INVEST like the 1% - ECHOTRADE

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I want to talk about something pretty cool today but to set the stage I kind of need a minute to explore where I'm coming from so for 20 years I worked in major investment Banks between the city of London and Wall Street in New York and one of my last jobs was in a wealth management division of one of these Banks where the job really was to help the one percenters out there the super rich people type of think household names Bill Gates type of people invest their money and when you look at the very rich people and the way they invest their money they basically invested in four different things one they invest in real estate both commercial and residential and that's expected right they all have large property Investments number two they buy financial instruments like stocks and bonds they effectively become large shareholders in major companies and kind of hold them forever number three they invest in what we call Private deals I think kind of the private Equity type of deals that you and I don't really get access to and number four they give money allocate money to hedge funds smart portfolio managers and large hedge funds to manage for them and to do that you can just show up and knock on the door and ask them to manage your 20 or 30 or 100 000 dollars there are super large barriers to enter you need millions of dollars to even get the seat at the table and even talk to these hedge funds until today I want to show you a platform that offers a similar level of access to really talented portfolio managers and hedge funds where you're able to invest just like them let's take a look [Music] right I think the best way to show you what this platform can actually do is to show you right away I'm going to share my screen walk you through it over the next two or three minutes I was amazed by how incredibly simple uh this platform is relative to what it actually delivers this is what the landing page looks like Echo trade that's the name of the platform Echo copy mirror all of these should be used interchangeably because they represent exactly what this platform does so the website is once you get here you sign up and open an account and that's obviously free you get to Echo trade this is kind of the home page or the landing page of the actual platform so the dashboard shows you an overview of what you have in terms of subscriptions and then a rolling commentary from all the managers all the strategies on the platform but really the meat the core of the platform is in the marketplace so once you click on Marketplace you see all the strategies listed in a really well presented kind of a thumbnail type of a form you see there are 31 strategies you can filter it by firms so the right corner click on firms you get 22 firms so some of these obviously run multiple strategies and then advisors some of these advisors are people you may have seen on CNBC on Bloomberg in other Financial media so back to strategies once you kind of look at the overview and you want to see details right click on the details and then you have a quick description of what the strategy invests in what the investing philosophy is here the performance chart all the details in terms of assets under management website foundate who is this managed by and then again a rolling commentary on the market by them so let's say you like all of this and you decide to subscribe so you hit subscribe top right corner and you get to a very simple subscription page where you fill out your credit card details apply your promotion code apparently the company is offering the first month for free and you see this on the right side here this is a strategy that's 20 a month 100 discount zero for the first month right you see this in red and then once you agree to terms of use privacy policy and hit subscribe you get to the actual strategy now this is where the power of the platform really shines right this is this is what this is all about because now you have an immediate instant view into how this portfolio manager invests and what's in the strategy what's in their portfolio and this is where Echo trade comes in right so I am uh not allowed to show this here this is intellectual property so I'm blurring their names of this specific strategy so now you have two choices you can either look at what's in the portfolio in the strategy go to your trading account wherever that may be whether it's interactive brokers E-Trade Schwab Fidelity wherever you are investing your money and mirror copy or Echo uh exactly what you see on Echo trade here for this particular manager or you can link a trading account to Echo trade directly currently Echo trade works with a commission free broker called trade here that's likely going to be other brokers in the future but for now it's just tradier you link your account to Echo trade and the moment there is a change in the portfolio you get notified by email pretty soon the company is going to have mobile notifications so really immediate notifications on your cell phone but right now it's just an email once you receive an email of a portfolio change you log into Echo trade and when your account is linked you simply hit Echo and that sends a trading order to your account at Trader and replicates the trade in your portfolio so this is a very seamless way to still retain 100 control over all your Investments but have a very seamless way to kind of activate all the portfolio changes that you see your manager that you're following that you're echoing is doing on their own in their training strategy now all of this how to link your account to Echo trade is explained in the tutorial section so I invite you to go and watch all these videos there are