Inventions for Your Home and Backyard That Are Easy to Build

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[Music] home saas after just 15 minutes a wonderful new feature for your home is up and running we're talking about setting up your very own sauna credit for the Swift setup of a handy home edition goes to the creators who've made the installation process super easy just set up the frame stretch the fabric for walls ceiling and floor then plug in the steam generator and add chairs benches and whatever else you need for a relaxing time the temperature in these saunas may not reach the extreme levels some sauna enthusiasts are hoping for but hitting 124° fit with sauna rocket and 109° with vital plus saunas is a solid accomplishment for quickly Deployable options ensuring a satisfying warmth for those who aren't looking to set any records for enduring heat but simply want to stay healthy and unwind after a tough day Solutions with this temperature range will be especially good of course due to the Simplicity such Solutions come at relatively low prices for instance a twers sauna from sauna rocket is priced at $249 while an option from vital Plus cost $395 however in addition to the sauna itself you'll definitely need to purchase a steam generator which can be quite [Music] pricey popup Greenhouse sometimes instead of traditional green houses a simpler and more compact solution might be just what you need these kinds of green houses are incredibly easy to set up in fact setting them up isn't just easy it's downright straightforward you take it out of the bag unfold it set it up and then secure it in place simple as that when it comes to protecting your plant you've got the tiny versions which are perfect for shielding a couple of small plants from pesky birds and insects then there are the umbrella style ones which do the same job but with a wider reach spanning around 4 ft giving coverage to more of your precious plants large green houses are also available they're pretty much like the traditional ones but smaller in size they come with an extra frame to withstand wind better plus there's ventilation that can be opened when needed and there's a zipper door so you don't have to lift the whole Greenhouse every time you want attend to your plants of course Simple Solutions like these aren't expensive the tiniest options offering basic protection for a really small area goes for $15 while the largest option complete with ventilation a frame and an opening entrance will set you back [Music] $70 mobile logger containers you can set up these containers on your property to create safe spaces for different purposes once the container is delivered to the plot in its disassembled State you need to pick a spot for installation and then start the assembly process which is remarkably simple and doesn't take much time you take the walls and floor put them together and then secure them once that's done you just need to add insulation and a door lock how long does it typically take for these tasks according to the creators just a few minutes however even taking it slow and with minimal experience it'll likely take no more than an hour for everything which is still pretty impressive keeping their containers simple and easy to assemble the creators didn't forget the importance of protecting what's inside the flat boxes are made of steel so they can withstand wind and moderate physical damage Additionally the containers feature a wooden floor that's 1.2 in thick and can hold up to 1100 lb per 10 sare ft the possibilities are endless for what you can store inside gear Construction Supplies tools or you can transform it into a chill out Zone a workshop and more and if the conditions inside aren't ideal for your purposes you can tweak the containers by installing air conditioning or heating systems trackway tiles it's hard to think of a simpler way to create a solid and easily walkable surface in your home's outdoor area than using these tiles from mjx design what makes the solution simple is how easy it is to set up you just have to transport the required number of panels to the house then lay them out by hand in the desired location these panels are not only light but they also come with handles that make moving them around to create a new sturdy surface really simple even though they're easy to set up tiles are more than just reinforced ground camouflage they're sturdy and resilient coverings each separate unit can handle up to 80 tons allowing you to create parking spaces or driveways for nearly any vehicle the vehicles moving along these tiles will be totally safe thanks to the engineers who thought about both how much weight they can handle and how to prevent slipping they fitted each tile with A8 in anti-slip profile so it can handle snow rain or any other slippery conditions without a [Music] problem drying system while pondering on where to hide a laundry drying area dryway stumbled upon a brilliant idea a cabinet with sliding shelves for drying clothes the perfect solution indeed they created a dryer that stays out of sight until laundry needs attention depending on your needs and available space the drying area can be equipped with a different number of racks if you only have a small amount of laundry or limited space between Furniture items you can opt for Just Two racks on the other hand if you have a lot of laundry to dry and plenty of room to spare dry away offers a solution with eight racks but that's not the end of your options there are also intermediate choices with four or six racks setting up the whole systems really easy you just need to put together a sort of drying cabinet and then slot in shelves installing the shelves doesn't take much time or require any fancy tools after installation the dryway drying system not only goes unnoticed but also operates silently and smoothly saving not just space at home but also ensuring your peace of [Music] mind safe fence if you've got a pool at home and kids or pets around having a fence is a smart move to make your house safer the first step to installing a fence is to figure out the area around the pool that needs to be fenced off after that you'll drill holes and start setting up by inserting each fence post into them and securing the installed sections with built-in safety hooks this fence is perfect for keeping kids and animals safe from accidentally falling into the pool each section is 15 ft wide and 4 ft tall made of aluminum and PVC and has a sturdy 08 in thick synthetic m M so kids won't be able to crawl through or climb over it animals would have to jump over it to get past it as they can't tear or chew through the mesh if needed you can add 5ft high fence to deter jumping animals setting up such fencing could be quite an investment with each section starting at $187 just imagine the cost to fence off a large pool area but ensuring the safety of kids and pets is definitely worth the expense even if it costs a lot [Music] storm water attenuation system for Homes located in areas with frequent heavy rainfall this solution is a necessary Improvement that shouldn't be Overlook heavy rain can overwhelm Drainage Systems causing water to gather in unwanted areas leading to unstable soil or flooding in buildings this can have serious negative consequences for the property's infrastructure installing such a system can help avoid colossal expenses for repair made up of geocellular units the system allows water to trickle down gradually where it can either gather or be released into the drain in measured quantities ensuring the drainage system isn't overloaded one of the biggest advantages besides protecting your property is how easy it is to set up