Investing in Elon Musk’s next Trillion Dollar Startup (Ep. 521)

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[Music] hi it's dave so what if i told you you could invest in elon musk's next startup and that elon is convinced that this will be his biggest company yet see the reality is most people are barred from investing in the private equity markets where startups are usually funded so it would be an amazing opportunity to invest directly into an elon bus startup also it's really tough to get into the funding of certain hot startups because there's such limited space it actually reminds me of what a special opportunity tesla was to invest in 10 years ago the market cap was three and a half billion dollars compared to 850 billion today tesla was essentially a startup and for various reasons it became a public company much earlier than most companies in today's environment only a certain handful of vcs would have access to a company like tesla and they would wait probably until tesla hit a few hundred billion dollars in market cap to go public anyway so we have elon musk's new startup it's an ai humanoid robot company and rather than start it as a separate company elon is choosing to start this new company inside tesla my wife yesterday commented and she was saying wow what an amazing opportunity we get to invest in elon's next startup if this was a separate private company people would be lining up in droves for this however here's where things get a bit complicated here's a tweet from steven mark ryan that elon musk liked yesterday and it basically says tesla's real secret master plan number one convert the world to sustainable energy generation storage and supply number two dramatically expand global economy number three while doing this also solve agi don't tell anyone all right what's going on here so tesla is going through a big change in terms of mission before tesla's sole focus was to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy and elon kept his other ventures and goals separate outside of tesla for example elon has been concerned about the future of ai for a long time and the need to make sure it doesn't get into the wrong hands and that mission has been outside of tesla until recently elon is starting to incorporate the mission to steward artificial intelligence as part of tesla's mission that's why the tesla humanoid robot has become the most important product development for tesla this year so as tesla's mission evolves it poses a few challenges first there's likely going to be a transition period where people need to adjust to a new mission and a period where this mission will get more clearly articulated as well i think this is going to happen in the next year or so second existing investors in tesla will need to adjust their expectations to this new mission what this means is that this new mission is more ambitious and carries actually certain bigger risks meaning tesla and elon are shooting for something much bigger than sustainable energy which is by the way a huge market in and of itself so there can be investors who argue why not keep tesla as is and have elon create his own startup making ai robots they'll say i just want to invest in the original tesla mission and company now i've said this before but i think the biggest risk reward with investing in tesla is elon he likes to live on the edge and push the envelope he's not afraid to rile up things if need be and he'll take risks if he thinks they are warranted and this can be scary for some investors who want to see a maturing tesla company take less risks and just make more money my take i think elon is one of the most unique entrepreneurs and engineers we've ever seen and i think this is one of those special cases we just need to let him do what he thinks is right for those who hate the new direction of tesla it's probably best to rather invest in a different type of company one that is led by more of a typical ceo like an apple google microsoft or amazon it's just that as long as we have elon musk as ceo tesla won't be a typical mega cap tech company elon's got way too much startup spunk for that anyways i hope this has been helpful if it has good like and subscribe all my videos can be found as an audio podcast as well just search for dave lee on investing in your favorite podcast player i'm on twitter at heyday7 alright we'll see you guys my next video thanks
Channel: Dave Lee
Views: 93,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 56CauPFVn1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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