch their savings Investments or retirement funds go down while many with the foresight to own gold helped preserve their purchasing power gold even made some folks richer now we're facing several major crises at once and experts say we may soon face even more economic trouble so please don't wait learn the simple way you can diversify with gold and put yourself on the road to financial peace of mind even in uncertain times the new free 2023 goal guide from our friends at Gold Alliance can show you how just visit Robert or call 1-800-473-4585 Republican governor and conservative commentator says gold Alliance is the only gold provider he recommends to his friends and family find out why and visit Robert or call now at [Music] 1-800-473-4585 Robert recently tweeted that we're in the biggest bubble in world history and may God have mercy on us all after two of the largest U.S banks collapsed in March many believe a widespread banking crisis is coming for years Robert warned us to invest in real assets like gold silver and Bitcoin for protection against Financial storms like the one we're experiencing today brilliant investors are adding to his list by investing in the 1.2 trillion dollar Diamond market with the world's first and only regulator approved Diamond commodity each Diamond standard coin contains a mathematically identical value of ethically sourced diamonds with a unique electronic signature so it can be traded instantly Forbes says that the diamond standard coin inherits the best features of gold and Bitcoin and when Diamond standard eventually offers an ETF diamond prices could rise 300 to 500 percent just like they did with gold the financial time says diamonds are worth more than Silver Platinum Palladium and rhodium combined it's a neglected resource that investors couldn't touch as each diamond is different until now and just like Robert says there is gold everywhere most people are not trained to see it see This brilliant investment at that's Buy feeling powerless over current events and your financial future Financial Freedom is your freedom Robert Kiyosaki is the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad over 40 million people have taken Robert's advice now it's your turn attend Roberts free virtual wealth building event claim your free access now at don't wait access is limited go to that's welcome back radio show we're having a long time friend I look up to you and respect is Doug Casey author of Crisis investing he also what are some of the other books you've written on the non-fiction but you cannot tell the story of the facts via fiction right well the the first book I wrote was the international Man that I wrote that in 1977 and uh talk talking about Africa I was in Rhodesia which is now called Zimbabwe right during the war that they had there and uh went to a publisher in Harare which is that was then called Salisbury we got along and he published my first book the international Man in Rhodesia became the largest selling book in the history of Rhodesia that's a record that's never going to be broken because the country doesn't exist anymore but uh that's the kind of thing that you can do in a country like that so I hope we get paid in Zim dollars did you well Back Then There Were Rhodesian dollars and they were actually worth more than the US dollar uh it used to be a very nice country richest country around in Africa one time absolutely I uh it was a delightful place but it's uh been totally devastated uh over the years it's it's too bad but um I've been back probably four or five times uh since uh since those days in fact one of the things that um I almost did in Rhodesia there was a uh a hotel that was built like a castle it was a castle actually that was built right on the border with Mozambique and uh during the War I could have bought it for 85 000 and that would have included a nine-hole golf course a coffee plantation and uh about a hundred hectares of beautiful land right there in the vumba mountains on the border and I thought about it because I actually had eighty five thousand dollars back then but if I bought it it would have changed my whole life but here's here's what happened that was that was back in 1978 later when I went back in 1986 that place had changed hands for 13 million dollars so it's possible if you buy when blood is literally running in the streets I didn't do it should have could have would have would have changed the whole course of my life if I had I could have sold it to whoever bought it for 13 million dollars later on so opportunities like that if you stick your nose into places uh turn up and that's what I think they want to talk to you about is today we're in this world of turmoil and we don't make recommendations and all this stuff but I see massive opportunity you know like you know like I look at Silver it used to be fifty dollars today it's under 30. and I would buy that uh the cbdc what are your thoughts on that Central Bank digital currencies it's going to be a complete disaster and it's all the more reason why you should have Capital that's important to you your savings in the form of physical gold and silver these cbdcs are are digital money uh and of course the average American will think it's great he can do everything on his iPhone uh on his digital phone but they'll be able to debit or credit your account on your phone depending on whether they like you or they don't like you or depending on what they think the economy needs or doesn't need so this is uh you know money is the most uh it money represents everything you want to have and provide forever for others everything you want to do in the future you can't do it without Capital you need money and when the government controls your money not you but the government it it means that you're essentially being turned into a serve now here in the U.S we're serfs with a high standard of living but I don't like being a serf under any circumstances low standard of living or high standard living so again what would what would you recommend people invest in I mean not that we do it but just what are your suggestions what are you looking at these days well investing is becoming in my opinion harder and harder because the stock market is is going up and down like an elevator with a lunatic at the controls because of the huge amounts of money trillions of dollars that are being created by the fed and pumped into the economy which is creating all kinds of distortions on value um one of the things so it's mainly a matter of yeah I like the idea of investing because the idea with investing is you you plant a seed and you grow an ear of corn and you create real wealth by investing but that's becoming harder and harder today so we're moving into