seven videos really short ones they're all less than two minutes long and extremely well made were again the basics of echo Trader explain how to subscribe how to connect how to link your account and ultimately how to Echo what it also explains is how to earn rewards so when you go to the my reward section again in the menu on the left you see that currently the company is offering one month for free so again like I said on the subscription page the first month is free but you can also earn rewards when you scroll down you get your referral link that you can copy and send to your friends and family they also have to retire and make sure that they can retire with some money so don't be shy and share this with them or you can simply fill out their name and email address and the block form will invite them directly once they sign up and open an account you get another month for free so you can effectively keep earning three months and in the best case scenario never pay for this amazing access to Echo trade alright so much for a quick overview of echo trade I'm going to spend a couple of minutes now just to close this kind of talking about I hope this is really full right who this is for how this should be used and why this is such a game changer in terms of investing uh options and possibilities because this is a very unique platform that really doesn't exist I haven't seen anything like this in the market but it's truly a game changer because when you look at big hedge funds big strategies we talked about the very rich people that invest in hedge funds at the beginning of the video you don't really see what they do until at the end of the quarter well actually after the quarter ends they have to file the so-called 13f filings by the SEC they have to do this by law and only then you actually see what they invested in what they sold what they bought in the preceding quarter so this is where you see this on CNBC on Bloomberg every quarter you kind of see a summary of the big names in the hedge fund industry George Soros Citadel 0.72 what changes they made in their portfolios but that's too late right here the game-changing aspect of echo trade is that you see this immediately as soon as a manager makes a change in their portfolio you get a notification and you're able to copy to Echo to mirror the same trade so this is a this is a big deal this is something that didn't exist previously and I like I said I haven't seen anything like this in the market now who is this really for right this is not for everybody uh you talk to my wife she doesn't she doesn't want to handle money she wants to like all these people that they kind of know they have to save for retirement and they do but they want to give it to an advisor they want to give it to somebody that puts it in an index then once a year they send them an email and say it's still good you made or you lost x amount of percent and uh keep going keep contributing right so Echo trade is really for people that want to have a more Hands-On approach and control to their own investment this is not a day trading kind of a scheme right this a lot of these portfolios are made and designed for retirement they don't necessarily change the portfolio every day or every week again you'll see once you start signing up and you start getting notifications uh depends again on the strategies but this is for people that either don't have the expertise or don't have the time right but they still want to retain and be involved whether you're a doctor a lawyer a pilot you work in construction you don't necessarily have time to analyze stocks yourself read all the financial reports and make all these decisions but you still want a certain degree of expertise and control and also believe that somebody is actually working for you investing your money that it's not just with a financial advisor at Raymond James that puts it in an index and again once a year sends you an email and finally I think a lot of people during the pandemic right we saw a lot of new investors a lot of people millions of people opened up investment accounts and I know for the fact that a lot of these people lost money trading and investing they either didn't have the required experience or they invested based on advice on social media including YouTube right I am on YouTube where the advice just wasn't very good and ultimately they just led to really poor investment decisions a lot of these people should not leave the game right but simply find a better game and this is a better way to still be involved in the market learn with these managers see how they invest follow them and mirror what they do so anyway thanks for hanging out today uh again the link to the platform is below the video if you have any questions um ask them in the comment section I will answer every single question the platform itself in the learning tutorials Point has really well made videos so watch all these videos again free to sign up free for the first month so give it a go and let me know how you like it thanks for hanging out and I'll see you soon thank you
Channel: Martin Zeman
Views: 376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: echo trading, echo marketplace, copy trading, mirror trading, replicate trading, copy investing, mirror investing, echo investing, learn how to invest, learn how to trade, trading for dummies, investing for beginners, how to make money in stocks, invest like a pro, stop losing money trading, invest with the best, hedge fund access, investing experts, how to invest, how to invest better, how to make money investing, trade copying, stock trade copying, copy others trades
Id: R9buiexz424
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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