sure you'll need to dig up quite a bit of ground and then install the units along with some additional work but overall it's much simpler and quicker compared to other systems with similar functions plus since it's a modular Sol solution installation becomes even easier you can just add as many units as you [Music] need mobile chicken coup becoming a farmer is easier than ever just get in touch with Cropper make a substantial investment and then watch is something remarkable happens on your property this is a chicken coup a mobile one to be precise however there's almost nothing left of the traditional chicken accommodation inside this copper trailer is what we have here is an advanced and high-tech invention inside there's enough space for 225 chickens complete with adjustable LED lighting gravity and an extra ventilation for hot summer days plus there's a thermal actuator to maintain the temperature and a fan on top of that there's a handy band to make removing droppings easier and a movable strip on the ground covered in dry litter where the chickens can scratch around the trailer comes AIP with rollway nests that open at scheduled times along with water tanks and feed storage compartments surprisingly instead of relying on grid power it's powered by solar panels on the roof and internal built-in batteries what's really neat is that the hen housee has the ability to expand all you have to do is use the handle and the mesh built into it lowers down providing your chickens with a generous 240 ft of protected outdoor area for them to enjoy some fresh air [Music] [Music] by filling your head house with chickens you'll have a farm of 225 pets that's way more than what Matt o''h started with when he built his $460 million egg business while replicating his success might be tough you can still earn a decent income just with your own h house you don't even have to sell eggs for instance you can post videos with your pets on social media and earn cash take a look at this guy whose videos went viral granted has 70,000 chickens but you can win over viewers with content quality not the quantity of birds modular pergola system setting up a Pergola might feel like a complex and time intensive process at first but once you try a solution by TOA grid you'll find it simple to add a handy upgrade for your home this solution includes metal fasteners with several openings and holes you slot beams into the openings to shape the structure and then screw in the screws through the Hol the creators claim that with these Fasteners you can put together a Pergola in just 60 Minutes using only a drill and a ladder it's worth noting that the Fasteners are made of high quality steel with a weather resistant coating this means that if you choose the beams made of good quality wood the structure can last a very long time enduring rain strong winds and sunlight everything listed already should be enough to give TOA grid solution a try but there's more to it as you've probably seen thanks to these Fasteners you can easily assemble not only per but also any structure even as complex as a small house or a gazebo so before purchasing this multi-functional product it's essential to consider if you want to go for a simple setup for shade or go for a more significant enhancement to your living [Music] space synthetic ice a lot of people would say that putting together a backyard ice rink takes too much time money and effort however before you jump to conclusions take a look at these panels let's start with the fact that polyglide panels make ice skating more than just a winter activity they're synthetic so they couldn't care less about the surrounding temperature and other conditions needed for regular Frozen water this is what makes setting up an ice rink with these panels so simple no freezing pouring or fencing required all you have to do is get the panels and gradually lay them down creating a space for skating a roller rank made of panels will remain sturdy despite its unconventional design the parts are secured together using grip block locks resistant to UV rays and can be enhanced with tape to prevent panels from slipping on specific surfaces you can set up a synthetic ice rink for as little as $290 that's the cost of a starter package that creates a skating space covering nearly 30 square ft it's a great way to begin and then you can always expand it to match the dimensions of professional hockey arenas [Music] prefab garages these are just regular garages but what's cool about them well you don't have to build them yourself because North County sheds takes care of that for you they'll just deliver them straight to your property having a garage like this is a fantastic home upgrade especially when you're short on time and energy for building one yourself don't you think plus you can choose a garage that suits your specific need they come in various sizes from a compact 8x1 ft to a spacious 16x 44 ft each garage comes with a sturdy metal door built to withstand wind and damage along with a tough floor shingles and siding however there are some differences between them like some garages have an extra door and varying numbers of Windows additionally garages can be customized with other options adding these options can significantly raise the total price of the garage if you're looking to avoid spending too much and want to take on some DIY projects there are garage is offered without enhancement starting at a base price of [Music] $113,000 even if you've got the time but aren't in the mood to build anything you have the option to order a fully assembled house along with the garage and it'll be transported directly to your plot it might even come marching in just like one of those walking buildings quiet fence this is a handy fence that quickly sets up covering your generator but it's not just for hiding unsightly equipment quiet fence muffles the annoying noise from generators air conditioners and similar devices noise reduction can vary depending on the circumstances for instance with quiet fence the noise from the air conditioner dropped from 73 DB to 64 DB and here the noise level of the generator dropped from 77 to 66 DB while it might not sound too impressive at first glance it's actually a significant decrease making the equipment much less irritating besides reducing noise this gadget comes in handy during rainy weather or near water-based equipment as it's waterproof moreover it's Built Tough and can withstand physical damage making it unlikely to break accidentally nonetheless strong winds might pose a risk to the device so it's best to either stow it away safely or ensure it's firmly secured [Music] acoustic panels These acoustic panels are great for musicians and anyone else who often produces loud sounds helping to improve the Acoustics of their home these panels are designed to absorb sound efficiently using a rigid mineral wool core a built-in scatter plate for better balance diffusion and dispersion and a dual frame system with an air gap together they significantly reduce noise from the room they're installed in ensuring peace and quiet elsewhere the arrangement of panels not only affects how well they do their main job but also makes installation easier for instance having a built-in air gap let you hang the panel on the wall moreover sturdy frames on the panels make it easy to install them using metal stands brackets or hang them from the ceiling [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Fresh Tech
Views: 114,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fresh Tech, tech, freshtech
Id: VvBc7DM0Hv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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