the world of the Speculator and a Speculator is different from an investor a Speculator is somebody that um tries to capitalize on politically caused distortions in the market if we lived in a free market society which we don't a Speculator would be out of business because there wouldn't be a lot of distortions to capitalize on but today there's plenty of them one thing that I'm doing now I'll just mention this this is I don't know if you've looked at these things or not Robert but the shipping industry uh very important industry I mean everything that comes from it's all shipped and and the average shipping company uh whether we're talking about bulk carriers or or or container ships or oil tankers the average shipping Company's stock is down over 90 percent from now previous Peak now and I don't like ETFs for a lot of reasons but in areas like this I like the diversification between a bunch of shipping companies and like uh it's possible to get in between in between 10 and 20 percent in current yield from a shipping company ETFs today very small very illiquid uh risky but I'm happy to collect 10 to 20 percent on a depressed stock but there's plenty of reason that to believe that in the future it'll go back up to even half of what it was in the past yeah I haven't said that was my background I went to U.S merch Marine Academy in New York so I drove ships well you'd be ideally you'd you'd be ideally qualified to investigate further in these individual companies have you looked at them recently uh no well when I when I once I got off my ship and I used to fly for Marine Corps once I shut the things down I was out I said I'm going to get out of here but um you know that's what that's what records is talking about is his supply chain you know I mean it's it's everything today that's what you're talking about yeah uh the world is very International I mean it used to be that we we made everything that we needed or wanted right here in the US but now most things are imported from other places in the world and uh most of it comes in on ships so the fact that shipping companies are down 90 percent from their previous Peak typically selling this is unbelievable selling at two or three times earnings and these huge dividend yields uh tells me that uh we have a rare speculative opportunity it's it's a lot like the first big hit that I I think it's a lot like the first big hit that I ever made in the stock market was back in 1976 and at that time I remembered exactly it was August of 76 there were riots in Soweto and everybody felt South Africa was going to collapse tomorrow morning and at the same time gold had just fallen from 200 an ounce to one hundred dollars an ounce and these mines look like they were in double trouble for those reasons and the short life high-cost Minds uh you could buy them and I did where yielding had current yields of an unbelievable 50 or 60 percent on their Market 50 or 60 percent in current dividend yields and from that point the dividends went up not down it's normally a high dividend yield of course it's telling you they're about to cut the dividend but I think the shipping industry may be in the same position as the gold mining industry in South Africa was back then I think also you're saying the same same I talk about is chaos as opportunity and we're going to a very chaotic time right there but you got to be smarter yeah yeah well actually Argentina which is where I live along with Oregon for half of the year uh their experience in chaos right now as we speak it's about it's close to being the cheapest country in the world if you go into a restaurant in Argentina to buy a meal I don't care what kind of meal you're talking about but let's talk about a nice sit-down restaurant it's going to cost you about a fifth to a quarter of what it costs here in the U.S and uh I like going places where things are cheap yeah it's opportunities and the same is true of apartments in Buenos Aires they're very cheap right now excellent speculation House of safety uh Argentina is not like Venezuela uh it's uh walking down the street it's actually quite safe uh you don't have to uh I think you're much safer in Buenos Aires or any other Argentine city than uh you are in a comparable American city much safer uh Buenos Aires is so gorgeous God Almighty yeah it's it's it's wonderful that's that's the place that I I think everybody should diversify themselves politically because you know as great as our financial risks are right now I think our political risks are even greater yes if you're in a position to and you should be in a position too you should diversify internationally and uh have a crib someplace else that's nice where if the going gets tough here in the U.S and Politically Incorrect and uh deplorable people such as you and I uh you have a place to go you don't want to live like a refugee final final word really quickly what do you think about the bricks you know a lot of people are talking about Russia you know Brazil Russia India China South Africa possibly Mexico China Japan what are your thoughts on the brics nation and going on the gold standard uh uh the U.S really shot itself in the foot uh by confiscating the assets of uh the Russia of Russia the government and and and Russian people uh it's they told the world that if you have money in the US dollar U.S banks uh it can be taken away from you if we decide we don't like you so that was the bell ringing to get out of the water and get out of the US dollar and the Russians and the Indians and the Iranians and the Chinese and everybody uh they don't like to have to deal you don't like us in the U.S dollar they'd rather I think what they're going to do is they're going to go back to Gold they're going to come up with because they don't trust each other's currencies any more than they trust the US dollar right so I think we're going to see gold once again used as the international numerator and I think it's going to be a considerably higher levels than it is today right and so that's why I started with the song you know you on the Eve of Destruction it's also the time for the biggest opportunities in world history I wish I could go on and on and on with you Doug but I really appreciate your wisdom you pass on to the world and you're always welcome back here on the Rich Dad show thank you Robert it's a pleasure thank you thank you [Music] this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 89,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert kiyosaki, financial education, financial literacy, doug casey, economic crisis, how to see opportunities in a recession, gold silver
Id: eqNUvMEyxAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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