Investigating the Bible That Leaks Oil

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so you have intelligent if you could just record this like you could convert a lot of people like this would be like life-changing hmm which life change in any way I mean if you can believe it [Music] for the past few years two men named Johnny Taylor and Jerry Pierce have been putting on display to the world an alleged miracle of a Bible that is constantly leaking oil with the power to heal people to my dismay there has not been much serious criticism of this online most videos of this are people that don't approach the topic with much skepticism one person even tried to use this as an opportunity this health device that supposedly lets you communicate with the dead this is an honest criticism of what these people are doing [Music] this all began with a prayer group that Taylor and Pierce would attend with their friends on Monday nights for a couple of years before this miracle became apparent and fall of 2016 the atmosphere of their prayer sessions changed the group believed their receiving messages from the Lord telling them they would obtain import instructions after the presidential election from November of 2016 up to the election their prior sessions continued to grow more intense on their first prayer session after president Trump's inauguration peers fell to the ground for 45 minutes while the others felt the Lord touched them so profoundly they would never be the same January 27th 2017 marked the beginning of the miracle on that morning Jerry Pierce picked up his Bible to discover there was a wet spot on one of the pages he first assumed someone must have spilled something on it but upon further inspection by the rest of the group they all agreed it was oil throughout the next few weeks the oil spread throughout the Bible until the whole Bible was coated with oil pierced said to put the Bible into a gallon sized ziploc bag but eventually even the bag filled with oil he proceeded to move it into a plastic container to this day the oil continues to fill plastic containers to the brim with oil Pierson tailors say they weren't structured by the Lord to give the oil away so that he could replenish it amongst other things to not advertise marketing to knock on doors to not try to convince people of what it is they have given away over 150 thousand files of this oil all for free which seems to take any financial motivation out of the equation [Music] these guys along with other proponents of the oil claim the oil has a few supernatural properties to it for starters the Lord can heal people through it the website has many testimonies from many people claiming this oil has cured some pretty severe conditions like cancer burnt skin kidney failure and even broken bones additionally they show all the oil hasn't smeared any of the highlighter marks in the Bible or damaged the book at all for that matter despite it constantly sitting in the oil for months at a time 17 months to 18 right at 18 and the highlights are still just as perfect as they were this shouldn't be possible they even claim that a friend of theirs who is a chemist tested the oil without their knowledge and they ported some interesting findings they cite this email from Hema which is that the oil is similar to mineral oil but had other elements in it that are not contained in mineral oil and his words it is unexplainable in addition to the email they also linked this printout of the lab report it's very important to be very skeptical of claims like this am is the point that so many people are blindly believing this when there is actually zero evidence of anything they're claiming let's start with the healing aspects of this although we've seen a lot of testimonies on their website of people claiming to be healed by the oil there's an equally large amount of people who try to use the oil for healing and got no results whatsoever anecdotes like this mean nothing the writer of a blog called reality decoded even got some of the oil for himself to attempt to heal a scar on his arm and has since reported he did not see any noticeable healing as far as the chemist had tested the oil and said it was unexplainable I would doubt this - this seems to be the only testing that was done on the oil and the only actual documentation they have to show for it is there's lab report which isn't even a full report it's literally just a single page that contains zero information about any of the findings I either want to see a full report on this or just get it tested myself furthermore if this is actually legitimate it could be easily proven which would change the world all they would need to do is have a 24-hour live stream on the Bible that would show the container filling up with oil in real time it would still be questionable whether or not they tampered with it but that would still be a pretty solid start yet they refuse to do this I wonder why the one interesting thing about this is how the oil hasn't damaged the Bible or any of the ink on it that itself actually is pretty impressive but I'm still not convinced I haven't actually touched this Bible for myself but from some of the images it looks like there is some sort of laminate over the pages the last thing is it really leaves is a motive I mentioned earlier the sensor just giving away this oil for free and make it seem as if there's no financial gain from this but that may not be the case this Bible was initially displayed in the back of their gift shop in Dalton Georgia but bringing attention to this they'll get more visitors who will come to the gift shop to see the Bible while they're there they might go ahead and buy something too additionally these people have gained a lot of recognition from which led to them speaking at events regularly a recent event they spoke at was the USA prophetic convention which required a $50 entry fee there surely profiting from this at the beginning of July Johnny Taylor and Jerry Pierce were in Gettysburg for the USA prophetic convention I decided to travel out there to speak with them for an interview about their Bible here is what followed [Music] so I'm sure you guys know there's a lot of controversy over a sizable authenticity of it whether you know if it's a hoax it's actually happening what would you say to the people that keep more of a skeptical mind toward it well the Lord told us in the beginning he said not to advertise it not to market it he told us not to try to convince people to what it is just give it away so he could fill it up and so we don't try to defend it we don't try to convince people what it is we simply just give it away and he fills it up if you choose to believe that violation if you choose not to believe god bless you it's we're just simply obeying what the Lord has told us to do and we let them worry about the consequences okay all right so if anyone were to offer it to like somehow like it has to see it for themselves for real you would you and refuse that we give to all of us and it's been tested before so what you do with it when we give it to you is totally up to you if you want to go have it tested go ahead with this well if I testify I mean more tests the Bible itself to see if it like actually reaches oil because as far as I've seen from the video it's like you do show like vials of oil like where it feels like up to the top of the little container you have but there still has to have to be a video of like a time-lapse or something I would like actually you know filling up like that would be pretty remarkable it would be there we don't have if the Lord told us to do it when we do it but he's never told us to do it's so not nobody's not told us not to do it but it's not told us to do it you know he didn't tell me not to cross the street but if he tells me to cross the street I'm gonna cross the street yeah so it's all about what he's it's all about what he says to do it's not about what he says not to do it and there again I'm not gonna get in a defense mode it's just simply bridges were just doing what the Lord has told us to do we have nothing to prove if you believe it god bless you if you don't god bless you we go to every service we get there over an hour early people come up and look at it they come up and take pictures if the Lord wants it to come up are they looking at it come on we never know when it's gonna come up never know when it's gonna come up it just comes up whenever very have you have you seen it so the curiosity if you seen it fill up with your own eyes Wow huh so you ever thought like if you could just record this like you could convert a lot of people like this would be like life-changing which life-changing anyway I mean if you can believe it that's up to you okay all right all right thank you you moving personally I'm pretty skeptical of it yeah I mean I'm one of those unless I see evidence of it you know and I can't believe the chemist and that's perfectly fine that's their problem we just all right oh thanks for being so nice thanks because yeah thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 786,130
Rating: 4.9402461 out of 5
Keywords: investigating, the, bible, that, leaks, oil, holy, god, lord, johnny, taylor, jerry, pearce, hoax, or, scam, real, fake, analysis, explained, debunked, tested, interview, scare, theater, scaretheater
Id: pcSI_lvHhDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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